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Why Malaysians of Chinese origin can speak native level Chinese? and how China treats foreign students studying in China

Some of them, especially the older generation.

You are, but not Chinese Indonesian.

Most of Chinese Indonesian children are raise differently.

These children are not living in Chinese community, they go to the school that is not teaching anything Chinese (because China is a communist), unlike Chinese Malaysian.

If their parents are just recently being converted to Christianity, lucky to them, because their grandparents and some of their cousins are still following Chinese tradition.

They are still exposed with Chinese culture, tradition and home education from their grandparents and cousins.

But if their grandparents are Christians and these children never get exposed with Chinese culture and education, they are completely blank.

Not to mention that church is very anti-China and anything Chinese.

So, you can imagine what these children became.
that is very unfortunate for those children but christians that are anti any nationality is a stupid thing to do that is not taught in the bible.
I for one do not observe christmas & easter ...& lunar new year is a big event in my family.

That is what happening in Indonesia, including the next presidential election.

Actually, CIA is using anything whatever the source.

In Indonesia, it happens to be radical Islam, and Chinese Indonesian issues.

In HK and mainland China, it happens to be Christian Chinese.

In Ukraine, it happens to be NAZI.

CIA just wants to achieve their goal, and doesn't care about additional casualties to their victim country.

1 thousand people dead? 1 million people dead? An economic crisis that lasts up to decades? Reputation damage?

The reason for killing Chinese is then -- entire Indonesia in free election, anointed the closet Communist Sukarno as president.

Indonesia is turning into a socialist state,

USA wanted to enslave people, so USA started killing spree.

A lot of Indos guy forget the aspiration of their fathers and worship Satan as well as satanic wahabbi cult, sucking the dic of Jews,

Shame to them,
There is indeed a genocide in 1965 by Suharto killings likely 300 thousands of Chinese -- hand in hand with CIA and MI6.

In fact, Malay Islamofascism is also is also instigation by CIA and MI6.

Radical Islam is a CIA and MI6 creation.

Meanwhile the West put up a good show that they are anti radical Islam. In fact West hate progressive Islam.
LOL, 99 % of Indonesian communists are native, mostly farmers. If you see the 1965 videos, we can see those people being purged are natives.

Most killed in 1965 are natives, even those who killed in 1998 are also natives who are people inside the malls who wants to steal goods in a mall around 1000 people. The mall is burned by some people who are outside.
that is very unfortunate for those children but christians that are anti any nationality is a stupid thing to do that is not taught in the bible.
I for one do not observe christmas & easter ...& lunar new year is a big event in my family.

Most of Chinese Indonesian people don't know who is Confucius.

Let alone what is the teaching of Confucius.

Fuxi and Nuwa, 100% clueless.

They don't know the history of China, maybe ever heard about Ming dynasty, but don't know in what year this dynasty existed.

Let alone know Hanfu in Han era is different from Hanfu in Song era.

They even don't know they are "Han Chinese", what they know they are just Chinese.

Many of them don't know their name in Mandarin, let alone write their own name in Hanzi.

Chinese home education? Is there Chinese home education??? They are 100% clueless.

They think Sun Wukong is really exist, a Chinese monkey god. lol

They don't know what Chinese people are worshiping to, they think we are worshiping demons.
LOL, 99 % of Indonesian communists are native, mostly farmers. If you see the 1965 videos, we can see those people being purged are natives.

Most killed in 1965 are natives, even those who killed in 1998 are also natives who are people inside the malls who wants to steal goods in a mall around 1000 people. The mall is burned by some people who are outside.

Years ago, during the early period of Jokowi presidential era.

PDI-P once wanted to investigate it, and bring this to justice, to clean her father's name (president Soekarno).

But get a huge opposition from the descendent of Orba.

That's why you see a lot of communist issues during the early Jokowi presidential era.

Jokowi, Megawati, and PDI-P are the communists (despite they aren't).

Indonesia almost falls into a civil war.

One of them is Aksi 212 and CIA takes a role behind it.

This is a big matter, because it will turn Orba heroes into one of the world biggest criminals with half of millions of deaths (one of the worst in Cold War).
Years ago, during the early period of Jokowi presidential era.

PDI-P once wanted to investigate it, and bring this to justice, to clean her father's name (president Soekarno).

But get a huge opposition from the descendent of Orba.

That's why you see a lot of communist issues during the early Jokowi presidential era.

Jokowi, Megawati, and PDI-P are the communists (despite they aren't).

Indonesia almost falls into a civil war.

One of them is Aksi 212 and CIA takes a role behind it.

This is a big matter, because it will turn Orba heroes into one of the world biggest criminals with half of millions of deaths (one of the worst in Cold War).

Indonesia communist party is third largest after China, USSR. It is greater than Vietnamese Communist party during their war against South Vietnam where Vietnam Communist defeated USA with support from USSR and China. In 1955 election (it was considered as the first Indonesian fair democratic election), it gets number 4 largest. So huge support for the party where predominantly the supporters are farmers. As we see on Indonesian Communist Party logo it is basically like farmer party.

See the simbol there. These two things represent farmer and labor, but since there is no real industrialization in Indonesia during 1945-1965 period, the most prominent supporter of Indonesian Communist Party is farmer mostly living in East Java where they had conflict with NU (Nahdatul Ulama) which is largest Islamic Organization in Indonesia. Under current politics, 2 Indonesian President Hopeful Vice Presidents come from NU (Muhaimain Iskandar and Mahfud MD)


Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) was about to emerge as very strong military power when Soekarno approving their controversial proposal to make them another military force beside Indonesian Armed Force. They asked the force to be 1 million strong. This has got China Communist backing as well. The reason Soekarno approved the proposal is likely to support Soekarno aggresive plan to invade both Malaysia and Singapore under pretex Ganyang Malaya Campaign. This pretex has the same narrative like Putin narrative to invade Ukraine. Soekarno said that Malaya will be under British influence so that the formation of Malaya should be opposed.

This is why Indonesian Armed Force that is still dominated by right wing anti communist made plan to kick out Soekarno from power. Their plan is sniffed by President Guard (Cakrabirawa) and end up all of the planners are death but luckily the strongest among them, General Nasution escaped despite his daughter became victim and death in the hand of Cakrabirawa. Our History hide this fact, but from Indonesian respected Historian, this has been put in their books after New Order Regime (Orde Baru) fallen in 1998. It can be understood if we have logic as well like how on earth Cakrabirawa which is Presidential Guard are behind the killing of our Armed Force General.

The proposed PKI plan to have 1 million strong Army under PKI is known in our history as Angkatan ke 5, or in English maybe can be translated as Fifth Military Force. There is Wikipedia English that explained in it if you tried to Google it.

Soeharto, Kostrad Commander, Special Force, and Siliwangi Force are the main backbone behind Soeharto purged into Indonesia Communist Party. Soeharto is not Islamist, but he believe on Capitalism and basically hard core anti communist that can be seen by Indonesia foreign policy during new regime order that is pretty anti Communist. Even Soeharto invaded East Timor just because Fretilin has potency to win the internal war in East Timor. Fretilin during that time has leftist thinking. Actualy East Timor is more like burden to Indonesia and I am happy in the end we let go that province.

Soekarno is not a communist, he and many Indonesians during that time cannot see Indonesia without Communist Party since Indonesia Communist Party get huge support in East Java Island where Islamic penetration is not as strong in other Muslim majority regions in Indonesia. Communist is impossible to be destroyed in Indonesia unless we used drastic measure like what Soeharto did.

After the purge and sending Soekarno into exile in Buru Island (Eastern Indonesia with basically still very primitive in 1965-1970), Soeharto fund Islamization into Java Island and build many Mosques. This effort made Javanese become Islamized during New Order period, where in the past they are the least Islamic among Indonesian Muslim majority region.

Soeharto during New Order also support Catholics more than Protestant. Maybe he thinks Protestant Christian has more afiliation with US Evangelist population than Catholics, while most Christians in Indonesia are Protestant. So we can see Catholic figure in Indonesia politics like Moerdani, Andrianus Moy, BJ Sumarlin etc. On the other hand Golkar Party is lead by Islamist like BJ Habibie, Abdul Gafur (HMI connection) and BJ Habibie become our Vice President during 1990's and he lead the transformation after Soeharto resigned in 1998.

Unlike Soekarno who was exiled in remote Island in Eastern Indonesia, Soeharto is still popular and live peacefully in his Cendana House in the most elite housing complex in Jakarta (Menteng in Central Jakarta) before his death where all Indonesian leaders came to his funeral as well, including the reformist movement leaders. Soeharto popularity can still be seen with Golkar party that still become number one most popular in Indonesia, their popularity is going down into number three Today, but parties like Gerindra (Second biggest), Nasdem, Democrat are all coming from Golkar previous leaders like SBY, Surya Paloh, etc with Prabowo as having the closest link with Soeharto family as he married Soeharto daughter, Titiek Soeharto.


Regarding politics, Indonesia politics is not like USA or Britain or in Malaysia where ideological differences are strong. Indonesian parties can hang on with one another with no difficulty and all President Candidate Coalition have both Nationalist and Islamist parties supporting it. Those Indonesian critics saying this show Indonesian politics lacking, but actually this is the strength of our politics as our elites can join hand with any body and made compromise among them. This is one of the reasons our politics are very stable since 2004 when we had the first direct Presidential Election.
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Indonesia communist party is third largest after China, USSR. It is greater than Vietnamese Communist party during their war against South Vietnam and defeated USA with support from USSR and China. In 1955 election (it was considered as the first Indonesian fair democratic election), it gets number 4 largest. So huge support for the party where predominantly the supporters are farmers. As we see on Indonesian Communist Party logo it is basically like farmer party.

Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) was about to emerge as very strong military power when Soekarno approved their proposal to make them another military force beside Indonesian Armed Force. They asked the force to be 1 million strong. This has got China Communist backing as well. This is why Indonesian Armed Force that is still dominated by right wing anti communist made plan to kick out Soekarno from power. Their plan is sniffed by President Guard (Cakrabirawa) and end up all of the planners are death but luckily the strongest among them, General Nasution escaped despite his daughter became victim and death in the hand of Cakrabirawa. Our History hide this fact, but from Indonesian respected Historian, this has been put in their books after New Order Regime (Orde Baru) fallen in 1998. It can be understood if we have logic as well like how on earth Cakrabirawa which is Presidential Guard are behind the killing of our Armed Force General.

The proposed PKI plan to have 1 million strong Army under PKI is known in our history as Angkatan ke 5, or in English maybe can be translated as Fifth Military Force. There is Wikipedia English that explained in it if you tried to Google it.

Soeharto, Kostrad Commander, Special Force, and Siliwangi Force are the main backbone behind Soeharto purged into Indonesia Communist Party. Soeharto is not Islamist, but he believe on Capitalism and basically hard core anti communist that can be seen by Indonesia foreign policy during new regime order that is pretty anti Communist. Even Soeharto invaded East Timor just because Fretilin has potency to win the internal war in East Timor. Fretilin during that time has leftist thinking. Actualy East Timor is more like burden to Indonesia and I am happy in the end we let go that province.

Soekarno is not a communist, he and many Indonesians during that time cannot see Indonesia without Communist Party since Indonesia Communist Party get huge support in East Java Island where Islamic penetration is not as strong in other Muslim majority regions in Indonesia. Communist is impossible to be destroyed in Indonesia unless we used drastic measure like what Soeharto did.

After the purge and sending Soekarno into exile in Buru Island (Eastern Indonesia with basically still very primitive in 1965-1970), Soeharto fund Islamization into Java Island and build many Mosques. This effort made Javanese become Islamized during New Order period, where in the past they are the least Islamic among Indonesian Muslim majority region.

Soeharto during New Order also support Catholics more than Protestant. Maybe he thinks Protestant Christian has more afiliation with US Evangelist population than Catholics, while most Christians in Indonesia are Protestant. So we can see Catholic figure in Indonesia politics like Moerdani, Andrianus Moy, BJ Sumarlin etc. On the other hand Golkar Party is lead by Islamist like BJ Habibie, Abdul Gafur (HMI connection) and BJ Habibie become our Vice President during 1990's and he lead the transformation after Soeharto resigned in 1998.

Unlike Soekarno who was exiled in remote Island in Eastern Indonesia, Soeharto is still popular and live peacefully in his Cendana House in the most elite housing complex in Jakarta (Menteng in Central Jakarta) before his death where all Indonesian leaders came to his funeral as well, including the reformist movement leaders. Soeharto popularity can still be seen with Golkar party that still become number one most popular in Indonesia, their popularity is going down into number three Today, but parties like Gerindra (Second biggest), Nasdem, Democrat are all coming from Golkar previous leaders like SBY, Surya Paloh, etc with Prabowo as having the closest link with Soeharto family as he married Soeharto daughter, Titiek Soeharto.


Regarding politics, Indonesia politics is not like USA or Britain or in Malaysia where ideological differences are strong. Indonesian parties can hang on with one another with no difficulty and all President Candidate Coalition have both Nationalist and Islamist parties supporting it. Those Indonesian critics saying this show Indonesian politics lacking, but actually this is the strength of our politics as our elites can join hand with any body and made compromise among them. This is one of the reasons our politics are very stable since 2004 when we had the first direct Presidential Election.

In my opinion, to create another army is the most stupid and unnecessary thing, even very dangerous if it's tied to a certain political party.

Even up to today, it's still a problem. A losing political party in public election is mobilizing masses to protest and create riot. Imagine if they had weaponized army, it's a war!

But up to today, I still don't understand much about Soekarno era. Why are there so many problems back there? We wasted so much time.

Thanks goodness we are not falling to communism, although I admire some of their social policies like providing education, healthcare, state owned companies, and structured development program.

Humans are basically never the same, even two boys from the same parents are different. Communism was created by lazy people and then made people even lazier.

No wonder communist countries are poor and backward.
Sukarno decided to give PKI an army because, the national army does not listen to civilian government.

Indeed the Abri start murdering
In my opinion, to create another army is the most stupid and unnecessary thing, even very dangerous if it's tied to a certain political party.

Even up to today, it's still a problem. A losing political party in public election is mobilizing masses to protest and create riot. Imagine if they had weaponized army, it's a war!

But up to today, I still don't understand much about Soekarno era. Why are there so many problems back there? We wasted so much time.

Thanks goodness we are not falling to communism, although I admire some of their social policies like providing education, healthcare, state owned companies, and structured development program.

Humans are basically never the same, even two boys from the same parents are different. Communism was created by lazy people and then made people even lazier.

No wonder communist countries are poor and backward.

Soekarno is East Javan. Despite Javanese in general are kind and tolerant, but East Javanese are those who are seen as easy to make a fight. This is why Football club Persebaya and Malang have this militant supporters who often fight and in could end up in deaths as well. The most PKI victims happened in East Java as well where PKI and NU had long conflict.

Soeharto, SBY, Jokowi are all Central Javanese. Central Javanese has characteristic as calm and strategic thinker, they like to hide power and only show it when it is necessary, very tipical Soeharto as he was patience in finding the right the momentum and not opposing Soekarno during the fragile moment in Indonesia. This is also the reason Soeharto is not among the planners to do coupe to Soekarno, Soeharto as having big force under Kostrad command is likely being seen by General Nasution, Indonesian Armed Force General during that period as loyal to him as well, so Nasution doesnt think Soeharto will fight him when Armed Force made the coup in 5 October 1965 during the Military event where Soekarno will attend.

Previously under East Javan Kingdom, Majapahit, Indonesia also expanded into Malaysia, Thailand territory as well. While during Islamic penetration period, Central Javanese become the center of power within Central and East Java (Javanese region), for Non Indonesians, West Java is not Javanese but Sundanese and they speak different languages and has different ancient Kingdom. West Java which are closer to Sumatra Island are more Islamic since Islam penetration first come from Aceh in Sumatra Island.


Here is the plan of forming 1 million Communist into Military Force. This plan made Indonesian right wing Armed Force planned to kick out Soekarno from power to avoid civil war like what happened in China between Kuomintang and CCP

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