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Why India is not a superpower

LoL, it still beats me that why is Indian potty giving you nightmares in Hong Kong. You should be more scared about the economic and social farce that Hong Kong is purporting by stopping the mainland mothers giving birth to their children in Hong Kong. If you can have that system and still call China one country, then what is wrong with Indians going potty in the open? At least we are socially not so stumped and handicapped that we will stop mothers from giving birth in any corner of the country. :rofl:Clearly the elitism has gone to your head. That is why you also look down up on the women in mainland China and do not want to share the hospitals with them. You want to keep them out and want the hospitals and the facilities for your own elite types.

Some country you have there. Do do you really look down up on the mainland mothers down too like you look down up on Indian potty :rofl:

So stop lecturing us here about potty and protect your own toilet from the mainland China citizens that you are trying to do. :rofl: talking about showing true colors.

LOL yeah google for Locust ad in HK about mainlanders... quite funny thing they got going on there
china is like a newly rich uncouth family, hurling insults at a poorer neighbour, while paying lowlifes to try and detroy the poor neighbour

LoL, you have to excuse them for this. They do not do this on just others but also to their own. See how they are trying hard to keep their own little elite country clean from mainland children and mothers.

Hospitals may ban mainland mothers | HK News Watch | Latest Hong Kong, China & World News | SCMP.com

Hospitals may ban mainland mothers Lo Wei, Colleen Lee and Emily Tsang
Feb 1, 2012

Public hospitals may stop admitting pregnant mainlanders seeking to give birth in Hong Kong to make more facilities available to local women, a senior Hospital Authority official said yesterday.
Speaking in a radio interview, Dr Cheung Wai-lun, the authority's director of hospital groups, said: "We are evaluating next year's quota for non-local pregnant women. There is a chance we might further lower it or we may even stop admitting them."

A quota of 3,400 births has been set for non-local women in public hospitals this year, down from 10,000 last year, and Cheung said it could be lowered even further.

He said the primary aim of public hospitals was to meet local needs.

A decision on quotas for mainland mothers would be made after considering the number of births to local parents and the number of women choosing public medical services over private ones.

Mainland mothers-to-be have an incentive to give birth in the city because of its hospitals' standard of medical care and the right of abode that is conferred to the child under the terms of the Basic Law, the mini-constitution agreed between Beijing and the city's colonial government before the handover in 1997.

Obstetric wards at public hospitals are now fully booked until September.

The quota of 3,400 for non-local women was imposed after the total number of births at public hospitals hit an all-time high of 45,000, which Cheung said exceeded the hospitals' capacity.
The authority's Accident and Emergency Central Co-ordinating Committee chairman, Dr Simon Tang Yiu-hang, said he was worried that reducing the quota for public hospitals even further would encourage more pregnant mainlanders to go to emergency wards, where 1,656 such births were recorded last year.

All public emergency wards have now been equipped for deliveries and for rescuing newborns, and staff have been trained for deliveries.

But Tang emphasised that mothers were taking a considerable risk if they resorted to giving birth this way.

Dr Bill Chan Hin-biu, of the Hong Kong Neonatal Service Concern Group, said the cap on mainland women giving birth in Hong Kong was necessary to control doctors' workloads, as there was a shortage of manpower and experienced staff.

Chan said deterring mainland women from seeking to give birth in emergency wards would depend on whether the government could stop pregnant women at the border, through improving co-operation with mainland authorities.
Rita Fan Hsu Lai-tai, a member of the National People's Congress Standing Committee, said the NPC had stated in 1999 that babies born to visiting mainland parents in Hong Kong should not be given the right of abode.

But in 2001, the Court of Final Appeal ruled that the right of abode should be given to Chong Fung-yuen, who was born while his parents were in the city on two-way permits.

Fan said, given that the city's government had still not sought a reinterpretation from Beijing after the court's ruling, it now had to consider how to cope with the influx of mainland women giving birth here.

"If the executive measures are found to be ineffective ... the government should discuss with the central government how to solve the problem," Fan said, speaking on the sidelines of a business function.

Can one really see the irony in all this. Here is a country which by its policy gives some citizens a right to a better life than the other ones. And the ones that are rich want the poor to stay away and want to get the facilities for themselves rather than sharing them.

And then these people who even discrimate with their own countrymen have the nerve to come here and lecture us Indians about social etiquettes. :rofl:
^^^ LOL, typical Indian attempt to divert the topic. :lol: Back to the topic:

Indians love the word "superpower". But for us, the word "superpower" carries negative connotations from the Cold War era.

Indians always boast about being a future superpower. However, here are some current facts:

- India's GDP growth rate has fallen to 6.1%
- According to the Economist, India is 40 years behind China in terms of development indicators
- India has more poverty than the entire continent of Africa

Even India's own leading economist Amartya Sen said that India now has the second worst social indicators in all of South Asia.

India started boasting and looking down on their neighbours 40 years too soon. They should have kept a low profile for longer, but that does not suit their ego, and now even their beloved Westerners are making movies about Mumbai millionaires.
guys have u read chinese_dragons's previous messages and posts on his profiles? this is a deliberate attempt to disgrace india. pakistani's start such threads again and again and then go on his profile and ask him to keep posting comments against india and dont stop until indians die. y every such thread ends up in poverty toilets bcoz it is a planned and deliberate attack on india..
this is no attack on india. the readership of this forum is too low to make any impact by name calling
^^^ LOL, typical Indian attempt to divert the topic. :lol: Back to the topic:

Indians love the word "superpower". But for us, the word "superpower" carries negative connotations from the Cold War era.

Indians always boast about being a future superpower. However, here are some current facts:

- India's GDP growth rate has fallen to 6.1%
- According to the Economist, India is 40 years behind China in terms of development indicators
- India has more poverty than the entire continent of Africa

Even India's own leading economist Amartya Sen said that India now has the second worst social indicators in all of South Asia.

India started boasting and looking down on their neighbours 40 years too soon. They should have kept a low profile for longer, but that does not suit their ego, and now even their beloved Westerners are making movies about Mumbai millionaires.

india never boasted. you claim that indians are boasting. indians never look down on others. we dont call ourselves middle kingodom or centre of the universe or middle finger. you do.
guys have u read chinese_dragons's previous messages and posts on his profiles? this is a deliberate attempt to disgrace india. pakistani's start such threads again and again and then go on his profile and ask him to keep posting comments against india and dont stop until indians die. y every such thread ends up in poverty toilets bcoz it is a planned and deliberate attack on india..

I am not trying to disgrace anyone.

When I first joined this forum, I was very pro-China/India friendship, and I only wrote positive things about India.

But after receiving some "Indian hospitality" (i.e. being called a "chink faggot" every other day by Indians)... I have come to see their true faces. So now my opinions about India are much more realistic, and more based on facts like the ones above.
^^^ LOL, typical Indian attempt to divert the topic. :lol:

Indians love the word "superpower". But for us, the word "superpower" carries negative connotations from the Cold War era.

Indians always boast about being a future superpower. However, here are some current facts:

- India's GDP growth rate has fallen to 6.1%
- According to the Economist, India is 40 years behind China in terms of development indicators
- India has more poverty than the entire continent of Africa

Even India's own leading economist Amartya Sen said that India now has the second worst social indicators in all of South Asia.

India started boasting and looking down on their neighbours 40 years too soon.

LoL. Got so honest so quickly. What happened to the toilet one liners?

Now, GDP indicators can be improved. It is easy. But the firm and well entrentched social belief of expoliting the poor in several ways exactly similar to what your fellows in Hong Kong are trying to do but banning mainland mothers and children from being born in Hong Kong is an example of the rich thinking that cannot be changed. You must be celebrating Bo's expulsion. He was afterall the ideology that would have taken money from the elitists like your brothers in Hong Kong and would have provided the facilities to the poor. Exactly the thing that scares the rich in China.

Come back and talk to us about our toilets and our poverty and our GDP rate etc. when your own Hong Kong government stops banning the normal chinese citizen from the mainland to come and give birth to their children in China.

One country two system :rofl: that is what happens when the rich are trying to keep their islands and think that mainlanders are insects which should be stopped from coming to their homes.

Now, as I always do with you. I will offer the opportunity to get out of this discussion gracefully to you once again today. Take the toilets and the poverty and the trolling somewhere else, or I have just returned from China in the morning and it seems otherwise a slow day. I am sure you are getting the drift of this wind :rofl:
india never boasted. you claim that indians are boasting. indians never look down on others. we dont call ourselves middle kingodom or centre of the universe or middle finger. you do.

Here is a typical article from the Indian media:

India 2025: What kind of superpower? - Economic Times

By Anil K Gupta

Thanks to its functional institutions of democracy, India will become a very desirable kind of superpower, free of corruption; entrepreneurial and resource and energy efficient.

Within two decades or less, a rapidly rising India will very likely become the world's third largest economy - after China and the US. It would be appropriate to start speculating now on what kind of a superpower India will be or could be when it becomes one.

And here is a typical article from an Indian "think tank":

The Fall of the Dragon - IDR

The article above from an Indian "think tank", gleefully predicted that China would collapse during the 2008 Credit Crunch. But as always, it backfired on them, and now India is the one with sinking 6.1% growth and massive debt and deficits.
I am not trying to disgrace anyone.

When I first joined this forum, I was very pro-China/India friendship, and I only wrote positive things about India.

But after receiving some "Indian hospitality" (i.e. being called a "chink faggot" every other day by Indians)... I have come to see their true faces. So now my opinions about India are much more realistic, and more based on facts like the ones above.

LoL, too rich to be compalining? Look you should not hate all people because some of them are calling you a faggot. This sort of explains why Hong Kong wants to ban Chinese maniland mothers from giving birth to their children in Hong Kong. You guys really have too much ego and greed with your own countrymen. So I am not at all surprised with your fascination with Indian potty here. :rofl:
i think indian growth rate of 6.1% was of quarter but over all rate was 6.8%:blink:
india never boasted. you claim that indians are boasting. indians never look down on others. we dont call ourselves middle kingodom or centre of the universe or middle finger. you do.
have you just landed on earth?
these are just two tipical indian boasting, I not even mentioning like 40% NASA are indians, or India is space power, or IT powerhouse, or shining, or brain of modern society...etc
chinese-dragon holding firm while all the indians here try to gang up on him. :lol:

LOL, this is the normal situation on this forum. The Indians outnumber us 20 to 1 here, yet they can never win any argument, and end up resorting to racial slurs against Chinese people instead.

Check out this poor intimidation attempt below. :lol:

I will offer the opportunity to get out of this discussion gracefully to you once again today. Take the toilets and the poverty and the trolling somewhere else, or I have just returned from China in the morning and it seems otherwise a slow day. I am sure you are getting the drift of this wind.
I am not trying to disgrace anyone.

When I first joined this forum, I was very pro-China/India friendship, and I only wrote positive things about India.

But after receiving some "Indian hospitality" (i.e. being called a "chink faggot" every other day by Indians)... I have come to see their true faces. So now my opinions about India are much more realistic, and more based on facts like the ones above.

How many times will you repeat it?..lol..We came to know about the chinese arrogance too..dont worry we will keep that in mind. Difficult to believe all chinese are like you people in this forum...but hey they could be.
Here is a typical article from the Indian media:

India 2025: What kind of superpower? - Economic Times

And here is a typical article from an Indian "think tank", predicting that China would collapse during the 2008 Credit Crunch:

The Fall of the Dragon - IDR

:rofl: why are you so hurt because someone is writing and article. In Indian anyone can write an article. We do not need to be scared of disclosing our identity or facing the torture from the government if we tell the truth. What about China. Are you on Weibo with your own identity :rofl: may be you will have to stop soon on weibo because it is already close to the d-day of the original identity registration.

So take your stunted rich Hong Kong logic somewhere, because I am sure that even your Chinese mainland brothers will not agree with it. Who afterall wants their sisters to be banned from giving birth in their own country?

I have read enough of the global times and china daily to take your press comparison junk here.

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