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Why Armenia And Serbia Might Seek Iranian Drones

That too. Personality also counts.
It's not like I can get along with a narcissistic or a lying trouble maker.

And even if I respect the opinions of others, I don't want to share my life with them too much. My ex-brother in law is from a conservative background but he's knowledgeable and respecting of other religions and wants equal religious rights in Pakistan, so I realize he shares my ideology.

He's patriotic and pro-equality, so we can get along for the most part.
There is only one group of people that I cannot tolerate, Pro-PKK Kurds and leftists.
I can find common ground with all other people
We don't like attack baku.
But baku want it. Lol
They are so aggressive against iran so its possible that Iran destroy baku.
Also turkey can't do a shit.
Okay can give a little advice Ramadan for those who are celebrating this month I think last comment was a sign to move on.
We don't like attack baku.
But baku want it. Lol
They are so aggressive against iran so its possible that Iran destroy baku.
Also turkey can't do a shit.

Even FSA beat İran+SAA+Hezbolah in Syria

and in 2015 Rouhani ( Iran ) asked helping from Putin ( Russia ) against FSA
Iran is nothing without Russia

backward technology and useless proganda ... iran can not do a shit

Iranian fake toy

Turkish state of the art technology




There won't necessarily be an attack on them. In case of a declaration of war against Armenia, Iranian troops could simply move in en masse for example, and secure the border area on the Armenian side to uphold international law. If the Baku republic's forces fire at the Iranian army, they will have initiated hostilities.

Also you surely realize it's illegal aggression and trespassing onto sovereign Armenian land I'm referring to. This is different from Karabakh, which indeed belongs to Azarbaijan. Turkey may not rush to be complicit in a war of aggression.

If they do however, the Turks will find it complicated to reach the front via the 9 kilometer wide mountain zone which serves as their border to Nakhjavan, and the sole isolated road leading through it. Iranian territory is stretching all along this border strip at a distance of less than 4 kilometers. Actually the road at one point is running merely dozens of meters from Iran, while the border crossing is at less than one kilometer.

View attachment 924002

Which means Iran could subject this place to sustained strikes including with mere artillery, ATGM's etc. The bridge will be gone in no time. Same goes for the road through Nakhjavan itself.

The other option for Turkey would be to dare try and invade Iran's entire northwest. Well, good luck with that. They'd need to mobilize hundreds of thousands of troops. And to stomach the consequences in terms of ballistic and cruise missiles raining down in the thousands upon vital targets across Anatolia, not to mention the massive number of casualties they'll incur on Iranian soil. Won't be anything like confronting PKK guerillas in Iraq or Syria. They'll be met by up to a million Basijis, on top of the regular Army and IRGC.

Good at defending the nation's borders.

Iran would intervene one way or another because forceful modification of borders was defined as a red line by the Supreme Leader. Which is why Aliev, no matter how high on Isra"el"i-sponsored delusions right now, is unlikely to go ahead with plans to illegally annex Zangezur. Better for all parties involved, except for the zionists who want this to degenerate.

I'd say this would be about as vital to Iran as Syria was. Syria showed the degree to which Iran is ready and willing to involve herself militarily, if no other options are left, in order to prevent major detrimental disruption of the status quo.

Why would an Islamic Republic help Armenia against Azerbaijan which is a Muslim country?
It's not like Armenia has any importance to Iran. Armenian lobby clearly doesn't support Iran.

No but they don't condemn Iran either. Armenians and Iranians have been good friends going back centuries and still are.

Both of them share a common dislike of Turks I notice. The only time I can recall Turkey and Iran supporting the same side was in Afghanistan where they supported the Northern Alliance which consisted of Persianized and Turkic factions.

Pakistan supported the Taliban which consisted of ethnic Pakhtuns. But I notice even the anti-Islam Armenians online will hold their tongues from criticizing Iranians.

I guess there's ignorant people amongst every population. I've had my own share of squabbles with Turks & Armenians.
Russia thought the same in Ukraine, and they've run out of missiles lol.

The role fulfilled by BM's in Iran's doctrine is nothing like Russia's. Nor are the volumes of the two arsenals.

You're living in a dream world.

Armenia agreed to territorial concessions in Zangezur corridor in 2020 ceasefire treaty. Azerbaijan will take what's rightfully theirs.

Armenia did not cede sovereignty over Zangezur to the Baku republic.

Iran won't risk everyhing for no gain. Armenia is an even more backwards country with an insignificant economy. Their trade with Iran is likewise insignificant for Iran.

There's a reason the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution defined forceful change to recognized international borders in Iran's vicinity as a red line. Turkish planners aren't misreading Iran's perspective, even if the tone emanating from Turkish media reports may suggest otherwise.

Let military confrontation aside losing Turkish and Azerbaijani trade would be bad enough. Military confrontation with Azerbaijan and Turkey would be a nightmare scenario. You're painting a rosy picture lol.

Allowing a staunch ally of the zionists to exert control over the entire territory to Iran's northwest and to incite "ethno"-linguistic separatism in Iran would be worse. Between allowing such a thing to happen and responding to it one way or another, it's clear what would serve Iran's interest more.

Anger at the Aliyev regime in Iran is at an all time high, with calls for decisive action getting louder by the day. Iran won't be lacking volunteers in any confrontation against Baku.

Risk of military conflict aside, they will alienate Azerbaijan, Turkey and even Azerbaijani population living in Iran.

Only a small minority influenced by separatist discourse. Other than these, Azari Iranians are staunchly patriotic and loyal to their motherland Iran. This will be evidenced and propaganda laid to rest on the day Iran starts countering any hypothetical future violation of international law by Baku.
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is there a nut head bigger than ilham Alieve , and yet some countries don't have any problem arming him

It's probably Aliyev that the user was referring to.

Considering how the same Aliyev declared in his video interview with French newspaper Le Figaro shortly after the 2020 war, that Iran had sold weapons to the Baku republic.

You realize that we can also hit Iran too, right?

Mostly with its air force. Which in turn is dependent upon air bases. It's precisely said airfields and their support facilities Iran would be targeting with salvos of ballistic missiles in case of war.

And since we will be the defender side in such a war, other important issues such as logistics will give you a headache the most. Even a state like Russia could not collapse Ukraine's infrastructure with only missile attacks.

If Baku's troops move into and try to annex internationally recognized Armenian territory, they will be the aggressor. Iran would then be fighting to uphold international law.

Russian doctrine never shared the degree of Iran's focus on ballistic missiles. Also Russia's war objectives go way beyond neutralizing Ukrainian offensive capabilities. To Iran, disrupting normal operation of the Turkish air force would be enough.
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Why is Iran arming Serbia?

That has not happened.

Israeli support in the war (and I'm not talking about equipment) is vital

you can see how quickly they can smear you with genocide accusations and turn you into a pariah state.

Baku could have relied on Iran, Turkish support would have been sufficient as well. Instead they chose to turn to the zionists and cooperate with them against Iran.

The crux of the issue is that Aliyev is buying into the promise zionists have been whispering into his ear, that he could annex Azari-speaking provinces of Iran. There's some megalomania at play with this person, and that's dangerous, mostly for Baku itself.

Well, he's an ethnic Azerbaijani from Tebriz area so it's not surprising.

Supreme Leader Khamenei's policy choices are not informed by "ethno"-linguistic considerations at all.

But Iran as a state policy clearly doesn't support Azerbaijan like Turkey supports Azerbaijan. Or even to the degree that Israel supports Azerbaijan. Placing economic sanctions on Armenia would give Iran some leverage. Closing the Armenia border instead of threatening to defend it (lol) would make Iran suddenly much more valuable.

It's not like Armenia has any importance to Iran. Armenian lobby clearly doesn't support Iran.

All because of Baku's tilt towards Tel Aviv and their questioning of Iranian territorial integrity in line with the zionist master plan.

Despite the above Iran refrained from supporting Karabakh Armenians, and has to date stopped short of arming Armenia.

Why would an Islamic Republic help Armenia against Azerbaijan which is a Muslim country?

For now Iran has never extended military support to Armenia. This may change if the Baku republic decides to invade sovereign Armenian land (not Karabakh which legally is Azarbazijani territory, but the Zangezur corridor bordering Iran which belongs to Armenia).

Reason's quite straightforward and self-explanatory. Namely the fact that despite Iranian assistance to Azarbaijan during the first Karabakh war (Iran actually gave martyrs for Karabakh), the regime in Baku has kept eyeing Iran's Azari-speaking provinces and is entertaining the insane dream of annexing these, spurred on as it is by none other than the zionists with whom it entered a strategic alliance. Zionists who for their part are known to be seeking to balkanize Iran along "ethno"-linguistic lines.

Iran was the first country to recognize the Baku republic's independence from the Soviet Union. Also Iran gifted 500 million USD to Baku in the 1990's when the newly independent republic was facing serious economic issues, even though the Iranian economy itself was still recoverin from the immediate consequences of eight years of imposed war with Iraq (1980-1988). What's more, all these years Iran has been auhorizing Baku to use a land-based corridor through Iranian soil, allowing the Azarbaijan Republic to link up with its enclave of Nakhjavan located between Iran, Armenia and Turkey - again completely free of charge. Contrast this with how the Republic of Azarbaijan has recently gone over to heavily taxing and harassing Iranian truck drivers who pass through territory under its control.

In sum, Baku responded to Iran's forthcoming policy by operating a rapprochement with Isra"el". Other missteps included the assassination under dubious circumstances of an influential officer of the Azarbaijani military who was holding favorable views of Iran, arrests and imprisonment of other pro-Iranian Azarbaijanis including Moslem scholars, laws banning Islamic hejab, restrictive measures against Shia Moslem mourners during Ashura, repression of the local Talesh minority (the Talesh are speakers of an Iranian language).

This is despite the fact that what's now called Republic of Azarbaijan used to be part of Iran for several millennia, until the Russian empire invaded that land and separated it from Iran in the early 19th century i.e. not too long ago. Today assorted politicians in Baku can be seen attempting to incite "ethno"-separatism amongst Azari Iranians.

Brenda Schaffer, an Isra"el"i scholar focused on promoting Azari separatism, is officially holding meetings with and advising the Baku regime. She moreover conducted a photo session with an American CIA person on the Azarbaijani side of the border with Iran.

What's more, Iranian intelligence found that one or several of the assassins who murdered Iranian nuclear scientists at the behest of Mossad, was or were handled out the Republic of Azarbaijan. Likewise, an Isra"el"i spy drone shot down by Iran is said to have taken off from across the Aras. In line with this, an Isra"el"i television channel recently aired a program which suggested that Mossad spies responsible for sabotage operations against Iran's peaceful nuclear program infiltrated Iran via the Republic of Azarbaijan as well.

Not to mention how authorities in Baku stationed Syrian fighters hostile to Iran along the border. Recent reports suggest they may be joined by the MKO in future, an exiled terrorist cult and one of the most extremist opponents of the Islamic Republic (the MKO has a record of murdering over 10.000 Iranian citizens in the 1980's and joining hands with Saddam's Iraq against their own country during the war).

The people of Azarbaijan are mostly Shia Moslems but the regime ruling over them is a highly secularist one, which has no issues collaborating with Tel Aviv against Islamic Iran's national security and territorial integrity. It's a regime whose president will lay flowers at the feet of an eminently masonic symbol such as the obelisk.


This is inevitably bound to provoke tensions with Iran. Iran cannot be faulted for acting against this plot, can she. And in effect Iran has displayed vast amounts of restraint and strategic patience in order to avoid stepping into traps prepared by the zionists. After copious provocations directed at Iran, a red line has recently been drawn by the Supreme Leader. Namely, any attempt by Baku to bring about forceful change to legally recognized boundaries. In that case Iran will respond, either directly or indirectly due to the heightened threat it would represent to her national security. It could take the shape of support to Armenia but Iran could as well choose to mobilize other types of assets. There are various options at Iran's disposal.

Should Baku refrain from such an ill-conceived move however, then Iran in all probability will pursue diplomatic efforts to make the Aliyev regime realize the deep errancy of its current policy towards Iran.
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Why would an Islamic Republic help Armenia against Azerbaijan which is a Muslim country?
Maybe because that supposedly Muslim country invited Zionists to its territory and let them talk about creating a 'unified front against Iran'.
If Baku's troops move into and try to annex internationally recognized Armenian territory, they will be the aggressor. Iran would then be fighting to uphold international law.

Russian doctrine never shared the degree of Iran's focus on ballistic missiles. Also Russia's war objectives go way beyond neutralizing Ukrainian offensive capabilities. To Iran, disrupting normal operation of the Turkish air force would be enough.
But Iran will defend Armenian land in Armenia or help Armenia by attacking Nahkchivan? Any offensive to Azerbaijan to would fail because there is Aras river you need to pass first and than terrain is heavily mountainous, Only flat area is Ganja gab but there too many rivers and canals wich you see how they stopped Russian offensive in Ukraine.
Turkish airforce will not be active in a war against a country wich have a lot of AA systems,
critical military facilities can be hit by Bora,Han and Tayfun missiles,

Maybe because that supposedly Muslim country invited Zionists to its territory and let them talk about creating a 'unified front against Iran'.
Iran has been threatening Azerbaijan through the IRGC since October 2021, while Azerbaijan made a real alliance with Israel only in 2023
But Iran will defend Armenian land in Armenia or help Armenia by attacking Nahkchivan? Any offensive to Azerbaijan to would fail because there is Aras river you need to pass first and than terrain is heavily mountainous, Only flat area is Ganja gab but there too many rivers and canals wich you see how they stopped Russian offensive in Ukraine.

Nobody knows exactly how Iran would respond, various options can theoretically be envisaged, up to letting Baku take control of Zangezur and then using Iranian-trained Armenian guerillas for frequent operations against Azarbaijani forces in the area, as well as against the railway line and road leading through it. Such irregular forces would benefit from a secure base on Iranian soil. Just speculating here.

But if Iran does opt for using ground troops, they will most probably be dispatched to secure the Zangezur corridor on the Armenian side, a territory of limited size, since that is what this whole issue's all about. I doubt they would enter the Republic of Azarbaijan per se.
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