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Why Israel won't survive

"Bring it on.":enjoy:

And you talk of "shame".

Shame this- one more round. Extrapolate. 1300 more for 13 more.

Shame indeed as you calculate those numbers from the luxury of your T.V. set.

Go to Gaza and pick up a weapon and do the right thing before calling me an A.H. Try to be a man and wear an identifiable uniform in the process. Avoid human shields and apartment buildings inhabited by your brothers and sisters if possible, please. The IDF will handle the rest.

Your collective arab and muslim states no longer make identifiable war on Israel. They need those like yourself to do less sideline cheering and more serious testimonies to devotion.

They've tired of getting their azzes handed to them each and every time and now rely upon the citizens of Gaza to provide you with your vengeance "fix". In short, they recognize the futility of their actions and the consequences. The rest of you are considerably slower to the take and, as such, your leaders are happy to sacrifice the Palestinians safety and security on the shoals of frustrated ambitions and ill-concealed hatred.


The Super Mod on this thread has cleared much of your doubts.

Well, i only believe who don't want to live don't deserve to live.
Those Arabs are weak so they are bashed.

If you and your Zionist masters have the guts try to get us. Let's see when your neocon plans unfold completely and how successful you become.

Killing ants and claiming to be brave is something losers do. Have reals guts, gutsee?? Try to pinch someone who can respond.

i wonder why don't you feel the same for Kashmir.
Who exactly of yours live in israel for whom you are so worried?? Mr Freedom Torchbearer.

We support Palestine because they are Muslims.
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And S-2 dude, let me clear you for once and all about your mistaken wisdom about Palestinians/Hamas and the serons why they kick the israeli a**

To answer your biased and crude thoughts i'll like to take help from a senior member of this forum, namely Araz
i am just copying one of his replies that he wrote at some other thread which is also a befitting answer to your post. Here it goes:-

Let me ask you a simple question. A party is housed in your houseand given a room to stay in. That party then decides of its own accord to take more and more rooms in your house using force. You are then finally confined to one room, except the other party has access to all the corridors.The other party then declares you a persona nongrata and blocks all your access with force so that you can not go out even to get water or to the toilet. If you protest vociferously ----ARE YOU A TERRORIST?
Do me a favour look at the maps of Israel in 1946, 1968, 1990, 2000, and 2008. Is it becoming larger?

Courtesy of Araz

This is the second time i m quoting him.;)

This should shed off some dust from your head, only if you have one!
"the article is first class and not jingoistic at all."

Sure. 1300 dead, easily half combattants is "genocide". Uh-huh...

1300 dead...Gaza will lose that many this year to gang violence alone. We are talking about the same Hamas that capped Fatah guys in the knees before throwing them off building roofs.


When you live in a city-state next to a powerful neighbor, it's best not to elect a party who's declared purpose and raison d'etre is the destruction of that neighbor. If you do so and that party refuses to acknowledge your neighbor's right to exist and proceeds to carry out it's charter by firing rockets from densely populated areas yet simultaneously seeking protection by holding said citizens hostage to Israeli retaliation (and even INVITING such), you get ABSOLUTELY ALL THAT YOU DESERVE.

Welcome to the obligation of a responsible voter. You assume responsibility for your choice of leaders. There's no surprise here. Hamas has been clear in it's behavior. It's leaders in Damascus mince no words of their intent.

Remove Hamas. Stop firing rockets and recognize Israel's right to exist. Simple. Then do the really hard work of building a nation that does more than prepare it's children for the next intifada.

Genocide, holocaust, carpet-bombing...:disagree:

Foolish nonsense.

So be it. The Gazans have reaped and will continue to reap the whirlwind of their own seeds of destruction.

You usually don't do this, but this post is extremely ignorant. First thing that every one forgets to remember is that Israel is OCCUPYING Palestine. Don't you think that that gives them enough right to fight for their freedom i would think so. What if someone occupied your country, would you just sit their and accept their right to occupy your country, didn't think so.

If you died for the freedom of your country, your children will instinctively will follow suit.

During the Lebanon war when Israel lost, if you look at the details, they killed about 1300 labenese out of that less than 300 of them hezbollah fighters the rest were children and inocent civies. Israel destroyed all the civillian buildings, the airport, electricall facilities, water facilites hospitals, the basic civillian infrastructure. On the other hand, Israel lost 260, out of that 240 soldiers and only 20 civillians. Doesn't that show you who is the real villain, my respect to Hezbollah for target discretion, which Israel didn't choose to use despite their power.

By the way out of 1400 palestinian dead, 600 of these were women and children, so are you suggesting that the rest were all terrorist??!! Do some research before posting ignorant posts and stop watching FOX. Did you know out of all the American Media only 4% of them even mentioned that Palestine was occupied by Israel, thats the level of your stupidity and corruption.
"To clear the air on that count, I believe he does ..."

That's good because Hamas and others have this disconcerting habit of failing to do so at all the really important times-like combat.
And you support this?
Well, now i know why you people have been hated by most.
Ever wondered why you created ILOWA???
Again, feel shame (if you have any)
You are openly admitting that America has no favor for human rights.(the so called human rights as claimed b you)
"Since we are asking Hamas follow the international community's conditions for moving towards peace"

The internat'l community isn't calling for Hamas' removal. I am. You've peace between Jordan, Egypt and Israel. You've Shaaba farms outstanding as an issue of consequence in the Golan. You've nobody in arabdom that wants more of Israel.

You've a Hamas that turned it's back on the Group of Four requirement even as it SEIZED control of Gaza. There's no friend to Israel here and sure as hell no partner to peace.

As configured Hamas can deliver nothing to Gaza but war and nothing but war. There's no trust by Israel of Hamas. Shouldn't and won't be either. As such, find somebody else or accept the status quo as a predictable pattern.

Now. Let's see. Israel can make binding and enduring deals with former enemies. We see that today as an accomplished fact. I can't say the same for Hamas. They've no experience at governance, responsibilities as such, nor any successful negotiated conclusions.

Sadly out of their depth and to the Gazans to bear that responsibility. Gazan citizens will improve selecting their leaders with practice, I hope, for their sake. Best not to pick guys that live in Damascus.

They lack day to day perspective if you know what I mean.

I do not care for Hamas, and I agree with you in that they are an obstacle to peace because of their obstinate refusal to stop violence. They give Israel the excuse to perpetrate atrocities and murder and terrorize at will, while doing nothing to prevent the expanding settlements and usurpation of more land.

But I put Israel in the same boat - by refusing to outright accept the UNSC endorsed positions, with respect to the Palestinians atleast, if not Syria and the Golan, they do the same thing Hamas does - provide extremists the excuse for continuing to commit violence and 'sell' their view that Israel will never let the Palestinians have that which is theirs, and continue to build settlements and eat up more land.

In the absence of conditional and unilateral declaration of intent from Israel in accordance with the UNSC resolutions, in the presence of continued settlement building, refusal to recognize the rights of refugees, the Palestinians also cannot be blamed for putting into power Hamas.
I didn't see this.

"You support israel because you are a Jew skunk living in the US??"

You are way out of bounds with your anti-semitism. Rope yourself in or drop out of this discussion. I'm catholic but that doesn't matter if I'm a voodoo doll worshipper.
"Since we are asking Hamas follow the international community's conditions for moving towards peace"

The internat'l community isn't calling for Hamas' removal. I am. You've peace between Jordan, Egypt and Israel. You've Shaaba farms outstanding as an issue of consequence in the Golan. You've nobody in arabdom that wants more of Israel.

You've a Hamas that turned it's back on the Group of Four requirement even as it SEIZED control of Gaza. There's no friend to Israel here and sure as hell no partner to peace.

As configured Hamas can deliver nothing to Gaza but war and nothing but war. There's no trust by Israel of Hamas. Shouldn't and won't be either. As such, find somebody else or accept the status quo as a predictable pattern.

Now. Let's see. Israel can make binding and enduring deals with former enemies. We see that today as an accomplished fact. I can't say the same for Hamas. They've no experience at governance, responsibilities as such, nor any successful negotiated conclusions.

Sadly out of their depth and to the Gazans to bear that responsibility. Gazan citizens will improve selecting their leaders with practice, I hope, for their sake. Best not to pick guys that live in Damascus.

They lack day to day perspective if you know what I mean.

i think i need to pour in some more wisdom here.
We'll talk about what you want when you ACTUALLY understand the ACTUAL problem at hand, so here it goes:

The modern state of Israel has its roots in the Land of Israel (Eretz Yisrael), a concept central to Judaism since ancient times, and the heartland of the ancient Kingdom of Judah to which modern Jews are usually attributed. After World War I, the League of Nations approved the British Mandate of Palestine with the intent of creating a "national home for the Jewish people." In 1947, the United Nations approved the partition of Palestine into two states, one Jewish and one Arab. On May 14, 1948 the state of Israel declared independence and this was followed by a war with the surrounding Arab states, which refused to accept the plan. The Israelis were subsequently victorious in a series of wars confirming their independence and expanding the borders of the Jewish state beyond those in the UN Partition Plan.
Thats what Hamas don't want.
Sorry i can't help it out, go talk with Hamas.

P.S. BTW have you lost your brains in the crowd praising Obama the other day? i have been to the States but never found a moron (with apology) like you.
I didn't see this.

"You support israel because you are a Jew skunk living in the US??"

You are way out of bounds with your anti-semitism. Rope yourself in or drop out of this discussion. I'm catholic but that doesn't matter if I'm a voodoo doll worshipper.

Apology sought.
Bye bye Montek sahib.

No comparison between those who fought at Kargil and Hamas.

The men at kargil, in uniform and out, fought against overwhelming odds, at times face to face, and inflicted several times more losses on the opposing side, and received recommendations for their valor from the opposing side.

No ducking behind civilians and buildings and schools for them. They took the artillery barrages, air strikes and assaults on the chin, and gave back better than they got.
Ok guys - calm down please.

Its amazing how much passion Israel aroused in its supporters an detractors, even when they have nothign to do with either Israelis or Palestinians.
Learn rules ?

First teach Hamas the rules of fighting.

Wear a uniform and do not hide in civilian populations.

And whats more funny....you guys call them hero's.

Ha ha ha.....

No one is calling them heros. But no one should call them terrorists either?? WTF is up with that, just look at the death toll who killed more civies? That should answer your question. They wear uniforms, but only as many as they can get, they rest don't have any to wear but they still want to fight. You guys keep saying that they use innocent civies as shields I can prove that wrong right now.

********.com - Insurgents in Israel using children as human shields - caught on tape

watch that video, even though the title says that insurgents are using children as shields. Even some one with basic knowledge will know upon watching that they are really trying to get the children out of the way. If you look carefully the young kid is sitting in the middle of the street trying to hide behind an electrical pole, obivously not safe (close to the group of other kids who are safely hidden behind the wall), the brave man picks the kid up and drags him to the other side of the street and puts him beside the other kids who are safe.

Some idiots would watch that and at first it may seem like that he using him as shield!! How is that even possible, all of the center mass of the brave man is still exposed!! This man is a HERO
I didn't see this.

"You support israel because you are a Jew skunk living in the US??"

You are way out of bounds with your anti-semitism. Rope yourself in or drop out of this discussion. I'm catholic but that doesn't matter if I'm a voodoo doll worshipper.

you are a victim of Zionist propaganda.

Today, American, Zionist Jews continue their lobbying effort by bribing Congress and the President with "campaign donations" and with a strong influence and presence in the American media to force American support for Zionist Israel and its policy of Palestinian annihilation.

These American Zionists have hung Israel like an albatross around America's neck. And because they have put Israel first over American interests are bordering on being traitors to America.

Without America's support, financial and diplomatic, Zionism could not succeed. The rest of the world, especially the Arabs, know this and are today holding America and Americans accountable.

The many attacks on American interests, including that of September 11th, are manifestations of it.

If US doesn't gets rid of Zionist control it would be destroyed, starting with economic melt down that we are seeing today.
BNo ducking behind civilians and buildings and schools for them. They took the artillery barrages, air strikes and assaults on the chin, and gave back better than they got.
Off topic, but can't help it

My blood is going to spurt out of my veins!
What a heart warmer, thnx agian Agno

Salute to their bravery!
you are a victim of Zionist propaganda.

Today, American, Zionist Jews continue their lobbying effort by bribing Congress and the President with "campaign donations" and with a strong influence and presence in the American media to force American support for Zionist Israel and its policy of Palestinian annihilation.

These American Zionists have hung Israel like an albatross around America's neck. And because they have put Israel first over American interests are bordering on being traitors to America.

Without America's support, financial and diplomatic, Zionism could not succeed. The rest of the world, especially the Arabs, know this and are today holding America and Americans accountable.

The many attacks on American interests, including that of September 11th, are manifestations of it.

If US doesn't gets rid of Zionist control it would be destroyed, starting with economic melt down that we are seeing today.

after the gaza genocide people are finally waking up i been watching israeli conflict vids recently many of them vlogs it seems more and more people are turning against israel the sheer number of americans coming out of the woodwork to condemn them is encouraging .
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