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Why don't gulf Arab countries experiance terrorism?


Apr 29, 2012
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They appear to be the safest nations in the muslim world in terms of low number of terrorist attacks. Even turkey has the occasional bombing by pkk. So What differentiates them from everyone esle?
Iraq and Yemen are not part of GCC.

GCC supports terrorism, and they fund it, which is why they pay all their terrorists and send them to other countries that do not agree with them, or countries that do not agree with the west.

Bring me proof that the governments of GCC openly support terrorism. Any kind of proof will do.

And to OP, we do not experience terrorism because the pool to draw terrorist from is extremely low (Poor, uneducated) As Oil Wealth has allowed the average joe in GCC to be more Educated than their poorer counterparts in the rest of the "Muslim world" sort to speak.
They appear to be the safest nations in the muslim world in terms of low number of terrorist attacks. Even turkey has the occasional bombing by pkk. So What differentiates them from everyone esle?

As Syrian Lion says "they send their terrorists to other countries" like Pakistan. Why because Pakistanis think Arabs are mini-gods and they cannot be wrong.


Gulf countries are tiny emirates where affiliation is to your tribe. When tribal chief is well paid, tribe remains happy. And if they are not happy, there is no place to run. Police will come catch the trouble makers as if one is shooting in a barrel.

Tiny islands are easy to control. Look at Singapore or Hong kong.

for a bigger picture, strong nations do not allow terrorism to destroy their economy. Pakistanis must learn to think like a strong nation and us to will progress even if there is an occasional bumb-dhamaka.

As Syrian Lion says "they send their terrorists to other countries" like Pakistan. Why because Pakistanis think Arabs are mini-gods and they cannot be wrong.


Gulf countries are tiny emirates where affiliation is to your tribe. When tribal chief is well paid, tribe remains happy. And if they are not happy, there is no place to run. Police will come catch the trouble makers as if one is shooting in a barrel.

Tiny islands are easy to control. Look at Singapore or Hong kong.

for a bigger picture, strong nations do not allow terrorism to destroy their economy. Pakistanis must learn to think like a strong nation and us to will progress even if there is an occasional bumb-dhamaka.


You honestly believe tribalism still exists in GCC countries?? Were you living under a rock in the past 60 years or something?

You clearly have a few bolts in your head loose.
They appear to be the safest nations in the muslim world in terms of low number of terrorist attacks. Even turkey has the occasional bombing by pkk. So What differentiates them from everyone esle?
nobody burns their own house they lit fires in neighbour's house to light up their own house
Bring me proof that the governments of GCC openly support terrorism. Any kind of proof will do.

And to OP, we do not experience terrorism because the pool to draw terrorist from is extremely low (Poor, uneducated) As Oil Wealth has allowed the average joe in GCC to be more Educated than their poorer counterparts in the rest of the "Muslim world" sort to speak.

Mosa M.

Nobody says GCC governments openly support terror. They do not. Americans will come whoop their @rses if they ever did and did it openly.

However there are plenty of gulf charities and individuals who do. And GCC governments turn a blind eye as long as these "charities" don't explode bombs at home.

Another issue with GCC is that they export their brand of Islam, that when reaches other "weaker" countries like Pakistan or Iaq, becomes poisonous and thus results in terrorism.

Hope you understand.

Bottom line is that as a Pakistani I do not and should not blame GCC for Islamist terror in our country. It is our fault that we follow the dictats of Arab Mooolahs and Irani Ayatooooooooooolahs. It is us who lack nationalism that is strong enough to kick Arabi or Irani Islam. It is us who have to start abhorring Islamo-fascism instead of just blaming Arab or Irani while accepting their petro dollars.

It is us who need to develop a backbone and kill all those Pakistanis who accept Arab charity money for spreading terror in Pakistan. So the fault lies with us and not GCC charities or their governments.

With the amount of mony Gulf got they could have been superpowers if they would have invested their petro dollars in science and technology and research instead of spreading and financing terror around the world.but they chose to be slaves of the west rather.

Mosa M.

Nobody says GCC governments openly support terror. They do not. Americans will come whoop their @rses if they ever did and did it openly.

However there are plenty of gulf charities and individuals who do. And GCC governments turn a blind eye as long as these "charities" don't explode bombs at home.

Another issue with GCC is that they export their brand of Islam, that when reaches other "weaker" countries like Pakistan or Iaq, becomes poisonous and thus results in terrorism.

Hope you understand.

Bottom line is that as a Pakistani I do not and should not blame GCC for Islamist terror in our country. It is our fault that we follow the dictats of Arab Mooolahs and Irani Ayatooooooooooolahs. It is us who lack nationalism that is strong enough to kick Arabi or Irani Islam. It is us who have to start abhorring Islamo-fascism instead of just blaming Arab or Irani while accepting their petro dollars.

It is us who need to develop a backbone and kill all those Pakistanis who accept Arab charity money for spreading terror in Pakistan. So the fault lies with us and not GCC charities or their governments.

Did America whoop up KSA when most of the 9/11 attackers were from KSA instead it went after iraq.
You honestly believe tribalism still exists in GCC countries?? Were you living under a rock in the past 60 years or something?

You clearly have a few bolts in your head loose.

What is an emir in a typical GCC country? popularly elected president?

Who are the kings, queens and princes in Saudi? Martians? FYI the name Saudi Arabia means Arabs who are ruled by the tribe of Saud.

And yes Saudi Arabia is collection of tribes. In cities they may not be openly visible but in small towns, they still do. And these tribes have to do "bayet" to the Saudi king.

Oh let me stop here. You should know about your society. You are Saudi. Arent you?


With the amount of mony Gulf got they could have been superpowers if they would have invested their petro dollars in science and technology and research instead of spreading and financing terror around the world.but they chose to be slaves of the west rather.

Did America whoop up KSA when most of the 9/11 attackers were from KSA instead it went after iraq.

#1. You can't use money to develop science. You need open minds and curiosity. Saudi Arabia the Islamic heartland has been scientifically dead for 1000+ years. No new art, no new music, no new literature, and obviously no new science. How can then we expect them to pour money on one side, and get science from the other end? We are talking about science and not $hite.

#2. Americans would have whooped KSA if they had not immediately opened up everything for FBI and CIA and provided whatever help was needed. If they had behaved like Ahmadenejat, Americans were ready to bomb Saudis back to stone age, just like they would have done any other country that stood in their way. Yes that means Pakistan too cooperated, and India was jumping up and down in front of Americans shrieking take me take me take me.

Nothing personal. Just a lively debate.

Mosa, read post 8 carefully. That is exactly how it is, no jokes, and a very balanced reply. We can all argue till the cows come home, but it is not going to change the facts. Only way out of this whole crap is to shut down the "private contributions" from the Gulf for mosques and seminaries abroad in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.

Step two would be de-radicalization / decommissioning of imams and students of these mosques, either through peaceful methods or whatever the hell that is required.

Regarding proof, there is no proof needed! 30 million people of Pakistan are walking proof, who saw these mosques mushroom during the 80's and 90's and the consequent radical shift in the attitude of the 'weaker' generation, is all thanks to these mosques / seminaries.

The Arabized romanticism of "jehad" and intolerance to anything that does not conform to a rigid understanding of Islam in the Peninsula, played havoc on the psyche of our younger population. Through these mosques and seminaries, slowly but consistently, the masses were sold a lie, which put the final nail in the coffin of 'co-existence' and harmony in the fabric of Pakistani culture. The youth today know more about the ***** Palestinian cause than they know of their own history!

And don't engage from the angle of wealth and peace. We were much peaceful when we were dirt poor in the 50's and 60's. It's all about perceptions mate.

Just like some of our Pakistani members maybe brain washed about absolute hate of Arabs, similarly I see that you also 'sometime' refute arguments without taking things into historical context.

Now listen to the main problem being preached here. Either we like it or not, 90% of Pakistan population think of the Arabs as demigods, as they think that Allah loves you people. Now you and I know how sinister you guys can be :D

Anyhow, I digress. Keep an open mind dude!
Arab countries don't experience terrorism because it's rejected by people, our governments and regimes show no tolerance toward such way of thinking. There are seeds however but the moment they grow, they will immediately get chopped off. Our mosques are monitored as well as our education system which teaches us how to be tolerant Muslims. Living standards play a vital role which are better than the countries that experience terrorism. A terrorist won't blow himself off unless he is desperate. For example, you see terroersts in Pakistan or Afghanistan or Iraq blow themselves off among Shia or slaughter whom they call Kafirs, while you won't see this in GCC or Yemen or Lebanon which have considerable numbers of Shia. Plz, don't blame your misfortunes on others.

Pakistani brothers want to blame others in an attempt to clean their picture in people's minds. Well, Pakistan picture is clean already, and I won't give a **** about what others talk about me or my country.

I would like to show you how our regimes turn to real monsters toward those people. In Jordan, a terrorist group started to flourish in a city named Maan in Southern Jordan where I studied. The government tried to arrest them but they used weapon in resistance, yet and after few days the army sieged them and either arrested/killed them all. They were finished in a matter of days.

I have a Saudi friend who has a brother in prison. The court sentenced him with 2 years in prison, but he has been there for 10 years because he hosted a wanted terrorist at his home. They won't release him unless they be sure he is changed. My friend told me he won't change his thoughts about Jihad so he will be imprisoned. I see this overreaction and oppression, but this is how those are being treated over there.
They appear to be the safest nations in the muslim world in terms of low number of terrorist attacks. Even turkey has the occasional bombing by pkk. So What differentiates them from everyone esle?

The whole Islamic terrorism thing came from this region. There is no attack there because there is no target and enemy there. You see what I mean?

Bring me proof that the governments of GCC openly support terrorism. Any kind of proof will do.

And to OP, we do not experience terrorism because the pool to draw terrorist from is extremely low (Poor, uneducated) As Oil Wealth has allowed the average joe in GCC to be more Educated than their poorer counterparts in the rest of the "Muslim world" sort to speak.

Where is the root of this ideology? Where is the root of al-Qaeda?
Who did 9/11? Why Saudi suicide bombers in Iraq are more than even Iraqi bombers?


Studies: Suicide bombers in Iraq are mostly foreigners | McClatchy
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