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Why Indians gets outraged at beheading and call it medieval mongolic act

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@ajtr why are you running away after opening this kind of self delusional

She'll come, i m sure, absolutely sure :D

But the problem is my :coffee: & :pop: are getting finished.

@WebMaster sir can u increase the stock of the two for such kinds of threads :D

& can we have "chips" also, i like lays :lol:
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Are he is a good friend and we were talking earlier too. He is not like others. :D

Krait bro - I know @Chinese-Dragon and I talk to him as well but the reason why I pointed it out to him is he gets offended by Indian trolls and his posts to them might invite responses from normally rational Indians as well.
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Krait bro - I know @Chinese-Dragon and I talk to him as well but the reason why I pointed it out to him is he gets offended by Indian trolls and his posts to them might invite responses from normally rational Indians as well.
Okies...didn't know. :D
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Krait bro - I know @Chinese-Dragon and I talk to him as well but the reason why I pointed it out to him is he gets offended by Indian trolls and his posts to them might invite responses from normally rational Indians as well.

Fair enough. :) Makes sense to me.
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Okies...didn't know. :D

Normally I don't mind him giving it back to them in kind but I saw few responses yesterday which I felt might get some responses(as I myself due to my getting affected because of these incidents felt the need to respond but knowing him stayed away)
@ajtr, Hinduism is more of a culture than religion where total way of life is given and follower need to adhere it without doubting flaws in it, Main advantange of the culture is it can evolve. I havn't met any hindu in my life who preaches that Lord Krishna is ideal example of human being and his way of lifestyle is ideal for hindus or Lord Rama is ideal and real hindu will behave like him.
What we believe is that past practices were suitable for that time and have became outdated in today's world. We are free to choose morals as per convinience rather than blindly following those figures.
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Though Beheading or mutilation of corpse is a deplorable act in todays civil world. There has been lot of hue and cry over among Indians in indian media on social media and on forums describing beheading as typical act of medieval or mongolic Islamic acts....But then if we look at Hindu scriptures there has been countless examples of beheading like from Parshuram beheading his mother just coz his father ordered him and the whole Kshatriya race,Kali beheading men and demons wearing the garlands of heads, Ram beheading of kumbhkarna in Ramayana ,Krishna beheading shishupala in mahabharat etc.

Now here is something called cognitive dissonance among Indians.On one side indians worship the images of kali wearing garlands of heads and other side they deplore beheading and blame it on islamic medieval culture of mongols ............

Kali wearing garland of heads.

Pashuram beheads Kshtriyas

Here is and episode from Ramayana where Ram beheads Kumbhkarna.

Here is and episode from Mahabharata where Krishna beheads Shishupal with his sudarshan chakra

Parsuram beheading Kshatriya race...........

My grouse is while Indian worship one sort of beheading but on the other hand condemn other sort as medieval Islamic Mongolic act.

so muslim cannot bash/condemn child marriages in India coz their Prophet married an underage girl???
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She'll come, i m sure, absolutely sure :D

But the problem is my :coffee: & :pop: are getting finished.

@WebMaster sir can u increase the stock of the two for such kinds of threads :D

& can we have "chips" also, i like lays :lol:

Ajtr always does this, She opens some B.S threads and runs away when some sane poster answers correctly.
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You muslims shouldn't talk about other's religion. Next time I will rip the religion you practise If you dare to take examples from past history of Hinduism.

oh we are so scared, an internet Hindu is threatening us over the internet.

Instead of throwing a hissy fit why not discredit what she said?
The best way to get your revenge is to intellectually show how she is wrong.......unless she is actually right....in which case, here is your e-warrior badge, may the next generation sing songs of your e-heroism. :enjoy:
oh we are so scared, an internet Hindu is threatening us over the internet.

I have no problem when you display your own misery in your own signatures. Keep it up

Instead of throwing a hissy fit why not discredit what she said?
The best way to get your revenge is to intellectually show how she is wrong.......unless she is actually right....in which case, here is your e-warrior badge, may the next generation sing songs of your e-heroism. :enjoy:

Instead talking at me you should tell her the repercussions of using other's religion in negative connotation, especially when she recognise herself as a Muslim and all the baggage of ummah [spellings] she carries. I understand your concern BTW, its all about ummah isn't it ?
I have no problem when you display your own misery in your own signatures. Keep it up

Instead talking at me you should tell her the repercussions of using other's religion in negative connotation, especially when she recognise herself as a Muslim and all the baggage of ummah [spellings] she carries. I understand your concern BTW, its all about ummah isn't it ?

What baggage of Ummah?
What on earth are you talking about?
And Hindus use Islam in a "negative connotation" all the time, I have seen here on this very thread, so please don't act like you have the moral high ground.

As for her comparison, I consider it fair play since Indians are acting so shocked at a beheading but in their religion they worship deities who behead at will.

Now, if you think think comparison is wrong then please provide a well thought out argument against it. That is how civilized people deal with such issues. don't just go all emo e-warriror as all that does is destroy the conversation and doesn't change anyone's mind.
@ajtr cant believe that a senior elite member can be so foolish.:tdown:

What baggage of Ummah?
What on earth are you talking about?
And Hindus use Islam in a "negative connotation" all the time, I have seen here on this very thread, so please don't act like you have the moral high ground.

As for her comparison, I consider it fair play since Indians are acting so shocked at a beheading but in their religion they worship deities who behead at will.

Now, if you think think comparison is wrong then please provide a well thought out argument against it. That is how civilized people deal with such issues. don't just go all emo e-warriror as all that does is destroy the conversation and doesn't change anyone's mind.

so rusty according to you,this thread is a good,civilised one?
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@ajtr cant believe that a senior elite member can be so foolish.:tdown:

so rusty according to you,this thread is a good,civilised one?

if you stay on topic and provide reasoned thought out arguments it is, if you go all emo e-warrior then it is not. It all depends on you.
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