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GHQ Attack: names of killed extremists made public

Updated at: 2322 PST, Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The names of terrorists killed during Pak Army GHQ have been made public, Geo News reported Wednesday.

According to intelligence sources, the mastermind of attack at GHQ Aqeel alias Dr Usman has revealed the names of his accomplices, with whom he planned the GHQ attack.

These accomplices of Aqeel’s belong to South Waziristan, Swat, Peshawar and Dera Ismail Khan.

They include Zakirullah Mehsud, Sanaullah Mehsud, Abdur Rehman Mehsud and Abdullah Mehsud of South Waziristan, Umair alias Bilal from Swat, Ali of Peshawar and Habibullah of Dera Ismail Khan.

The bodies of these extremists are still in the custody of the security forces.

GHQ Attack: names of killed extremists made public - GEO.tv
i wrote two kinds of taliban.... (i) who want islam and are known as Islamic Extremist who destroy CD center, Girls Schools etc as these things they think are against islamin rule! (ii) who are just here to support insurgency and creat a havoc in form of political, social and economical unrest in pakistan by sucide bombings, planned attacks even on GHQ etc. These taliban are trained outside our border by who, u know. India has keen interest in destroying pakistan as one can conclude from its recent achievements like "baglihar dam", "huge number or consulate in Afghanistan", "india's mission at ICC", "stopping WTO to give pak a subsidy" and a lot more. So dont say that taliban are anti india. those who are anti india areislamic talibans.
With due respect, there is no need to write in bold. People do read your comments with sense of understanding.

Now regarding the comment, I am unable see your point. First, people start categorizing Taliban into Afghan Taliban and Pakistan Taliban. Now Pakistan Taliban is categorized into two ways as you are saying - one that supports Sharia law and other that wants to explode.

If you forget about religion for one moment and take it out of the discussion, you would clearly see that it is same organism that wants to exert some sort of political influence, but unfortunately, it appears majority of Pakistan are not in favor of this kind of arrangement (as by elections in Pakistan). Now when they are unable to exert influence all over Pakistan, then wanted SWAT for themselves. Pakistani army attacked SWAT and this caused them disdain and they are now fighting back.

Even if you dont agree to the above conclusion which I believe most in Pakistan are seeing, how in the world are you coming up with theory of terrorists getting trained outside Pakistan( The chief plotter was ex-Pakistani army men.)

How can you even remotely link India to this terror. Now dont tell me the guys' real name is Kadam Singh and he had a orange band!
With due respect, there is no need to write in bold. People do read your comments with sense of understanding.

Now regarding the comment, I am unable see your point. First, people start categorizing Taliban into Afghan Taliban and Pakistan Taliban. Now Pakistan Taliban is categorized into two ways as you are saying - one that supports Sharia law and other that wants to explode.

If you forget about religion for one moment and take it out of the discussion, you would clearly see that it is same organism that wants to exert some sort of political influence, but unfortunately, it appears majority of Pakistan are not in favor of this kind of arrangement (as by elections in Pakistan). Now when they are unable to exert influence all over Pakistan, then wanted SWAT for themselves. Pakistani army attacked SWAT and this caused them disdain and they are now fighting back.

Even if you dont agree to the above conclusion which I believe most in Pakistan are seeing, how in the world are you coming up with theory of terrorists getting trained outside Pakistan( The chief plotter was ex-Pakistani army men.)

How can you even remotely link India to this terror. Now dont tell me the guys' real name is Kadam Singh and he had a orange band!
who m i to link india? this is pakistan army who have told that! after investigations from terrorists who captured alive from Swat operation.
Salman Masood

The attack on the General Headquarters (GHQ), the nerve centre of the Pakistan Army, should not have come as a surprise to the country's 'powerful' security establishment given that the Punjab police had already sounded prior warnings of such an eventuality earlier this year. What is surprising albeit disturbing is how the response to this piece of intelligence -- so as to thwart the attack -- proved to be so lacking and inadequate.

The attackers used almost the same modus operandi – masquerading as soldiers -- as the intelligence communiqué had mentioned while adding another innovation of using a vehicle that bore an army number plate and insignia of GHQ on the windscreen. This helped them drive up to the guard post unnoticed. The guards manning the post were always vulnerable and caught by surprise, unable to respond effectively in the face of a sudden spray of bullets. The second guard post should have been better equipped and trained to respond to such an attack. It failed.

The heavily armed men, under the leadership of Aqeel, who also goes by the nom de guerre Dr Usman, afterwards not only managed to get inside one of the security buildings but also took more than three dozen hostages that included several officers.

Aqeel, an army defector, had earlier led an equally daring and galling attack on the Sri Lankan Cricket team but managed to escape the scene. Investigations by the Lahore police revealed that the attackers wanted to take hostages in that assault as well. So a hostage situation at the GHQ fits the profile of attacks led by Aqeel.

Major General Athar Abbas testified to this at a news briefing to journalists at his office located close to the building that was the scene of the bloody siege. Abbas said the terrorists wanted more than a hundred of their jailed 'brothers-in-arms' to be released. Other demands were dismissed as inconsequential by the general and were not disclosed. Media reports suggest that one of the demands included a trial of former President Pervez Musharraf. Since when have these militants started caring about the rule of law that the former general is accused of flouting?

What really happened in the 24-hour hostage situation is unclear. The media was inevitably blocked from having access and most of the information filtering out has been carefully structured and leaked. A predawn commando operation secured the release of 39 hostages. Nine attackers, including the suicide bomber who kept an eye on the 22 hostages bundled in a small room for most of the night, were killed. And the biggest reprieve was that their ringleader was caught alive – though in a severely injured condition.

The commando operation was portrayed, understandably, as an exemplary show of the valour and bravery by the soldiers who took part in the rescue effort. Congratulatory messages by the civilian leadership, which has always seen the GHQ with awe and fear, were sent, eulogising the dead soldiers and condemning those who had attacked. Patriotic songs were aired repeatedly on television news networks. A major terrorist attack had been foiled with traces linked – as usual -- to South Waziristan, the militant safe haven from where almost all of the major terrorist attacks have been planned. Thus, vows to launch an operation in South Waziristan were made yet again.

All of this aside, the fact of the matter is that the terrorist attack was neither random nor did it totally fail. The attackers did manage to get inside the premises of the army headquarters. The sense of impregnability surrounding the headquarters has been dented.

Questions about the security and safety of the nuclear facilities have surfaced yet again and should haunt those at the helm of guarding the nuclear installations. An attack on a nuclear facility is perhaps only a natural and logical progression of the way the terrorist masterminds would want this asymmetrical war to move towards.

Pakistan Army can salvage its pride and prestige only by launching a frontal assault on the terrorists who are wreaking havoc in the country. The safe havens in South Waziristan need to be eliminated.

The nexus between extremists groups operating in Punjab and the militants operating in the tribal areas is widely known and needs to be broken. Army defectors and lower ranked officials have consistently been found of involvement in high profile attacks on military targets. Safety valves against such scenarios need to be worked out.

The civilian government is apparently apprehensive of ordering an inquiry into the attack, as suggested by a news report carried by The News on Wednesday. General Ashfaq Pervaiz Kayani should make a few heads roll. Someone should be held accountable for not following through on the intelligence reports, which were not vague or cryptic but accurate in their predictions. It would be less embarrassing than the secret, nocturnal meetings with opposition politicians.
Take your blinders off, TTP isn't a bunch of foreign funded terrorists attacking you, India and the US have that problem. Your country has a problem with its own countrymen. The jihadists are not going to work for Hindus or Crusaders to attack the Umma.

How many of your countrymen are you willing to sacrifice o the alter of blame the US and India before your willing to put the blame where it belongs? The men who have been killing Pakistanis are Pakistanis, unlike Mumbai or 9-11 the threat is domestic and "controlled" if such is the right word, by parts of the ISI.

just let me ask you something.

how many suicide bombs in iraq before us invasion?

how many suicide bombs in afghanistan before invasion?

hoe many suicide bombs in pakistan before invasions?

any or many?

answers on a postcard....
just let me ask you something.

how many suicide bombs in iraq before us invasion?

how many suicide bombs in afghanistan before invasion?

hoe many suicide bombs in pakistan before invasions?

any or many?

answers on a postcard....

Let me ask you one something. Invasion or not, why have innocent muslims been gifted by suicide bombs by the super muslims of taliban/AQ?
just let me ask you something.

how many suicide bombs in iraq before us invasion?

how many suicide bombs in afghanistan before invasion?

hoe many suicide bombs in pakistan before invasions?

any or many?

answers on a postcard....

I agree with you. I feel like Iraq was unjust and unwanted war. Other than Iraqis who might get freedom to vote their own govt one day, there is no benefit for any other parties involved.

Now regarding Afghanistan. what do you think America should do? Say it is ok, let them send terrorists from there and we will have no response. And if you even assume that America did nothing, do you think they would have stopped launching another attack. When some people like Al-queda makes us-vs-them approach, you dont want to sit around and do nothing about your possible future (of getting killed by them.)

Regarding Pakistan, Pakistan is an independent country. America is using drones only with the permission of the govt and paying huge ransom for it.

Now tell me what will you call these terrorists - who can move so fast from peace-loving (assuming that you are claiming that) to sucide squads. How can you even justify action by the sucide bombers at Rawalpinidi - attacking their own army men.

Even though, you would claim that these terrorists outfits got excited faster when America got into the war. If you assume war wont have happened, do you think these terrorist outfits who are working more or less like political outfits would have not wanted Sharia law or would have not attacked Musharaff or Bhutto.
I agree with you. I feel like Iraq was unjust and unwanted war. Other than Iraqis who might get freedom to vote their own govt one day, there is no benefit for any other parties involved.

Now regarding Afghanistan. what do you think America should do? Say it is ok, let them send terrorists from there and we will have no response. And if you even assume that America did nothing, do you think they would have stopped launching another attack. When some people like Al-queda makes us-vs-them approach, you dont want to sit around and do nothing about your possible future (of getting killed by them.)

Regarding Pakistan, Pakistan is an independent country. America is using drones only with the permission of the govt and paying huge ransom for it.

Now tell me what will you call these terrorists - who can move so fast from peace-loving (assuming that you are claiming that) to sucide squads. How can you even justify action by the sucide bombers at Rawalpinidi - attacking their own army men.

Even though, you would claim that these terrorists outfits got excited faster when America got into the war. If you assume war wont have happened, do you think these terrorist outfits who are working more or less like political outfits would have not wanted Sharia law or would have not attacked Musharaff or Bhutto.

answer the question, did these countries have any/many suicide bombers before invasions.

yes or no?

how is it that these countries have seen far more destabilisation, death, destruction and mayhem after invasions?
answer the question, did these countries have any/many suicide bombers before invasions.

yes or no?

how is it that these countries have seen far more destabilisation, death, destruction and mayhem after invasions?

I thought your previous post was a rhetorical question. yes, everyone knows there were far fewer suicide bombers before the invasions.

But how would you justify their actions? Because of this criminals you know many peaceful Muslims are getting blamed, looked upon on suspicion and a sense of hatred. Not against all Muslims, but against these suicide bombers who happen to be mostly Muslims.

I think Muslim clerics who are moderate and many more Muslim majority take no action. I think they are not frowned upon by the society that is why this kids, 10-15 yrs age or may be bit older too are used for serving some one else's political objective.

Now regarding the ex-servicemen who attacked Rawalpindi - doesnt that show what is going on? He apparently thinks he is fighting for Allah and not for his country i.e. his religion comes before his country. May be it is an observation from atheist!

I always heard this from one of my Muslim friend in India - religion is for personal consumption and not external decoration. But apparently this suicide bombers thinks otherwise.
Whoever is behind the attack. The main thing is we need to stop the local fodder from playing in the hands of handlers.

Once your local support is on decline, it is easy to deal with the handlers.

The foreign hand will always be there as every country moves according to own interests so instead of pondering over that we need to look into the local fodder before getting the handlers.
I thought your previous post was a rhetorical question. yes, everyone knows there were far fewer suicide bombers before the invasions.

fewer or none at all.
let me repeat, fewer or none at all.

and why?

whats the common denominator in all these places?

think back to before 9/11 and think about what you thought when you heard suicide bomber?

was it ever anything other than palestine/sri lanka?

now its all over the world, this war on terror has only increased suicide bombing.

why? and how?

what is it that has brought about this phenomena?

pakistan is a nation that has never ever ever had anything to do with suicide bombers, until uncle sam showed up, yes religious extremism was a problem, a big NO to suicide bombers.

how did it get to this?
fewer or none at all.
let me repeat, fewer or none at all.

and why?

whats the common denominator in all these places?

think back to before 9/11 and think about what you thought when you heard suicide bomber?

was it ever anything other than palestine/sri lanka?

now its all over the world, this war on terror has only increased suicide bombing.

why? and how?

what is it that has brought about this phenomena?

pakistan is a nation that has never ever ever had anything to do with suicide bombers, until uncle sam showed up, yes religious extremism was a problem, a big NO to suicide bombers.

how did it get to this?

I am replying to your "why" part.

If your pump poison into honeybee nest, what do you expect? All the honey bee will try to attack who stoked in it and any one standing near by.

That is what happening with terrorists. They are choked from all sides - their economic resources, their land of nurture is getting replaced. They are fighting back to hold get back all of it and then some and expand their influence.

If you attack an enemy of potent size but way smaller than you, what do you think will happen? They will wait untill they cant any more. Then they find most effective way to kill their enemy. A squicide squad can take out more people (their enemy) than their numbers - in video games, we call kill ratios. But I think it is their final attempt. If the world holds steadfast on them and choke them and smoke them out, world could become peaceful.
I am replying to your "why" part.

If your pump poison into honeybee nest, what do you expect? All the honey bee will try to attack who stoked in it and any one standing near by.

That is what happening with terrorists. They are choked from all sides - their economic resources, their land of nurture is getting replaced. They are fighting back to hold get back all of it and then some and expand their influence.

If you attack an enemy of potent size but way smaller than you, what do you think will happen? They will wait untill they cant any more. Then they find most effective way to kill their enemy. A squicide squad can take out more people (their enemy) than their numbers - in video games, we call kill ratios. But I think it is their final attempt. If the world holds steadfast on them and choke them and smoke them out, world could become peaceful.

you are not comprehending correctly.

these terrorists doing these activities on this scale did not exist before, you are talking after the article/incident, i am talking about before and comparing, therefore there was nothing to squeeze in the first place on this scale.

did iraqi's ever have to worry about suicide bombers before america invaded? now they do.

did afghans? well now they do as well.

did pakistani's? guess what, them too!!

terrorist groups have flourished big time since us invasions, whats giving them impetus?

whats giving them impetus, funding ans strength they did not have before?
you are not comprehending correctly.

these terrorists doing these activities on this scale did not exist before, you are talking after the article/incident, i am talking about before and comparing, therefore there was nothing to squeeze in the first place on this scale.

did iraqi's ever have to worry about suicide bombers before america invaded? now they do.

did afghans? well now they do as well.

did pakistani's? guess what, them too!!

terrorist groups have flourished big time since us invasions, whats giving them impetus?

whats giving them impetus, funding ans strength they did not have before?

Everyone acknowledges what you are saying.

If Shia and Sunni factions dont like each other, how can you blame a third party?

I am of a belief that one is responsible for their own actions. Suicide bombers are suicide bombers by choice.

Remember, our origin happens to same (British India) and the entire passive aggression for independence was achieved constructively only through peaceful means. This was an era whites were considered supreme and occupation was considered legit.
just let me ask you something.

how many suicide bombs in iraq before us invasion?

how many suicide bombs in afghanistan before invasion?

hoe many suicide bombs in pakistan before invasions?

any or many?

answers on a postcard....

we know of at least 19 suicide bombers in Afghanistan before the invasion. 2 killed Ayoob, and 17 flew planes into buildings in the US. They were given aid and comfort by the Taliban, traveled through and got religious schooling in Pakistan.
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