You will notice its the same tactics used during Weimar Germany to try steer a victory to the trying to endear them to the masses as simply an absolute good (even when they bloody themselves in any kind of carnage/violence). Just like in that battle, I do fear for the end result, the level of blowback this flagrant manipulation eventually results in. I do think USA has enough in it to prevent the outright escalation from happening, lot of good folks are still grounded....and loud enough....and most importantly know what true freedom (esp 2nd amendment) means....what makes US different to any other country in the world.
Desperate times for the extremist leftards call for desperate means by them on all levels (thugs on ground or snobby elite sitting in some news studio etc)
Lol you read my mind bro. I was thinking about opening a thread on that whole subject considering the recent events.
It's crazy because I was reading Mein Kampf (I'm a big history buff as I've made it apparent by now) and my God there are so many eerie parallels between Weimar Germany and the America of today. It's friggin insane and mind boggling. For a book more than 80 years old you'd think it's contents would be outdated but it was almost like I was reading about contemporary America.
It's crazy. It really is. These leftists do not appreciate America, this great bastion of freedom, that they are slowly chipping away at it from the inside to undermine it. These people are nothing but traitors and subversives, just as they were traitors and subversives in Germany during WWI. And of course the media is cheering them on, just like the newspaper press did in Germany.
They even had German equivalents of Cuckservatives like our very own John McCain, Mit Romney, and Paul Ryan. Could you believe that?? I had to put the book down a couple of times because I could not believe my eyes. It's scary. It's almost as if we are living Mein Kampf right now. Could this mean something?? Its something I do not wish to think about.
Americans don't know how easy they have it. If only they knew. Perhaps once these ungrateful POS's finally drown every Western country into a third world cesspool perhaps they might finally realize what they once had. Though it might be too late at that point.
History is repeating itself
Sparticist Uprising 1919
There's no doubt that they're a bunch of violent crazies.
I guess I was wrong about how it would turn out here. BPD did a heck of a job keeping the different crowds apart.
40,000 people marched in today's affair. Can you imagine even 1/10th that number rumbling bumbling stumbling and brawling? Mayor must've went through a lot of antacid today.
I was watching some of the news clips and it looks like even the BPD got some piss bottles tossed their way by these AntiFa degenerates. These people are hell bent on destruction and violence to shut down opposing political views, and this is just the tip of the iceberg. Things are going to escalate if nothing is done to stop these leftist thugs and their media enablers who cheer them on from infringing on the rights of other Americans.
Calm down as Desert Fox said it's a bunch of limp wristed liberals against some right wing nut jobs.
Sure, they are limp wristed degenerates, but that doesn't decrease the threat these people pose to law abiding Americans.
Especially considering that they are emboldened by the media and political establishment covering their criminal acts.
Therefore i would not dismiss these people as not being a threat.
Only terrorists conceal their faces because they have criminal intent.