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Why are Indians shameless??

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ha ha ha .........you quoted him as he is arastu ......:p:P:P

He was justice of Hindustan and also arsto. As Hindustan is democracy, so following democratic parmpra he joined majority when he found where 90% stands.
what an idiotic thread.
khaya peeya kuchh nahin, glass toda baaraa aana
Butthurt?? There you go,

I have noticed this repeatedly on this forum. Indians never concede even when they are completely wrong. They ll call everything fake news and untrue if it doesn't suit their agenda. They ll bring India into everything, some members even start posting pics of India in a completely unrelated thread. They also bring India on threads which has nothing to do with India, just looking for some attention. India is in no way better than other South Asian country in any way yet they keep lecturing others. These members just like their media pose themselves as some how superior , often comparing Mumbai with Beijing and stupid shit things like that. Up until 20 years ago India use to be extremely poor , the economy has considerably improved but they keep bragging about their economy in threads that have nothing to do with economy.

Why is there so much moral collapse in Indians? Why are they so shameless?? Is it just this forum or is whole indian society build on lies and hate and fake news??

Input from sensible members needed.
It s all about genetics and drinking habit (Cow urine).
He was justice of Hindustan and also arsto. As Hindustan is democracy, so following democratic parmpra he joined majority when he found where 90% stands.

thats why i told you if you had katju types you must be knowing your exact number .
Why are false flaggers job-less?
do you work in seven 11 or drive a taxi? :lol:

get off your high horse
so if you don't know where is k2 you are shameless ?

With all your answers you have proved my point of Indians being shameless. I have seen you getting humiliated in every other thread, by almost every member here. Why do you do that?? Just genetics?? Or drinking too much cow cola?? Or may be brain injury when hindu mob raped some one around you or lynched you publicly when you didnt chant Bharat Mata Ki jai?? I am honestly concerned about your mental faculties? You are like a lost child begging for attention from Pakistani users, most of your threads are in purely Pakistani sections.
Butthurt?? There you go,


height of shamelessness of a butthurt when out of arguments
I think you will get your answer by just reading some of the comments from Indians ..

Got it.

height of shamelessness when out of arguments
indians don't have stable govts from 1947 , dictators have looted india , indians are poor, uneducated ,jobless , passport is no .one from bottom, indians are expelled enmass from other countries for charges of terrorism, in many countries they don't get visa , india is begging for money from IMF bailout , indian economy has only one month's foreign reserve. india was humiliated and lost bangladesh in 1971 , 92000 shameless indians were in pakistani jails , indian army infiltrated in kargil like thieves but don't accept it. left their soldiers bodies in battle field never took back . after effect of such humiliations results naturally in shamelessness.
this is why indians are shameless
Lol a hindu satani has just vomited here. Crawl back to slum.

That my favourite :)
With all your answers you have proved my point of Indians being shameless. I have seen you getting humiliated in every other thread, by almost every member here. Why do you do that?? Just genetics?? Or drinking too much cow cola?? Or may be brain injury when hindu mob raped some one around you or lynched you publicly when you didnt chant Bharat Mata Ki jai?? I am honestly concerned about your mental faculties? You are like a lost child begging for attention from Pakistani users, most of your threads are in purely Pakistani sections.

you got perfect reply , and you are showing your humiliated self by opening idiotic threads .
Epic and right on target...
You call such garbage material as epic and wonder why Indians are considered shameless people globally? Oh the irony.

you will get perfect reply , and you are showing your humiliated self by opening idiotic threads .
hahah i am waiting for perfect reply :)
You call such garbage material as epic and wonder why Indians are considered shameless people globally? Oh the irony.

hahah i am waiting for perfect reply :)

you got it just go through the thread .
Where is your rise? Your economy is smaller than the city of Bombay.
What has this thread to do with indian economy???? What is wrong with you guys??? Why are you so much obsessed with few dollars in your pocket??

you got it just go through the thread .
Hahah you are one joker. I ll let you off the hook. You have suffered too much humiliation again.
The old proverb is, if you can't beat them then join them, however the retarded Indian psyche works on the method, if you can't beat them then abuse them, alas living up to their reputation this thread represents the example as instead of countering an argument with substance, lets attack the OP.
The fact that you don't witness any other nationality on Indian forums except Indians behaving in case of blind leading blind proves that Indians are hobessians.
Indian posters are here to fix their damaged egos. As Pakistan and Muslims worldwide rise, they will scream, cry, and curse even more.
Completely agree.

This is because this is all they can do. Pakistan is beyond their physical reach.
Thats true, poor hindusatanis.

Frankly I'm surprised at your concern, I expected someone of your intellect to be smarter than this.


Instead of reasoning with such illogical people, your better off just smacking them on their tushies and pushing them outta your way...:enjoy:

Hahaha right.

The old proverb is, if you can't beat them then join them, however the retarded Indian psyche works on the method, if you can't beat them then abuse them, alas living up to their reputation this thread represents the example as instead of countering an argument with substance, lets attack the OP.
The fact that you don't witness any other nationality on Indian forums except Indians behaving in case of blind leading blind proves that Indians are hobessians.
Exactly I dont know how to address the issue, these people are damaging the repo of this forum. My question was to establish the root cause and work on it but they lashed out at me like hungry dogs, I dont mind that but we are not moving any where forward with that.
Thats true, poor hindusatanis.

Hahaha right.

Exactly I dont know how to address the issue, these people are damaging the repo of this forum. My question was to establish the root cause and work on it but they lashed out at me like hungry dogs, I dont mind that but we are not moving any where forward with that.
Have you ever heard of confirmation bias?
Basically, you created this thread with a certain view in mind, and you wanted others to support you view. That is apparently what has happened, creating a giant circle jerk where no productive ideas are exchanged. Several posters of various nationalities have given serious responses to this thread, but of course you ignored them for the trolls. Let me just tell you always find what you are looking for, so before looking out, you should maybe look at yourself in a mirror.
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