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Why Are Jews So Powerful

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if they are going to do what you have told in the bold part, then we humans do not deserve to live. if Humans learn from the past mistake then its better not to repeat the errors of the past.

It's not we humans who dont deserve to live..but people like Aryan who silently cloak their secretwishes in clever words that they dont deserve to live.

By the words "Hope they dont take a leaf out of Hitler's book", his real intention is "Hope they take a leaf out of Hitler's book"...Shameful :tdown:

@ Bhairava, still waiting for the basket piercing argument

Waiting for immunity from Mods as it may pierce some ego (and since religion was involved, that too)...:cheesy:
I wonder why the mods still allow false flager(Aresenal) to keep his account and didn't ban him yet, might i suggest adding him to the ignore list, the best way to treat that type of person.

Oooooooooooooooohhh I hit a nerve there didn't I

Typical, the supporters of racism and evil tend to spur abuse and call for bans and such when the truth are told.

THe reason why, Ptex, that the mods haven't ban me is that I don't go around and single out a group of people on bases on religion and race like you constantly do on Muslim and Palestines and calling for their deaths .

THe truth my friend and truth will prevail.

THis also goes to Gutt who thanked your racist post well you are all alike aren't you with your hate.
Why Are Jews So Powerful

There are only 14 million Jews in the world; seven million in the Americas , five million in Asia, two million in Europe and 100,000 in Africa . For every single Jew in the world there are 100 Muslims. Yet, Jews are more than a hundred times more powerful than all the Muslims put together. Ever wondered why?

Jesus of Nazareth was Jewish.[/B] Albert Einstein, the most influential scientist of all time and TIME magazine's 'Person of the Century', was a Jew. Sigmund Freud -- id, ego, superego -- the father of psychoanalysis was a Jew. So were Paul Samuelson and Milton Friedman.

The writer is an Islamabad-based freelance columnist
Email: farrukh15@hotmail.com

Jesus was not a Jew!
Oooooooooooooooohhh I hit a nerve there didn't I

Typical, the supporters of racism and evil tend to spur abuse and call for bans and such when the truth are told.

THe reason why, Ptex, that the mods haven't ban me is that I don't go around and single out a group of people on bases on religion and race like you constantly do on Muslim and Palestines and calling for their deaths .

THe truth my friend and truth will prevail.

THis also goes to Gutt who thanked your racist post well you are all alike aren't you with your hate.
so what about the Muslims calling for the end of Jews, care to explain more on that?
when a community such as Jews who were subjected to systamatic genocide under Hitler form a nation will tend to make sure that their blood line survives at any cost and they hold to the land that they bought and made a nation.
If the PLO or HAMAS stops firing rockets into Isreal territory why do they retaliate?

Jesus was not a Jew!
when you are born to a Jewis parents, then you are a Jew right!. He might have started Chirtianity but he was born as a JEW
so what about the Muslims calling for the end of Jews, care to explain more on that?

All religions have their share of idiots so what?

Excuse me you want us to allow atrocities against Palestinians because of crimes of Germany and Europeans?? Why couldn't they be given land in Germany. Muslims and Palestinians pay for Germany crimes sounds a bit silly to me
If the PLO or HAMAS stops firing rockets into Isreal territory why do they retaliate?

Israel's responses have always been disproportionate. F16's bombing civilian areas and killing innocent Palestinians is not fair and you know it for the actions of a few

and made a nation.
If the PLO or HAMAS stops firing rockets into Isreal territory why do they retaliate?

Fine punish those people not launch F16 attacks on civilians who are minding their own business
Fine punish those people not launch F16 attacks on civilians who are minding their own business
Once civilians are employed by a combatant to screen their own activities such civilians become armor - part of a weapons system or defensive bulwark. Isn't that dehumanization is a crime attributable to the combatant guilty of the deed, not the opposing party - even if that party is flying F-16s?
Israel's responses have always been disproportionate. F16's bombing civilian areas and killing innocent Palestinians is not fair and you know it for the actions of a few
For recent week Gaza terrorist are indiscriminatelly shelling towns with total population of one million.

Israel retaliates with surgeonary attacks against terrorists.

Israel has full right to retaliate with artillery fire. Every country in the world would do that. But we dont. How u dare to complain and whine like a girl?
Excuse me you want us to allow atrocities against Palestinians because of crimes of Germany and Europeans?? Why couldn't they be given land in Germany. Muslims and Palestinians pay for Germany crimes sounds a bit silly to me
Though I accept that the amount of force they use in retaliation is 10 times more powerful then what the PLO or Hamas is doing,
its their right to defend their people against attacks.
Please understand, that i am not saying that for the mistakes of Hitler, Palestines have to pay, All i am saying it will be the pshycological state of any human being either individual or collective to make sure that they bring pain to the people who intend to kill the Jews.
For recent week Gaza terrorist are indiscriminatelly shelling towns with total population of one million.

Israel retaliates with surgeonary attacks against terrorists.

Israel has full right to retaliate with artillery fire. Every country in the world would do that. But we dont. How u dare to complain and whine like a girl?

No need for personal attacks little lady. One has to look at 2 things here. Generally speaking we are talking about land that you have invariably stolen. How DARE your nation attack in a land you have stolen?
If you take away the $14,000,000 per day charity that the USA give the zionists we would see how powerful they would be. They would indeed be on their knees. If you take away the unconditional support of the Whitehouse Israel wouldnt exist.
If you are attacked, you strike back and ultimately the bigger di(k wins. As simple as that.

What is so hard to understand in this ?
No need for personal attacks little lady.
It's always fair to question a commenter's credibility.

Generally speaking we are talking about land that you have invariably stolen. How DARE your nation attack in a land you have stolen?
Because that's not how it happened. Did you think the Jews invaded en masse after WWII? Even on this forum there are Turks showing how Jews purchased land in Palestine over decades from Arabs, starting in the 19th century.Can you tell us how under Ottoman or British rule there was no way the Jews could "steal" any land at all? (Don't make something up, cite something real.)

I think Pakistanis have been taught lies about Israel because 40+ years ago Pakistani leaders decided that because Arabs are more numerous and control a bigger part of the globe they should be sucked up to more than Israelis. The Arabs monarchs and dictators, in turn, pushed their own version of education on Pakistan because they desired Pakistanis as reliable mercenaries.

Time shows what a big fail both decisions have been.

If you take away the $14,000,000 per day charity that the USA give the zionists we would see how powerful they would be. They would indeed be on their knees. If you take away the unconditional support of the Whitehouse Israel wouldnt exist.
I've discussed this before. Since the 1973 war these millions have explicitly been spent to maintain Israel's military superiority so Israel won't attack its enemies. Take the pot away and how long would it be before Israel feels it has to conduct a big war for survival?
Why do people glorify Jews? when muslims in spain were busy gathering knowledge, Europe was in mess.... every dog has its day. Unfortunately we are from the era of jews... Anyway Muslims don't mind about jews prospering! It is going just right according to their religious belief....
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