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Why Nasr is a demotivating agent.

Good now read your first reply in the tread,where you said dilutional
At least spell correctly and if u r facing difficulty please arrange a teacher
You do know that Nasr will only be used on Pakistani soil
They won't be used if Indian Troops have not made any significant gains against Pakistan

So my question is Will Pakistan Nuke Lahore and Sialkot just to kill 100000 Indian Troops and destroy 1000+ tanks
And you are the policy maker for Pakistan and tell army where they use...?

Nasr carry neutron nuclear warhead especially designed against Indian army armored divisions minimum damage to the area with sub kiloton device.
Then please use it
Which i always do, but Buniyas with Vedic Brains don't understand
Which i always do, but Buniyas with Vedic Brains don't understand
Vedic or not but certainly functional unlike yours
And don't embarrass your self just read what your countrymen have written above, Einstein
You do know that Nasr will only be used on Pakistani soil
They won't be used if Indian Troops have not made any significant gains against Pakistan

So my question is Will Pakistan Nuke Lahore and Sialkot just to kill 100000 Indian Troops and destroy 1000+ tanks

You are Hindu-stani, the diet of excess "daal" has created this problem.

Now, imagine that those tactical weapons were to be used only on Pakistan's soil,

then why do you believe the Indian FM had to give several statements saying that a nuclear weapons no matter how small when used on Hindu-stan will be replied with full force ?
Nasr aka Chinese WS-2 is actually a "demotivating agent" for Pakistan as its use would mean that you are already in a heavily disadvantageous position.
At least spell correctly and if u r facing difficulty please arrange a teacher
Spellings can be corrected bro,but its fine along as it convays the message.
Vedic or not but certainly functional unlike yours
And don't embarrass your self just read what your countrymen have written above, Einstein
You mean JF17 is non functional.
What a vedic brain wah wah
You do know that Nasr will only be used on Pakistani soil
They won't be used if Indian Troops have not made any significant gains against Pakistan

So my question is Will Pakistan Nuke Lahore and Sialkot just to kill 100000 Indian Troops and destroy 1000+ tanks

Correct...a fact that most park members don't seem to realize.....
You mean JF17 is non functional.
What a vedic brain wah wah
:lol: @waz sir, seems this guy like Vedas too much, Please provide him a copy of all 4
:lol: @waz sir, seems this guy like Vedas too much, Please provide him a copy of all 4
mujhay apnay jaisa bnana chahtay ho kia:lol::lol:
mujhay apnay jaisa bnana chahtay ho kia:lol::lol:
Absolutely not, just keep your fetish for goau mutra, Vedas out of discussion
Good night
You do know that Nasr will only be used on Pakistani soil

That news is for foreign consumption only to avoid criticism. Nasr will be used on Indian army in India if it was planning to invade Pakistan. We will not wait until they actually cross the border.
You can point out the technicalities where I was being metaphorical but I wont assume that facing a nuke head on is something soldiers are trained to do.
And secondly,that's what the game is.We keep any Indian aggression at bay by8 capitalizing the fear of a tactical nuke so that aggression is never initiated and peace is assured.
You do not have that cream made in pakistan. You have to use the indian medicine name to troll and you guys think that your 60 km range NASR will be a nightmare for India.

What: Burnol tube
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