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Who will win in upcoming LokSabha elections in India?

Which party will win upcoming LokSabha elections?

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No, it you and some of your brethren in India, and ofcourse the entire Pakistani establishment who have delusions regarding Kashmir. Kashmir, has always been and will always be a part of India.

Indians must know few basic facts, as to how over the years, the Congress party and its cohorts have disrupted the lives of million of Kashmiris all in the name of "Minorityism" and "Exclusivism" and "Separatism".

a) Making Kashmir, more than equal, as compared to the other states of India, through the subjugation of Independent India's basic tenets, through the most "baneful" Art. 370. Revoke this and everything will melt away.

b) Even within a sovereign state, having a separate flag, and a separate Prime Minister (Sadr - i - Riyasat) and giving more powers to the state to decide on issues. There are unconfirmed reports that the shameless government of Sonia Maino is trying to re-introduce the title of "Sadr - i - Riyasat".

The people of India have the right to ask, on what basis the "Dynastic Congress" party has brought upon these changes completely inimical to the basic tenets of Indian Democratic System.

c) There is "NO", "Separatist Movement", "Independence War" or "Jihad", going on in the State of Jammu & Kashmir. It is ONLY the Sunni Muslims of the "Kashmir Valley" who talk of "Azaaadi" time and again and have been doing so for the last 60 years (though unsuccessfully)

d) There is NO, "Independence Movement" going on in Ladakh and Jammu.

e) The successive Congress Governments has played a tyrant against millions of Hindus travellling from Pakistan in the wake of Partition. Where millions of them have settled in Bihar, Bengal, Assam, Punjab, Delhi, Gujarat and Rajasthan, the Congress Party has "deliberately" pre-empted the possibility of Hindus setlling in Kashmir. Thus, with onw stroke, it has played the most communal "Minority" card. However the bastard, wasnt even not bothered of the "Ethnic" and "Demographic" changes that were "deliberately" brough about in Assam. They have "ghettoised" themselves in such a manner that the Bengalis have been forced to leave Assam.

The result of that we see today.

Of course, ajtr, this is not for your information, this is just trying to cash in on a opportunity provided by you, your Congress sympathisers, Secular Co-religionists and the Marxists.
All ur complain of muslim appeasement is just a fig leaf which dont hold any water.80% of india is hindu so y not all hindus vote en-block(as u say muslims do) to bring hindu govt.but it never happens coz there is no muslim appeasement at all.If its there as u say then fault lies with u hindus not with muslims not with congress not with marxists.
Ajtr, since you are in favour of communal partitions, then why are you still in India. I am sure there are many poor minority refugees fleeing from Pakistan that badly need your house to stay in. Moreover, after moving to Pakistan you will find many friends who support two-nation theory like you.
why should one leave their land and if one wishes to let them do.i'm not gonna do it.if ever i ve do do it i'll leave with my land.
All ur complain of muslim appeasement is just a fig leaf which dont hold any water.80% of india is hindu so y not all hindus vote en-block(as u say muslims do) to bring hindu govt.but it never happens coz there is no muslim appeasement at all.If its there as u say then fault lies with u hindus not with muslims not with congress not with marxists.

and all ure weepings and whinings of Muslims not being treated well in India are product of ure sick hallucinations.
80% of Indians are Hindus(according to ure own post), so if Hindus wanted Muslims would have already been wiped out from India.

offcourse fault lies within our society and within our people, and we working on to fix it, we are making our people aware f the present evils in the society, and we are doing this on daily basis.

now when hindus start becoming united, dont again start crying from the rooftops, that we are being surrounded by evil hindus.
why should one leave their land and if one wishes to let them do.i'm not gonna do it.if ever i ve do do it i'll leave with my land.

this is not your land.
putting it bluntly, u have nothing to be called ure own.
u have been robbed off from your identity, selfhood and dignity. you have nothing left to fall back.
You despise your ancestral culture.
u have to cling to this hate at any cost, coz this is how u can justify your existence,.

ure an outsider, and if u have any problems with the culture and the inhabitants of this land, then u can go back to where u come from.
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its not unique at all.
there are plenty of likes u, who dream of destroying the same land that fed their outsider ancestors.
oh really???? India is destroying itself by getting itself held hostage by the hindu right ideologies. y blame common people.
oh really???? India is destroying itself by getting itself held hostage by the hindu right ideologies. y blame common people.

common people..?? what common people..??
ure not common, ure a parasitic traitor, the only way how India will go ahead is by its historical culture and according to vedic values.

yes today our people are divided, but they are uniting rapidly, and as they are uniting, traitors are going to get a hard time ahead.

if u have any propeblem with the culture and ancient values of this country, then u can leave this place ASAP, and go back to where ure outsider ancestors came from.

he can be new yousuf pathan of indian politics
why should one leave their land and if one wishes to let them do.i'm not gonna do it.if ever i ve do do it i'll leave with my land.

There was some land allotted in 1947 for supporters of communal partition like yourself. That land is called Pakistan. You should go there and enjoy with your friends who have ethnically cleansed the native Hindus and Sikhs.

Now, where will these Hindu and Sikh refugees thrown out by your friends stay? Obviously, your house is required for them.

Maybe your friends in Pakistan will allot you a house which they stole from the native Hindus and Sikhs.
There was some land allotted in 1947 for supporters of communal partition like yourself. That land is called Pakistan. You should go there and enjoy with your friends who have ethnically cleansed the native Hindus and Sikhs.

Now, where will these Hindu and Sikh refugees thrown out by your friends stay? Obviously, your house is required for them.

Maybe your friends in Pakistan will allot you a house which they stole from the native Hindus and Sikhs.

Hold on dude how can she be held responsible for what happened before partition.....????
Hold on dude how can she be held responsible for what happened before partition.....????

Pakistan was created for those who support the principle of communal partition, and he falls in that category.

Meanwhile we have to accommodate refugees who are being forced to flee from Pakistan even today.
You guys give, way too much footage to attention seekers !!..don't get fixated on the flag ..counter the content of the post...There always be a few amongst us, who are desperate to prove, that they stand apart from the crowd and will drop down any level to prove it....in Paparazzi lingo, the are called "attention whores"...and best way to deal with them is to ignore them..however if you do feel compelled counter the argument with cool logic ..instead of raw emotions.
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