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Why doesn't Pakistan build an aircraft carrier?

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"You guys do realize that aircraft carriers are only meant for power projection and not for defending your home soil right?
Why on earth would Pakistan need an aircraft carrier when their only goal is to protect Pakistan coast line? "

Completely agree with the above. CBG is useful for power projection and taking the offense to opponents grounds. And since its a CBG means more ships. A CBG also means investing in sea-borne AWACS, ASW choppers, dedicated air wings and not to mentions subs backing them up.

A lone carrier (not that you need one to) may scare Somali pirates. A well equipped Navy is a different ball game. The question is not just about money and economics. Its also about what the PN is supposed to do in the event of conflict. Is it defence of the supply routes or offense into enemy territory. This is in the realms of Pak military's overall strategy. The Pak military has most often sought to fight on the international border of Raj, Guj and Punjab, besides Kashmir. PAF tries to disable IAF assets on the ground in the first 2 days or so. PN tries to ensure that supply routes to Karachi and Gwadar (once its open) remains operational.

So in the overall scheme of things in the next 10 years a carrier looks unnecessary.
WTH ? man we have no damn any money for it we don't know how to make. we have no infrastructure we have no tech .this thread really making us funny in front of others :D
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not another one of this thread!!!!

Mods: Please close this thread.

Again with this childesh dream... close this damn thread... waste of thread space PN does not need a AC why can't you kids get it through your thick heads.

Baah, cheap labor from India when u can get free labor from all those mujahideen and suicide bombers running loose all over Pakistan - just get a few mullahs to tell them its in the service of Allah. They'd work for free :pakistan:
What Ironic is that your so called "enlightened" engneers are more than pathethic when it comes to local production, just take any IN program and you ll see what I am talking.
I firmly believe Pakistan should go for atleast 2 carrier battle group. :pakistan:

A few more subs, a sub launched CM and adequate aircover over territorial waters. Thats what we need. With more F-22Ps, new sub acquisition, Canistered Babur and JF-17 with C-802AK and now long range C-803, I am more than satisfied that we are heading in right direction. Subs all the way!
Aircraft carriers have become an integral part of a good navy. In fact, a navy is not considered good enough if it does not have aircraft carriers.
Most navies by that definition are not good enough, including IN (you did say carriers - plural ;-).

Navies with one or more aircraft carriers operational today: 8 (US, Fr, Br, Ru, In, E, I, Th)

League 1 (non-v/stol aircraft, catapults)
US (several CVNs)
France (1 CVN)
Brazil (1 CV, with old generation aircraft)

League 2 (non-vstol aircraft, ski-jump en lieu of catapults)
Russia (1 CV)
China (1 CV working up)
India (1 CV working up + 1 more building i.e. projected near term)
UK (1 CV building i.e. projected near term)
(considering Vikramaditya and Varyag as near operational)

League 3 (vstol aircraft, with or without ski jump)
US (all its 40k ton LHA/LHD can operated as sea control ships with some 20 Harrier II, in future F35B)
Spain (1 Asturias SCS, 1 large LHA)
India (1 ex-Hermes, with Sea Harrier)
Italy (1 Garibaldi, 1 Cavour)
Thailand (1 mini SCS + some AV8A)

Possible/Likely future candidates (large potentially vstol capable LHA/LHD)
South Korea (Dokdo)
Japan (DDH)
Turkey (LHD project)
Australia (2x ship as in Spanish navy building)
Aircraft Carriers will probably be the stupidest things on earth for Pakistan. Our enemy is sitting next to us. If we have them then, a couple of anti runway bombs will be used to destroy the whole fleet of aircrafts.

They are good for those who want to go long range for attack. Japan used 6 of them to help their aircrafts reach Pearl Harbour.
I'ld like to reiterate again on the inital question "Why doesn't Pakistan build an aircraft carrier?"

It doesn't say 'buy' or 'lease', it says BUILD. Consider:

Karachi Shipyard is the only shipbuilding company in Pakistan.
Karachi Shipyard - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Facilitates installed, are suited to build and repair medium size ships up to 18,000 TDW and multipurpose cargo vessels up to 26,000TDW.
Having three building berths, two dry docks and long Quay-walls, the shipyard has the capacity to undertake fabrication of three ships at a time and carryout shiprepairs of four major ships simultaneously
KS&EW can build Naval ships like Frigates, Missile Crafts, Corvettes, Gun boats, Patrol Craft, Assault Boats, Support Vessels, Ammunition Carriers, Submarines, Oil/Water Tankers and Diving Boats. In addition, KS&EW's Heavy and General Engineering section provides diversification to its core activity of shipbuilding and shiprepair.
in year 1996, 4000 ton lifting capacity dock was delivered to PN for repair and maintenance of PN fleet.
Karachi Shipyard

The yard has two dry docks
of 18,000 Tons Dead Weight ('TDW') and 26,000 TDW capacity respectively.
It has the capability for building large vessels including Cargo Ships, Oil Carriers, Bulk Carriers and Warships, and Marine Craft including Tugs, Barges, Ferries, Fishing Trawlers, Dredgers and Special Crafts.
Karachi Shipyard & Engineering Works Limited ( KSEW )

Note that Deadweight tonnage (often abbreviated as DWT for deadweight tonnes) is the displacement [of a ship] at any loaded condition minus the lightship weight. It is in essence the cargo carrying capacity of a ship, not the ship displacement. It includes the crew, passengers, cargo, fuel, water, and stores. Like Displacement, it is often expressed in long tons or in metric tons. However, while DWT refers to the cargo that can be carried, it says nothing about the ship size. A ship's displacement is its weight at any given time, generally expressed in metric tons or long tons. The term is often used to mean the ship's weight when it is loaded to its maximum capacity. A number of synonymous terms exist for this maximum weight, such as loaded displacement, full load displacement and designated displacement.[2] Displacement is a measurement of weight, and should not be confused with similarly named measurements of volume or capacity such as net tonnage, gross tonnage, or deadweight tonnage
Tonnage - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Displacement (fluid) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now, use Google earth and eye-ball those berths and docks.... they can fit frigates up to Perry size (4000 tons displacement), but not something substantially larger, like a carrier. Aside from the aforementioned investments, to build a carrier, you'ld have to refit the yard (i.e. build a large enough berth/dock)...

BAE systems built the last British nuclear submarine 40 miles away from where i lived in barrow in furnce...a small town in north england.
it took.them about 7 years to complete the task...
the main thing was to come up with a design.....the CAD design and drawings were done in about 4 years..
then the miniature nuclear reactor..fit for a submarine...
dont know if pakistan can design a nuclear sub and a miniature nuclear reactor.
Carriers are like AWACS system, They don't participate in war directly. Usually a carrier reside 700-1000 km away from enemy. Once front boats clear the threat they step ahead.

Fast attack boats, Frigates, SSN, Killer submarines are the boats which face the enemy directly (face to face). ACs provide Air cover. AC is force multiplier and costly asset, no country will expose it to killed by "cheap" missiles.

Before some "cheap" missile reach it, The Fast attack boats and destroyers will destroy the Missile SILO.


An aircrarft carrier gives a base for the navy and airforce to strike from a safe distance.

An aircraft carrier would be a great help to pakistan to create a front on the southern coast of india with the help of srilanka. Hence pakistan can weaken the naval blockade by opening multiple fronts.

Navy is very important for a country like pakistan. Just imagine how easy it is for india to choke paksitan off without any attack just by blocking the cargo ships.

---------- Post added at 01:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:02 PM ----------

Building an AC is no joke. Chinese have taken so many years to create one aircraft carrier that to is a soviet made Varyag falsely purchased and inducted into navy that means it is not 100 percent Chinese.
Correction : of course! we stole atom bomb in few months with the help of AQ Khan why not AC technology?
Stole a real atom bomb ? :rofl: ... Really , I never knew this !
Carriers are like AWACS system, They don't participate in war directly. Usually a carrier reside 700-1000 km away from enemy. Once front boats clear the threat they step ahead.

Fast attack boats, Frigates, SSN, Killer submarines are the boats which face the enemy directly (face to face). ACs provide Air cover. AC is force multiplier and costly asset, no country will expose it to killed by "cheap" missiles.

Before some "cheap" missile reach it, The Fast attack boats and destroyers will destroy the Missile SILO.

I suppose that's why the Brits sailed their Hermes and Invincible all the way and right next to the Falkland islands... ("By late Tuesday morning (4th) the CVBG was 70 miles to the south east of Stanley")
Or why the US keeps sending carriers through the Strait of Hormuz...
I want to know what are efforts are being done by pakistan regarding the naval aircraft carrier ... Do they have such a plan ?...
I know, we in India have it. And a new one is being built in Russia.
nothing they simply cant afford them:disagree:

no it cant because the latest Aircraft carrier will have a high defense and the aircraft carrier will be accompanied by many more ships so breaking its defense is very difficult because it will always be far from enemy ships and operate.....

no bro ac have radars and anti sub warfare heli's rember
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