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Who may be behind Rawalpindi 10/10?

Bill Longley

Apr 15, 2008
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More then 40 hours have passed since GHQ Rawal Pindi was attacked. Pakistani Special services commandos proved their worth and brought the situation under control with in 1 hour and killed remaining terrorists who had taken refuge in a security compound out side GHQ check Post number 2 in less then 20 hours since the terrorists started the operation.

All world governments except Afghan and Indian governments have condemned the attack. Neither Indian nor Afghan government had any courtesy to condemn it. Indian PM and officials in their response only denied their involvement.

Law enforcement agencies have discovered a house where the initial planning took place and recovered arms and maps from Rawal Pindi they have also discovered a cache of arms and uniforms hidden in a hole near Rawat.

I have been studying TTP since past 2 years. TTP has never displayed such sophistication in its operations. Any body who have studied and watched closely TTP knows that they have no capability to launch such attacks.

On our first program Centre stage with Fahd on 28th Sep IG FC while answering one question revealed that


I remember when Former Prime minister Benazir Bhotto was killed in a terrorist attack I wrote

Soon after her murder “Asia times on line’s” Beauro chief in Islamabad received a call from a person claiming to be AL-QAIDA operative named as MUSTAFA ABO AL YAZEED,who claimed that it was work of AL-QAIDA and further exposed that”… death squad consisted of Punjabi associates of the underground anti-Shi’ite militant group Lashkar-i-Jhangvi, operating under al-Qaeda orders”.

Every body in media started blaming AL-QAIDA and in end Baitullah Mehsud and his Neo-Talibans [TTP] of FATA were pointed as Culprits. Others blamed it on establishment and few on Quaid Leagues leadership. But all failed to analyze the crime on the line that who benefited and who lost and who suffered and will suffer due to this horrendous act of terrorism.
Any body who monitors Indian propaganda knows the pattern of Indian propaganda. They always hit few subjects and villainifying a group and some Pakistani national institutions. Further more the claim made by Asia times makes a common student of Indian propaganda further suspicious because ASIA Times online is one of the major out let of Anti Pakistan propaganda. And the gentleman who broke the News SYED SALEEM SHAHZAD is known for articles criticizing Pakistan army, ISI and its Links to AL-QUAIDA /TALIBAN. Shocking thing which one comes across is that why AL-QUAIDA broke its media Pattern and Approached Asia times online which writes against it.

And from when AL-Qaida Started following Indian style of Propaganda by nominating that it was its “Punjabi associates of the underground anti-Shi’ite militant group Lashkar-i-Jhangvi” its the very same ricochet herd in Balochistan where India backed Insurrection is going on , the same propaganda pattern which we saw few months back in form of Syed Jamal ud Dins add on CNN and his book DIVIDE PAKISTAN AND ELIMINATE TERRORISM which was Having the same signature of B.Ramon, the ex-RAW chief’s trademark .

TTP is enemy no question about it. But those who are financing and planning for TTP are the real enemies of Pakistan. India has not condemned the attack. By reading South Asia Analysis Group articles one get impression that Indians are happy on terrorist attack. I am yet to understand why Indian PM has given explanation that his state is not involved in this terror attack instead of condemning the attack.

What is Indian psyche we all know. I am shocked to see Indian PM statement that “India doesn’t export terror” what a funny statement. LTTE, Mukti Bahni, Tibetan Rebels,BLA etc were created and financed by aliens I suppose. I suppose the PM of India thinks every body is stupid and ignorant of what is Indian thinking and acting pattern.

I suppose Thomas A Mark, Professor in NDU Washington was an ignorant scholor when he wrote....

The “Third agency of RAW,” a supra intelligence out fit started training Tamil insurgents in 32 training camps. By mid 1987, 20,000 insurgents had been trained and were provided weapons by central government of India and state government of Tamil Nadu. While most of the initial training was confined to military and paramilitary camps in utter Perdeash, specialized training was given in special training camps in New Delhi, Momby, and Vishakhapatnam. The most enigmatic training was given to insurgents in Dera Dun along with Bengali, Pakistani and Tibetan rebels.(Thomas A. Marks, Maoist insurgency since Vietnam, Frank Cass and company limited London.1996)

BTW Indian weapons recovered from terrorists, their Propaganda pattern, their activities in Afghanistan as acknowledged by Gen Mac Crystal and William Burns makes things clear.

TTP don’t have the capability and mind to plan and execute such terror attack. The people who handling them are the same people who are planning for them. At one hand they are killing Pakistanies and creating trouble for government and on other doing black propaganda against Pakistani state and Government to achieve their policy ends.

10/10 incident reminds us to beware of our enemy. Pakistan must adopt aggressive stance. These fanatic terrorists and their handlers are our real enemies. Who ever they are government should come out with the name of those states and agencies. Government should put the evidence in front of Public. Public should know from where weapons and finances come for these Terrorists.

I have been trying to say the same thing all the while, like many other people everywhere.

The Taa lee baa n are only puppets. Cleaning Waz ir istan is good, for the time being !!!, But it will not solve the problem, because the actual hand that hires and trains and coordinates these groups has neither been named, framed or considered.

A major portion of why our Govt. has not named the real source is because of the true nature of some of our ministers in Govt.

It is clear where their tune comes from!!!. While we risk our soldiers and our people in Wa zeer is tan, the other side of the border will be well supplied, completely left without guard by the M'eri kans, as they have done all along.

Our security forces guard this side of the border but without any You Ess support from the other side.

We will end up sacrificing our good soldiers and people of wazi ris tan, and the real hand will continue to exist.

Whether you think it is RAW or on an even "Bigger" power or whoever, Seriously think and consider and stem out the real cause :sick:

Agree but who are the handlers behind these scum bags

In my opinion: pro-taliban ex-military officers turned jihadis focus on planning and logistics, while the saudi and other salafi financiers are responsible for bankrolling the operations.

The operational planning of the terrorist attacks on GHQ and the SL team indicates that there is a pool of quality military-trained minds directing the foot soldiers.

As most people know, JM used to be one of the military's 'blue-eyed' outfits active in Kashmir. The fact that JM is in bed with TTP means the handlers are people who have had a long-standing association with the former(JM), which implies that ex-military officers with an intricate knowledge of the GHQ and its security systems, could be possibly involved.

Question I would ask: Who were the key ex-military officers handling JM back in the day and which ones went on to become extremely tight with the group?

Importantly, there are several former Generals who have been known for their pro-jihadi and pro-taliban views for a long time. Who knows what they are upto?:)
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GHQ attack planned in SWA: Military spokesman

Updated at: 1810 PST, Monday, October 12, 2009
RAWALPINDI: Director General (DG) ISPR Maj. Gen. Athar Abbas the plot of attacking GHQ was chalked out in South Waziristan while five of the terrorists belonged to the area of Baitullah Mehsud.

Giving briefing to the media here on Monday, DG ISPR said the objective of the militant’s action was to hold senior military officials hostage and get their demands fulfilled. “They gave a list of 100 people, which included names of some very dangerous terrorists, and demanded their release,” he said.

Maj. Gen. Athar Abbas said the apprehended terrorist Aqeel alias Dr. Usman is not in a condition of giving statement.

He said 10 terrorists, clad in military uniform and riding a white car, attacked GHQ on October 10 at 11:30 AM.

Six army personnel were martyred in the incident.

The security personnel immediately surrounded the GHQ building where 42 people were taken hostage.

DG ISPR said rescue operation ‘Janbaz’ was launched and 30 hostages were rescued in the first phase. But three of them were martyred, he added.

In the second phase Aqeel alias Dr. Usman was apprehended while 9 terrorists were killed in the action.

Those supplying food to the hostages played role of spies, he said.

The terrorists were wearing suicide jackets and had explosives on them, but they could not detonate them as the commando action was underway at that time, DG ISPR said.

He said the terrorists were well-trained and if the army had not taken a timely action, enormous damage could have been caused. They were in contact with media and South Waziristan.

He said the Army Chief remained constantly updated on the latest situation.

DG ISPR said a combined investigation of the incident will be undertaken.

He said there is information about presence of terrorists, linked with banned Jaish-e-Muhammad and Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, in Waziristan. There is similar information of a small group of militants present in Southern Punjab, he added.

“The situation is being analyzed and any decision taken will be in the interest of the country and nation,” Maj. Gen. Athar Abbas said.

He said Amjad Farooqui group has claimed responsibility of GHQ attack.

Regardless of who is pulling the strings of these people behind the scenes, funding them and equipping them, the first step is to eliminate as many of the local enablers as possible, and eliminate as many of their sanctuaries as possible.

Terrorism will not be completely eliminated, but it will be reduced - the reduction of terrorist attacks in Swat (not complete elimination yet) supports that argument.
In my opinion: pro-taliban ex-military officers turned jihadis focus on planning and logistics, while the saudi and other salafi financiers are responsible for bankrolling the operations.

The operational planning of the terrorist attacks on GHQ and the SL team indicates that there is a pool of quality military-trained minds directing the foot soldiers.

Lets remember that there are lots of instances of ex-military personnel joining the ranks of JM, LeJ, TNSM.

More importantly, there are several former Generals who have been known for their pro-jihadi and pro-taliban views for a long time. Who knows what they might be upto?:)

why indian govt has not condemned the attack?

taking religious bias aside who do you think is getting advantage the most
does condemning means they are not involve ? India condemn Attack on Sri Lanka and what happen.

Taliban's are puppet. ? I think taliban will even have to laugh on this statement.
The ring leader of this attack was ex-male nurse of Pak army. How he ended up like...a big question.
They gave a list of 100 people, which included names of some very dangerous terrorists, and demanded their release,” he said.

Why are these scumbags being kept alive?
Catching alive kingpin..is jewel of crown. Now, this guy will vomit lots of information and some of leader of religious political party are in danger...cuz links are some how connected with them....according to ISPR.
al-qaeda...........in my view with support of mehsuds in terms of providing land and resources for conducing this attack
most likely done by the TTP trying hard to take the fight out of their areas. an act of desperation.
Catching alive kingpin..is jewel of crown. Now, this guy will vomit lots of information and some of leader of religious political party are in danger...cuz links are some how connected with them....according to ISPR.

I certainly hope that Pakistan will give him all the Geneva protections that Muslims and Western liberals demand that the US give such types ... Right?
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