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Who are Shia's and Sunni's? Are there any other sects apart from these two?

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Can't you guys stop these terrorists?

Indian Sunnis vote in bulk, They are vote bank that's why political parties shield them. In Kistwar (Jammu) a SP (High rank Police officer)was suspended (Put on long leave) because he fired (stopped) Sunni Mob who were trying to destroy Shia Worship place.
You may dislike it but muslims too practice castism .

There was a program called 'Satyameva Jayate' by Amir Khan . One of the episodes showed the caste practises among muslims.

The high caste donot allow the low cast muslims to perform namaz in mosque along with them .

These practices are purely Hindu cast based there is NO place in Islam for such things.

This proves that in India Muslims are eaten up by Hindu customs and Hindu cast based practices that's why they need a separate country
@Black Widow

but do explain to me the difference between GANESH,KAALI MAA & HANUMAAN worshippers do they all look the same?

are they all brahmans or are they dallits or aachoots?

& who is hotter looking

My Girlfreind Ayehsa (Kapoor) look hotter.. :P
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:omghaha: in other words you high cast Hindus think that dalits are ugly.

sorry i should have mentioned majority of south indian sunnis look like dalits.ur unnecessarily implying dalits are ugly.there are many muslim girls who are dark and beautiful than girls who have fair skin.it is not to hurt anyone but its true tht majority sunnis in south look like dalits while in our telangana there considerable amount of ppl who still have irani complexion and features
I asked my elders, what they said is

Shia: These ppl are descendant of first Muslims, they are relative of Muhammad.
Sunni: One who heard (Suna: Heard) Islam and followed it latter (New Born Muslims)

In India Shia are considered High caste while Sunni are low caste Hindu convereted to Islam, thats why Indian sunnis look like Indains. Sunni are backward (Kujra, Kabadi, Dhobi, Leather-worker etc)...

P{ost deleted

lol... ridiculous... neem hakeemi.
After @iranigirl2 explained , there is not much left to discuss.. mods please close this thread.
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it is a troll thread.

Shia-Muslims follow all basics of Islam and both can pray at same place, eat, sleep, marry etc etc.

I heard otherwise ! Shias and Sunnis do not mingle with each other at least in India !
These practices are purely Hindu cast based there is NO place in Islam for such things.

This proves that in India Muslims are eaten up by Hindu customs and Hindu cast based practices that's why they need a separate country

Well , it looks like afterall there is place in islam for that . Because they are practicing it .

If somebody doesnot like to reside in India , they can move to anywhere they like .
there is caste system in islam too.syeds in our area dont marry outsiders
These riots were always started by extremists Hindus not Muslims

Secondly your elders are as ignorant about Prophet (PBUH0 family as you are because Shias are NOT relatives of Last Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Some of them have adopted the sect BUT mostly 99% are NOT relatives of the Prophet (PBUH).

After failing to demonise Muslims You Indians are now resorting to dividing Sunni-Shias in India :)))))))))))) well I say more power to you ;) you are going to taste your own medicine.

BTW can you post pictures of some of Indian Shias ;)

No onion, riots are started by Sunni
1. Gujart : Sunni of Godhra started and Shia and Ahmedi suffered...
2. Uttar Pradesh: 30+ riots in last 2 years all are done by Sunni , Recently Sunni tried to kill Shias.
3. Kishtwar : Sunni tried to burn down Shia worship place, Suprident of Police fired bullet on them, He was suspended..

and so on...

I am not dividing Shia-Sunni. Shia are prosecuted where Sunni are in Majority. Why you think instead of Kashmir Issue Iran is our good frnd?? Because of Indian Shia, Indian Shia Lobby always support Iran and oppose KSA..

Instead of good business with KSA we are not good frnd of KSA... Shia are powerful in India but fewer in Number...
This is just my observation in Bihar, UP, MP, AP,Gujrat and Karnataka..

I noticed that in Karnataka...

There's a sect or community called Nawayath's in Karnatka, not sure whether they are Sunnis or Shias but they treat other native Muslims as inferior to them, call others as Dakkani's and marraige between Nawayath's and Dakkani's are prohibited.

Nawayath's look like Irani's or Iraqui's, they certainly do not look like other Indians.
I asked for proof and what you wrote is no proof.

& can you name this "HIGH CASTE" and can you explain to me this "LOW CASTE" in muslims? also explain to me

As I said , this was a program which was widely viewed in India .

But as my stay in forum has taught me , pakistanis and proofs does not go together .

but do explain to me the difference between GANESH,KAALI MAA & HANUMAAN worshippers do they all look the same?

are they all brahmans or are they dallits or aachoots?

and who is high and low and based on what?

No .

They can be from any of these .

That is a very large subject and cannot be explained by few words .
I noticed that in Karnataka...

There's a sect or community called Nawayath's in Karnatka, not sure whether they are Sunnis or Shias but they treat other native Muslims as inferior to them, call others as Dakkani's and marraige between Nawayath's and Dakkani's are prohibited.

Nawayath's look like Irani's or Iraqui's, they certainly do not look like other Indians.
they are iranians.. like parsis...
Brids eye view on the difference between shias and sunnis :

5 - 10 min +/- difference between all prayer timmings

5 - 10 min +/- difference between Iftar timmings

5 - 10 min +/- difference between iftar timmings

suni do prayers with hands tied around belly whilst shias does the same thing with hands open

Sunni extremists suicide and blow up other people all year round > shia extremists inflict serious cuts on themselves

Shias adhan is 1 line more than suni adhan or sunis is one less depends how you see it

above is pretty much the difference ,

They both are like a camel with two heads each pulling in different direction .. hope you can imagine

You are dramatizing a serious topic , The real sunnis in pakistan dont consider shias as muslims. Why are people spreading misinformation regarding the difference between sunnis and shias religions.
I heard otherwise ! Shias and Sunnis do not mingle with each other at least in India !

Well here we do mingle and also elsewhere also marry. Though each community prefers to marry within own community only due to the fact that there should NOT be disagreement on many things.

there is caste system in islam too.syeds in our area dont marry outsiders

Syed is bloodline tracing to Last Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and there had been this practice of respecting the family of Prophet to utmost by other Muslims and owing to the same fact there had been this carefulness that a NON Syed might not be able to respect the Syed girl in a way it should be so mostly Syed Girls were NOT wed to non Syed although there is NO such restriction in Islam.

in other words the non syeds used to NOT marry Syed girls because they fear they might commit some gustakhi in her honour as husband.
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