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Who are the enemies of Pakistan?

anyone - external or internal - who challenges the writ of the state is an enemy of the state of Pakistan.
definitely not ur blood cousins u Pakistanis. u pipo still opening such kiddish threads. there are internal enemies n there are external too. u cant help with internal confusion what can u do abt external enemy? I go sad when I see Pakistan's sovirginity broken by US again n again. u pipo deserve better. just imagine a posive vibe btwn India n Pakistan since our inception? u pipo are out of the league n into the league of terrorism n failed states now. and u share our genes. SHAME on u and on us. u pipo will live in bigger shithole than this ( ). mods plz dont take it to ur heart plz take it in mouth.
till the end we will fight on religious beliefs, we have tht infighting dna sowed by the whites. no wonder we still see so much of divide n rule in Asia even nw. kick the mofo whites out. they were the cause fr India to divide. n they are reason for every fukin mess in da world. ok nw frikkin mods uve band me enuf had enuf hav guts to tolerate OK ? puss!
first of all im glad you replied i got worried since you replied so late lol now moving on to the what you said im very much surprised of your mentality i dealt with tons of people like you.
first i want you to know that allah muslims are my brothers and i will help them before i help you, if you dont like that then im sorry bud.

Let me make this simple for you;

My question was, that isn't Israel the number one enemy of Pakistan considering your history with them?

Even if not in direct confrontation, you have been the vanguard of any opposition against them.

So where does Israel stand on the enemy ranking list.

Don't twist my talks and shove words in my mouth.

You damn well know that I am talking about Israelis (who are Jews by their religion).

It only reflects immaturity that you have to twist my words.

your thinking is so limited my friend.
your trying to say that israel is our number one enemy becuase of our history with jews? what history are you talking about? up until the creation of israel all muslims and jews lived peacefully together.

there is no histroy between israel and pakistan besides pakistan aiding its allys in the middle east when they were at war with israel, and when israel and india made a plan to bomb pakistani nuclear sites but chickened out at the last minute.

israel is number two on our list i believe, pakistan has very little enemies but india is number 1 becuase of our history with you.
i havent twisted any of your words it is you who is in fact changing your own statements.

Throughout the Cold War and until 9/11, USA handled you like their biggest non-NATO ally. Despite repetitive evidence of your meddling in our territory through supporting separatism, they turned away and pretended as if we were lying. Throughout 60s, 70s, 80s etc your economy and pretty much your country was run on what USA fancied and assisted you in terms of finance

is that what you really believe?
first of all the united states is still helping pakistan, it gave us 26 billion since 911, which is more then everything else they gave us combined before that understood?

second- pakistan didn't meddle in your territory for no reason, your country meddles in our country so our country will help Kashmiris in IOK, its tit for tat, there is proof of india meddling in pakistan but where is the proof of pakistan meddling in india? pakistan doesnt need to meddle in kashmir the Kashmiris themselves don't want to be part of india, if you give them a chance to vote on weather they want to be with pakistan or india, they will choose pakistan and you know that, thats why more then half of million of your army is stationed there. that is about that same size of our entire army.

you ever herd of the term " what ever goes up must come down" keep that in mind next time when you watch the news on your economy. in a few more years the ecnomic growth rate will be the same for both india and pakistan. pakistan was less by only 1.3% this year and that too with a civil war going on, around 2005-6 our economic growth rate was even as high as 8%!

Cool down, man. You'll end up losing what is left of your country by bankrupting yourself in your obsession to get our state.

Really, learn from the British who packed up their belongings after WW2 and left for their home land which was in ruined thanks to Nazi Germany's carpet bombing.

if our country was going to fall apart then it would have in the last five years.
we dont need to spend money to get kashmir, kashmirs heart and soul is with pakistan and i cant believe you in such a deniel about that, never mind kashmir there is indian muslims in india who cheer for pakistan during cricket matches! i have india friend from india in my masjid who told me so himself that not only his family but lot of other muslims.

india being such a large country wasnt able to do nothing to pakistan, do you realize how much badly india is going to lose by if it goes to war with pakistan now? your not just going to fight pakistani army but you will fight all these militants , like the taliban ect. they will all join hands with our army and do hell over india, dont forget they didnt even exist in the 60's and 70s this is a recent creation in the 80s and they look for excuses to blow themselves up lmao. india will become another soviet union.

Actually, they tell me that it is our internal matter, thanks to your meddling.

The Arab-wannabes are not Kashmiris.

They can get the hell out of our state or we will kick them out sooner or later once the secoolar losers are bunted out of rule in elections.

Simple as that.

your such a pathetic liar kasamey lol.
your saying the kashmiris told you they are sick of pakistans meddling? how bout you invite them to defense.pk so they can tell us themselves lol.
kashmir is not part of india and it will never be, no country can ever rule a people against their will dont ever forget that my friend.

Don't twist my words and read my reply in your first quote above.

i havent twisted any of your words.

So basically it means striving to be a better person right?

How is killing unarmed civilians a struggle?

This simply means that those who claim to be doing jehad in middle east and even against our state are simply dishonouring your religion.

You should infact be angry with them rather than us kafirs.

dont be such an ignorant loser.
if somebody is killing an innocent civilian that is not jihad that is murder, let me give you an example if the indian army comes to protests in IOk and they start shooting unarmed civilians then those civilians can chop those indians soldiers up and that will be ok as jihad.

an act of terror against innocent people is against islam but and ignorant person like yourself would never get that in your head becuase your will reply with some like this" then why are muslims killing civilians"

Thank you for your offer but I have read enough doses of Arab cultural history here to hear it all over again from you.

Their culture is good for them and I am happy to be enlightened of what it encompasses.

well good for you.

Protest all you want as it is your right. But arming and supplying hostile elements against our people is not protest.

It is blatant militancy which will simply be met with equal or even greater retaliation.

kashmiris don't consider themselves indians, they hate india.
if they ask for our help we will help them and we will never stop helping them, there is no power on this earth that can stop pakistan from helping the Kashmiris.

Would you apply the same standards with separatists acting against your country?

After all they are also humans by the same logic you profess and have got rights.

ofcourse, i would say our government should do a vote on who wants to be with pakistan and who doesn't, would your government do the same?
just the other day patriotic balochis killed BLA dogs sponsered by an evil neighbor and took back mustang, you wont ever see anything like that in kashmir.

But then why do you keep telling that unilaterally Muslims are being killed when they actually get brainwashed in other countries and be aggressive against the host communities of those non-Islamic nations?

i can tell you right now that your are lying, i am a muslim and i live in america and i love america.
im pretty sure there might be some muslims who hate america even if they live here but they dont even make up .1 percent of our population.

This is what happened in Myanmar. The only reason you find it overtly aggressive is because the state faith there is Buddhism and the government did not appreciate communal aggression against Buddhists.

oh is that what happened in myanmar? you sure it wasn't just because of their ethnic background?
so the muslims in myanmar are immigrants like the muslims in europe your saying and they act aggressive towards the locals so thats so the buddhists and hindus killed the muslims there? this just shows how much knowledge you really have on world events.

If you think that is wrong, then what about Russian army killing separatists who happen to be Muslims? Why howl and scream against Russia who is just protecting the integrity of their country?
i think the russian army has the right to kill anybody who is killing innocent civilians but they dont have the right to kill people just because they want a separate country like india does.

I won't ask you about Israel because you guys will tell me the usual.

up to you.

What about Thailand? A peaceful country and a famous tourist attraction. Why Muslims are attacking Buddhists and Hindus in the southern regions of Thailand? Why is a war being waged there?
once again that is something you should ask the muslims in thailand i dont know what their situation is so i will not comment on it.

What about Philippines? It is so far away from Islamic countries and yet is suffering from islamists. What has the Filipino population done against Islam to invite this problem?
the muslims in the Philippines want to live their own way in their own land which is a section of the Philippines that has nothing to do with islam its what they want, islam doesnt tell them to make your self a separate country from other religions.

What about the rioting in Nordic countries? What have they done against Islam? Instead, they invited so many Muslims from war-torn countries to come and lead a good, civil, educated life in their own country.
what rioting are you referring to?
muslims live peacefully in those countries , i bet they protest but i don't know about rioting. do give me a link in case i missed something

Can you explain any of the above?
yes i can and i have,
what your trying to say is that some how islam is evil and where it is, it causes violence? lol
my friend islam is just a religion it tells its people to do good dont kill innocent people ect., maybe you should look up these things yourself instead of asking me to explain but anyways if muslims in countries feel like they are not being treated the right way i say sure they can ask for independence in their region but killing innocent civilians is no-no. but if the somebody attacks innocent muslims then those muslims who have been attacked have the right to kill their attackers.

Do you have anything from a neutral, intelligible perspective, to say without flowing with the whole ummah sentiment?

it is something you wont understand, i guess you guys don't have this concept of universal brotherhood in your religion but in our religion all muslims and brothers and sisters and we treat each other that way. if somebody messes with an innocent brother of mean who done nothing wrong then that person will have to answer to me as well.

So here it is bias against those who are not Muslims.

So according to you, if a person is a Muslim and if he instigated aggression against a non-Muslim and the non-muslim beats him back, then the latter is guilty and the former is not?

Where is the logic in this?

if the muslim attacked you for no reason , then obviously he is in the wrong that is just common sense, but if he attacked you because of something bad you done to him then yeah i will support him.
do you get the logic of it now?
its not that hard to get? lol.

You are contradicting your own logic just once sentence above.

They both are also fighting against Muslim separatists.

So tell me, WHY are they exempted from your list of 'hostile-to-islam' countries?

are we talking about islam or pakistan?

let me make it clear for you once and for all,
any country that attacks and kills innocent muslims are on my list of enemy nations, if there are muslims killing innocent civilians ect in a country then that country has the right to retaliate,that how ever is not the case in india occupied kashmir, or myanmar.

This was eventually to happen. The ones that you were taming turned against you because their taste for violence against people became insatiable and uncontrolled.

who is attacking pakistan lets make a list.
the two that i could think of is:
both are sponsored by india, the militants that pakistan trained to fight against the russians are loyal to pakistan including the taliban in afghanistan, these pakistanis talibans are something new created by the northern alliance with the help of india.

Now you are into this own trap that you set for others.

So why are you expecting support and sympathy for something that you created and got into trouble with it later?

Was it not your leaders' indecision and dangerous short-sight that created the dangers of this form of radical violence?

As leading representatives and decision makers in your country, was it not the fault of those sitting in the top echelons in your country, who did not see the long term effects of radicalizing the youths during the 80s?

pakistan created something that is unstoppable and yes they were responsible for the defeat of a super power the soviets!
pakistan could gather those people again with the snap of a finger. but india and the Northern alliance have created ttp and bla who are killing innocent civilians in pakistan and pakistan is destroying them and butchering them. these same groups that you said are turning on pakistan are in fact attacking the ttp as we speak right now lol.

Look at the Pakistan that you were before that; progressive, logical (aggressive to us but still mutually intelligible in diplomacy) and more like Turkey.
i have no idea what the hell your talking about lol.

At that time, you guys were actually doing much better than us economically and especially with US and European support.

well when you have sanctions for having nuclear program more worst then your neighbor then is the end result but pakistan will do better then you guys again inshallah so dont worry.

My interactions with your countrymen has been limited to just the voyages and travels that I undertake. But even by reading columns online written by Pakistanis, many youth are getting more and more disheartened at the situation your country has landed into.
pakistan has never wanted radicals in our country, but islam is our relgion our way of life.
terrorist is a terrorist , they are not just muslims but hindus, jewish, christian as well.

Does all this violence, religious violence, intra-religious sectarian violence, separatism, depressing economy, anger of the non-muslim world serve you well?

why would that serve us well? stop blaming your countries problems on us.

Because of such actions, your countrymen when travelling outside have to unfortunately face such thorough interrogations at airports and other areas with security checks. On my flight to Malaysia, we stopped at Swarnabhoomi airport in Thailand for a stop, where I came across Thai officials taking young Pakistani tourists aside and questioning and checking them while there was a look of sadness on their faces.

i travel every where, uk, spain canada and all around america i never get stopped i get treated the same as anybody else, so where does that leave your statement?

Those poor guys had probably just come for their holidays, only to be embarrassed in front of so many international people.

SO tell me, where are you going with this mindset of yours?

once again i dont know what your talking about i have never experience such a thing, here in america even little babies belonging to white couples get checked, their might be some racist officers working in some airports that 99.99 percent of the times muslims travel just as any one else does.

Will your future generations not be angry with this mentality of you guys, because of which, they are getting humiliated around the world?

what mentality are you talking about?
you hindus have the same mentality
just because we have a word for for non-muslims doesnt mean you hindus dont call us , non-hindus , or christians dont call us the gentiles ect.

I am talking about:

1- Aiding the massacre of Kashmiri Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs and even liberal Shiite minorities during late 80s and their exile out of their homeland to ensure demographic uniformity.

any proof of such accusations or are you just asumming such things?
stop listening to Subramanian Swamy becuase now you just starting to sound like a bigot

You guys did it and our secoolar socialist cr@ppy government then tolerated it, whereas it should have been met by brute force of tanks and helicopter fire and rapid rehabilitation of those exiled with the expulsion of those who kicked them out en masse.

your country is in no position to do anything to pakistan, mumbai will be tandoori and alls indians will become kabobs.
pakistan doesnt do nothing to india that india doesnt do to pakistan

2- Demographic warfare waged against non-Muslims in northeast India with riots like what happened last year in Assam under a secoolar regime.
what about the riots against muslims? they did nothing about those either.

It too went unnoticed because the rioters were of your ilk and the victims were either Assamese Hindus and some Christians.

hindus in india are very intolerant like yourself, you people not only kill muslims but christians as well, you people kill more minorities in a year then pakistanis do in 20 years.

These are two small examples where you should not expect us to tolerate and call us non-secular.

That's all.

i dont care what you indians say but there is nothing secular about your government its a Hindu government.
The indian state is the eternal enemy alongside all obscurantists: note here I refer to the indian state and not ordinary indian people, many of which I have close friendships, and romanced plenty of indian gals in my time, but that is another story.
so indias enemies are rest of humanity?
becuase i was listing enemies of india.
then sorry to say that u've totally deviated from the OP thread & 've reached the next level of trolling!
India, Israel, USA, Afghanistan.

indian state {yes}
Israel {no}
USA {def. not geo-political differences - but in no way enemies}
Afghanistan {not an enemy - they are far to weak to be that}
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