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Why Iran wouldn't last a few days against US

In Syria, Bashar-ul-Asad is not puppet as you are supporting him?
Yemen ruler was puppet as KSA was supporting it?

No the above definition of terrorist is your own and incorrect. Everyone who is involved or responsible for mass murder of innocents is terrorist ...

Bashar-ul-Asad could have stepped down in favor of any other Syrian ruler and they could have fought against ISIS as one nation but you and KSA for your ego satisfaction divided the nation ... Distributed weapons, financed the terrorists, who were killing innocent indiscriminately including Bashar ...

Similarly in Yemen the situation is reversed but the issue is same ... One terrorist is in government and other is freedom fighter ...

By the way who the hell give you the license to get involved in other nation's business?

Anyways, you can tell me here that you are on the right side of the business but real judgement is to be done later and he knows everything... If we can't stop it atleast we should accept that this is terrorism ... Both governments of KSA and Iran are directly involved in murder of hundreds of thousands of Muslims and supporting Zionist and American agenda of Civil war of Muslims
I'm on my country's side and that's the right side for me.

I just told you we don't consider those groups terrorist.

What you are ignoring is that Bashar has been elected by vote. There is a big difference between him and the puppet in Yemen. Iran was asked for help by Syrian government, that's how Iran got involved. What Bashar could have done and didn't doesn't change this fact. Yes Iran could sit on its hands and do nothing and let US, KSA and others tear Syria apart. But decided to help an ally in time of need.

In Yemen, despite what everyone likes to believe, Iran never got really involved. If it had, just like the case in Syria the war was already over.
For the last time the US are not going to send 100,000 troops to invade Iran so you can relive some 12th Imam Mahdi army fantasy
You will be saying that 'For the last time' many more times. :lol:

It is funny that these guys believes it is US who are 'rigid' in our war planning and yet they consistently posit an invasion as the only way the US will go to war against Iran. Because this is not Iraq, who actually invaded another country with a formal armed force, we just need to defeat the Iranian military on Iranian home soil and let the consequences do the rest.
You will be saying that 'For the last time' many more times. :lol:

It is funny that these guys believes it is US who are 'rigid' in our war planning and yet they consistently posit an invasion as the only way the US will go to war against Iran. Because this is not Iraq, who actually invaded another country with a formal armed force, we just need to defeat the Iranian military on Iranian home soil and let the consequences do the rest.
You know, I got to give it to you. Being in our forum alone and defending your country's crazy acts is very patriotic of you. I would have done the same. :enjoy:

I'll let you own comrade who has way more experience than you answer you and our Bosnian friend's comment:

I'm on my country's side and that's the right side for me.

I just told you we don't consider those groups terrorist.

What you are ignoring is that Bashar has been elected by vote. There is a big difference between him and the puppet in Yemen. Iran was asked for help by Syrian government, that's how Iran got involved. What Bashar could have done and didn't doesn't change this fact. Yes Iran could sit on its hands and do nothing and let US, KSA and others tear Syria apart. But decided to help an ally in time of need.

In Yemen, despite what everyone likes to believe, Iran never got really involved. If it had, just like the case in Syria the war was already over.

Do you really believe that Iran is not involved in Syria ... ok be at your country's side ... then dont blame Pakistanies to judge you as we are judging indpendently and feom here we can see you are involved in facilotation of murder of hundred of thousands of muslims ...

Lets end this debate as you are not going to accept the reality
Do you really believe that Iran is not involved in Syria ... ok be at your country's side ... then dont blame Pakistanies to judge you as we are judging indpendently and feom here we can see you are involved in facilotation of murder of hundred of thousands of muslims ...

Lets end this debate as you are not going to accept the reality
its u and ur wahabi terrorist maker soudi who respansible for murdering million of human in the world specially in ME and u involve for lie about that ur biloved boss soudi sahunism is mather maker of al qaede isis isil al nosra and .... in iraq yemen syria sudan pakistan .....so u say iran is problem u are going to hell if u name ur self muslem go do tobe

You will be saying that 'For the last time' many more times. :lol:

It is funny that these guys believes it is US who are 'rigid' in our war planning and yet they consistently posit an invasion as the only way the US will go to war against Iran. Because this is not Iraq, who actually invaded another country with a formal armed force, we just need to defeat the Iranian military on Iranian home soil and let the consequences do the rest
right now is ur peresident beg for talk and send his phone number but for my self if he send his doghter number i personally call her bic she is good one to f .... so hot
its u and ur wahabi terrorist maker soudi who respansible for murdering million of human in the world specially in ME and u involve for lie about that ur biloved boss soudi sahunism is mather maker of al qaede isis isil al nosra and .... in iraq yemen syria sudan pakistan .....so u say iran is problem u are going to hell if u name ur self muslem go do tobe

right now is ur peresident beg for talk and send his phone number but for my self if he send his doghter number i personally call her bic she is good one to f .... so hot

Its not your decision to make that I am going to hell or heaven ... check my all previous posts and I am condemning both KSA and Iran for murder of million of muslims ...

Dont jump into middle of some conversation without reading the background ...

By the way if KSA is murderer than how does it gives you license to do the same ? You r acusing KSA of a crime in Syria and doing the same in Yemen
Its not your decision to make that I am going to hell or heaven ... check my all previous posts and I am condemning both KSA and Iran for murder of million of muslims ...

Dont jump into middle of some conversation without reading the background ...

By the way if KSA is murderer than how does it gives you license to do the same ? You r acusing KSA of a crime in Syria and doing the same in Yemen
You are a copy of khavarej.
KSA attacks Yemen, bombards it's civilians and infrastructures, sanctions their people to starve to death, yet, it's Iran's fault?! why? because Iran doesn't support USA and it's regional puppets/dictators? in Yemen who sold his country and people in a blink of a eye?
You are a copy of khavarej.
KSA attacks Yemen, bombards it's civilians and infrastructures, sanctions their people to starve to death, yet, it's Iran's fault?! why? because Iran doesn't support USA and it's regional puppets/dictators? in Yemen who sold his country and people in a blink of a eye?
Will you say the same for Bashar who is doinh the same in Syria ? Using russian planes ?

If KSA is wrong in Yemen then you are wrong in Syria ... same role different countries ...

I am Khwarij or what is none of your business its my Allah who has decide ...

And why are you labelling me khwarij? Just because i condemning the murder of millions of muslims by KSA and Iran to achieve regional dominance ? Shame on you for justifying murder of millions
Facts are U.S. warships go through the straits all the time. And near the artificial islands. Facts!
Those facts dont mean anything much without the proper context- US is now the most watchful of how it operates in the Persian Gulf than its ever been. facts. US currently doesnt have stamina for any serious conflict also. I am seeing that. Like that Israeli military analyst said in that Youtube video, the moment US "focuses" militarily on Iran, China will take over SCS for good.
Will you say the same for Bashar who is doinh the same in Syria ? Using russian planes ?

If KSA is wrong in Yemen then you are wrong in Syria ... same role different countries ...

I am Khwarij or what is none of your business its my Allah who has decide ...

And why are you labelling me khwarij? Just because i condemning the murder of millions of muslims by KSA and Iran to achieve regional dominance ? Shame on you for justifying murder of millions
Khavarij also didn't care who is right and who is wrong, they didn't care what's the agenda in each side, they only saw the casualties and then condemned the both side, that's why I said you are similar to khavarij.

First of all, this is not Iran VS KSA, it's Iran VS U.S, Saudis are bunch of puppets and nothing more.

Secondly, Syria wasn't a war between Syrian government and it's people, it was a war between Syria and wahhabi terrorists who were openly targetting the civilians and occupying their homes, also most of these terrorists were foreigners backed by U.S and it's regional puppet dictators;

while in Yemen, Houthis were backed by people, that's how they captured the capital in few hours.
Today what's standing against U.S and it's allies are Yemeni people, that's why U.S and it's allies resort to import fighters from around the world to fight against houthis, that's why U.S and it's allies are sanctioning the whole Yemeni people, that's why they bombard civilians and infrastructures.

Whether in Syria or Yemen, one side is the native civilians and the other side is U.S and it's regional puppet dictators and wahhabi terrorists.
Khavarij also didn't care who is right and who is wrong, they didn't care what's the agenda in each side, they only saw the casualties and then condemned the both side, that's why I said you are similar to khavarij.
Atleast get your history right , Khavarji were those who ordered killing of both side who disgareed ... Where did I said that we should destroy both KSA and Iran ... An why the hell you are assuming that you are on the right side ? Only an independent person can judge who is on the right side basic principle of justice ...

First of all, this is not Iran VS KSA, it's Iran VS U.S, Saudis are bunch of puppets and nothing more.
Wow do you really believe that ? War against US and Israel in which not a single American or Israeli suffered but a million of Muslims are dying ... I would have fought by your side if your fight would have against Israel infact we Pakistani fought all the wars against Israel wearing uniforms of Arabs but never participated a single war when Arabs or Persian were killing themselves or each other ...

So if you really want to fight tyrants and have the balls than attack Israel rather than killing other innocent Muslims ...

Secondly, Syria wasn't a war between Syrian government and it's people, it was a war between Syria and wahhabi terrorists who were openly targetting the civilians and occupying their homes, also most of these terrorists were foreigners backed by U.S and it's regional puppet dictators;
The last time I checked it was Russian fighters that were bombing indiscriminately civilians by permission of Bashar ... I agree that government of KSA are puppets of US but what about innocent sunni of Syria? do you know what does it means the murder of a single innocent means? If you are such a brave man and have balls why dont you directly attack KSA or Israel ? why to play your dirty game with defenseless civilians in Syria ?

while in Yemen, Houthis were backed by people, that's how they captured the capital in few hours.
Today what's standing against U.S and it's allies are Yemeni people, that's why U.S and it's allies resort to import fighters from around the world to fight against houthis, that's why U.S and it's allies are sanctioning the whole Yemeni people, that's why they bombard civilians and infrastructures.
Have you ever been to Yemen? Do you know the demographics? Do you know that Yemen was a divided country with Saana (the capital being Shia favors Iran) while Aden being sunni majority favors KSA? So yes Saana falls in a day because it was the place from where revolt started but what about Aden? Houthi's one of the stronghold is Saana but why are they failing in Aden?

Open your eyes, and face the truth you are no better than KSA and playing the same game ... If you really want to follow the Islam than divert your guns towards Israel otherwise you are just another type of puppet of US who is manipulating you to further weaken the muslims from within by civil war

Whether in Syria or Yemen, one side is the native civilians and the other side is U.S and it's regional puppet dictators and wahhabi terrorists.
whatever you can say but the fact remains as it is wahabi regime of KSA is terrorists for you similarly Khumeni's regime of Iran as terrorist for them but in the end both of you are facilitating killings of innocent muslims only
Wow do you really believe that ? War against US and Israel in which not a single American or Israeli suffered but a million of Muslims are dying ... I would have fought by your side if your fight would have against Israel infact we Pakistani fought all the wars against Israel wearing uniforms of Arabs but never participated a single war when Arabs or Persian were killing themselves or each other ...

So if you really want to fight tyrants and have the balls than attack Israel rather than killing other innocent Muslims ...
Iran has been in war with U.S right after the success of revolution, in fact both east and west powers despite their fake cold war, united against this emerging independent Islamic revolution.
Who armed Saddam to teeth, filled with money and gave a green light to attack Iran? who founded and armed dozens of terrorist groups against Iran? aliens?! Is sanctions against Iran anything less than an economic war?!

Iran has been in war with U.S for decades, but during this whole time, U.S used it's proxies, the same savage Wahhabi terrorists whom you call innocent Muslims.
Iranian forces are the same one whose rockets are landing in Israel, drove Israel and U.S out of Lebanon and Iraq through brutal force.

except Iran what other country is arming the resistance groups against both U.S and Israel? You don't even give them a bullet, yet dare to talk about fighting for them? are we talking about the same Pakistan which helped U.S kill hundreds of thousands of Muslims in Afghanistan? The same Pakistan which sends his general to lead the war against Yemenis? you are not neutral in any war.

The last time I checked it was Russian fighters that were bombing indiscriminately civilians by permission of Bashar ... I agree that government of KSA are puppets of US but what about innocent sunni of Syria? do you know what does it means the murder of a single innocent means? If you are such a brave man and have balls why dont you directly attack KSA or Israel ? why to play your dirty game with defenseless civilians in Syria ?
Innocent Sunni or Shiah of Syria were the people who were forced to abandon their homes by terrorists and became refugees, they were slaughtered cause they were part of resistance groups against Israel. Those who remained either were hostages or were the family of these terrorists. Russia didn't bombard indiscriminately, that's what these terrorists and their western supporters like to advertise, and I don't mind you believing them, everyone has taken his side!

Have you ever been to Yemen? Do you know the demographics? Do you know that Yemen was a divided country with Saana (the capital being Shia favors Iran) while Aden being sunni majority favors KSA? So yes Saana falls in a day because it was the place from where revolt started but what about Aden? Houthi's one of the stronghold is Saana but why are they failing in Aden?

Open your eyes, and face the truth you are no better than KSA and playing the same game ... If you really want to follow the Islam than divert your guns towards Israel otherwise you are just another type of puppet of US who is manipulating you to further weaken the muslims from within by civil war
First of all, Houthis are neither Shiah nor Sunni they are some in between, secondly if you wanna know about the demography of Yemen, next time U.N publishes the number of starving people in Yemen, compare it with their total population.

Houthis captured the Aden with not much of a resistance either, but they didn't force their rule and evacuated it peacefully. up to this point it was a Yemeni-Yemeni political issue (and yes, Iran has the same political view as Houthis), what changed it was the intervene of U.S (Saudis were just the front) to turn it into a bloody bombarding campaign and then sending in fighters from around the world to fight on behalf of them, up to this point, Iran had no military role in Yemen, even today Iranian weapons aren't being used against civilians, only a biased person would blame the Yemen crisis on Iran.

whatever you can say but the fact remains as it is wahabi regime of KSA is terrorists for you similarly Khumeni's regime of Iran as terrorist for them but in the end both of you are facilitating killings of innocent muslims only
No matter whom you call terrorist, in the end of the day, it's U.S proxies (wahhabi creatures) who happily behead a child in front of cameras and publish it online.

whether in Yemen or in Syria, U.S has to send in troops from other countries, this is the unchangeable and true identity of these conflicts, one side is the people and the other side is U.S and it's allies.
Iran has been in war with U.S right after the success of revolution, in fact both east and west powers despite their fake cold war, united against this emerging independent Islamic revolution.
Who armed Saddam to teeth, filled with money and gave a green light to attack Iran? who founded and armed dozens of terrorist groups against Iran? aliens?! Is sanctions against Iran anything less than an economic war?!

Iran has been in war with U.S for decades, but during this whole time, U.S used it's proxies, the same savage Wahhabi terrorists whom you call innocent Muslims.
Iranian forces are the same one whose rockets are landing in Israel, drove Israel and U.S out of Lebanon and Iraq through brutal force.

except Iran what other country is arming the resistance groups against both U.S and Israel? You don't even give them a bullet, yet dare to talk about fighting for them? are we talking about the same Pakistan which helped U.S kill hundreds of thousands of Muslims in Afghanistan? The same Pakistan which sends his general to lead the war against Yemenis? you are not neutral in any war.

Innocent Sunni or Shiah of Syria were the people who were forced to abandon their homes by terrorists and became refugees, they were slaughtered cause they were part of resistance groups against Israel. Those who remained either were hostages or were the family of these terrorists. Russia didn't bombard indiscriminately, that's what these terrorists and their western supporters like to advertise, and I don't mind you believing them, everyone has taken his side!

First of all, Houthis are neither Shiah nor Sunni they are some in between, secondly if you wanna know about the demography of Yemen, next time U.N publishes the number of starving people in Yemen, compare it with their total population.

Houthis captured the Aden with not much of a resistance either, but they didn't force their rule and evacuated it peacefully. up to this point it was a Yemeni-Yemeni political issue (and yes, Iran has the same political view as Houthis), what changed it was the intervene of U.S (Saudis were just the front) to turn it into a bloody bombarding campaign and then sending in fighters from around the world to fight on behalf of them, up to this point, Iran had no military role in Yemen, even today Iranian weapons aren't being used against civilians, only a biased person would blame the Yemen crisis on Iran.

No matter whom you call terrorist, in the end of the day, it's U.S proxies (wahhabi creatures) who happily behead a child in front of cameras and publish it online.

whether in Yemen or in Syria, U.S has to send in troops from other countries, this is the unchangeable and true identity of these conflicts, one side is the people and the other side is U.S and it's allies.
It seems decades of saudi poison on some of our neighbors has made plenty of them khawarij. These people see how saudi regime is killing innocent fellow Muslims in Yemen and how it makes jihadi bloody civil conflicts in other countries but yet they’re extremely bad blinded. Even if US and saudis make freemasonic 9/11 in Mecca they still rather to put their heads under sand.

The people who don’t wake up by facts that Allah show them in their life will wake up by punishment of Allah (war, civil conflict) in their life or afterlife.
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Iran has been in war with U.S right after the success of revolution, in fact both east and west powers despite their fake cold war, united against this emerging independent Islamic revolution.
Who armed Saddam to teeth, filled with money and gave a green light to attack Iran? who founded and armed dozens of terrorist groups against Iran? aliens?! Is sanctions against Iran anything less than an economic war?!

Iran has been in war with U.S for decades, but during this whole time, U.S used it's proxies, the same savage Wahhabi terrorists whom you call innocent Muslims.
Iranian forces are the same one whose rockets are landing in Israel, drove Israel and U.S out of Lebanon and Iraq through brutal force.

except Iran what other country is arming the resistance groups against both U.S and Israel? You don't even give them a bullet, yet dare to talk about fighting for them? are we talking about the same Pakistan which helped U.S kill hundreds of thousands of Muslims in Afghanistan? The same Pakistan which sends his general to lead the war against Yemenis? you are not neutral in any war.

Innocent Sunni or Shiah of Syria were the people who were forced to abandon their homes by terrorists and became refugees, they were slaughtered cause they were part of resistance groups against Israel. Those who remained either were hostages or were the family of these terrorists. Russia didn't bombard indiscriminately, that's what these terrorists and their western supporters like to advertise, and I don't mind you believing them, everyone has taken his side!

First of all, Houthis are neither Shiah nor Sunni they are some in between, secondly if you wanna know about the demography of Yemen, next time U.N publishes the number of starving people in Yemen, compare it with their total population.

Houthis captured the Aden with not much of a resistance either, but they didn't force their rule and evacuated it peacefully. up to this point it was a Yemeni-Yemeni political issue (and yes, Iran has the same political view as Houthis), what changed it was the intervene of U.S (Saudis were just the front) to turn it into a bloody bombarding campaign and then sending in fighters from around the world to fight on behalf of them, up to this point, Iran had no military role in Yemen, even today Iranian weapons aren't being used against civilians, only a biased person would blame the Yemen crisis on Iran.

No matter whom you call terrorist, in the end of the day, it's U.S proxies (wahhabi creatures) who happily behead a child in front of cameras and publish it online.

whether in Yemen or in Syria, U.S has to send in troops from other countries, this is the unchangeable and true identity of these conflicts, one side is the people and the other side is U.S and it's allies.
I was in Saana till a month earlier before attack so dont tell me who are houthis and to whom saana people support ... i know them personally ...

Regarding fighting against Israel who is the only country who shut down 10 aircrafts of Israel ?

Why are you bringing KSA and Iraq into discussion ? Did I ever supported what KSA is doing ? They r murderers but does that makes you innocent ? You want me to share the videos of arial bombing in Syria killing childrens ... ISIS dont have aircrafts ...

Regarding Aghanistan ... yes it was our mistake but we fought our government ... the general who did is hiding in UAE and he has no support base in Pakistan ... after realizing our mistakes we are the only country fighting US for a peaceful solution of Afghanistan for which we are paying a huge cost ...

Regarding your fight against US ... what type of fight it is that nobody is being hurt in Israel and US and the only one getting hurt is muslims ?

You have missiles but yet you are using just rockets that do no harm to israel ...
You will be saying that 'For the last time' many more times. :lol:

It is funny that these guys believes it is US who are 'rigid' in our war planning and yet they consistently posit an invasion as the only way the US will go to war against Iran. Because this is not Iraq, who actually invaded another country with a formal armed force, we just need to defeat the Iranian military on Iranian home soil and let the consequences do the rest.

Well, your country won't dare to attack Iran by herself because you know that would be your end ....
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