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Why have Saudi Arabia, UAE failed to condemn India over Kashmir?

Read my signature. What wins? Dollars or Pakistan?


One day, one days Pakistani's will learn there is no such thing as ummah. The Arab idea of ummah is my problem is yours, my wealth is mine. Your problems are yours. Even language exposes the schizophrenic thinking. You often hear the "Arabs and Muslims". What is that supposed to mean? Are Arabs apart from Muslims?

Ask the Turks what happened in 1920. The desert sheikhs that people on PDF revere stabbed the Ottoman Empire causing it's demise. Most of these kingdoms are products of the treachery and deciet that brought the Ottoman Empire down.
Every country have its own interests to cater to. If this logic/practice is OK for Pakistan, then this logic/practice is OK for KSA and UAE as well, in all fairness.
India is a pretty big muslim country, bigger than Pakistan. If you want to think about it that way.

India is a pseudo-secular country that has a small Muslim population. Less than 15 percent of Indians are considered Muslims. Even then you shit skins have the IOK( majority Muslim are) under siege and have stolen all their rights. Tell me what is Muslim about India? is the open idol worship. I'm assuming you are an Indian because that's the only reason you would say something as stupid as that.
one days Pakistani's will learn there is no such thing as ummah.
I have never heard this word in my life have read only in your posts
The word which Urdu newspapers use for Muslim countries is ummat muslama
And this word is used in Urdu newspapers at the occasion of Islamic festivals
I have never heard this word in my life have read only in your posts
The word which Urdu newspapers use for Muslim countries is ummat muslama
And this word is used in Urdu newspapers at the occasion of Islamic festivals
I think you understood what I mean't. So why not address the point I raised rather then attempt at deflection. And pardon my illiteracy.

If this logic/practice is OK for Pakistan
No it is not okay for Pakistan. For instance where is the interest in not recognizing Israel but suckling UAE's teets after they have weighed Modi Jee down with Bin Zayed award exactly when Kasmir was/is being screwed by Modi Jee?
Its called National Interests, Its also called Putting your Country first before any other, which most of Pakistani's are incapable of understanding , cause they have slave mindset, they would lick the spit of Arabi's considering it holy .
India is a pretty big muslim country, bigger than Pakistan. If you want to think about it that way.
Yep. India is a Muslim country when it suits you. It is a Hindu county when it suits you. It is a secular state since inception when it suits you. It is either 72 or a million years old depending on your mood. It is magical and superstitious sometimes but otherwise a scientific pioneer since time immemorial.

Best of all, you must not harm a cow in India but it is ok to sell one for slaughter abroad.

What a magical place where everybody's dreams come true.
Yep. India is a Muslim country when it suits you. It is a Hindu county when it suits you. It is a secular state since inception when it suits you. It is either 72 or a million years old depending on your mood. It is magical and superstitious sometimes but otherwise a scientific pioneer since time immemorial.

Best of all, you must not harm a cow in India but it is ok to sell one for slaughter abroad.

What a magical place where everybody's dreams come true.

India's claim of being secular is as good as the claim of Sunny Leone being virgin.:lol:
Pakistanis don't care about Ummat or Islamic countries this word is used only at the occasion of Eid or Muharram
So, please tell me exactly why Pakistan has not recognized Palestine? Most Pakistani's don;t even know what a Israeli's looks like, does he have three legs or two yet entire country treats it as more of enemy then India.
Its a very very valid point.

Bhai, Get over the mindset that > Even If India goes to the Moon it has a Pakistani Connection.
We have other things to do.

Why is that a valid point?

Tell that to cow lynching mob that kills 100s of Muslims just because they are Muslims. How about the people in Kashmir who you have put under a siege.. and how about the Muslims that are killed during communal riots all over Hindu India. You are a liar and that is a very valid point.
New Delhi, India - Last week, the foreign ministers of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) travelled to Islamabad in a symbolic show of solidarity with Pakistan after New Delhi stripped the Indian-administered Kashmir of its autonomy.

UAE Foreign Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan and Saudi Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Adel al-Jubeir held meetings with Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan, powerful military chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa and Foreign Minister Shah Mahmoud Qureshi but stayed away from issuing strong words against India.

The Gulf countries, with whom Pakistan has enjoyed a long-standing "brotherly" relationship for decades, have stayed away from condemning India's crackdown in Kashmir.

While Saudi Arabia expressed concern over India's unilateral decision to scrap Kashmir's special status and the imposition of crippling security lockdown, the UAE called it New Delhi's internal matter.

Other Gulf countries - Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain and Oman - have apparently not issued any statements.

Amid the lockdown in Indian-administered Kashmir, the UAE bestowed on Modi the country's highest civilian award - the Order of Zayed - as a mark of appreciation for his efforts to boost bilateral ties between the two nations.

The Hindu nationalist prime minister under whose watch Muslims have been targeted was also honoured with Saudi Arabia's highest civilian award in 2016.

With $100bn in annual trade, India has emerged as a vital economic partner to the Gulf countries. Moreover, millions of Indian workers help drive the region's economy.

"India has developed a good economic relationship with Saudi Arabia and the UAE," said Manoj Joshi, a distinguished fellow at Observer Research Foundation in New Delhi.

"Both these countries are looking to the future when oil will run out, and they see India as a potential country where they can invest and a country with a large market with which they already have good economic ties."


Saudi Arabia is India's fourth-largest trading partner [File: Manish Swarup/AP Photo]

India-Saudi trade growing

India's ties to Saudi Arabia have grown significantly over the past two decades, with bilateral trade hitting $28bn. Home to more than 2.7 million Indian expatriates, the kingdom is India's fourth-largest trading partner.

India's richest man, Mukesh Ambani, announced last month that Saudi Arabia's state energy group, Saudi Aramco, is set to acquire a 20 percent stake in Reliance Industries Limited's (RIL) oil-to-chemical business for an enterprise value of $75bn. Saudi Arabia and the UAE are also jointly building a mega refinery in India with an investment of $60bn.

India-UAE annual bilateral trade stands at $55bn, with Indians being the largest foreign investors in Dubai's real estate market. Nearly 30 percent of the UAE's total population comprises of Indians.

New Delhi and Abu Dhabi have also struck close security ties since Narendra Modi was first elected prime minister in 2014.

In India's comparison, the annual bilateral trade between Pakistan and Saudi Arabia stands at $3.7bn and the country's trade volume with the UAE stands at $8bn.

"It's important to remember that India has a long-standing, deep and multifaceted relationship with the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries, so no realistic Pakistani would ever have expected a wholesale endorsement from the GCC countries," said Mosharraf Zaidi, a Pakistan-based political analyst.

"But there is an expectation of shared concern for the human rights safety and security of the people of Kashmir," he said.

Joshi, the Indian foreign policy analyst, said the Middle East countries are not looking just for Islamic solidarity.

"If it was just Islamic issue then they [Gulf countries] should have taken a strong stand on Xinjiang but they have not," he said.

"… they see India more important for their national interest."

The Middle East remains key to India's energy security as New Delhi imports 80 percent of its petroleum needs from the region.

Talmiz Ahmad, an Indian diplomat who has served as an ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Oman and the UAE, believes that New Delhi has "secured strategic interests" in the Middle East at the cost of Pakistan though it is not linked to the Kashmir issue.

He said that from mid-2000, the frequency of high-level state visits from GCC countries went up as part of their new focus on political engagement with India.

Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed, who has called Modi his friend, was the chief guest at India's Republic Day parade in 2017, while Saudi King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz al-Saud was invited in 2006.


Abu Dhabi Crown Prince was the chief guest at India's Republic Day parade in 2017 [File: Manish Swarup/AP]

India's goal

Zahid Hussain, a Pakistan-based political analyst, however, said that the measured response from the Saudi-UAE should not be seen as a "support for India's action" in Kashmir.

The Gulf support for Pakistan on Kashmir issue was "always ambiguous and whatever has come has always come from OIC [Organisation of Islamic Cooperation] platforms", he said.

Pakistan's refusal to join Saudi-led forces to fight in Yemen, it seems, has not gone down well with its Gulf allies.

"Pakistan has still armed forces that these [GCC] countries believe would come to their assistance if they were in jeopardy. This perception received a major jolt when Pakistan refused to provide its armed forces," Ahmed, the former Indian diplomat, said.

Islamabad also did not allow itself to be drawn into the proxy war between Saudi Arabia and Iran as it continued its close relations with Tehran.

Omair Anas, from Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University, said that Pakistan's position on Iran was one of "the most worrying components in Gulf-Pakistan relations".

"Pakistan's neutrality on Yemen and Qatar could be a watershed moment in the two regional heavyweights' security perception," he said referring to the UAE-Saudi-led blockade imposed on Qatar since 2017.

Sami al-Arian, the director of the Center for Islam and Global Affairs, said that both the UAE and Saudi Arabia want to strengthen their ties with countries such as the United States, China, India or Israel at the "expense of the populations who have been suffering in these areas such as the Palestinians, the Uyghurs or the Kashmiris".

"I don't expect much as a response from these two regimes," he added.

@Windjammer @Areesh @Arsalan @Imran Khan @The Eagle @Oscar @Myth_buster_1 @araz @DrWatson775 @Falcon26 @airmarshal @The Eagle @Flight of falcon @doorstar @RIWWIR @Irfan Baloch @CHACHA"G"
@Hodor @Taimoor Khan @Irfan Baloch @HRK @The Eagle @TOPGUN

Source : https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2019...ed-condemn-india-kashmir-190911112648176.html

Lolz what u want to know? They have assured us of all material and strategic support in case of war. They provide us technology and support. India knows this well. As far as public factors, they are largest oil suppliers and replacing iranian oil in india, they r also american allies, so they would keep low on it.
Sorry dude.. will take care of that in future.
As ive mentioned to all here. Whether Pakistanis like it or not. The wallets of 30% of 1 billion are always going to have preference over 10% of 300 million.

There is no betrayal other than that of Pakistani leaders(political and establishment alike) and then the population of themselves by thinking of instant gratification versus long term economic growth.

If Pakistan had South Koreas economy, then regardless of population you would see KSA and UAE siding with us.

Money talks, “Ummah” walks.
These Arab will not lose their sleep over few billions.

Its the direct "DANDA" from Tel Aviv and indirect via Washington on these Arabs to toe the line.

There is a famous saying in Pakistan that when call from "001" fail, these Bedouins start ringing Islamabad. And this is what it is.

India is a small fish in the pond.
I don't think so....if India is a small fish then why US and Isreal are asking Arabs to toe the line for India?

I guess Pakistan needs to change it's perception of current times and countries....especially about India.

Yep. 1. India is a Muslim country when it suits you. It is a Hindu county when it suits you. It is a secular state since inception when it suits you. It is either 72 or a million years old depending on your mood. It is magical and superstitious sometimes but otherwise a scientific pioneer since time immemorial.

Best of all, you must not harm a cow in India but it is ok to sell one for slaughter abroad.

What a magical place where everybody's dreams come true.

Mate he is saying India has large Muslim population...and on suiting thing, everyone does that...play your game as it suits. See how your government is changing narratives in past 40 days after India removed A370 from Kashmir...
First It Started with India cannot annex disputed land - world'd response there is no annexation, they are free to change their laws.
Then narrative changed to Muslim "genocide" - Ummah response - Don't link it to Muslims it's a bilateral thing between India Pak
Narrative changes to "Human Rights" - again no response from the world
Now narrative is Kashmir can cause nuclear war, everyone will be impacted...let's see what is world's response going to be now...
What I am trying to highlight is everyone changes,say what suits to them...we do that, so does India.
These Arab will not lose their sleep over few billions.

Its the direct "DANDA" from Tel Aviv and indirect via Washington on these Arabs to toe the line.

There is a famous saying in Pakistan that when call from "001" fail, these Bedouins start ringing Islamabad. And this is what it is.

India is a small fish in the pond.

If India is a small fish, why would USA bother to ask Saudi to toe Indian line? Why don't you think that India is the big fish in the pond? After all, India is just next doors to Middle east and has lot of military fire power and strategic leverage as in having large muslim muslim population who can be expelled to cause refugee crisis in middle east

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