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Why Narendra Modi will never become PM

[Bregs];4779039 said:
With 72 seats short other candidates may emerge like BJP Pappu Gadkari or RAJNATH SINGH

BJP would look as opportunistic party if BJP were to win around 200 seats with Modi at helm and changes the PM candidate after the polls for the other 72 seats. It would be suicidal for BJP. BJP would rather sit in opposition.

AIDMK, Telegu Desam, TMC, and SP can be brought on board if BJP were to win around 200 seats as they don't have ideological difference with Modi.
[MENTION=148509][Bregs][/MENTION] has a point. Modi needs allies. Good news is there are already some prospective ones on the horizon. Some 'persuasion' may come in handy. :yay:
Heard Amma is joining...is that right? :)
It has. For one, Modi was acquitted last year around this time from cases regarding the Gujarat riots. That does not mean he is innocent, but the courts found him not guilty. That changed a lot of perceptions about Modi.
Like I said, public has a very short term memory. You forgot about his acquittal.
[Bregs];4779084 said:
well after 200 plus it would be comparatively easier to have allies but still not an simple task and this time third fromt threat is real which won't be good for India

The third front is still in its infancy, At most it will create a weak opposition to whoever wins. The way i see it im hoping Advani did a big theatrical act, and if BJP makes it to 160+ Advani will easily make allies that are anti Modi.

I frankly dont see BJP making above 180.
With so much infighting in the house, how will Modi play his innings?

This is a house of 10 heads. No one might be openly stepping out against Modi for the time-being but Advani, Shivraj and the Sangh Parivar have signalled on and off that the one-man show won't work. Leaders like Sushma Swaraj may feel that though she has been in central politics for two decades and has mass appeal, a state leader is staking claim when it is time for the top post. The point to be noted is that Sushma has never called Modi the party's most popular leader. Arun Jaitley, who once used to be Modi's Chanakya, is busy uprooting him, albeit with the calm of a lawyer. Rajnath is singing the Modi song but his existence and rise in the party has only been due to this. And the heaviest among them all, the eldest in the house, Advani, who has fallen silent for the time-being, has not missed the race yet. To encourage him stands a long battalion of dissatisfied party soldiers such as Gadkari and Sanjay Joshi. So till the time Modi becomes a non-controversial leader like Vajpayee in the party, how can he become the leader of the nation?

Read more at: Not only Advani, 10 more reasons why Modi will find it hard to move to Delhi : India, News - India Today

Remember what Nitish said

If you want to do politics in the country, you cannot stay away from skullcap and tilak. The chief minister of Madhya Pradesh knows this. He meets people on Eid, goes to see off Hajjis and pays for nikah from government funds. But Modi just doesn't agree to do these. He has made it clear time and again that he believes more in building up the image of a strict administrator than change his image among Muslims.
Whether the reason is the post-Godhra riots or image, the Muslim in this country becomes alert whenever he hears Modi's name. Most of them feel that if Modi comes to power, the entire country will become like Gujarat for them. There will always be a shadow of fear and suspicion. Therefore, the moment Modi's bid for the post is announced, Muslim voters in India will work on only one agenda - defeat Modi. Whoever looks capable of defeating the BJP candidate will stand to gain votes.

Read more at: http://indiatoday.intoday.in/story/10-reasons-why-narendra-modi-can-never-become-pm/1/278913.html
They may be killing each other(almost) in private. But publicly they will remain united. But BJP is quite disciplined now. Strong decisions have been taken. It is more probable that they will perform well. So leaders will play along. Only a dramatic defeat will break it.
[Bregs];4779112 said:
With so much infighting in the house, how will Modi play his innings?

This is a house of 10 heads. No one might be openly stepping out against Modi for the time-being but Advani, Shivraj and the Sangh Parivar have signalled on and off that the one-man show won't work. Leaders like Sushma Swaraj may feel that though she has been in central politics for two decades and has mass appeal, a state leader is staking claim when it is time for the top post. The point to be noted is that Sushma has never called Modi the party's most popular leader. Arun Jaitley, who once used to be Modi's Chanakya, is busy uprooting him, albeit with the calm of a lawyer. Rajnath is singing the Modi song but his existence and rise in the party has only been due to this. And the heaviest among them all, the eldest in the house, Advani, who has fallen silent for the time-being, has not missed the race yet. To encourage him stands a long battalion of dissatisfied party soldiers such as Gadkari and Sanjay Joshi. So till the time Modi becomes a non-controversial leader like Vajpayee in the party, how can he become the leader of the nation?

Read more at: Not only Advani, 10 more reasons why Modi will find it hard to move to Delhi : India, News - India Today

Remember what Nitish said

If you want to do politics in the country, you cannot stay away from skullcap and tilak. The chief minister of Madhya Pradesh knows this. He meets people on Eid, goes to see off Hajjis and pays for nikah from government funds. But Modi just doesn't agree to do these. He has made it clear time and again that he believes more in building up the image of a strict administrator than change his image among Muslims.
Whether the reason is the post-Godhra riots or image, the Muslim in this country becomes alert whenever he hears Modi's name. Most of them feel that if Modi comes to power, the entire country will become like Gujarat for them. There will always be a shadow of fear and suspicion. Therefore, the moment Modi's bid for the post is announced, Muslim voters in India will work on only one agenda - defeat Modi. Whoever looks capable of defeating the BJP candidate will stand to gain votes.

Read more at: Not only Advani, 10 more reasons why Modi will find it hard to move to Delhi : India, News - India Today
[MENTION=148509][Bregs][/MENTION] has a point. Modi needs allies. Good news is there are already some prospective ones on the horizon. Some 'persuasion' may come in handy. :yay:
Heard Amma is joining...is that right? :)

If congress supported 3rd front that will be to the benefit of BJP after 1-2 years, this time very dirty/back door/back stabbing.money power politics will be played at the hustings till may 2014, keep your fingers crossed hope india is the winner in the end
Trust me he is. India not only tolerates but also cherishes the differences. Ok, at least tries to :D
Given a chance I will pull [MENTION=148509][Bregs][/MENTION] 's legs(literally :devil:) but in International forums, inspite of all differences - we are bhai bhai :yay:

You need to be crushed under the feces smeared bottom of my buffalo.

Along with many others on this thread.
Two things modi should/BJP should have avoided doing

1. Making Amit shah the in charge of UP is very huge gamble and avoidable blunder what he knows about hardcore politics of UP other then being the accused in riots

2. Should not have allowed Nistish to move out from alliance that must have been saved now the going won't be easy as Lalu too on upswing after 10 years in exile which is natural too in politics
For what? Supporting Namo? :cry:

Nope. How can I punish you for exercising your democratic right? None of that.

Defence forum pe seat sharing ki baat jaada hoti hai baki sub kam- given that not one of the online participants bar maybe 1 or 2 are actually going to go out and participate in their respective party's campaign or volunteer.
The post-Godhra riots taint yet to wash away

Now let's talk about the one thing that raises the hackles of Modi supporters. The mark of Gujarat riots. Their own PM Vajpayee had said 'Rajdharma' (duty of governance) should have been followed. Modi moved ahead of Gujarat riots but the country remembers that he has never, till date, openly said that what happened in Gujarat should not have happened. The state government should have crushed the rioters with maximum force. Instead of this, those who were opposed to the riots were slowly sidelined. Nothing will happen by flexing muscle or remaining silent. Because the country is still seeking answers from the Congress for the anti-Sikh riots of 1984. Sikhs are still furious with the Congress though the party has made a Sikh the PM. Modi does not even view the riots a taint, how will he apologise for it and as long as the riots besmirch his image, he will lack one strategic move in electoral fights.

Read more at: Not only Advani, 10 more reasons why Modi will find it hard to move to Delhi : India, News - India Today
[Bregs];4779140 said:
Two things modi should/BJP should have avoided doing

1. Making Amit shah the in charge of UP is very huge gamble and avoidable blunder what he knows about hardcore politics of UP other then being the accused in riots

2. Should not have allowed Nistish to move out from alliance that must have been saved now the going won't be easy as Laly too on upswing after 10 years in exile which is natural too in plitics

1. UP politics is dirty. I agree Amit Shah is a very 'dirty man'. But as we say right man for the right place. In UP it is the old Hindutva politics that will be at play. Development has never yielded votes in that caste obsessed cess pit.

2. Nitish's divorce was unfortunate. But inevitable. He has committed political harakari. Nitish hoped to get Congress in line with his anti Modism. But alas, he knows it won't work out. Cheap and dirty politics win the day in Bihar too. Development is not a priority. He knows this - hence the desperate and shameless votebank politics have been begun by him.

Nope. How can I punish you for exercising your democratic right? None of that.

Defence forum pe seat sharing ki baat jaada hoti hai baki sub kam- given that not one of the inline participants bar maybe 1 or 2 are actually going to go out and participate in their respective party's campaign or volunteer.

Hmmm. Let's watch Finding Nemo (I can hear Advani crying) :rofl:
[MENTION=148509][Bregs][/MENTION] has a point. Modi needs allies. Good news is there are already some prospective ones on the horizon. Some 'persuasion' may come in handy. :yay:
Heard Amma is joining...is that right? :)

Of course he does have a point. Following their rout in Karnataka bypolls and elsewhere, BJP was fighting within itself wrt Modi & the part was in disarray. But now with Modi nominated as BJP's PM candidate, the masses and local political parties and allies can be unified and rallied behind Modi and BJP/NDA election manifesto. He has the charisma that very few present day political leaders possess today.

And TBH, the Indian public is tired of all this corruption nurtured by the UPA govt. Hell, despite being an economy mastermind, MMS is sitting idle while the economy slowly slides downhill. He has no political power to implement economic reforms and initiatives. Congress and UPA leaders have never shown any backbone to take bold political decisions. And who among the Congress leaders is a good PM candidate? A face which can showcase India and its achievements and potential on the world stage? Rahul Gandhi? Please.

This election, like all previous others, will be about the economy. No religion, no foreign policies, nothing but the economy.
Only Reason can be here ...

[Bregs];4778864 said:
This article might be 2 years old but in these 2 years neither the modi has changed nor his views in majority of indian people

Modi has changed a lot if you look without your secular glasses on.
About the majority of indian people the poll results conducted by every secular media organizations are there for you to see he wins by a mile and the support he gets from people when he conducts a rally in south indian states is a starter.

We seen the worlds perspective change about him, i see Europe and other countries in queue to invite him to their countries.
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