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Why have Saudi Arabia, UAE failed to condemn India over Kashmir?

Money talks, “Ummah” walks.

Read my signature. What wins? Dollars or Pakistan?

where is the interest in not recognizing Israel but suckling UAE's teets after they have weighed Modi Jee down with Bin Zayed award exactly when Kasmir was/is being screwed by Modi Jee?

If money is going to be our focal point then we can easily obtain it through various unprincipled means, starting by surrendering our nukes for massive financial assistance & investments from Western countries:

Let's Buy Pakistan's Nukes- Wall Street Journal

Then by disbanding our entire military. Will save us huge amounts of cash.

This will mean giving up our stance on Kashmir because no way India will give it without a fight for which we would need a army.

We might as well surrender any principled stance we ever took (like Kashmir first & foremost) and just make everything about money and become spineless just like these very Arab regimes many despise.

As regards Israel; Pakistan has more to gain in the long term by not recognizing it then it does from recognizing it.

Let these Arab regimes recognize Israel and hand out medals to Modi; they only exist for as long as Uncle Sam has any interests in this region and as Afghanistan has shown eventually even Uncle Sam has a limit to how much he can do. By recognizing Israel and handing medals to Modi they are only buying the hatred of the millions they live with.

As of now the three countries namely in the spotlight of negativity are Iran, Saudi and Israel. Let them keep their spotlight, why join them?

For us Pakistanis our problem is the years of mismanagement of our domestic and foreign policy due to incompetent democratic governments and dictators, not because we didn't put money before everything. In fact where we gained prestige is where we stuck to our principles and not chased money.

@Psychic @OsmanAli98 @The Sandman @Taimur Khurram @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan
I don't think so....if India is a small fish then why US and Isreal are asking Arabs to toe the line for India?

I guess Pakistan needs to change it's perception of current times and countries....especially about India.

Mate he is saying India has large Muslim population...and on suiting thing, everyone does that...play your game as it suits. See how your government is changing narratives in past 40 days after India removed A370 from Kashmir...
First It Started with India cannot annex disputed land - world'd response there is no annexation, they are free to change their laws.
Then narrative changed to Muslim "genocide" - Ummah response - Don't link it to Muslims it's a bilateral thing between India Pak
Narrative changes to "Human Rights" - again no response from the world
Now narrative is Kashmir can cause nuclear war, everyone will be impacted...let's see what is world's response going to be now...
What I am trying to highlight is everyone changes,say what suits to them...we do that, so does India.
First put your true flag up so I know I'm dealing with a Patel.

Now, the world did not declare Kashmir an internal matter of Hindustan, this is your selective media referencing. The UN demands a resolution in line with past UN resolutions. I won't even start on the variety of responses from individual nations.

I don't think so....if India is a small fish then why US and Isreal are asking Arabs to toe the line for India?

I guess Pakistan needs to change it's perception of current times and countries....especially about India.

Mate he is saying India has large Muslim population...and on suiting thing, everyone does that...play your game as it suits. See how your government is changing narratives in past 40 days after India removed A370 from Kashmir...
First It Started with India cannot annex disputed land - world'd response there is no annexation, they are free to change their laws.
Then narrative changed to Muslim "genocide" - Ummah response - Don't link it to Muslims it's a bilateral thing between India Pak
Narrative changes to "Human Rights" - again no response from the world
Now narrative is Kashmir can cause nuclear war, everyone will be impacted...let's see what is world's response going to be now...
What I am trying to highlight is everyone changes,say what suits to them...we do that, so does India.
And let me further clarify.... ALL the above criticisms of Indian actions apply and hold validity. It is an illegal annexation by international laws/resolutions, by Indian laws themselves and it is against human rights.


We have a sizeable muslim population is what I meant. Maybe that, along with the obvious economic factors was weighing on the minds of the Saudis and Emiratis.

200 million +

wrap your head around that for a moment.
Come on, it's got nil to do with Indian Muslim percentages. You know that.
First put your true flag up so I know I'm dealing with a Patel.

Now, the world did not declare Kashmir an internal matter of Hindustan, this is your selective media referencing. The UN demands a resolution in line with past UN resolutions. I won't even start on the variety of responses from individual nations.
A Sharma Ji actually lol

70 years+ down the line, the world has changed a lot. You really believe that an independent sovereign landlocked nation of Kashmir (Azad Kashmir + IoK).. has a chance in hell of surviving ? surrounded as it is, by 3 nuclear armed powers ?

A vassal state would be their only hope.

Anyway, it is a done deal, India has scrapped that resolution unilaterally. How will Pakistan respond ?

take your piece and go in peace

Come on, it's got nil to do with Indian Muslim percentages. You know that.
You really ought to travel here and witness for yourself all this "hindu fascism"

Come visit if your passport is halal enough for our hindu rashtra. 8-)
A Sharma Ji actually lol

70 years+ down the line, the world has changed a lot. You really believe that an independent sovereign landlocked nation of Kashmir (Azad Kashmir + IoK).. has a chance in hell of surviving ? surrounded as it is, by 3 nuclear armed powers ?

A vassal state would be their only hope.

Anyway, it is a done deal, India has scrapped that resolution unilaterally. How will Pakistan respond ?

take your piece and go in peace
That response was directed at someone else, not you.

Anyway, in response to what you just said, Muslim majority Kashmir would be fine as pk would support it. It's probable that a Khalistan would even be fine as pk would support it, so I don't buy the "landlocked Kashmir has no viability" argument.

Regarding second part of your post, your frankness is appreciated. Yes, India has certainly made its powerplay. India rushed it a bit. It is a gamble. Let's see what transpires.
As regards Israel; Pakistan has more to gain in the long term by not recognizing it then it does from recognizing it.
Recognizing Israel serves us no benefit ---these people come up with the strawman argument "oh look, we could've learnt so much from them". Apparently according to them, we can only learn from Israel what we can't from the rest of the world.

Israel is already a best friend of India and considers us an enemy. They contemplated a joint Indo-Israeli attack on the Kahuta plant, helped India develop precision attack capability during the Kargil conflict and enjoy a deep strategic partnership with Bharat.

And who says that recognizing Israel will make our economy better when abandoning and backstabbing the Taliban didn't.
For us Pakistanis our problem is the years of mismanagement of our domestic and foreign policy due to incompetent democratic governments and dictators, not because we didn't put money before everything. In fact where we gained prestige is where we stuck to our principles and not chased money.
We need to strengthen our economy instead of going to Arabs with our mashoor e zamana begging bowl and then, demanding respect from them.
You really ought to travel here and witness for yourself all this "hindu fascism"

Come visit if your passport is halal enough for our hindu rashtra. 8-)
Nope. No hope of reconciliation with Hindustan now. Only Muslims tolerated in India are Pooja doing, Pakistan bashing banshees like javed akhtar types. They have to go ott in their hatred for Pakistanis or non-hindufied Muslims. If They are loyal Indians who want any kind of Muslim identity, they end up like the Abdullah family and get locked up anyway. Your whole nation, its secularism, its supposed equality and democratic process of representation is a sham, a fake. Modi makes it easy to identify. Congress are tricky....but they are irrelevant now anyway.

Thanks Modi for showing us what India is.

Thanks Jinnah for knowing all along what India is.
It is a gamble.
It is. Good chance it'll work out relatively smoothly too, let's hope so anyway.

Also, I think they've been deleting a bunch of my posts.. hope at least a few of you read them.

Nope. No hope of reconciliation with Hindustan now. Only Muslims tolerated in India are Pooja doing, Pakistan bashing banshees like javed akhtar types. They have to go ott in their hatred for Pakistanis or non-hindufied Muslims. If They are loyal Indians who want any kind of Muslim identity, they end up like the Abdullah family and get locked up anyway. Your whole nation, its secularism, its supposed equality and democratic process of representation is a sham, a fake. Modi makes it easy to identify. Congress are tricky....but they are irrelevant now anyway.

Thanks Modi for showing us what India is.

Thanks Jinnah for knowing all along what India is.
You're watching too much mainstream "sansani" media.

If you have an Angrezi/EU passport, come visit, talk to local muslims...
We need to strengthen our economy instead of going to Arabs with our mashoor e zamana begging bowl and then, demanding respect from them.
Agreed, we need to strengthen our economy. We can start off by implementing internal political reforms that will attract patriotic Pakistanis, who understand its founding ideology and its historical principles, and by making trade deals that are'nt one-sided etc.

Unlike what some here think strengthening our economy doesn't simply happen by just dropping our principles and making endless one sided trade deals.

The people bashing the Arab regimes want us to imitate them and imitation is the best form of flattery. Obviously where something hurts us we should be flexible but money can never be a principle in-and-of-itself to operate on because then our loyalty isn't to Pakistan, it's to wherever the money takes us.

I'm no proponent of blind Ummah sentiment, everyone here knows my Nationalistic standpoint, yet our official stance on Kashmir is not one of ethnicity, resources, or geography; it's that Kashmiris are Muslims who did not choose to join India. Everything else takes a secondary role as far as the official narrative goes.
If money is going to be our focal point then we can easily obtain it through various unprincipled means, starting by surrendering our nukes for massive financial assistance & investments from Western countries:

Let's Buy Pakistan's Nukes- Wall Street Journal

Then by disbanding our entire military. Will save us huge amounts of cash.

This will mean giving up our stance on Kashmir because no way India will give it without a fight for which we would need a army.

We might as well surrender any principled stance we ever took (like Kashmir first & foremost) and just make everything about money and become spineless just like these very Arab regimes many despise.

As regards Israel; Pakistan has more to gain in the long term by not recognizing it then it does from recognizing it.

Let these Arab regimes recognize Israel and hand out medals to Modi; they only exist for as long as Uncle Sam has any interests in this region and as Afghanistan has shown eventually even Uncle Sam has a limit to how much he can do. By recognizing Israel and handing medals to Modi they are only buying the hatred of the millions they live with.

As of now the three countries namely in the spotlight of negativity are Iran, Saudi and Israel. Let them keep their spotlight, why join them?

For us Pakistanis our problem is the years of mismanagement of our domestic and foreign policy due to incompetent democratic governments and dictators, not because we didn't put money before everything. In fact where we gained prestige is where we stuck to our principles and not chased money.

@Psychic @OsmanAli98 @The Sandman @Taimur Khurram @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan
If by millions you mean Arab youth; you are not reading the change social media has brought to the narratives in these key oil states. The Palestenians have used their goodwill with their arab brothers up and are not treated as welcome. If you are referring to Kashmir.. they have no idea nor interest when far more attractive and visible social issues and distractions occupy them.

If you refer to some expat population, far more Indians and Bangladeshis live and work in these states; and many times in more influential positions.
Saudi Aramco investments has an Indian in a key position.. haven’t heard of a Pakistani.

The fact that we keep insisting on principles without actually adhering to some key ones like honesty, merit and basic human decency but pooh pooh economic centric policies and uplift of our general population speaks volumes of what our principal, sole single principle truly is; we believe in the principle of facade.
A facade of honor, a facade of bravado and a facade of Islam. We keep harping on our religion without reflecting on its key values and the life lessons taught to us.

So echoing ideas of leaving money for principles seems pretty hypocritical to me.
It is. Good chance it'll work out relatively smoothly too, let's hope so anyway.

Also, I think they've been deleting a bunch of my posts.. hope at least a few of you read them.

You're watching too much mainstream "sansani" media.

If you have an Angrezi/EU passport, come visit, talk to local muslims...
Why? I can talk to Indian Muslims here. They're happy here btw.
they're happy back in India too, ask them.
What makes you think I haven't asked them? Sorry to burst bubbles but they're afraid for whoever is left in India, they're embarrassed by Modi's nonsense. Like Abdullah was whining the other day "this isn't my India" they say. Out of politeness I stay silent after that.
Do you understand that by India getting favourable treatment, these countries are losing some favours for themselves? Why would anyone do that?

Are you seriously saying that Pakistan is the most important country in the eyes of USA and hence it is worth sacrificing their interests to help India destroy it?

It's hard for you to understand as to what is at play here. You think the Zionist and their controlled America is favouring you for economy? I would strongly advise to learn about what their leadership is working on, the bigger agenda and in that, Pakistan is the major hurdle. That's where India fits in their plans.
What makes you think I haven't asked them? Sorry to burst bubbles but they're afraid for whoever is left in India, they're embarrassed by Modi's nonsense. Like Abdullah was whining the other day "this isn't my India" they say. Out of politeness I stay silent after that.

but they're free to say what they want..

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