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Why Korean Chinese and South Koreans deeply hate each other?

South Koreans are rude autistic assholes. They are only popular because their govt successfully developed Kpop but anybody who has to personally interact with them ends up not liking them.
The essential reason is that Chinese Koreans, like other Chinese, have a great power mentality and are unwilling to accept any demeaning self-demeaning behavior.

And South Koreans cannot accept that the once poor Chinese Koreans are suddenly rich and can go to South Korea and spend a lot of money.
Chinese culture and society is very open and inclusive, all people can comfortably feel at home in China, while Koreans have an isolationism culture, they even alienate their own people.
South Korean girl to Korean Chinese

" In South Korea, the media hypes up and over reports any misbehaviors and misconducts by Korean Chinese, and In South Korean crime themed movies, a great many criminals are portrayed as Korean Chinese, this reminds me that in American movies all criminals are blacks. As a South Korean, I understand why Korean Chinese are so upset about South Korea and I apologize to Korean Chinese for my fellow South Koreans".

The main reason is -- China Chosun are so sinicized that they think themselves as Han. Meanwhile Koreans are ultra nazi.
Korean peninsula is very small, I don't think there is much difference, and I have some Korean Chinese friends and almost all of them have families in both North and South Koreas.

Korean Chinese in Yanbian ethnic Korean autonomous region in NE China


But I think NK and SK are different, if we see from historical perspective.

The NK are the descendant of Goguryeo. While SK mostly the descendant of Baekji and Silla kingdoms.
Now China is sinicizing Uighur and the process will be completed in 2 generations.

Many people are not aware the Uighur actually hate their brothers Hui Muslims. Because most Hui Muslims (North Western Hui are turkic) think themselves as Han having a Islam religion than separate race.
But I think NK and SK are different, if we see from historical perspective.

The NK are the descendant of Goguryeo. While SK mostly the descendant of Baekji and Silla kingdoms.

You're thinking too deep about this.

It's actually pretty simple. South Korea is basically a US colony or vassal state. It has succeeded and prospered far more than North Korea or China's Yanbian region, and because Koreans are a very hierarchical society, they have extreme prejudice against anybody they consider poorer or less developed than themselves. This might change in the future if China becomes a fully developed 1st world country, but until then, this prejudice will continue.

Now China is sinicizing Uighur and the process will be completed in 2 generations.

Many people are not aware the Uighur actually hate their brothers Hui Muslims. Because most Hui Muslims (North Western Hui are turkic) think themselves as Han having a Islam religion than separate race.
The Huis are not brothers of the Uighurs. The brothers of the Uighurs are other Turkics like Uzbeks and distantly maybe Kazakhs and Kirgiz. But Uzbeks are the closest.
The main reason is -- China Chosun are so sinicized that they think themselves as Han. Meanwhile Koreans are ultra nazi.

The Korean Chinese still retain their own way of life, they are very hygienic, even in the countryside, but they are slightly different from North Korea.

South Korea belongs to the American camp and is culturally Christianized.

Yanbian celebrate the 71st anniversary of the founding of Yanbian ethnic Korean autonomous reigion


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