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Why No PAF Response To American Drone Warfare In Waziristan (2002-2015)

Was drone warfare allowed by the Pakistan Military Command in exchange for so0

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Oh God! its our assumptions thinking that our Army has any capability to take a stand.

When fate of 250 million people depends upon one General with less than average education and capability to handle situations is even worst then you see the drama that's happening for 75 years. Our dilemma is incompetent Generals taking important decisions which they should never. Their outdated training, their outdated courses, their psychology, their approach everything is designed to become a good puppet of the west. You can never expect a brilliant Pakistani General without massive reforms in the army.

We saw in our lifetimes, Gen Musharraf trembling and shaking addressed to the nation while accepting each and every demand of the US.

Fast forward 20 years, We saw General Bajwa shaking and sweating condemned russia, reversed the national foreign policy and basically was telling the US that we (GHQ) are with you and we only matters. Pak is such a country where GHQ can throw away an elected govt for foreign power interests.

Obviously our GHQ has no strategic thinking to see the bigger picture. Psychologically they are very weak, Western powers have always easily manipulated them and made them a total fool. They get panic too quickly and do blunders. US think tanks literally be laughing that how easily they can pressure our Generals and made us do more and eventually toppled an elected govt on their signal. Obviously Bajwa never looked it through about the follow up of regime change (lack of obvious strategic vision). Even a student of strategic studies could understand irreversible economic collapse, industry collusure, investors loss of confidence, brain drain, hatred against the army for their negative role, disunity and what not.... I could not believe that GHQ is that dumb but they infact are. They are hopeless and stubborn. They are the most incompetent organization of the country and they have made them untouchables, no one can audit them.

Only way Pak can survive and have any integrity is to put GHQ at its place. Permanently stop them from making country's decisions. They are not capable to do it.
Oh God! its our assumptions thinking that our Army has any capability to take a stand.

When fate of 250 million people depends upon one General with less than average education and capability to handle situations is even worst then you see the drama that's happening for 75 years. Our dilemma is incompetent Generals taking important decisions which they should never. Their outdated training, their outdated courses, their psychology, their approach everything is designed to become a good puppet of the west. You can never expect a brilliant Pakistani General without massive reforms in the army.

We saw in our lifetimes, Gen Musharraf trembling and shaking addressed to the nation while accepting each and every demand of the US.

Fast forward 20 years, We saw General Bajwa shaking and sweating condemned russia, reversed the national foreign policy and basically was telling the US that we (GHQ) are with you and we only matters. Pak is such a country where GHQ can throw away an elected govt for foreign power interests.

Obviously our GHQ has no strategic thinking to see the bigger picture. Psychologically they are very weak, Western powers have always easily manipulated them and made them a total fool. They get panic too quickly and do blunders. US think tanks literally be laughing that how easily they can pressure our Generals and made us do more and eventually toppled an elected govt on their signal. Obviously Bajwa never looked it through about the follow up of regime change (lack of obvious strategic vision). Even a student of strategic studies could understand irreversible economic collapse, industry collusure, investors loss of confidence, brain drain, hatred against the army for their negative role, disunity and what not.... I could not believe that GHQ is that dumb but they infact are. They are hopeless and stubborn. They are the most incompetent organization of the country and they have made them untouchables, no one can audit them.

Only way Pak can survive and have any integrity is to put GHQ at its place. Permanently stop them from making country's decisions. They are not capable to do it.
Even America will go down to 0 within years if it is handed over to its generals.

No country in the world has GHQ and generals who are successful in driving the country in the right direction.
Even America will go down to 0 within years if it is handed over to its generals.

No country in the world has GHQ and generals who are successful in driving the country in the right direction.

Exactly, they are not trained to do it. They are only trained to do one particular job that is War - destroying other nations. Imagine when they use their expertise on their own country -- result is Pakistan.

The whole american war on terror was a SCAM---. Why don't you dare to talk about that---. Biggest deceit in modern history---.

Intentionally killing innocent children and civilians---so that the populace would urge to seek revenge---a supposed " terrorist would be created ".
"Follow the money" is the golden rule.

Challange: To take out trillions of dollars out of treasury.
Solution: Iraq/Afghan war -> throw money there -> recycle back into private hands.

Nothing else was achieved other than this.
"Follow the money" is the golden rule.

Challange: To take out trillions of dollars out of treasury.
Solution: Iraq/Afghan war -> throw money there -> recycle back into private hands.

Nothing else was achieved other than this.

You are so very inncoent---almost to the level of stupidity.
Read statistics. You will know. Asif Zardari was a big beneficiary. Most of the drone attacks happened during his era . Army must be involved, but was under patronage of the big thief from Sindh
Zardari ki koi auqat hai jo faujion ko patronage day. Khud faujion ki najaiz aulad hai aur oon hi ki patronage mein pal raha hai.
Read statistics. You will know. Asif Zardari was a big beneficiary. Most of the drone attacks happened during his era . Army must be involved, but was under patronage of the big thief from Sindh
Most money received was in PMLN era not asif zardari era.
Though he did negotiated a separate 7.5b$ package apart from CSF

The permission was granted by GHQ when Mushy was the Thief of
Army Staff and the rest carried it on until Imran Khan came into power.
This is another reason why the Generals don't like IK they can't make money
by sacrificing the people of Waziristan under IK.
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It's been the case since 1960
We acted as rental state

Whose at fault??

People of Pakistan for being "flexible" having lack of self esteem..

We allowed it..it was non issue

Inflation is more important (I understand hunger but not simply inflation) as compared to being bombed (as long as it's not me or my neighbor)

Hence while drone was THE issue in KPK it was a NON ISSUE in Punjab politics

Results are in front of us..the nation is now addicted

Remember while growing up we were taught from State Television PTV how our Air Force was the greatest in the world and how our Air Force pilots were the best? Just wondering where this Air Force was while American drones were violating Pakistan’s airspace and murdering civilians in Waziristan between 2002 and 2015?

These cute JF17s they like to shove down our throats, where were they? The F16s?

Not that our blindfolds have finally been removed, it’s about time we accept reality:

1. The Americans were allowed to operate drones in Waziristan at the behest of the GHQ

2. The Air Force would not interfere in American drone operations in Pakistani airspace

3. The military would receive ”aid” from the US in return for this cooperation

Child---PAF was supplied by USAF---. Now do you understand who the Daddy is---?

You kids need to have better understanding of the situation---.

The problem with you pakistani kids is---that you look at things different thru a prizm that is filled up with hate of the west---.

What that does is fogs up your vision---and takes the clarity away---. It takes away your sight to what is visible right in front of your eyes and makes you blind---.
Because dollars are worth more than Pakistani lives and blood according to the Establishment. Wars are only won against own people, not against the enemy

Child---PAF was supplied by USAF---. Now do you understand who the Daddy is---?

Being supplied by the USAF means they have the right to violate our sovereignty?

You kids need to have better understanding of the situation---.

Us "kids" are the ones cleaning up your mess. Do us all a favour and retire quietly. Your entire generation will be remembered for being beggars and slaves. Like literally you've accomplished nothing. And you have the audacity to lecture us.

The problem with you pakistani kids is---that you look at things different thru a prizm that is filled up with hate of the west---.

A foreign country bombs your own territory and you think that's perfectly fine?

I don't hate the west. I hate cowardice. And if you can't defend our borders then 45% of our GDP doesn't need to go to this failure of an institution.

What that does is fogs up your vision---and takes the clarity away---. It takes away your sight to what is visible right in front of your eyes and makes you blind---.

Your air force sat on the ground for over a decade while a foreign air force flew drones over Waziristan and murdered thousands of civilians.

The only minds fogged up are you budday who just won't die.

I cannot wait for your cursed generation to die off.
1. Being supplied by the USAF means they have the right to violate our sovereignty?

2. Us "kids" are the ones cleaning up your mess. Do us all a favour and retire quietly. Your entire generation will be remembered for being beggars and slaves. Like literally you've accomplished nothing. And you have the audacity to lecture us.

3. A foreign country bombs your own territory and you think that's perfectly fine?

4. I don't hate the west. I hate cowardice. And if you can't defend our borders then 45% of our GDP doesn't need to go to this failure of an institution.

5. Your air force sat on the ground for over a decade while a foreign air force flew drones over Waziristan and murdered thousands of civilians.

6. The only minds fogged up are you budday who just won't die.

I cannot wait for your cursed generation to die off.


1. You are correct

2. we either clean up the sh-it left by our elders or destroy the monuments built by them

3. be grateful that you are not living in syria.

4. for your borders, you need to learn not to call the terrorists as our islamic brothers

5. that depends on the govt air force is not an independent organization

6.we all die some sooner than the other.
kyu jai baray note milthy

1. You are correct

2. we either clean up the sh-it left by our elders or destroy the monuments built by them

3. be grateful that you are not living in syria.

4. for your borders, you need to learn not to call the terrorists as our islamic brothers

5. that depends on the govt air force is not an independent organization

6.we all die some sooner than the other.

Hurry up and die off. Thanks.

Child---PAF was supplied by USAF---. Now do you understand who the Daddy is---?

You kids need to have better understanding of the situation---.

The problem with you pakistani kids is---that you look at things different thru a prizm that is filled up with hate of the west---.

What that does is fogs up your vision---and takes the clarity away---. It takes away your sight to what is visible right in front of your eyes and makes you blind---.

We have been proudly talking about F16s for decades and they're supplied by the USA, airforce pilots training etc. On one hand the people want expensive toys and then on the other hand want to be independent power. It can never happen until you stand on your own feet. Iran is an independent power and look at its airforce, army and navy. I also don't support being a slave nation but it looks like GHQ doesn't want to do anything that will weaken the armed forces.

However Pakistan must move forward. The gulf Arabs, USA, Europe is hugging India whilst after decades of slavery noone cares about Pakistan. We need to find alternative allies than gulf arabs and USA, it looks difficult because that's where the money and market is. Pakistan must fast pace Cpec and Gwadar, build close economic relations with Iran, Malaysia, Indonesia, Azerbaijan, Turk nations, Africa. This situation cannot continue. We dont need to be anti anyone but the least we can do is look after own interests which so far has been a failure. As brother @Signalian mentioned, using diplomacy is a must at higher level.
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