Do you think that your country has intelligence about every nuke india has and its storage area that you are confident enough to take down India's second strike capability.
Come on, you cannot be that ignorant.
And please research it yourself about the reasons India had to conduct nuclear test in 1974 in the first place. Hint - Pakistan - China nexus. Other hint - in 1998 when India conducted nuke tests, pakistan also conducted nuke tests in just 15 days hence proving the fact that it already possessed the capability to deploy nukes(from Pakistan - China nexus since late 1960s).
Even if a country's territorial integrity is threatened one should never use nukes because if other country used nukes in retaliation, you country will become a nuclear wasteland and survivors will die painful death eventually. There will be no use of such nuclear wasteland.
Hope this thought goes into your brain and cure your suicidal mindset