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Why Hindu community leaving pakistan?

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The population of Hindus in Pakistan after independence was NEVER 10%. It was more like 2-3%. You can ask Kapil Sindhi who is the moderator of the Sindhi Hindu Awareness Group on facebook, and writes blog posts for various Pakistani newspapers and he will confirm that the 15% Pakistani Hindu population at the time of independence consisted of Hindu population from BOTH wings (east n west Pakistan). Don't come here n troll with unsupported facts.

I had clearly stated that the population of Hindus in Pakistan was 10% at the time of independence ,now its less than 1%. It means before the creation of Pakistan.

similarly i had given the numbers for Bangladesh before the its creation in 1971.

This figure from census of 1941
:hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:....what a great logic and post. First you all used to say you ruled us for 1000 years, when that got old, you brought this. If Indian muslims don't mean anything to you, why you all cry out a river on Gujrat riots. Why you support Kashmiris who wants to be part of India.

If these Hindus want to come, they will go through strict checking. So be on topic rather than ranting these non-sense posts.

Dude that is the problem. When you guyz are arguing, you just assume that every Pakistani have the same opinion on every issue. There might be some Pakistanis who show some sympathy for Indian Muslims, but there are many who don't give ZILCH about them and I am one of them. So are you just addressing me or some other Pakistani? When did you see me cry over Gujarat riots? ;)

As far as Kashmiris are concerned, I support BOTH PANDITS AND MUSLIMS for reasons other than religion. I think you know what I mean ;) hehe
Just wait till the FIA clears that either they are leaving under a propaganda in order to defame Pakistan and show it an extremest state which cannot take care of Minorities, or there is another reason for this ........
Still she did the job of the century and cut down Pakk to size - literally.

Not to mention the contributions of our dear Mohajirs like Zia, Mushy in "stabilizing" Pakistan.

Dont you know.. Zia and Mushy were sent to Pakistan in 1947 as a part of many sleeper cells India created in the form of Mohajirs.. Can you name anyone who damaged Pakistan more that Zia (islamic fundamentalism) and Mushy (commercialization of army)...

Wonder which sleeper cell will get activated next and what will be its impact...;)
Impressive how one of "our people" Indira broke "our nation" into two..:lol:

One of "our people" Zia-Ul-Haq introduced the "100% pure karo andolan" and started the root level destruction of the social fabric while other one of "our people" Mushy bhai introduced the "Kargil pakdo aur Pakistani izzat hatao" campaign and destroyed their international credibility. Also as if it was not enough he also took Pakistan to the GWOT and effectively destroyed the remaining social fabric.

Man, now we are even getting genetic Science from such people with such great aqal! :hitwall:
Dont you know.. Zia and Mushy were sent to Pakistan in 1947 as a part of many sleeper cells India created in the form of Mohajirs.. Can you name anyone who damaged Pakistan more that Zia (islamic fundamentalism) and Mushy (commercialization of army)...

Wonder which sleeper cell will get activated next and what will be its impact...;)

His first name starts with A and ends with F and he has already accepted Partition was a mistake..:D
Dude that is the problem. When you guyz are arguing, you just assume that every Pakistani have the same opinion on every issue. There might be some Pakistanis who show some sympathy for Indian Muslims, but there are many who don't give ZILCH about them and I am one of them. So are you just addressing me or some other Pakistani? When did you see me cry over Gujarat riots? ;)

As far as Kashmiris are concerned, I support BOTH PANDITS AND MUSLIMS for reasons other than religion. I think you know what I mean ;) hehe
O dear, make up your mind. Look at your previous post. That shows immaturity. Do you really think I will give a damn about your views when you say Sharukh Khan ruling us. One of the most idiotic comments I read.

Create your stance and then argue, you are little confused about your philosophy and rationale.
Impressive how one of "our people" Indira broke "our nation" into two..:lol:

One of "our people" Zia-Ul-Haq introduced the "100% pure karo andolan" and started the root level destruction of the social fabric while other one of "our people" Mushy bhai introduced the "Kargil pakdo aur Pakistani izzat hatao" campaign and destroyed their international credibility. Also as if it was not enough he also took Pakistan to the GWOT and effectively destroyed the remaining social fabric.

Still she did the job of the century and cut down Pakk to size - literally.

Not to mention the contributions of our dear Mohajirs like Zia, Mushy in "stabilizing" Pakistan.

This is what is so great with such people. They have no legs to stand on.
As far as Kashmiris are concerned, I support BOTH PANDITS AND MUSLIMS for reasons other than religion. I think you know what I mean ;) hehe

How come Iranian claiming heritage of Indo-Aryans. Shoo shoo.
They're leaving because they're going to the annual pilgrimage to India to the Dharmic land to do puja in the Ganghes. It is an integral part of their faith in the Dharma.


Pretty in Pink

Wishing the Pakistani Hindus a happy namaste and safe pilgrimage to the Dharma.
How come Iranian claiming heritage of Indo-Aryans. Shoo shoo.

Kashmiris are not Indo-Aryans neither they are Iranic people. Kashmiris and kashmiri languages are classified in a group of their own called Dards and DARDIC languages.
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