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Why is our full history not taught to us in Pakistan Studies?

It doesn't matter much after IT revolution. It 1989s, textbooks were primary source of knowledge. But today is different and the solution lies in inculcating habit of Research in our children instead of asking them to blindly believe in government narrative.
And this is exactly what they don't understand

What unites all these different people????

Open a book and you'd find out. You Islamic extremists do everything to destroy Pakistan's Identity while you peddle nursery tales.


The Indus valley civilization for example doesn't really reach up and out to KP or Balochistan, it certainly didn't to Bengal

First learn the difference between Indus Valley (a river basin) and Indus Valley Civilization.



East Bengal was never supposed to be part of Pakistan to begin with. Do you even know how the word Pakistan came to be?



All these different ethnicities weren't united in the name of ethnocentrism or secularism

All the ethnic groups of Pakistan were trading with each other long before Islam came to these lands. Collectively they and Mesopotamia created an intricate trading system.



What united all these different people was Islam and a common Islamic and Muslim identity

Cool story. Circa 1971.

Too much stupidity and emphasis on ethnocentric jahilat is what caused 1971.

I'm sure it had nothing to do with the linguistic and cultural differences between the two wings. Plus the denial of rights to East Bengal.

Secularism does not inspire our people, so regardless of the bullshit of the liberals it's not what's going to make Pakistan strong

Your Sunni Republic inspires what?

Provide me the direct quote link from Jinnah's archive.


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We’re way past the mannerism with you people, and it’s not going to look pretty what comes next. Have a nice day!
We have seen it all. When you are on public forum, entire world is watching and you are representing your country. Have a nice day too!
Open a book and you'd find out. You Islamic extremists do everything to destroy Pakistan's Identity while you peddle nursery tales.

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First learn the difference between Indus Valley (a river basin) and Indus Valley Civilization.

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East Bengal was never supposed to be part of Pakistan to begin with. Do you even know how the word Pakistan came to be?

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View attachment 925577

All the ethnic groups of Pakistan were trading with each other long before Islam came to these lands. Collectively they and Mesopotamia created an intricate trading system.


View attachment 925582

Cool story. Circa 1971.

I'm sure it had nothing to do with the linguistic and cultural differences between the two wings. Plus the denial of rights to East Bengal.

Your Sunni Republic inspires what?

Provide me the direct quote link from Jinnah's archive.

See you idea of Pakistan is FAKE it's basically some sort of west part of subcontinent ethnocentrism

Which may actually make some sense today and to be people living in today's Pakistan, THATS WHY it's getting traction with idiots like you and other ethnocentric dopes

The problem is you can LOGICALLY work out that prior to 1947 when Pakistan was in the pipe line HOW THE FCUK WERE THEY SUPPOSED TO INSPIRE hundreds of millions of Muslims across south Asia many with little connection to the Physical land of Pakistan today with the ethnocentric stupidity you are pushing????????????? Why the fcuk would a Muslim in Bengal or Up or Kerala be inspired by IVC

The original proposed map of Pakistan wasn't what we have today, it included other Muslim majority areas

These areas and people were diverse but Jinnah and other foresaw that a United India would be a disaster
The hatred was too much
The Hindus has the burden of 1000 years of humility that would not be able to overcome and separation was essential as Indian Muslims are finding out today

So the basis of the Pakistan movement which remember was much bigger then the Pakistan we have today was on the BASIS OF DEFENDING OUR COMMON RELIGIOUS identity and freedom and rights for people across south Asia many with no connection to this land of Pakistan today

So don't peddle bullshit

However TODAY because Pakistan is exists on historical lands where it's CURRENT people have lived on for thousands of years we can indeed expand to include history reaching back many thousands of years

But our people can be ethnocentric retards and have created conflict, terrorism and division on the back of ethnocentric identity so if we were smart we would push the united Pakistan line as opposed to any other and Pakistan unites under islam
Taking a step back.

In 1947, Jinnah stance was:

- Religion will not be a business of the state.
- The army will remain subservient to the public.

This was a historical fact.

To say that Jinnah, in 1947, wanted an Islamic state and teaching history lessons based on the false premise is wrong.

What the public or the state wants today is a different story and for Pakistanis to decide.
It is unfair to call it , history or past when it is all fictional

1- Dawn of Time
2- Mohammad Bin Qassim's voyage when in reality Muslims were already in Iran and interacting with region
3- A Dark Void , 1857 Slavery
4- We are used to getting beaten by Stick
5- Dark Void on ww1 , ww2
6- Mohammad Ali Jinnah / Iqbal born focused on education , Sir Syed promoted education
7- 1940 Resolution - 1947 Pakistan formed , some where between 14 point resolution by Jinnah
8- Dark void on Death of Jinnah and Liaqat , ban on Fatima Janna public speech , denial of formation of
9- Dark Void 1950's
10- Dark Void 1960's

11 - 1965 , 1971 , Missing era of Fatima Jinnah and flood devastations
12 - Election results omitted from 1971. a brief page about loss of East Pakistan
13- Lets talk about Ayyub's 5 year plan , we are ready to become Asian Tiger
14- Dark Void 1980's

  • I am sure they must have added more fictional stuff between 90's and 2015 into books

It is / was piece of fictional story at time when I studied it I was unfortunate to go thru that brain washing

To brand it as a study of History is a remarkable lie
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See you idea of Pakistan is FAKE it's basically some sort of west part of subcontinent ethnocentrism

Which may actually make some sense today and to be people living in today's Pakistan, THATS WHY it's getting traction with idiots like you and other ethnocentric dopes

The problem is you can LOGICALLY work out that prior to 1947 when Pakistan was in the pipe line HOW THE FCUK WERE THEY SUPPOSED TO INSPIRE hundreds of millions of Muslims across south Asia many with little connection to the Physical land of Pakistan today with the ethnocentric stupidity you are pushing????????????? Why the fcuk would a Muslim in Bengal or Up or Kerala be inspired by IVC

The original proposed map of Pakistan wasn't what we have today, it included other Muslim majority areas

These areas and people were diverse but Jinnah and other foresaw that a United India would be a disaster
The hatred was too much
The Hindus has the burden of 1000 years of humility that would not be able to overcome and separation was essential as Indian Muslims are finding out today

So the basis of the Pakistan movement which remember was much bigger then the Pakistan we have today was on the BASIS OF DEFENDING OUR COMMON RELIGIOUS identity and freedom and rights for people across south Asia many with no connection to this land of Pakistan today

So don't peddle bullshit

However TODAY because Pakistan is exists on historical lands where it's CURRENT people have lived on for thousands of years we can indeed expand to include history reaching back many thousands of years

But our people can be ethnocentric retards and have created conflict, terrorism and division on the back of ethnocentric identity so if we were smart we would push the united Pakistan line as opposed to any other and Pakistan unites under islam

You can't form a country on the basis of a religion unless it originates and represents your ethnicity. Judaism is for the Jews. Islam is for the Arabs. Hinduism is for the pajeets.

The west understands this and integrated their faith into the state, americanized, protestantism etc and became secular republics.

Iran is a great example of internalizing Islam, they went the sect route and took ownership of Shiaism and its basically an Iranian religion. Very smart. That's what civilizations that last the ages do, they adapt. I am sure they will take another form in a few hundred years to keep going.

Only retarded Pakistani mullahs on the payroll of retarded establishment thought this was a good experiment to carry out since the 50s. Jinnah was a western educated intelligent secular who wanted to create an inclusive and forward thinking Pakistan that would have developed into a 1st world country like South Korea, Japan, China.

Look at what they've done to Afghanistan, it's a clusterf**k, the concept doesn't work, has never worked.
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You can't form a country on the basis of a religion unless it originates and represents your ethnicity. Judaism is for the Jews. Islam is for the Arabs. Hinduism is for the pajeets.

The west understands this and integrated their faith into the state, americanized, protestantism etc and became secular republics.

Iran is a great example of internalizing Islam, they went the sect route and took ownership of Shiaism and its basically an Iranian religion. Very smart. That's what civilizations that last the ages do, they adapt. I am sure they will take another form in a few hundred years to keep going.

Only retarded Pakistani mullahs on the payroll of retarded establishment thought this was a good experiment to carry out since the 50s. Jinnah was a western educated intelligent secular who wanted to create an inclusive and forward thinking Pakistan that would have developed into a 1st world country like South Korea, Japan, China.

Look at what they've done to Afghanistan, it's a clusterf**k, the concept doesn't work, has never worked.

So, you keep harping the revisionist toons. What is different from you and hindu nationalists in India? You cannot even answer that objectively, same side of the coin? Because Europe overlapped or incorporated their pagan past on a Christian facade makes sense to you? Then don't talk theology because truth doesn't matter to you... which is why you actively promote Christian heresies and want Pakistan to adopt the same... again what is different from you and a hindu who doesn't care about truth but his philosophy.
Now the new ruse seems to be pushing ethnocentric agenda and AGAIN divide people.

So transparent!
So, you keep harping the revisionist toons. What is different from you and hindu nationalists in India? You cannot even answer that objectively, same side of the coin? Because Europe overlapped or incorporated their pagan past on a Christian facade makes sense to you? Then don't talk theology because truth doesn't matter to you... which is why you actively promote Christian heresies and want Pakistan to adopt the same... again what is different from you and a hindu who doesn't care about truth but his philosophy.
Now the new ruse seems to be pushing ethnocentric agenda and AGAIN divide people.

So transparent!

Arabs did overlap and incorporate their pagan past into Islam. Mecca was a home for their idols. Many other rituals and customs migrated over such as the reverence of the black stone. That's not to say anything is wrong with that, it's just natural evolution of a culture and its spiritual expression. So don't think you are any different from Christians or Hindus.
So, you keep harping the revisionist toons. What is different from you and hindu nationalists in India? You cannot even answer that objectively, same side of the coin? Because Europe overlapped or incorporated their pagan past on a Christian facade makes sense to you? Then don't talk theology because truth doesn't matter to you... which is why you actively promote Christian heresies and want Pakistan to adopt the same... again what is different from you and a hindu who doesn't care about truth but his philosophy.
Now the new ruse seems to be pushing ethnocentric agenda and AGAIN divide people.

So transparent!
“Islam is for arab”
“West has integrated their faith into their state” “Iran has taken ownership of Shiasm”

This cat is so wrong on all account.

Islam is for humanity, for all people as proven by its doctrine, theory, and practicality.

West has to give up their murderous lying faux Christian identity so they can progress. When Muslims followed the Quran, we were the most powerful, when we deviated from Islam and Quran (colonialism producing mixed beliefs bastards, illiterate claiming to Imams etc), we got left behind. In Europe it was the opposite. Ask this guy which part of their fake Christian beliefs did the west integrate into their systems? They discarded the Old Testament and keep updated the Bible like it’s some form of windows software update to change with times.
Iran hasn’t taken any ownership of Shiasm. As a Shia, everyone I’m aware follows the fatwa and edict of Ayatollah Sistani who sits in Najaf. Hardly anyone I know uses any of the Iranian Ayatollahs for religious edicts. Iran has protected the Shia communities so this idiot thinks political patronage is the same as religious ownership when it clearly is not. Adopting the faux Christianity must’ve fried this morons brains


Arabs did overlap and incorporate their pagan past into Islam. Mecca was a home for their idols. Many other rituals and customs migrated over such as the reverence of the black stone.
Provide empirical evidence for this. I need specific examples of Islamic beliefs that derive from Arab paganism past. The burden of proof is on you. It’s time we asked for proof.
its not that we are backward it just we are deceived into believing that. truth is our economy is a fraud, so is our educational system, medical system for profit, law protects the rich, our food is bad, working is slavery.

need to re teach truth to the people starting with their history. people who know thier history are more likely to be more loyal to their country.
Iran has protected the Shia communities so this idiot thinks political patronage is the same as religious ownership when it clearly is not. Adopting the faux Christianity must’ve fried this morons brains
He's seen the false development of countries under the Novo Ordo Seculorum at the cost of many other countries in the world, INCLUDING PAKISTAN, and immediately assumes that an immoral, secular constitution that disregards morality and humanity is the way forward.
This is absolutely not the case, and rather the Novo Ordo Seculorum is a plague for the Earth that has ravaged entire continents (Africa, middle east) for their resources to build their citadels in the west.
Islam encompasses a world order that does not come at the expense of anyone, albeit any true country formed on the basis of Islam will require a lot more thought and effort to adequately administer.

But as the saying goes, good things come to those who wait and no good thing comes without a struggle in one way or another.
Arabs did overlap and incorporate their pagan past into Islam. Mecca was a home for their idols. Many other rituals and customs migrated over such as the reverence of the black stone.

No, they didn't. The old traditions were removed, and the religion that the people of that land was reformed back to the standard of the true Abrahamic Faith.

The black stone has an extended history leading back to the Prophet Adam Alayhis salaam, as is also the case with the Kaaba
He's seen the false development of countries under the Novo Ordo Seculorum at the cost of many other countries in the world, INCLUDING PAKISTAN, and immediately assumes that an immoral, secular constitution that disregards morality and humanity is the way forward.
This is absolutely not the case, and rather the Novo Ordo Seculorum is a plague for the Earth that has ravaged entire continents (Africa, middle east) for their resources to build their citadels in the west.
Islam encompasses a world order that does not come at the expense of anyone, albeit any true country formed on the basis of Islam will require a lot more thought and effort to adequately administer.
The euro savages built their wealth by stealing them from the rest of the world and now they lecture us about adopting their culture and values to become successful. This is why I hate desi liberals so much because they simplify their views to look at how prosperous so and so European country is so we need to be like them, without taking into account the 400 years of earth transfer from east and south to the west!
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