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Why only F-16s for the PAF?

Thank God, you know the difference, I wasnt the one who compared the Jf-17 to the Su-30MKI

Please lets compare the F-15K(Korea if you dont know) the best eagle yet to the Su-30MKI. please do.

How can you revert your comments so fast? Its like only 15 minutes? Check your first post comparing the aircrafts. Later i responded that both cannot be compared.


Also if you want to compare F-15E/F feel free to create another thread.


Attention seeker.
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Again, Read the 1st page again. Please check who compared what at first.

Do you want to compare the range of Irbis or N011Bars to the non-existent radar of JF-17.
Get this into your head, PAF has to get some aircraft to counter the SU-30MKI.
Indians do have their own array of A2A Missiles compareble to the one's you have. List it out.
The best Aircraft in your inventory will be the Blk 52+, not the J-10, not that crappy Jf-17

Do dont drag me to down to your level, Read up on it. And hopefully PAF will get an Air-superiority platform.

PS : Please try your comparison dream in Keypub/WAB etc, would love to see that, how the guys over there would ridicule and take you apart on this?
The hard sell by the Irkut (formerly IAPO) and Sukhoi paid off in late 1996 when the Indian Air Force signed for an advanced derivative of the baseline Su-30, the Su-30MKI (M-Improved, K-Export, I-India) Flanker H. In a complex deal which saw initial deliveries of basic Su-30K and progressive development and later delivery of full configured and licence build Su-30MKI, India negotiated a deal which will see around 180 of these aircraft deployed with IAF squadrons.

The Su-30MKI is a fusion of technology from the Su-37 demonstrator and Su-30 program, with additional Indian designed and built processor hardware in the Mission Computers, Radar Data Processor provide under the Vetrivale (Lance) industry program, and some items of Israeli and EU hardware. The aircraft has a Sextant Avionique HUD and RLG (Ring Laser Gyro) INS/GPS, glass cockpits, NIIP N011M phased array, AL-31FP TVC engines, enlarged rudders, Su-33/35/37 canards and aerial refuelling probe, and an improved OLS-30 IRST package. The Indian developed Tarang RWR is used in the EWSP suite. The TVC system in the Su-30MKI has evolved beyond the Su-37 system, which deflected only in the vertical plane. The Su-30MKI variant has a 32 degree canted TVC plane to introduce a lateral and vertical vectored force component, and is driven by the engine's fuel system rather than main aircraft hydraulic loop.

Since 2003, more details have also been revealed about the N-011M BARS ('Panther') hybrid phased array radar designed for the Su-35/37 and supplied on the Su-30MKI and likely the Su-30MKM. The BARS phased array assembly is mechanically steerable to +/-55 degrees off-boresight, providing a total field of regard in azimuth of +/-100 degrees off-boresight - in effect the combination of mechanical array steering and electronic beam steering provides full forward hemispherical coverage. NIIP claim a 3 dB noise figure three channel receiver, and an average transmit power of 1.2 kW, with 1 kW in illuminator mode for semi-active missiles. Air-air modes include Track While Scan for 15 targets and concurrent engagement of four, raid assessment and Non-Cooperative Target Recognition (NCTR). Air-surface modes include real beam mapping, Doppler beam sharpening, Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imaging, Ground/Maritime Moving Target Indicator (GMTI/MMTI), target position measurement and GMTI tracking of two concurrent targets. Aerial fighter sized targets have been acquired at 76 NMI, and moving tanks at 25 NMI. While reports of an Active ESA (AESA) have surfaced, details are as yet not available to the public.

The Indian Su-30MKI is to date the most advanced Su-27 derivative to enter production and with the exception of mission avionics and software is a credible equivalent to the F-15E/I/K/S family. It also underscores the 'no holds barred' international arms market, in which an export customer is supplied with a product which is half a generation ahead of the Russian air force - the IAF designates it as its Air Dominance Fighter.

That's what we were comparing to begin with, a possible scenario... Your ego got hurt somewhere along the way... :D
Actually the thread was about F-16s, just because JF-17s and Su-30s were mentioned in one breath your ego's derailed the thread... Chill out man, from the get go we did mention a more matured JF-17 (a theoretical) vs Su-30MKI scenario...

The thread IS about what PAF is purchasing and why it's purchasing it! Good grief!

Plus in the current form as well, why would a JF-17 stick around to duke it out with the Su-30 in WVR? It'll fire a few missiles, and get the hell out.
Again, Read the 1st page again. Please check who compared what at first.

Do you want to compare the range of Irbis or N011Bars to the non-existent radar of JF-17.
Get this into your head, PAF has to get some aircraft to counter the SU-30MKI.
Indians do have their own array of A2A Missiles compareble to the one's you have. List it out.
The best Aircraft in your inventory will be the Blk 52+, not the J-10, not that crappy Jf-17

Do dont drag me to down to your level, Read up on it. And hopefully PAF will get an Air-superiority platform.

PS : Please try your comparison dream in Keypub/WAB etc, would love to see that, how the guys over there would ridicule and take you apart on this?

Dont drag me to your level? Where did you hear this line? :hitwall:

Instead of degrading me, read up my posts again and then read yours. Those who have read this thread know what happened. :usflag:

Also stop accusing me of comparing the aircraft when i have repeatedly said that both aircrafts cannot be compared. Look at #5 post again and then take a read up of what has been posted before. There was absolutely no matching/comparision of the aircraft and if you dont know what it means go to.


Go google. JF-17 and Su-30 are not to be compared. Both have different roles, tactics, and strategy. If you really want to compare it. Do it with F-15E/F in the end.. Su-30MKI will be kindly raped.

Its just funny that you want to compare these two planes! :lol:

Not true the su-30mlki has a far more powerful radar and during U.S.-Indian exercises the Su-30 proved to be far more superior in BVR engagement then the f-15. It was said by the U.S. pilots that they were shot before they could even see the su-30 on their radar display. Also do not forget the su-30mki has thrust vector control meaning that it can out maneuver the f-15. So there are a whole lot of advantages to the su-30 then there are with the f-15. You would need something like the f-15k to even come close to the su-30.
My ego,seriously, you'd think
Or let's see how about my intelligence?
Stop glorifying a 3rd gen fighter which is only there to make up numbers and be fodder for IAF, I dont understand how you guys tick; when you have such a capable fighter as a 52+; "Hey we bought it" from the chinese sydrome" doesnt even let you praise what truely deserve in your fleet, Which will be the one will be taking on the IAF might. Sad indeed.
Not true the su-30mlki has a far more powerful radar and during U.S.-Indian exercises the Su-30 proved to be far more superior in BVR engagement then the f-15. It was said by the U.S. pilots that they were shot before they could even see the su-30 on their radar display. Also do not forget the su-30mki has thrust vector control meaning that it can out maneuver the f-15. So there are a whole lot of advantages to the su-30 then there are with the f-15. You would need something like the f-15k to even come close to the su-30.

Dude i think you better go back through the threads and check through google search and find out about what really happened during those exercises. I'll summarise to make it easier for you.

2)F-22 procurement
3)Radar restrictions for the F-15's
Dude i think you better go back through the threads and check through google search and find out about what really happened during those exercises. I'll summarise to make it easier for you.

2)F-22 procurement
3)Radar restrictions for the F-15's

Adding to that:

4) No BVR for US (While MKI was able to use it)
5) No AWACS (While MKI is Mini-AWACS)
6) Out-numbered in Air-Air, Air-Ground engagements

All going along with DACT.
Not true the su-30mlki has a far more powerful radar and during U.S.-Indian exercises the Su-30 proved to be far more superior in BVR engagement then the f-15.

The exercise excluded BVR engagement & use of AWACS.
please stick to the topic ,
' Why only F-16s for the PAF? '
as far as European fighter jets are concerned ,due to political reasons its nearly beyond our range ,its not easy to get access to euro fighter , Saab grippen , Rafael, etc but on the other hand India has an open field in this matter ,in her fleet have Russian n European fighter jets .now they are aiming to f 16s also .so for Pakistan last hope is china .and other is f16s .but one thing which i cant understand is that when Pakistan has alot of old version mirages ,and Pakistan also going to upgrade them but why we are not going for mirage 2000 ,which have the same family and our pilots have alot experience on these jets ,if any one have the knowledge ,please answer

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