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Why india has to ally with US

Your attempt at creating your own math fails. Because all India wants, as naturally being the one in position to have global partners and global investments and interests to keep those chances alive and kicking and importantly clean ecnomic zones for all.

China's south sea strategy of absurdity shows that India's concerns are genuine. India is not interested in telling countries that they can't use the zone 10 miles out of their border. If you look at the the Indian ocean- many other countries have projects within, and India does not force itself on them. also seen by India's attitude with sri lanka and its territorial waters. India in fact gifted islands to sri lanka. again shows that India is not the bully you want to paint it for your own bias against it.

You keep trying hard to work that “India wants to be the bully instead" line of thought all day , all night. But India's ambitions past, present and future show it isn’t so. In fact other countries in region are concerned with china have had naval skirmishes with china. even if you dimiss the obvious concerns of those countries for some weird reason or by giving a weird reasoning behind it.

Japan is not bothered: it is not trying to ensure 'clean economic zones for all'. Neither is Vietnam or South Korea.

Only India has taken on the role of deputy sheriff for itself. South China seas has nothing to do with India.

Indian ego is pushing it to go out of its way to confront China.
India should allow US to base a squadron of F-22s in India. This will guarantee Indian security.
Japan is not bothered: it is not trying to ensure 'clean economic zones for all'. Neither is Vietnam or South Korea.

Only India has taken on the role of deputy sheriff for itself. South China seas has nothing to do with India.

Indian ego is pushing it to go out of its way to confront China.

second verse same as first... you keep believing it because of your obvious zealousy and bias. the rest of the world sees it our way. now what you gonna do about it?

Japan concern at Chinese military

ASEAN’s Security Concerns About China
http://www.southchinasea.org/docs/Odgaard, ASEAN's South China Sea Concerns about China.pdf

Vietnam concerned over China – Philippines Spratly oil deal

China real reason for South Korea, Japan military pact

Philippines Concerned By China's Presence In Disputed Waters

Australia,China cables reveal military fear http://www.theaustralian.com.au/nat...al-military-fear/story-fn59niix-1226148485235
Leave you alone? That's exactly what we did prior to 1959, at which point you guys decided to host our largest separatist group.

You mean you are now planning to tag along with us!

I have nothing personal against you or any Chinese but somehow it doesn't just feel comfortable. ;).
Again, someone is being more Chinese than the Chinese.

This entire thread is about India's options to counter China. This is an open forum; if you don't like people commenting, have a lie down.

second verse same as first... you keep believing it because of your obvious zealousy and bias. the rest of the world sees it our way. now what you goona do about it?

Japan concern at Chinese military
BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Japan concern at Chinese military

Yes, many countries are concerned about Chinese power and how is affects their interests.

Japan is not out policing the South China seas.
Vietnam is not sending patrol boats in the Korean peninsula.

Only India has delusions of being the deputy sheriff, thrusting itself in power projection mode.
Japan is not bothered: it is not trying to ensure 'clean economic zones for all'. Neither is Vietnam or South Korea.

Only India has taken on the role of deputy sheriff for itself. South China seas has nothing to do with India.

Indian ego is pushing it to go out of its way to confront China.

It is China that is supposedly planning the "string of pearls" and arming dangerous states in our neighborhood with nukes and offensive cruise missile.

They have no business in South Asia and in Gilgit-Baltistan.

South China sea is international waters as per all international laws. Being a lackey shouldn't take one so far.
nothing close to you hosting maoist terrorist. the tibetains that were allowed on india's soil were never supported to do any terrorist activities. You guys will always fail ( as noticed by the world's's attitude) to paint buddhist, monks as terrorist.

Oops. :P

No evidence of China supporting Maoists: Chidambaram - Times Of India

And anyway, it doesn't invalidate my point that it was India who struck the first blow in 1959, and then in 1962 with the Forward Policy.

It is China that is supposedly planning the "string of pearls" and arming dangerous states in our neighborhood with nukes and offensive cruise missile.

Supposedly? Since when has any Chinese official ever mentioned wanting to create a "string of pearls"?
This entire thread is about India's options to counter China. This is an open forum; if you don't like people commenting, have a lie down.

Yes, many countries are concerned about Chinese power and how is affects their interests.

Japan is not out policing the South China seas.
Vietnam is not sending patrol boats in the Korean peninsula.

Only India has delusions of being the deputy sheriff, thrusting itself in power projection mode.

Your insecurities that China may not find Pakistan useful anymore at some point (or just discover that it may bnot be so even now) and your personal feelings about India, make you singularly incapable of seeing such things in an objective light.

You need to ignore several facts (pointed out earlier with no response, predictably) to come up with these kind of abominations.
Oops. :P

No evidence of China supporting Maoists: Chidambaram - Times Of India

And anyway, it doesn't invalidate my point that it was India who struck the first blow in 1959, and then in 1962 with the Forward Policy.

Supposedly? Since when has any Chinese official ever mentioned wanting to create a "string of pearls"?

as I've, and now you have become a laughing stock, told you million times - UPDATE YOUR HATE INDIA favourite folder on IE , with newer links and stop using years old articles :D

oops this - Cops nail China link with Naxals - Times Of India
as I've, and now you have become a laughing stock, told you million times - UPDATE YOUR HATE INDIA favourite folder on IE , with newer links and stop using years old articles :D

oops this - Cops nail China link with Naxals - Times Of India

My quote was from the Foreign Minister of the Indian Government. :lol:

Now, please back up this assertion:

nothing close to you hosting maoist terrorist.

You've got it the wrong way round. It is India that likes hosting terrorist groups like LTTE.

The Indian Government has already stated that they do not consider the Maoists to be getting help from China.
It is China that is supposedly planning the "string of pearls" and arming dangerous states in our neighborhood with nukes and offensive cruise missile.

They have no business in South Asia and in Gilgit-Baltistan.

South China sea is international waters as per all international laws. Being a lackey shouldn't take one so far.

this is him

Class - 2 +2 = 4 that a fact!
him - Now way you are wanna be deputy teacher it equals 5! I say.. :D
It is China that is supposedly planning the "string of pearls" and arming dangerous states in our neighborhood with nukes and offensive cruise missile.

They have no business in South Asia and in Gilgit-Baltistan.

South China sea is international waters as per all international laws. Being a lackey shouldn't take one so far.

Again, you guys avoid the central question.

Yes, there are territorial disputes between China and various countries. These countries are concerned about it and are dealing with it individually. None of these countries has volunteered to be the deputy sheriff on behalf of others.

Only India has these delusions and has offered itself up for the role.

If India was dealing with mutual issues in AP, etc. that would be perfectly understandable. It is this business of running around ensuring 'clean economic zones for all' which is the hallmark of a wannabe hegemon.

Your insecurities that China may not find Pakistan useful anymore at some point (or just discover that it may bnot be so even now) and your personal feelings about India, make you singularly incapable of seeing such things in an objective light.

You need to ignore several facts (pointed out earlier with no response, predictably) to come up with these kind of abominations.

The so-called issues have been addressed. Try reading again.

As for the rest of your personal rant and bringing Pakistan into the mix, I expected nothing better from you.
Supposedly? Since when has any Chinese official ever mentioned wanting to create a "string of pearls"?

Enough in the domain of the media and in think tanks.

And by the actions on the ground.

Your relations with your own neighbors are well known to us. You guys hate each other even more than we and Pakistanis.

You try to appropriate whole seas, with no respect for international laws about maritime borders.

Then you come thousands of KMs away from your areas, cross thousands of KM of that Gobi desert to come in South Asia, even in the disputed Pakistani parts of Kashmir, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, BD, Nepal, Bhutan......

Even the tiny Maldives!

The actions on the ground do say something, don't they?
My quote was from the Foreign Minister of the Indian Government. :lol:

Now, please back up this assertion:

You've got it the wrong way round. It is India that likes hosting terrorist groups like LTTE.

The Indian Government has already stated that they do not consider the Maoists to be getting help from China.

thats 2010 article you posted and mine is 2011 . You want him to have crystall ball and see into the future when he made that statement in 2010 - oops :rofl: Go update you hate India folders links

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