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Who licensed Israelis to kill children?

Hey atleast be loyal to your flags. After reading this post I can understand what kind of menace israel is faced with.

I was gonna say the EXCAT SAME THING TO YOU but you know what the saying goes:
It takes one to know one.

Looks like you lost the argument as you degrade yourself by filling your response with juvenile flaming towards me. LMAO :rofl: :rofl:

PS Hey :woot: I just acted like an Israeli with victum attitude. At least(spelt like this) I was
" loyal to my flags" unlike you - shame on you.
Its US and its allies in the west which provide weapons and aid to Israel and when it attacks the Palestinians, they encourage it to attack more by telling everyone that Israel has a right to exist and defend.
The same ones arming terror gangs and AlQaeda in Syria,your beloved kingdom,Saudi Arabia.

When the whole world wouldn't arm Iranians to fight Saddam menace, Israel came handy so at-least revert the favor and stop arming terrorist in Gaza

I was gonna say the EXCAT SAME THING TO YOU but you know what the saying goes:
IT takes one to know one.

Looks like you lost the argument as you degrade yourself by filling your response with juvenile flaming towards me. LMAO :rofl: :rofl:

PS Hey :woot: I just acted like an Israeli with victum attitude. At least(spelt like this) I was
" loyal to my flags" unlike you - shame on you.

not sure what to make of you.
From another side, I have to say Israel chooses a right time. Syria is messed up, Egypt is busy with internal affairs. All the other Muslim power: GCC countries, Iran are also busy. GCC stands with West. The only power which can help is Iran which is in sanction. Not a good thing for Muslim but a good choice made by Israel.
the only reson children and women get killed because the palest's use them as shields.
The British I guess....Balfour Declaration, later led to zionist militant groups which included many who would go on to be israeli politicians.
While tragic children have suffered the consequences of war. The reality is Gaza is one of the most densly populated areas on the earth. And Hamas takes full advantage of that fact when locating its fighters and weapons storage sites. no matter how surgical Israel might try and be when hitting a site there will almost always be civilian casualties as a result.

There is a very simple answer to stop all of this........Hamas stops firing rockets and reigns in the other splinter groups doing the same. End of story!

So far it looks like they are not willing to do that. Which shows how much they care about children dieing as well.

This is an extremely stupid post, especially the highlighted statement coming from a professional.

Peace can only be acheived as follows.

1.) israel needs to abide by the u.n. resolutions mandating its borders

2.) israel needs to end its unlawful blockade on gaza.

Obviously these two key facts that is the root cause of the conflict can be ignored by the likes of you and whereby giving you room to blame it all on the Palestinians.

ever heard of the phrase Patrick Henry said in 1775? "Give me Liberty, or Give me Death!"
^^^Let us assume Israel is not abiding by UN resolution.

Does UN Charter provide firing rockets on civilian areas? And when rockets are fired on civilian areas, how can you expect no response from other side?

Another question: There are 50 Muslim countries in the world. Why they are not forcing UN for that mandate?
Who licensed Hamas to kill other's children? Actually its not Israeli forces how is killing Palestines but Hamas.

You can not attack other country and expect them to not to retaliate....
^^^Let us assume Israel is not abiding by UN resolution.

Does UN Charter provide firing rockets on civilian areas? And when rockets are fired on civilian areas, how can you expect no response from other side?

Another question: There are 50 Muslim countries in the world. Why they are not forcing UN for that mandate?

you are acting like israel has not killed 1000x as many palestenians civilian as the palestenians have. in times of conflict and otherwise.

if israel does not want to abide by international law then everything is fair game.
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