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Why Does the Muslim World Lag in Science?

Obviously u never heard about the Roman Empire.

There were Italian, Celtic, Gaulish, Illyrian, Dacian, Syrian and so on emperors.

He is right @500

Roman/Greek empires were no way near as diverse, tolerant, and vast as early Islamic empires.
there will always be an opposition of all type against us or anyone,there was since day one,there is and will always be till the last day...we muslim arent or werent little crawling babies that enemies came and so easily destroyed us...we were morally and strategically weak so were easily conquered....we also had weaknesses...

please come out of the typical thinking and conspiracy theory that whole world is just against us and working day and night just to damage us...
Never said that the whole world is conspiring against Muslims, only Judeo- Christian sects are still doing that.
I agree with you that when the Muslim world was conquered (for at most a century by Europeans - far away from 1000 years of Muslim conquest of them-) it was weak, and that came from internal infightings between week princes for thrones following the passing out of strong and unyielding kings. If you read a bit about the Muslim Spain, you'll get a good Idea of what happened in general in the Muslim world, since Andalusia was most advanced and most typical of the rest. Those princes split the kingdoms between them, so they made themselves more vulnerable to attacks that came anyways. They have opened their doors to European most beautiful girls and took them for wives and concubines, they took Jews as their financiers and confidants, so their morality went low and in contradiction with Islamic teachings and beliefs.
So, as GOD said in the Koran, when people reach such a low life he replaces them with better people.
The lesson is, for Muslims to go back to that apogee of life, they have to be better than the rest in their deeds.
In brief, it is God that one has to please, not other people, Although having the attributes to please GOD makes one automatically pleasing to other believers what ever is their faith.
most muslim countries are underdeveloped and relatively small populations, hence little scientific output

the wealthy muslim countries don't have large population size required for significant scientific research. the greater the population, the more scientific research
SJR - International Science Ranking
Really what makes Islamic empire more tolerant than Roman?

Their tolerance for non-Muslims. Romans were barbarians and didn't tolerate anything...persecuted Christianity...and almost completely annihilated Judaism/Jews.

Islamic Civilization was way more tolerant, accepting, and multi-cultural than anything the world had ever seen. Historically, historians agree that Islam was the first-ever "global civilization" of human race (Google the words : The First global civilization).

Infact, scholars of Jewish studies have argued that if it wasn't for Islam, Judaism would have become "extinct" by now due to Western (read Roman) persecution, destruction, and so on.

So, what did the Muslims do for the Jews? | The Jewish Chronicle

Take this for example. This Islamic Empire was the largest-ever human created empire uptil that point in history. Way larger and global than Roman, Greek, or any other local Western empires.

The catch? At its peak, this Islamic-empire was majority non-Muslim. Whether military, or administration, bureaucracy, or even courts...*majority* of the people working in all these institutions were non-Muslims.


Throughout history, minorities in Islamic World had their own legal system/courts and were allowed to do their own thing independent of state-laws.

History isn't your top strengths, it seems.
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The Muslim world is lagging behind in science because we have become too obsessed with science. We are too focused on churning out technicians, and have forgotten the more important task of raising a generation with values, morals and discipline. If we have the right values, success in everything else, including science, will naturally follow.

In any case, science should not be the be all and end all of our lives. Peace (both internal and external), justice and happiness should be the real goal. And as we have seen, science does not always deliver that. In fact, it appears that scientific advancement can be inversely related to personal contentment.
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Because we have not PRACTICAL application of knowlege

In West ,when you learn something you apply that towards a job and you live your life and your country moves up

Us , Pakistan , you learn 1000 page book , but the student does not gets concept and then when graduate there are no jobs related to their education so they end up becoming sales men , traders or Mangoe exporters
most muslim countries are underdeveloped and relatively small populations, hence little scientific output

the wealthy muslim countries don't have large population size required for significant scientific research. the greater the population, the more scientific research
SJR - International Science Ranking
Israel is less population then any rich muslim country.
Israel is less population then any rich muslim country.

Israel has more population than Qatar, UAE, Kuwait, Brunei, and many others.

Remember, majority of 'population' of UAE are South Asian workers, and not Arab citizens. Don't forget this point.

Also majority of Israeli population came from Western world itself. And they were pretty well-trained in science, technology, and military affairs etc.

Arab countries just started their journey few decades back..and had no training what so ever.
Israel has more population than Qatar, UAE, Kuwait, Brunei, and many others.

Remember, majority of 'population' of UAE are South Asian workers, and not Arab citizens. Don't forget this point.

Also majority of Israeli population came from Western world itself. And they were pretty well-trained in science, technology, and military affairs etc.

Arab countries just started their journey few decades back..and had no training what so ever.

Good point , not only israel has 13 milion residents but there are 42 million jews world wide who support them financially , arab world so poor like egypt

Is science even relevant?

Everything dies, we should rather concern ourselves with signs instead of science before we too pass away.
Great point mate we should instead focus on technology
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