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Why are Indians shameless??

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Page 6 and this is all you guys can say on this thread. Shameless.
It looks like you have chosen to ignore all the serious and sensible answers posters of various nationalities have given. Shameless.
Nope , I can sense that you have no balls and thats the reason you have PAPA as your nick , since you never saw your papa and you can never become one :p

Listen kid dont drag me down to cheap Indian level. You have made your point.
Another madrassa educated schmuck
Except it is not normal to strip search all passengers at the airport. Have you even been to the US? The only logical explanation as to why he was strip searched was either he had something illegal or a Pakistani passport. Anyway that is off topic. And I already told you Devyani was suspected of committing a crime. Police would have done the same to a Pakistani diplomat.
Happy independence Day BTW
Devyani was cavity searched because indian women are know for smuggling drugs in their vaginas and indian men are known for call center and tech support scamming inside US.
Devyani was cavity searched because indian women are know for smuggling drugs in their vaginas and indian men are known for call center and tech support scamming inside US.
Is this supposed to be a serious post? at least Indian women carry drugs in their vaginas not bombs, which is your country's national export.
I also have the spicy video of that.

Wow Just When I Thought **ndians Can't Get Any Stupider,They Impress Me Again.You Can't Make A Difference Between A Man On Private Trip Voluntarily Taking His Coat Off Before and A Woman Getting Stripped Naked By A Police Officer:lol::lol::disagree::disagree:
Wow Just When I Thought **ndians Can't Get Any Stupider,They Impress Me Again.You Can't Make A Difference Between A Man On Private Trip Voluntarily Taking His Coat Off Before and A Woman Getting Stripped Naked By A Police Officer:lol::lol::disagree::disagree:
THe difference is, the second is protocol for anyone who gets arrested, and the former only happened because he happened to have a Pakistani passport. Are you saying your former PM likes being strip searched? Obviously the TSA did not do any of the good stuff in Public View. Does not make it any less humiliating.
Wow Just When I Thought **ndians Can't Get Any Stupider,They Impress Me Again.You Can't Make A Difference Between A Man On Private Trip Voluntarily Taking His Coat Off Before and A Woman Getting Stripped Naked By A Police Officer:lol::lol::disagree::disagree:

Their elevated ego will get bruised.

India are just colonial slaves of Amreeka and Yahood.

Humiliation has just begun.
Their elevated ego will get bruised.

India are just colonial slaves of Amreeka and Yahood.

Humiliation has just begun.
At least we have not been on the receiving end of their drone strikes. That must be pretty humiliating.
Not As Humiliating As Having 2000 sq Km of Your Land Taken Away From You And Not Being Able To Do Anything About It

CHange the subject I see? I can see you posted an opinion piece. Okay point on a map what territory we lost. If you are talking about yourselves you would be right, as we took away 2000 km of Kashmir from your invading army.
Also if you are so tough why do you have to hide behind CHina?
THe difference is, the second is protocol for anyone who gets arrested, and the former only happened because he happened to have a Pakistani passport. Are you saying your former PM likes being strip searched? Obviously the TSA did not do any of the good stuff in Public View. Does not make it any less humiliating.

Oh So In Your Opinion Your Diplomats Enjoyed Getting Roughed Up and Stripped By Police Officers

Your Common Sense Is Evident When You Can't Differentiate Between A Woman Forced To Take Off All Her Cloths and A Man Just Removing His Coat
Oh So In Your Opinion Your Diplomats Enjoyed Getting Roughed Up and Stripped By Police Officers

Your Common Sense Is Evident When You Can't Differentiate Between A Woman Forced To Take Off All Her Cloths and A Man Just Removing His Coat
Did you even read my post? obviously the TSA would not do the fun stuff in public. And she got arrested for suspicion of a crime. Did that happen to your PM? Or was he simply guilty of being a Muslim and having a Paksitani passport?
Whereas PM Abbassi was strip searched only because of his nationality. Now please get back on topic.

I thought you wanted your factual posts to be appreciated here .......... however, shamelessly you "knowingly" are ignoring what strip search looks like and what Khaqan Abbasi went through.

You know it's disgusting of indians here to keep repeating like a parrot that Pakistanis come to their hospitals, whereas their own brutally raped young girl died in a Singapore hospital. You offer cheap services not better services.

It is totally disgusting and shameless of indians to say that Pakistani artists go to india, whereas all your life your movie industry has been stealing Pakistani poetry and Pakistani songs ........ you didn't even spare the tunes of "Dil Dil Pakistan" ....... how much shameless can you get?

And not the last ......... your war trophies are symbol of your shamelessness ...... not as people but as a country. Full of lies, always trying to distort and reinvent history.
CHange the subject I see? I can see you posted an opinion piece. Okay point on a map what territory we lost. If you are talking about yourselves you would be right, as we took away 2000 km of Kashmir from your invading army.
Also if you are so tough why do you have to hide behind CHina?

Change The Subject??Was I The One Bringing Drones Into The Topic

And We Don't Need To Hide,We Can Cross LoC Behead Your Troops And Come Back And Your Army Can't Do Shit About It

What Territory??Read Your Own Countrymen


You Can Talk About "2000" sq Km We Have Been In Control Of 78000 sq km


And Even After 4 Wars You Couldn't Get It Back
Change The Subject??Was I The One Bringing Drones Into The Topic

And We Don't Need To Hide,We Can Cross LoC Behead Your Troops And Come Back And Your Army Can't Do Shit About It

What Territory??Read Your Own Countrymen


You Can Talk About "2000" sq Km We Have Been In Control Of 78000 sq km


And Even After 4 Wars You Couldn't Get It Back
Maybe because we have not tried? India respects Pakistan's territory, it would be nice if you gave us the same respect. And we did take large amounts of Baltistan in 1971 as well as Siachen.
Anyway, regardless of what you say, you cannot change the fact Pakistan has lost territory since 47, whereas India has not lost an inch of soil. In fact, we have gained territory.(Goa, Sikkim, etc.)
Now can you please get back on topic, whatever that was?
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