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Why all Israelis are cowards

Shame on PDF for allowing such racist thread titles for over three weeks.

If it was ''all saudis are cowards, all muslims are cowards, all chinese are cowards, all turks are cowards'' etc etc, it would have been deleted in a minute.
I am not religious, but I know that even your Quran says that Jews were chosen.

Incorrect, do not speak about things you know little about.

Bath school is "going postal" case. Lone lunatic.

IJO aka Hezbollah was first organization which used suicide terror as their tactics.

I would say all suicide bombers have lost their minds or they would not contemplate such a thing LOL.

No it doesn't. It actually says that you guys "were" the chosen people but were dropped due to your insubordination!

That is incorrect, Quran differentiates between two separate people, if you want to know more go post the question on Islamic forum you will see. These are just zionist back patting claims to support their cause.
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Incorrect, do not speak about things you know little about.
Its correct, confirmed by my opponent.

I would say all suicide bombers have lost their minds or they would not contemplate such a thing LOL.
There is a huge difference between the act of one lone lunatic and the policy of strong organization.

IJO aka Hezbollah was first organization which began using suicide terrorism.
Its correct, confirmed by my opponent.

It is incorrect confirmed by me. :) The Quran differentiates between two groups of people of which the Jews are the latter and the former are not considered "chosen" either although it is acknowledged God made a covenant with them which was broken by them.
Shame on PDF for allowing such racist thread titles for over three weeks.

If it was ''all saudis are cowards, all muslims are cowards, all chinese are cowards, all turks are cowards'' etc etc, it would have been deleted in a minute.

Maybe it is a result of poor English? Maybe he meant all Israelis are Cowboys, LOL.
There is a huge difference between the act of one lone lunatic and the policy of strong organization.

IJO aka Hezbollah was first organization which began using suicide terrorism.

Actually most historians attribute suicide terrorism as a policy to the LTTE the Beirut bombing was a once occurrence only later it became a part of their battle doctrine. However if we really want to talk history than the first suicide bombing was by a man named Ignaty Grinevitsky who dropped a grenade at his own feet when he got close to Tsar Alexander the second in order to kill him in 1881.
This isn't new. Israel has been doing this since decades. The media hardly gives this any coverage and governments also stay low. The truth is that change never comes when the governments have their way, its when the people have their's.
After revelation of Islam Muslims did not invade to any country and they were the most peaceful people.
European countries made genocide against poor people like Africans and colonized them for centuries.

USA almost massacred Indian amercian peolpe and seized their land.

Colonialism of west still continues, they make coups in countries, designate their puppets in countries.
That is very simple to understand most of Middle East regimes are old dictatorships that designated by west.

They condemn Muslims and countries like Iran that are defending Muslims against occupation of zionists, but they do not condemn zionist regime for their murdering, captive Muslims everyday, suffering them...
Threatening Syrians Lebanese Palestinians and Iran.

And the most important part is, west has organized one of the most wild regimes in the history and do not condemn or do something against their savagery in 70 years ago.
"After revelation of Islam Muslims did not invade to any country and they were the most peaceful people."

That above is a joke, right???

After revelation of Islam Muslims did not invade to any country and they were the most peaceful people.
European countries made genocide against poor people like Africans and colonized them for centuries.

USA almost massacred Indian amercian peolpe and seized their land.

Colonialism of west still continues, they make coups in countries, designate their puppets in countries.
That is very simple to understand most of Middle East regimes are old dictatorships that designated by west.

They condemn Muslims and countries like Iran that are defending Muslims against occupation of zionists, but they do not condemn zionist regime for their murdering, captive Muslims everyday, suffering them...
Threatening Syrians Lebanese Palestinians and Iran.

And the most important part is, west has organized one of the most wild regimes in the history and do not condemn or do something against their savagery in 70 years ago.
Maybe it is a result of poor English? Maybe he meant all Israelis are Cowboys, LOL.

this. being surrounded by all hostile Arab nations in mid east and standing strong with a much smaller population I would say Israelis are really brave
I'm not so sure anymore whether Israelis or Wahabi/ Sunni takfiris are worse. They are pretty much alike.

No---they are nor cowards---they are ruthless, brutal and brutal---they are just like the nazis---because they have lost their conscience. They have become like their tormentors---.

Don't ever take israelis lightly---just because they did not fight back. In the u s----they have been the enforcers---hitmen---executioners for mafia.

You want to counter israel----you need to follow the teaching of Gandhi----. That is the only anecdote the arabs have.
After revelation of Islam Muslims did not invade to any country and they were the most peaceful people.
European countries made genocide against poor people like Africans and colonized them for centuries.

USA almost massacred Indian amercian peolpe and seized their land.

Colonialism of west still continues, they make coups in countries, designate their puppets in countries.
That is very simple to understand most of Middle East regimes are old dictatorships that designated by west.

They condemn Muslims and countries like Iran that are defending Muslims against occupation of zionists, but they do not condemn zionist regime for their murdering, captive Muslims everyday, suffering them...
Threatening Syrians Lebanese Palestinians and Iran.

And the most important part is, west has organized one of the most wild regimes in the history and do not condemn or do something against their savagery in 70 years ago.

Your own country was invaded by muslims just after Islam was revealed to them.
Actually most historians attribute suicide terrorism as a policy to the LTTE the Beirut bombing was a once occurrence only later it became a part of their battle doctrine. However if we really want to talk history than the first suicide bombing was by a man named Ignaty Grinevitsky who dropped a grenade at his own feet when he got close to Tsar Alexander the second in order to kill him in 1881.
Beirut barack bombing in 1983 was not the first IJO suicide attack. First was 1981 attack against Iraqi embassy. Then was a suicide attack against US embassy in 1983, so barack bombing was third suicide attack. Then was also a suicide attack against US embassy in Kuwait.
Your own country was invaded by muslims just after Islam was revealed to them.
I said after revelation of Islam.do not mix things.Muslims after beginning of Islam up to now have not invaded any country.
In beginning of Islam they defeated Sasanid corps. That is not important,Iran has defeated hundreds corps in the history.

In my comment I meaned Muslims were the most peaceful people in the history unlike European.At this time USA has made near 100 wars straightly and unstraightly but Muslims never begn war...

Why all Israelis are cowards
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