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Why Iran wouldn't last a few days against US

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the image in the right corner depicts an IRIAF f-5 that dodged two RIM-66, the funny part is our f-5s did not had RWR or other approaching warning system and the pilot identified missiles visually. that is why thee f-22 story is US propaganda because f-22 is a black big *** plane and it's way slower compared to RIM-66.
I can also post a photo and claim anything, doesn't make it real.

Here is a real incident for reference: https://www.businessinsider.com/f-16-dodging-6-missiles-2015-1

Unless the pilot of IRIAF F-4 have a 360 degree field of view of the surroundings via the F-35 caliber HMDS, and the jet itself have the F-35 caliber fused-sensor-architecture including EODAS linked to HMDS, the IRIAF F-4 can be easily surprised, depending upon the angle of approach considered (from behind for instance), and by completely blinding the F-4 sensor systems via cutting-edge EW capabilities (AN/APG-77(v)1 + AN/ALR-94). About time you learn a thing or two about 'modern' aircraft.
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I can also post a photo and claim anything, doesn't make it real.

Here is a real incident for reference: https://www.businessinsider.com/f-16-dodging-6-missiles-2015-1

Unless the pilot of IRIAF F-4 have a 360 degree field of view of the surroundings via the F-35 caliber HMDS, and the jet itself have the F-35 caliber fused sensor architecture including EODAS, the IRIAF F-4 can be easily surprised, depending upon the angle of approach considered, and by completely blinding F-4 sensor systems via cutting-edge EW capabilities (AN/APG-77(v)1 + AN/ALR-94). About time you learn a thing or two about 'modern' aircraft.
the f-5 pilot was cpt. khaknari if i'm not wrong. if you want you can ask from someone in IRIAF.
what was that f-16 news?? are you 6 year old?? :lol::lol:
do you want to imply that our pilots were not experinced?? in one case two of our tomcats dodged 12 missiles fired from 3 mirage f-1 lol.
pilots should check the air space constantly while checking other indicators, that f-22 news is BS propaganda.
Based on multiple sources and bits of information, the American drone in question (MQ-1 Predator) was conducting a survelliance flight very close to Iranian coast (16 miles gap) on March 12, 2013, and this is why IRIAF dispatched 2 x F-4 Phantoms (upgraded with Chinese avionics) to intercept it. However, an F-22A Raptor (VLO mode) approached these F-4 Phantoms undetected in this mission and issued a warning to them, and IRIAF jets had no choice but to abort consequently.

FYI: https://www.wearethemighty.com/history/f-22-maricked-iranian-fighters?rebelltitem=1#rebelltitem1

How about you come to terms with the fact that high-quality stealth works as advertised? Or do you think that IRIAF would intentionally ignore American Jets but go after American drones while operating near Iranian coasts? :rolleyes:
It's you and your frustrated American buddies who want to convert a simple interception into a F4 VS F22 warfare.
F4 mission ended so returned, that's it. our units are not afraid of any adversary, haven't you seen countless videos of our drone and small boats buzzing super duper U.S ships?! the whole Iranian military is behind them, so they are not afraid of anything.

But the American who feel humiliated because of their RQ170, have to resort to their fantasies, whether this case, or the other case in which IRGC fighters fired some warning shots against U.S drone, and Americans advertised it as Iranian fighters missed their target!

1.1. Multiple RQ-170 UAV were involved in penetrating Iran's airspace and conducting surveillance operations over the locations of interest since 2009 = high penetration rate. Yes, this is true - just wait for declassified information to surface.

1.2. RQ-170 UAV are LO class but not VLO class = detection possible in daylight conditions.

1.3. Malfunction theory cannot be ruled out in case of the loss of an RQ-170 variant over Iran in 2011. Not the first time an American UAV have suffered malfunction and crash-landed in a hostile region, this have happened over Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

My point is that just because Iran got its hands on an RQ-170 variant in 2011, this incident does not prove that Iranian defenses are foolproof and stealthy technologies are redundant.

Consider the case of Serbia.

On 27 March, 1999, Serbian defenses somehow noticed and shot down an F-117A Nighthawk bird which is really impressive feat, worth boasting about. However, this feat did not make stealthy technologies redundant over Serbia, and NATO wrecked Serbian defenses much like any other since 1991.

12 x F-117A were committed to Operation Noble Anvil (i.e. bombing Serbia to submission) and they collectively recorded 850 sorties over Serbia, delivering heavy blows to Serbian infrastructure in the process.

Details in this link: https://www.f-117a.com/AFMissions.html

Operation Noble Anvil lasted 78 days, and Serbian defenses managed to shoot down only 3 American combat aircraft throughout (F-117A = 1; F-16CG = 1; RQ-1 Predator UAV = 1). The loss of an F-117A occurred on the 3rd day of operation (early on).


B-2 Spirit bomber is VLO across all bands, a marvel of engineering with nothing at par to this day - these monsters conducted 50 sorties over Serbia and terrorized Serbians unlike any other asset. Even the pilot of the ill-fated F-117A over Serbia experienced shockwaves emanating from a bombing raid of a B-2 over Belgrade while taking cover deep inside enemy territory. B-2 is the most expensive aircraft ever built (2 billion USD a piece) but the effort was worth it; B-2 is designed to frustrate even the most capable defensive arrangements anywhere in the world. Obtaining a lock on a B-2 Spirit even in daylight conditions is exceedingly difficult, let alone in nighttime conditions. To this day, in spite of so much publicity, B-2 remains one of the least understood assets in existence (its technologies are among the most concealed in public domain).

Emphasis mine. Do not jump to premature conclusions and do not be under any illusion; American technologies have delivered results before and they will deliver results again and again, mind you. Ever wonder why China is so keen to learn about American technologies, to the point of offering large sums of money to potential agents?

Full-scale war with NATO/US would be unlike YOU have ever experienced before. To this day, Serbia have not fully recovered from the blows it have received from NATO in 1999.

- and neither have Iraq and Libya.
Iranian forces were well aware of RQ170 missions over Iran, but their goal was capturing it, rather than shooting it down. In the video which IRGC published, there is a short clip of Iranian electro optical systems tracking RQ170, dated two years before it's capture:

This scene, plus an intact RQ170, plus later footage of IRGC penetrating into CENTCOM drone feeds, voids any malfunction!

You can never compare Serbia air defense to Iran, maybe to Iraq, nothing more.

Wait, your assets are the radar-evading types but American... :lol:

2.1. Iran is nowhere close to US in the matters of stealth-related sciences even with access to an RQ-170 variant in its hands, mind you. Even Russia, with its technological prowess and access to remains of both F-117A in Serbia and RQ-170 in Iran, still failed to develop anything on par with American VLO aircraft.

That was an advanced Iranian RQ-170 copy, Israeli officials found it to be impressive upon recovering its wreckage.

True VLO class aircraft are exceedingly difficult and expensive to develop, mind you.

2.2. Americans have developed and fielded the most powerful radar systems in the world - 3 decades ahead of anything in Russian and Chinese hands at present, and by extension Iranian. To give you a rough idea, Russia is sitting at 1st generation AESA technology whereas US is sitting at 4th generation AESA technology at present.

AN/SPY-1D(v) sensor system on-board the Arleigh Burke class destroyer can identify and track a target having an RCS of 0.0025 m^2 at ranges in excess of 165 KM on 3.3 GHz frequency (George Lewis and Theodore Postol). And in case you didn't knew, SPY-1D(v) have managed to notice and track ballistic missiles having an RCS of 0.03 m^2 at distances in excess of 1000 KM (heritage.org).


Green highlights = integrated set-of-sensor systems under the Aegis Combat System for collective target search and acquisition capabilities (sensor netting).


Regarding your assertion of Houthi-operated assets humiliating all American made 'junks' in KSA and UAE:-

Please tell me what the Houthi-operated assets have accomplished in KSA and UAE besides publicity stunts/propaganda coups? Did they cripple defensive arrangements of KSA and UAE?


CAPTION: As of April 4, 2019, there have been 133 publicly reported intercepts of missiles fired from Yemen.

Latest development:-

Caught in the act. ;)

Saudi defensive arrangements are taking care of Houthi-operated UAV as well, wherever possible.

For example: https://www.thenational.ae/world/me...wn-drone-aimed-at-kingdom-from-yemen-1.834654

Recent development: https://english.alarabiya.net/en/Ne...epts-two-Houthi-drones-over-Saudi-Arabia.html

Please keep in mind that the defensive arrangements of both KSA and UAE are advanced as per the standards of the Middle East but not at par with USN and USAF, not even close.

Both KSA and UAE mainly operate MIM-104 Patriot batteries armed with 2nd generation interceptors (PAC-2 class) at present, but KSA have acquired and stationed a MIM-104 Patriot battery armed with 3rd generation interceptors (PAC-3 class) in Mecca which have 100% intercept record against Burkan class ballistic missiles near its location.

MIM-104 Patriot (any configuration) is actually a point-defense system, suitable for protecting high-value targets; long-range against aircraft and drones but not against ballistic missiles. Nevertheless, PAC-2 and PAC-3 class interceptors have defeated MRBM class targets as well when they flew overhead at short distances, and this is very very impressive as per the standards of point-defense system worldwide. Please show me Russian-origin S-300 variants in Iranian hands having comparable performance levels, go ahead.

Easy for you to make fun of the defensive arrangements of other countries when your own are largely unproven and mostly hype - reason is that Iranian defenses are not thoroughly tested to this day.

There are gaps in the defensive arrangements of KSA in particular due to its huge geography, and small UAV can slip through unnoticed at times, but this is true for Iran as well.
Russian air defense systems are way superior to whatever junk which American have, just look how Saudi arabia and Turkey are seeking Russian S400, Turkey is even risking it's F35 procurement program in favor of acquiring Russian S400, simply they don't fall for that ridiculous 100% success rate lie which U.S/Saudis love to make, even independent American analysis have rejected those claims (don't say you haven't seen them). recent houthis footage of attacking Abu dhabi airport further exposed their lies about the effectiveness of American junks.

Yemeni drones didn't bombard some desert in the middle of nowhere so that you could use the out of coverage excuse, they have targeted Abu dhabi and najran airports, two strategic locations protected with super duper American junks, they even targeted the patriot system itself.

Yes, Iranian commander said Iran is ahead of U.S in stealthy drones, and real world incidents backs his words, not some advertising Hollywood style clips which Americans love to publish!

The way you praised AN/SPY-1D, reminds me of similar American junks which were humiliated by Iranian drones in Afghanistan! right above their head LOL!

Regarding you assertion of Houthi being 2 decades behind Iran in terms of war-fighting capabilities:-



Houthi are receiving the very best of Iranian technical input and parts in reality.

Only USN, with its state-of-the-art defenses, was capable of neutralizing these C-802 derivatives near Yemeni coasts.

FYI: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/uss-...ise-missiles-in-yemeni-waters-in-2016.543523/

"U.S navy isn't a threat to us, just an easy target" - yeah sure. :lol:


I said two decade old drones.

If Yemenis haven't taken responsibility, then I would consider any report by U.S as false and mere an excuse for supporting the child murder of Saudi Arabia, if you wanna know about Iranian anti ship missiles, you can ask Israelis.

U.S ship = canned humans.
the f-5 pilot was cpt. khaknari if i'm not wrong. if you want you can ask from someone in IRIAF.
what was that f-16 news?? are you 6 year old?? :lol::lol:
do you want to imply that our pilots were not experinced?? in one case two of our tomcats dodged 12 missiles fired from 3 mirage f-1 lol.
pilots should check the air space constantly while checking other indicators, that f-22 news is BS propaganda.
You guys were also dismissing the revelations of the Houthi having C-802 ASCM in their possession until another member (Russian) jumped in and provided further documented evidence, therefore, your credibility is SHOT. Sorry, I stick by my every word.
You were also dismissing the revelations of the Houthi having C-802 ASCM in their possession until another member (Russian) jumped in and provided further documented evidence, therefore, your credibility is SHOT. Sorry, I stick by my every word.
lol i can't remember talking to you about c-802.
lol i can't remember talking to you about c-802.
Many among you think alike, make little difference; you thanked post # 212 above, so yes, you endorsed the same view without any homework of your own, therefore your denials are cheap.
It's you and your frustrated American buddies who want to convert a simple interception into a F4 VS F22 warfare.
F4 mission ended so returned, that's it. our units are not afraid of any adversary, haven't you seen countless videos of our drone and small boats buzzing super duper U.S ships?! the whole Iranian military is behind them, so they are not afraid of anything.

But the American who feel humiliated because of their RQ170, have to resort to their fantasies, whether this case, or the other case in which IRGC fighters fired some warning shots against U.S drone, and Americans advertised it as Iranian fighters missed their target!

Iranian forces were well aware of RQ170 missions over Iran, but their goal was capturing it, rather than shooting it down. In the video which IRGC published, there is a short clip of Iranian electro optical systems tracking RQ170, dated two years before it's capture:

This scene, plus an intact RQ170, plus later footage of IRGC penetrating into CENTCOM drone feeds, voids any malfunction!

You can never compare Serbia air defense to Iran, maybe to Iraq, nothing more.

"A particular concern prompted by the less-than-reassuring SEAD experience in Allied Force was the need for better capabilities for accommodating noncooperative enemy air defenses and, more specifically, countering the enemy tactic whereby Serb SAM operators resorted to passive electro-optical rather than active radar tracking. That tactic prompted Major General Dennis Haines, Air Combat Command’s director of combat weapons systems, to spotlight the need for capabilities other than relying on radar emissions to detect SAM batteries, as well as to locate and fix on enemy SAM sites more rapidly when they emitted only briefly." - RAND














Serbia had established a complex mix of Russian-origin and French-origin Air Defense arrangements prior to war with NATO. They were well-trained in its use as well.

Didn't help when NATO came down upon Serbia in force.
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Russian air defense systems are way superior to whatever junk which American have, just look how Saudi arabia and Turkey are seeking Russian S400, Turkey is even risking it's F35 procurement program in favor of acquiring Russian S400, simply they don't fall for that ridiculous 100% success rate lie which U.S/Saudis love to make, even independent American analysis have rejected those claims (don't say you haven't seen them). recent houthis footage of attacking Abu dhabi airport further exposed their lies about the effectiveness of American junks.

Did the mighty S-400 system managed to shoot down anything over Syria? Like anything at all?

"The S-400 is roughly equivalent to the U.S. military's own Patriot air-defense system and, in theory, can target aircraft and missiles as far as 250 miles away. In practice, the S-400 "will have significant engagement-range limitations in real combat conditions," Ted Postol, a missile expert at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, told The Daily Beast." - DB

Link: https://www.thedailybeast.com/russi...r-syria-but-they-have-other-ways-to-retaliate

"In December 2015, the regime of Syrian president Bashar Al Assad deployed one site each of S-75M/SA-2 Guideline and Buk/SA-17 SAMs at Kweres air base east of Aleppo. By March 2015, it became clear that the Russians had positioned S-300/350/400 in the As Safira area around 30 kilometers southeast of Aleppo. With this, the Russians have filled the gap in their radar coverage caused by the Alawite Mountains.

However, on April 6, 2017, in retaliation for a chemical weapons attack on Khan Sheykhoun that killed nearly 100 Syrian civilians, two U.S. Navy destroyers fired 59 BGM-109 Tomahawk Land Attack Missiles at Shayrat air base.

On their way to the target, most of the missiles in question passed over the Tartous area and then through the so-called “Homs Gap” – a depression between the mountains of western Syria and those in Lebanon – only 50 kilometers south of Hmemmem. Nevertheless, the Russian radars completely failed to detect them."

Link: https://warisboring.com/russias-air-defenses-in-syria-have-some-big-problems/

Did the mighty S-300 PMU-2 system managed to shoot down anything over Syria? Like anything at all?

Lengthy history of Russian-origin defenses failing in Syria: https://www.businessinsider.com/rus...raeli-from-airstrikes-on-iran-in-syria-2019-1

"The source claims that F-35i Adir fighter jet of the Israeli Air Force has destroyed Chinese design JY-27 radar of the Syrian Air Defense near Damascus International Airport on 20 January.

The JY-27 radar of the Chinese manufacturer CETC is a fully solid-state and fully coherent long-range early warning system. It is designed and developed to provide early warning information and detect low-observable air targets in so-called “Stealth technology”, included F-35 and F-22 fighter aircraft. Besides, it provides the early warning information for weapons system as well."

WHOOPS :lol:


As for several countries interested in S-400 system, why not? Irrespective of its failure in Syria up against NATO/US, it is one of the better Russian-origin defensive systems out there, and a good option for acquiring technical know-how (Russians are offering TOT to potential customers unlike US).

Turkey chose S-400 system because US refused to offer MIM-104 Patriot system with TOT:-

"Along with this non-starter condition, the other aspects of the U.S. offer were far from fulfilling Turkey’s criteria in purchasing an air defense system. Turkey has roughly five main criteria in choosing an air defense system: Joint production, technology transfer, local participation, delivery period and price advantage.

The U.S. Patriot offer, however, is only close to fulfilling the criteria on the delivery period, as Erdoğan stated. “Joint production, providing a loan and early delivery are criteria that we attach importance to. Although they are positive for early delivery, they can’t promise providing credit and joint production,” he was quoted as saying.

Under these conditions, reports suggest that Turkey’s official reply to the U.S. offer was a negative one. It’s also known that Turkey’s stance has been made clear to the American officials at the highest level."

Link: http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/op...triot-offer-not-good-enough-for-turkey-141301


You are jumping to wrong conclusions about these matters, my naive Iranian friend.

Yemeni drones didn't bombard some desert in the middle of nowhere so that you could use the out of coverage excuse, they have targeted Abu dhabi and najran airports, two strategic locations protected with super duper American junks, they even targeted the patriot system itself.
Do you even bother to ascertain facts in relation to events or just stop at the word 'attack' in each case?


Houthi effort to destroy a MIM-104 Patriot system in Najran airport failed, the drone was shot down.

Link: https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/saudi-arabia-intercepts-drone-armed-16205670

MIM-104 Patriot system is 'expensive' to be utilized against low-cost drones but it certainly have the capability to do defeat these type of threats. Israel-based example: https://www.theverge.com/2017/3/16/14944256/patriot-missile-shot-down-consumer-drone-us-military

Houthi-operated drone attack in the Abu Dhabi airport occurred on 26 July 2018: https://www.janes.com/article/88759/video-confirms-yemeni-attack-on-abu-dhabi-s-airport-in-2018

- and it achieved nothing significant.

Yes, Iranian commander said Iran is ahead of U.S in stealthy drones, and real world incidents backs his words, not some advertising Hollywood style clips which Americans love to publish!

American Predator C (Avenger) LO class drones have reportedly operated over Syria virtually undetected, partaking in clandestine missions.


Operational ceiling = 50,000 feet
Cruising speed = 400 miles per hour
Flight endurance = 20+ hours
MGTOW = 19,500 pounds (ER variant)
Payload capacity = 3000+ pounds (ER variant)
GA-ASI Lynx Multi-mode Radar
MS-177 Electro-optical/Infrared (EO/IR) sensor (OPTIONAL)


American RQ-170 (Improved) LO-class drone spotted over Vandenberg in 2017.


"The Sentinel pictured at Vandenberg is equipped with a large air data sensor probe, not previously seen on other sightings. The aircraft also appears to have a large dielectric panel painted in black radio-transparent paint mid-span on the lower surface of the port wing and is also configured with the active electronically scanned array surveillance and tracking radar system previously seen on earlier photos."

Link: https://aviationweek.com/defense/pictures-lockheed-martin-rq-170-sentinel-sighting-california


American RQ-180 VLO-class drone spotted at Palmdale and Edwards Air Force Base, California.


"The RQ-180 carries radio-frequency sensors such as active, electronically scanned array (AESA) radar and passive electronic surveillance measures, according to one defense official. It could also be capable of electronic attack missions.

This aircraft’s design is key for the shift of Air Force ISR assets away from “permissive” environments—such as Iraq and Afghanistan, where Northrop Grumman’s non-stealthy Global Hawk and General Atomics’ Reaper operate—and toward operations in “contested” or “denied” airspace. The new UAS underpins the Air Force’s determination to retire a version of the RQ-4B Global Hawk after 2014, despite congressional resistance. The RQ-180 eclipses the smaller, less stealthy and shorter-range RQ-170 Sentinel."


"A key feature of the RQ-180’s design is an improvement in all-aspect, broadband radar cross-section reduction over Lockheed Martin’s F-117, F-22 and F-35. This is optimized to provide protection from low- and high-frequency threat emitters from all directions. The design also merges stealth with superior aerodynamic efficiency for increased altitude, range and time on station."

Link: https://aviationweek.com/defense/secret-new-uas-shows-stealth-efficiency-advances


"Washington, D.C. trade publication Aviation Week has confirmed what its top reporters and other observers long suspected: the U.S. Air Force has tested—and is preparing to buy in substantial numbers—a stealthy, long-range reconnaissance drone meant to boost America’s ability to spy on even the most heavily-armed rival nations."

Link: https://warisboring.com/yes-america-has-another-secret-spy-drone-we-pretty-much-knew-that-already/



"Although the Global Hawk remains the most advanced known HALE unmanned aircraft system in the world, a more capable alternative for some of the Global Hawks' missions, and even more dangerous ones, is likely to already have flown in the form of a shadowy aircraft known informally as the RQ-180, which the USAF has all but fully admitted to exist.

This large, stealthy, flying wing aircraft, presumed to be operating out of Area 51, is thought to have many of the Global Hawk's capabilities, but in a much more survivable stealthy flying-wing package. This advanced configuration presumably allows the RQ-180 to penetrate enemy air defense networks, or at least observe in very close proximity to them, while remaining undetected."

Link: https://foxtrotalpha.jalopnik.com/why-the-usafs-massive-10-billion-global-hawk-uav-was-w-1629932000



"Right now, by all indicators the US is leading in the unmanned aircraft department and especially in the low observable (stealth) one." - Tyler Rogoway


The way you praised AN/SPY-1D, reminds me of similar American junks which were humiliated by Iranian drones in Afghanistan! right above their head LOL!
FYI: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/uss-...ise-missiles-in-yemeni-waters-in-2016.543523/


By the way, these American 'junks' took good care of Iranian Navy whenever clashes between the two occurred: https://nationalinterest.org/blog/b...track-record-waging-war-against-america-57742

I said two decade old drones.

If Yemenis haven't taken responsibility, then I would consider any report by U.S as false and mere an excuse for supporting the child murder of Saudi Arabia, if you wanna know about Iranian anti ship missiles, you can ask Israelis.

U.S ship = canned humans.


"A particular concern prompted by the less-than-reassuring SEAD experience in Allied Force was the need for better capabilities for accommodating noncooperative enemy air defenses and, more specifically, countering the enemy tactic whereby Serb SAM operators resorted to passive electro-optical rather than active radar tracking. That tactic prompted Major General Dennis Haines, Air Combat Command’s director of combat weapons systems, to spotlight the need for capabilities other than relying on radar emissions to detect SAM batteries, as well as to locate and fix on enemy SAM sites more rapidly when they emitted only briefly." - RAND














Serbia had established a complex mix of Russian-origin and French-origin Air Defense arrangements prior to war with NATO. They were well-trained in its use as well.

Didn't help when NATO came down upon Serbia in force.
Yes,I`ve often wondered tho what the situation would`ve been like if the serbians had had irans stocks of ballistic missiles.I suspect that at a minimum this would`ve posed some very serious operational problems/risks for natos air bases in the surrounding countries,indeed it might very well have limited nato air power only to carriers deployed in the Adriatic,of course if the serbs had then had irans stocks of antiship weaponry as well,then those carriers likely would`ve been deployed much further out into the Mediterranean.Its that pesky area denial thing and the degrading effect that it can have on ones military capabilities.
Even with the serbs existing air defences the performance and effectiveness of the nato air campaign during the kosovo war was nothing to write home about,especially when it came to actually targeting the serbian forces deployed in kosovo itself.
Iran will. Screen shot this. I've screenshot your comment.

And what % of Afghanistan does US forces+ Afghan govt control now? you're spewing BS.

First ask your military to atack Iran than we would see what happens
Why would US want this when this leads to US fighting Iran for 17+ years?

They would just destroy Iranian millitry
and Iranians would keep fighting with each other for years
Sorry ... I am not aware of such occupation stunt in military history. Last time I saw USA forces, whatever color berets they wearing, leaping on helicopters to flee from US embassy in Vietnam and a panic marred crowed was on the ground for their turn to flee.
He doesnt know the difference between green beret and regular US marines or US army. US doesnt have enough green berets to occupy the whole Afghanistan. His military knowledge is obviously low.
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