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Who licensed Israelis to kill children?

While Israel is deliberately and intentionally trying to kill Israeli civilians, Israel is targeting only Hamas. Hamas is using the civilians as human shields when attacking Israel. When Israel retaliates, some innocent Palestinians are bound to get hit. Hence, Hamas is responsible for the Palestinian civilian deaths.
just simple answer , Iran problem with Israel is not a religious problem , don't forget every time Ahmadinejad goes to new-york he go and visit representatives from some Jews who are against Israel . and Iran is the only other country in middle east who has a Jew representative in parliament , and the biggest Jew community in middle east outside Israel live in Iran.

Then what is your logic of supporting elements against Israel?

Territorial disputes are there world over with different countries where some or the other group gets persecuted by the other country. Do you also support rebel units in such places?

Please don't think of this in a rude manner; I am just interested to know what is that common factor that compels Iranian government, Bangladeshis, Pakistanis, Malays and countries totally far off and unrelated to Israel, Jews or Arabs in any way, to hate Israel so much? Just that one country out of all the global territorial disputes and conflicts over land.

The only thing common I see is religion.

Nothing else would compel people of so extreme diversity to think about the same thing again and again.

by the way whats the relation of your question to the topic ?

It has everything to do with the topic.

You see, here's the thing. As a third party observer to this conflict and researching over Israeli military, I've come to understand that Israelis have limited resources for a conflict which is what governs their conflict philosophy. Before you pip in to say that US has its back, allow me to complete.

Israel's doctrine was founded on the principle that its defense should be independent, mutually exclusive and self-defensive.

Their resources are limited, budgets are limited and population as well as equipment are limited for a conflict. Which essentially means that they cannot prolong a conflict, pouring millions into a war daily. They also have a very tiny population which means that they cannot stand a massive casualty in conflict.

The point of me elaborating these things here is that unlike how Pakistanis, you guys and Bangladeshis (and pretty much most of the muslim world) thinks, they neither have the time, patience, money or intention to attack women and children like how those palestinian press shows all the time. After every operation, papers are flooded with pics of dead women and children and people wailing. And sometimes the deceased children are so young that they cannot be left without adult supervision and somehow their parents manage to get not even a scratch while the children die. Don't you think that something is strange here?

Due to Israeli limitations, they prefer a strike which is extremely accurate and targets only specific militant groups or rocket attackers who hide behind the common palestinian people to fire. Then what else can you expect them to do?

Unfortunately, no one sees the deaths of those Israeli civilians killed by rocket fire. Why is the Israeli life neglected that has gone by rocket attacks? Those people who died there didn't do anything against palestinians. Doesn't that merit a retaliation from Israel?

Think about it. Jundollah for example has killed so many of your civilians and troops. Wouldn't you as a head of state retaliate against them? Every country will retaliate.

Don't you once get the hint that how is it that the areas of conflict to be evacuated in Israel's context are never evacuated perhaps, intentionally so that casualties occur and they can convert this into an "atrocities" message?

Come on man, think about it.

are yo implying Iran government is killing Israel people on daily basis. or Hamas do what Iran says them to do ?

No. I am just wondering why do you have issues with Israel when neither the Jews nor the Arabs have anything to do with Iran.

That is all.

This is not about some territorial conflict; that rages worldwide. It is something more than that.

didn't these war started after a group assassinated one of the other group leaders and incidentally the one who negotiated a ceasefire with them several week earlier?

The "group" what you call is a hardened militant outfit responsible for deaths of Israeli citizens, that their security forces were hunting for sometime. They were not common palestinian civilians.

Don't tell me your military doesn't use special agencies and tactics to ensure that all threats to your people are eliminated.

Even your military works to keep you safe.

The IDF units were targeting those who mastermind attacks inside Israel.

So tell me; what wrong are they doing by eliminating anti-national forces?

The war only started when 10 Israeli civilians were killed. But Israel didn't target civilians; just that militant leader.

just simple answer , Iran problem with Israel is not a religious problem , don't forget every time Ahmadinejad goes to new-york he go and visit representatives from some Jews who are against Israel . and Iran is the only other country in middle east who has a Jew representative in parliament , and the biggest Jew community in middle east outside Israel live in Iran.

Then what is your logic of supporting elements against Israel?

Territorial disputes are there world over with different countries where some or the other group gets persecuted by the other country. Do you also support rebel units in such places?

Please don't think of this in a rude manner; I am just interested to know what is that common factor that compels Iranian government, Bangladeshis, Pakistanis, Malays and countries totally far off and unrelated to Israel, Jews or Arabs in any way, to hate Israel so much? Just that one country out of all the global territorial disputes and conflicts over land.

The only thing common I see is religion.

Nothing else would compel people of so extreme diversity to think about the same thing again and again.

by the way whats the relation of your question to the topic ?

It has everything to do with the topic.

You see, here's the thing. As a third party observer to this conflict and researching over Israeli military, I've come to understand that Israelis have limited resources for a conflict which is what governs their conflict philosophy. Before you pip in to say that US has its back, allow me to complete.

Israel's doctrine was founded on the principle that its defense should be independent, mutually exclusive and self-defensive.

Their resources are limited, budgets are limited and population as well as equipment are limited for a conflict. Which essentially means that they cannot prolong a conflict, pouring millions into a war daily. They also have a very tiny population which means that they cannot stand a massive casualty in conflict.

The point of me elaborating these things here is that unlike how Pakistanis, you guys and Bangladeshis (and pretty much most of the muslim world) thinks, they neither have the time, patience, money or intention to attack women and children like how those palestinian press shows all the time. After every operation, papers are flooded with pics of dead women and children and people wailing. And sometimes the deceased children are so young that they cannot be left without adult supervision and somehow their parents manage to get not even a scratch while the children die. Don't you think that something is strange here?

Due to Israeli limitations, they prefer a strike which is extremely accurate and targets only specific militant groups or rocket attackers who hide behind the common palestinian people to fire. Then what else can you expect them to do?

Unfortunately, no one sees the deaths of those Israeli civilians killed by rocket fire. Why is the Israeli life neglected that has gone by rocket attacks? Those people who died there didn't do anything against palestinians. Doesn't that merit a retaliation from Israel?

Think about it. Jundollah for example has killed so many of your civilians and troops. Wouldn't you as a head of state retaliate against them? Every country will retaliate.

Don't you once get the hint that how is it that the areas of conflict to be evacuated in Israel's context are never evacuated perhaps, intentionally so that casualties occur and they can convert this into an "atrocities" message?

Come on man, think about it.

are yo implying Iran government is killing Israel people on daily basis. or Hamas do what Iran says them to do ?

No. I am just wondering why do you have issues with Israel when neither the Jews nor the Arabs have anything to do with Iran.

That is all.

This is not about some territorial conflict; that rages worldwide. It is something more than that.

didn't these war started after a group assassinated one of the other group leaders and incidentally the one who negotiated a ceasefire with them several week earlier?

The "group" what you call is a hardened militant outfit responsible for deaths of Israeli citizens, that their security forces were hunting for sometime. They were not common palestinian civilians.

Don't tell me your military doesn't use special agencies and tactics to ensure that all threats to your people are eliminated.

Even your military works to keep you safe.

The IDF units were targeting those who mastermind attacks inside Israel.

So tell me; what wrong are they doing by eliminating anti-national forces?

The war only started when 10 Israeli civilians were killed. But Israel didn't target civilians; just that militant leader.
Then what is your logic of supporting elements against Israel?

Territorial disputes are there world over with different countries where some or the other group gets persecuted by the other country. Do you also support rebel units in such places?

Please don't think of this in a rude manner; I am just interested to know what is that common factor that compels Iranian government, Bangladeshis, Pakistanis, Malays and countries totally far off and unrelated to Israel, Jews or Arabs in any way, to hate Israel so much? Just that one country out of all the global territorial disputes and conflicts over land.

The only thing common I see is religion.

Nothing else would compel people of so extreme diversity to think about the same thing again and again.

no if we cared about religion that much we supported Shia Azerbaijan instead of Christian Armenia .
its not hard the reason we support Palestinian because we see Israel as another Manifestation of what ruled over South Africa for more than half century . exactly at the time that USA labeled Nelson Mandela as terrorist and banned is entry into US soil , we cut all our ties wit South Africa , and till 15 year ago in all Iranian passport the holder barred from entry into two country one was South Africa and another one was Israel , after the fall of Apartheid in r passport only Israel barred for Iranian.

also if you look at the one of the last interview of our late king you see we had problem with how Israel act even before the revolution and he clearly criticized USA on its Unconditional support of Israel. ad also after the revolution we always said we change or stands against them if they accept the right of Palestinian and consider them as equal and reach an agreement with them that acknowledge the equal human right and the right of the exiled Palestinian to return to their homeland . honnestly I can see nothing religious in that

about why they target civilian ? why Hitler targeted civilian of London , why USA targeted civilians and killed 200,000 of Tokyo population in one night of continuous bombing of them with Napalm .why Israel killed civilian Lebanese in 2006 war while they were far away from the area were Hezbollah were busy fighting them .why in USA attack on Panama they killed 10 time more civilian of Panama than they killed of their military. and why in every war Israel go they kill far more civilian than militant and on other side the resistance kill far more of Israeli army than their civilian ?
and now when the war end nobody remember that Israel with Is supervened precise smart ammunition always manage to kill several time of civilian than the resistance with their hand made Grad Rocket ? are you here implying that an Arab blood is less red than a Jew blood ?

let me tell you why they attack civilian , it's part of the psychological warfare , the want to make people to fear them . they want to made the peoples put pressure on the resistance to bow to the demands of the aggressor . you guys have the experience of Britain colonization , people expect you to remember these tactics far better.

and its not important who these people were . Israel reached an agreement with them to stop attacking them and tat person they killed were exactly the one they reached the agreement with . its like that after England reached a ceasefire agreement with INLA they started to assassinate them. what you say is totally unacceptable no matter how you look at it (morally or legally) by the way in trying to kill resistance leaders Israel always have killed some collateral bystander that they consider acceptable.
no if we cared about religion that much we supported Shia Azerbaijan instead of Christian Armenia .
Indeed, mullahs are most hypocrite regime in history of mankind. While whining about fake ethnic cleansing 60 years ago they support real ethnic cleansing in Azerbaijan.

its not hard the reason we support Palestinian because we see Israel as another Manifestation of what ruled over South Africa for more than half century .
What a joke. Arabs in Israel have more rights than in Iran.
about why they target civilian ? why Hitler targeted civilian of London , why USA targeted civilians and killed 200,000 of Tokyo population in one night of continuous bombing of them with Napalm .why Israel killed civilian Lebanese in 2006 war while they were far away from the area were Hezbollah were busy fighting them .
Thats nonsense. Virtually all killed civilians (whos number is much lower than said) were in South Lebanon.

and why in every war Israel go they kill far more civilian than militant and on other side the resistance kill far more of Israeli army than their civilian ?
Thats another lie. During second intifada were killed 754 Israeli civilians and 343 Israeli soldiers. And all these civilians were deliberately murdered by your beloved fake resistance.

and now when the war end nobody remember that Israel with Is supervened precise smart ammunition always manage to kill several time of civilian than the resistance with their hand made Grad Rocket ? are you here implying that an Arab blood is less red than a Jew blood ?
Because Israel spends billions to protect its civilians (shelters, alert system, Iron Dome), while your beloved fake resistance spends ZERO and on contrary uses its civilians as human shields.

Indeed, mullahs are most hypocrite regime in history of mankind. While whining about fake ethnic cleansing 60 years ago they support real ethnic cleansing in Azerbaijan.
Incidentally Azerbaijan started the war and unlike Israel Armenia didn't stopped anyone from returning to their home after the war ended

What a joke. Arabs in Israel have more rights than in Iran.
And Arab in Iran have the same amount of right as non Arabs so they are not considered second degree citizens like some other couyntries

Thats nonsense. Virtually all killed civilians (whos number is much lower than said) were in South Lebanon.

yes like south Beirut

Thats another lie. During second intifada were killed 754 Israeli civilians and 343 Israeli soldiers. And all these civilians were deliberately murdered by your beloved fake resistance.
and during the time how many Civillian Palestinian and How many Militant were killed by your beloved IDF ?

Because Israel spends billions to protect its civilians (shelters, alert system, Iron Dome), while your beloved fake resistance spends ZERO and on contrary uses its civilians as human shields.


yeah human shields in Beirut and north and east of Lebanon while all Hezbollah fighting force were in south of Litany river busy repelling the invaders ?
and by the way I don't need a cartoon


or do you wan't me tell you the complete story of this picture and what will happen in just 2 second

by the way your cartoon is more meaningful in this picture
Incidentally Azerbaijan started the war and unlike Israel Armenia didn't stopped anyone from returning to their home after the war ended
On contrary, its impossible to tell ho started war in Armenia/Azerbaijan but its pretty easy to tell who started war in Israel-Arab conflict.

But main issue is ethnic cleansing: territories occupied by Armenia were ethnically cleansed. No Muslims remained there. In Palestine on the other hand today live 4 times more Muslims than in 1948. Thats how hypicrite Iran whines about fake ethnic cleansing while supporting real ethnic cleansing.

And Arab in Iran have the same amount of right as non Arabs so they are not considered second degree citizens like some other couyntries
Arabic is not official language in Iran, unlike Israel. And Iran is a totalitarian regime, while in Israel people enjoy from all rights.

yes like south Beirut
Hezbollah stored long range rockets there. Nuber of civilian casualties was very low since Israel gave prior warning.

and during the time how many Civillian Palestinian and How many Militant were killed by your beloved IDF ?
Over 95% of killed Palestinians were male. If assume that all females were innocent (which is exaggeration) and that for every innocent female was 1.5 innocent male, that gives us 5+7.5%=12.5% innocents.

and by the way I don't need a cartoon

First pic stone throwing boy captured and tied to car, second pic arrested Palestinian sits close to wall. If u had little understanding of geometry u would know that know that one who sits closer to wall has less chances to be hit.

or do you wan't me tell you the complete story of this picture and what will happen in just 2 second
Rubber bullet was shot. Palestinian suffered very minor injury, commander was punished.

by the way your cartoon is more meaningful in this picture
Pic of arrest, pic of boy used by Palestinians for propaganda. None of your pic has absolutely nothing to do with the issue and just another diversion.

Palestinians using own kids as human shields:




On contrary, its impossible to tell ho started war in Armenia/Azerbaijan but its pretty easy to tell who started war in Israel-Arab conflict.

But main issue is ethnic cleansing: territories occupied by Armenia were ethnically cleansed. No Muslims remained there. In Palestine on the other hand today live 4 times more Muslims than in 1948. Thats how hypicrite Iran whines about fake ethnic cleansing while supporting real ethnic cleansing.
not Impossible very possible and it clearly known that Armenia didn't stopped anyone from returning their homes unlike Israel

Arabic is not official language in Iran, unlike Israel. And Iran is a totalitarian regime, while in Israel people enjoy from all rights.
which country made a language that only 2% of the people speak an official language by the way Arabic is teached in Iranian high School and Guidance School for seven years and its a very advanced course even more advanced as what we are teached of English. and all Iranian must learn it what about Israel ?

Hezbollah stored long range rockets there. Nuber of civilian casualties was very low since Israel gave prior warning.
this Article from Haartes sum it up and still 20%-25% of areas bombed by Israel can be inhibited by humans even after 24 hours per day work of cleaning that continues for several year

by the way is it not true
Amnesty International 23 August 2006 said:
Israeli Justice Minister Haim Ramon that "all those now in south Lebanon are terrorists who are related in some way to Hezbollah."
and about the claims by Israel that Hezbollah used human shield these are the results of the investigations
Amnesty International 21 November 2006 said:
it [was] not apparent that civilians were present and used as 'human shields'."
Human Right Watch August 2006 said:
found no cases in which Hezbollah deliberately used civilians as shields to protect them from retaliatory IDF attack.
Associated press 6 September 2007 said:
A 6 September 2007 Human Rights Watch report found that most of the civilian deaths in Lebanon resulted from "indiscriminate Israeli airstrikes," and found that Israeli aircraft targeted vehicles carrying fleeing civilians.The report stated that the investigation "refutes the argument made by Israeli officials that most of the Lebanese civilian casualties were due to Hezbollah routinely hiding among civilians."
The Independent 7th September 2007 said:
Kenneth Roth, Human Rights Watch executive director, said there were only "rare" cases of Hezbollah operating in civilian villages. "To the contrary, once the war started, most Hezbollah military officials and even many political officials left the villages," he said. "Most Hezbollah military activity was conducted from prepared positions outside Lebanese villages in the hills and valleys around."

let tel you examples of how Israel work the village of Aitaroun in south Lebanon have around 20000 people but brave Israel defense force hit it with 2000 Bomb according to Zaman news paper

Over 95% of killed Palestinians were male. If assume that all females were innocent (which is exaggeration) and that for every innocent female was 1.5 innocent male, that gives us 5+7.5%=12.5% innocents.
what a baseless argument or you a male worker in a field that work in his garden is a terrorist just like NATO who hit a truck in Afghanistan with 80 Worker in it and then claimed we thought they were militant because they were male

First pic stone throwing boy captured and tied to car, second pic arrested Palestinian sits close to wall. If u had little understanding of geometry u would know that know that one who sits closer to wall has less chances to be hit.
Rubber bullet was shot. Palestinian suffered very minor injury, commander was punished.
first one stone throwing boy captured and tied to car as human shield

second pic arrested Palestinian sits close to wall and is held as a human shield in front of Israeli soldiers and I knew i you hide behind the wall have have more chance of getting hit if he is nearer to the edge of the wall as it is thinner an far more easily get chipped away

no matter what fired it fired intentionally at a person who have been hand cuffed and blind folded and made no resistance and if it was not for the mans girl who caught it on a phone nobody would have known about it , just guess about the rest of the cases
America has licensed Israel to kill children!
not Impossible very possible and it clearly known that Armenia didn't stopped anyone from returning their homes unlike Israel
Of course Armenia does prevent. Israel allowed hundreds of thousands Palestinians to return. Here the facts again:

Since 1948 Muslim population of Palestine GREW more than 4 times.
On the other hand in Karabakh and other areas captured by Armenia no Muslims remained.

You support real ethnic cleansing of Muslims, while whining about fake one.

which country made a language that only 2% of the people speak an official language
In Finland for example Swedish is official, although spoken only by 5%. Fact remains that Arabic is official language in Israel and not official in Iran. Plus other freedoms, like freedom of election, freedom of speech, freedom of religion and so on that lack in Iran.

this Article from Haartes sum it up and still 20%-25% of areas bombed by Israel can be inhibited by humans even after 24 hours per day work of cleaning that continues for several year
Spare me of Haaretz nonsense. Tell me how many civilians were killed in Beirut. I am waiting.

and about the claims by Israel that Hezbollah used human shield these are the results of the investigations
Again spare me of that nonsense.

1) Hezbollah fired from populated areas.
2) Hezbollah stores rockets in populated areas. There were even several explosions of rocket stockpiles in houses recently.
3) Hezbollah transports rockets in civilian cars.

what a baseless argument
No thats statistics.

first one stone throwing boy captured and tied to car as human shield

second pic arrested Palestinian sits close to wall and is held as a human shield in front of Israeli soldiers and I knew i you hide behind the wall have have more chance of getting hit if he is nearer to the edge of the wall as it is thinner an far more easily get chipped away
No there is no any human shields there. Plus that has nothing to do with Israelis using own civilians as human shields like Hamas and Hezbollah are doing. Iranian knowledge of geometry is very poor. No wonder that this thing happened there:

The most stupid bridge in the world! Iran

no matter what fired it fired intentionally at a person who have been hand cuffed and blind folded and made no resistance and if it was not for the mans girl who caught it on a phone nobody would have known about it , just guess about the rest of the cases
Awww awww, stone thrower got a little kick. Awww Awww, that comes from regime that kills and rapes student girls who just went to protest, and slaughters tens of thousands in Syria. Plus that has nothing to do with human shield.

Lets sum it up:

1) You support the real ethnic cleansing of Muslims, while whining about fake.
2) You support murder of tens of thousands of civilians in Syria and hundreds of thousands in Sudan, while whining about some terrorists killed by Israel.
3) Your beloved Hamas and Hezbollah regularly use their own civilians as human shields, firing and storing rockets in civilian areas, sending little kids to streets during gun battles, using kids for spotting and so on. Israel on the other hand is spending billions to protect their own civilians.
Armenia did genocide against Azerbaycan. Will be punished.
What a joke. Arabs in Israel have more rights than in Iran.

And that my friend, is where the problem lies. You see, those who want more and more, often pretend to be getting nothing and being oppressed. They don't realize the respect and the value they are given there particularly when their brethren from other countries start supporting their unjust demands and start accusing you of false crimes.

The solution to that sort of a thing is usually to start doing what you are accused of. While this may seem to be proving their point those who blame you will heart in heart realize what they used to get and what they have brought upon themselves.

Need a cue? Check out Myanmar. They don't give a damn about what a bunch of peaceniks and appeasers say; they just do what needs to be done.

Thats another lie. During second intifada were killed 754 Israeli civilians and 343 Israeli soldiers. And all these civilians were deliberately murdered by your beloved fake resistance.

I am sure Ariel Sharon would have avenged their deaths. That man was one fierce leader you had.

Because Israel spends billions to protect its civilians (shelters, alert system, Iron Dome), while your beloved fake resistance spends ZERO and on contrary uses its civilians as human shields.


An age old propaganda that is being tried in a hell load of countries such as you, us, Russia, Philippines and a few others; but with an end result of a fatal failure.

Don't worry, just stand up for your rights. With Uncle Sam politically covering you, you are immune to all criticisms from around the world. :tup:
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