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Why India will not be able to match up with China

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You didnt explain what happened suddenly in 1992 that China took off...some leadership change???

why you can't just read more articles on the reform?

The 1978 reform was carried out on a very small scale, in just a couple of cities, such as Shenzhen and Zhuhai. None of those capital cities (Shanghai, Beijing, Tianjin, Wuhan, HangZhou, Nanjing) were involved. It was just like a trial to see how it works, whether it works.

In 1992, when Deng visited Shanghai, he recommended the reform to be carried out in wider areas and thus most eastern coast cities got the green light on open up policies.

For the western part of the country, there was no such reform until the end of 1990s. A few big cities like Tianjin and Beijing even didn't got it until around 2000.

this is on the text book of our 10 years old kids. no more "we started much later than China" kind of crap.
Yeah right as if your so called indigneous products were made by Indians only (Hint:Brhamos) and even if they did (now they're working in indigenous programs like J10)...You gotta start somewhere.Now, don't tell you have better production lines and better industrial infrastructure then Chinese.Even Soviet Union started by copying US jets and at one point they built completely perfect MIg29 and Su30...

Ah...so it is a trial and error method ! So there will be failures and thereafter successes...

So Russia succeeded, China is catching up. Why would India not learn overtime? Whats your take?
Ah...so it is a trial and error method ! So there will be failures and thereafter successes...

So Russia succeeded, China is catching up. Why would India not learn overtime? Whats your take?

after 30 years error and trial, you are still working hard on Arjun/LCA.

I once read a report saying you Indians are all from Mars. Not anymore.

I also read that but i think it not yet proven.

There are likely over 200 outbreaks of violence in China each day
But at the root the riots in the Xinjiang capital of Urumqi are part of the pattern of the hundreds of violent outbursts of unrest that happen in China every day.

Until 2006, the Chinese authorities used to publish each year an account of these "mass incidents" -- that is, violent riots involving more than 1,000 people.

In 2005, there were 87,000, that is, 234 a day on average. The lack of new annual reports suggests this number continues to climb because one could expect Beijing to boast about it if the number was declining.

Sorry it was 4 years back. Its good to know now things are fine even in recession....;)
BRAVO to all those who so actively participated in this exercise , especially since the results favor a certain party:china:.

ID also like to thank our hosts and audience today the Pakistani's who so brilliantly also managed to participate by taking the opportunity to kick the Indians in their ball, while the Chines beat he pulp out of India:rofl:. They really are a people with the full spectrum of skills. arn't the cool:smokin::pakistan:

NOW NOW, lets not forget the the stars of our show the useless Indians, who not only failed to defend them selves or show any pride but so willingly as per the Indian mentality accept defeat.:wave:

Lets give them a BIG show of hands :yahoo:

Alright i get it you want to dissect India pick at every flaw and imperfection, Trivialize it into a superficial entity undeserving of your respect or acknowledgment. Well i say ill show you exactly what India is capable of an not, and it's limits will certainly not be set by the chines or any other foreigner. :angry:

To all the Indian's on this forum, i am sending the call out to fight back at this, don't lie down and accept this insult, stop making excuses for India and show these what we are and will be capable of.

Lets show that India will be able to match up with China

You know our estranged Pakistani Brothers can teach us bit about how we do this. No matter how obvious it is that India is ahead of Pakistan in every field. They never dropped their heads and then started giving a list of excuses, But instead they held their Heads up high and continue to this day challenge us on everything. They never accepted defeat in any form. so lets put on our crotch guards to protect us from the Pakistani's, And take on The chines head on, its about time someone did.

Let us make an example of this thread.all those who call them selves Indians will answer this call, or forever bow their heads in shame.

No excuses,no regrets, only Victory.
why you can't just read more articles on the reform?

The 1978 reform was carried out on a very small scale, in just a couple of cities, such as Shenzhen and Zhuhai. None of those capital cities (Shanghai, Beijing, Tianjin, Wuhan, HangZhou, Nanjing) were involved. It was just like a trial to see how it works, whether it works.

In 1992, when Deng visited Shanghai, he recommended the reform to be carried out in wider areas and thus most eastern coast cities got the green light on open up policies.

For the western part of the country, there was no such reform until the end of 1990s. A few big cities like Tianjin and Beijing even didn't got it until around 2000.

this is on the text book of our 10 years old kids. no more "we started much later than China" kind of crap.

Please quote where have I said that India is behind China as we started our reforms later. If you can I promise never to return to this forum.

So Deng's visit is what spurred China's 1992 reforms process. Should you not compare India's GDP in that year before jumping on folks who argue the earliar start date of Chinese reforms... Secondly, I know my history....Im better read than most...but you've got me started with your rudeness.

Im posting an article from a East Asian author..please read...


China, India: Difference in the details
By Lynette Ong

China and India are among the fastest growing economies in the world, with growth rates much admired by developing countries desperately struggling to crawl out of the poverty trap. Their abundance of relatively skilled labor at low cost has turned them into "factories of the world", and their huge populations in turn offer lucrative consumer markets for multinationals. These two Asian giants are tipped to become the world's next economic superpowers.

Nonetheless, a closer examination reveals that they offer competing models of development, though they became modern nations at about the same time, India in 1947, China in 1949. They launched reforms from different starting points: China embarked on market reforms in 1979 - a decade earlier than India - from a centrally planned, economically backward, agrarian economy; India initiated its reforms in the early 1990s and is today a semi-socialist economy in a fledging democracy ridden with problems of corruption and bureaucratic inefficiency.

Today, China is seen to be ahead of India; but there is much speculation on their respective growth trajectories.

What do the numbers tell us?
China's economic growth thus far is certainly more impressive than its South Asian cousin. China's gross domestic product (GDP) grew by an average of 9.7 percent during 1982-92, and by 9 percent during 1992-02. On the other hand, India grew by 5.6 percent and 6 percent in the same respective periods, though still impressive by most developing countries' standards. India's lagging is due to a number of reasons. The Chinese save twice as much as Indians: for every US$1 earned, the Chinese save 44 cents, compared with 24 cents by Indians. As a result, the Chinese invest more in their economy than do the Indians. The share of gross domestic investment in GDP is 41 percent in China, compared to 22.8 percent in India. The Chinese economy is also more opened to international trade, and therefore gains from greater specialization in areas where China excels. China's export share of GDP is twice that of India's.

A more compelling reason to account for India's slower growth is the flows of foreign direct investment (FDI). As shown in the diagram below, the amount of FDI into India is only a small fraction of that into China. Of course, any statistics, especially those reported by communist cadres who are rewarded for economic performance of their localities, should be taken with a grain of salt. As frequently pointed out, China's FDI figures are likely to be exaggerated by "round-tripping" - domestic capital disguised as foreign investment (passed through Hong Kong) to qualify for special investment incentives reserved for foreigners. India's FDI figures, however, may be understated because they exclude foreigners' reinvested profits, the proceeds of foreign stock market listings, intra-company loans, and so forth. This may not be a simple issue of whether India is able to attract foreign investment, since it may have as much to do with New Delhi's policy or practice for years of keep foreign investors out of the country.

China vs India: Key Economic Indicators
China 1982 1992 2001 2002
GDP (US$ billions) 221.5 454.6 1,167.1 1,232.7
Gross domestic investment/GDP (%)
33.2 36.2 38.5 41.0
Exports of goods & services/GDP (%)
8.9 19.5 25.5 29.5
Gross domestic savings/GDP (%)
34.8 37.7 40.9 44.0
GDP (US$ billions) 194.8 244.2 478.5 510.2
Gross domestic investment/GDP (%)
21.7 23.8 22.3 22.8
Exports of goods & services/GDP (%)
6.1 9.0 13.5 15.2
Gross domestic savings/GDP (%) 18.3 21.8 23.5 24.2

Foreign vs private companies
China may boast impressive records in courting foreign investors, but it has few successful indigenous private companies on which it can pride itself. China's private companies are systematically discriminated against by the capital market and the legal system. Private property rights have only recently been recognized by the central government and given legal recognition and protection. The state-owned banking system is notorious for molly-coddling the inefficient and debt-laden state-owned enterprises, while shying away from the vibrant private sector.

The stock markets are also largely reserved for those enterprises with state backing. Ironically, foreign companies in China are granted better recognition, legal protection and market access than indigenous private companies. The internationally better known Chinese firms, such as China Telecom, and the white goods, or major appliance, maker Haier, were formerly nurtured in the state cradle. China Telecom is a state-owned enterprise, and Haier was formerly a collectively owned township and village enterprise (TVE).

In stark contrast, India's brand of internationally well-known companies, such as software giants Infosys Technologies and Wipro, and pharmaceutical and biotech start-ups Ranbaxy and Dr Reddy's Labs, are born and bred locally. "Indeed, by relying primarily on organic growth, India is making fuller use of its resources and has chosen a path that may well deliver more sustainable progress than China's FDI-driven approach," write Huang Yasheng and Tarun Khanna, dons from the Sloan School of Management at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT, and the Harvard Business School, in an article published in Foreign Policy in August, 2003.

"China's export-led manufacturing boom is largely a creation of foreign direct investment, which effectively serves as a substitute for domestic entrepreneurship," they argue.

The point about India's better use of resources is worth noting, as the numbers seem to lend support to this hypothesis. China's GDP growth rate (8 percent in 2002) is about double that of India (4.6 percent); however, China's savings ($542 billion) are four times higher than India's ($122 billion), not to mention that its FDI inflows are more than 10 times greater ($52 billion compared with $3.5 billion).

Not just markets - institutions matter
Why is entrepreneurship able to flourish in India but not in China? "Blossoming entrepreneurship in India is due in part to a liberalizing financial market, which provides capital access previously exclusive to certain caste groups to the budding entrepreneurs. Capital is now available to private start-ups, through venture capitalists, the banking system, and the stock markets," says Vijay Kelkar, an advisor to the Indian Ministry of Finance, at a speech recently delivered at the Australian National University in Canberra.

Aside from a financial market that allocates resources more efficiently, India seems to have in place the institutions - democracy, a functioning judiciary, property rights and so on - conducive to economic development. Huang and Khanna, from MIT and Harvard, argue: "Democracy, a tradition of entrepreneurship, and a decent legal system have given India the underpinnings necessary for free enterprise to flourish." Of the world's top 200 small-sized companies listed by Forbes in 2002, 13 were from India; while four were China's - all of them based in Hong Kong.

Nonetheless, China's greater openness to the outside world and its ability to benefit from foreign trade and investment can be attributable to a "stronger state" (albeit authoritarian), one that is able to advocate and implement policies in the country's interests, rather than being held hostage by any vested interest groups. By contrast, India's burgeoning but unruly democracy means that in order to gain power, the Indian policy makers are often trapped in myopic vested interests and are sometimes held hostage by protectionist voices.

Lynette Ong studies China's political economy at the Australian National University. She can be contacted at LHLO@lycos.com.

(Copyright 2004 Asia Times Online Ltd. All rights reserved. Please contact content@atimes.com for information on our sales and syndication policies.)

Asia Times Online - News from greater China; Hong Kong and Taiwan

Now tell me wasnt China twice the size of India in 1992. Im not even interested in debating you or the fact that China is way ahead of India today....Im just trying to show you the way to behave and also who was trollling.
Yeah India should be proud of being ahead of Pakistan in many fields..a country which is far more smaller then India, far less land and less population.Virtually started from scratch, sustained 2 wars.Did not have any foreign help in Industrial development.Indeed we Pakistanis will never bow our heads just because we're behind you in some fields.We're technically in state of war since 2001 (during the time your economy started booming) so don't underestimate us.The WOT is gonna end sooner or later.Don't forget that INdia was nearly bankrupt in 90's.In any case, We're talking about China India here.Are you INdians not the same when you speak how US will intervene if India goes to war with China.In other words, you guys are pussies.We at least say that we will fight till our last drop of blood as long as citizens are with army.
OK, great. So Chinese need not worry about competition from India. Now go home, everybody.
can you stop trolling? tell me what is your contribution for this reply?

I recommend the mod to delete the above post clearly doesn't have any useful information to the discussion of this thread.

shchinese...:) you are doing exactly what you have accused PM of doing?
please see the title of this thread. and I present you the guided rocket system named WS-2D. its range is enough to cover New Delhi - including your PM's office, from our border.

our land force can annihilate your entire division within hours just like what we did in the 1962 war on you. history is always a good textbook for you.

Forget 62...as we have moved on from being peaceful nation without any military preparedness to one of the best military in world since 1962.U can ask our pakistani friends here as they have prolong history of engagements all the while.

And thanks for opening up the barbaric outside world to our politicians gained freedom on non violence means and stuck to its principle till 1962.

Before making this stupid sabre rattling with a big country like india...pls show some courage to regain control of a tiny nation like Taiwan or gain back ur respect with Viatnam who smashed ur pride to several fragments.
Indians are not good at adobe photo shopping our weapons .Most chinese weapons are adobephoto shop manufactured
Indians are not good at adobe photo shopping our weapons .Most chinese weapons are adobephoto shop manufactured

i c u ppl are only good at dragging projects and after 30 years still u ppl r NO WHERE instead of accepting the failure of Arjunk n Low capability A/Cs u ppl are still wasting on it keep it up n btw the induction of LCA has been delayed it will be 2011-12 , thts wat ur good at isnt it girl???
Forget 62...as we have moved on from being peaceful nation without any military preparedness to one of the best military in world since 1962.U can ask our pakistani friends here as they have prolong history of engagements all the while.

Can I just ask how many days your black cat special force took to eliminate all those terrorists?

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