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While waiting for production certificate, N219 plane gets 120 orders

Do you know if the gunship is intended for Indonesia itself, or for export? And if for Indonesia, would its mission be?

I believe it is for both Indonesia and export market. Making one prototype of CN 235 as a test bed is not cheap so I think PT DI is quite serious on it and has seen opportunities in both market. Making a prototype is also needed for Indonesian Armed Force military certification before the plane can be proposed to our Armed Force. Export market is intended for Phippine, Pakistan, UAE, Thailand, Senegal, and Qatar.

The role of this gunship is for fire support for ground troops, Combat SAR, maritime and border patrol.

Your picture is actually not correct as the gun actually will be put on the left side of the body. Anti ship missile and torpedo will also be put on each wing. There will be flare and chaff as well. Electronic counter measure is put in the back (tail) and front side (head).

This is from exhibition in Langkawi, Malaysia (2019)


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Do you happen to have links for any Indonesian companies producing or developing missiles?

Several government research agency and also universities have research on cruise missile and particularly LAPAN (Space Agency) has both cruise missile and guided and unguided rocket program. Unfortunately we are quite late in pursuing this technology. We are just quite serious on developing this technology since Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono administration (2004-2014). Turbo jet engine and seeker just being developed recently. Turbo jet research for cruise missile program is just started around 2014 and seeker technology is tested for the first time just this year.

Here is LAPAN program on vehicle that can be developed further as cruise missile. On the other hand, guided rocket program is not included in the website but we know the program is exist from LAPAN research document available on the internet.


Despite lack of vision during Soeharto ruling for 32 years in missile technology and turbo jet engine, PT Dirgantara Indonesia has actually tried to pursue turbine technology since 1984 and create a division for such purpose since that year that later become a subsidiary company in 1998. The name of the company is PT Nusantara Turbin dan Propulsi. Currently the company is doing MRO for jet engine for both civiliant and military aircraft and producing small turbine for power plant. So if our research for turbo jet engine is successful, this company who will likely mass produce it.

Here is the website:


LAPAN latest rocket test (RX/RHAN 450) RHAN is a code name for military purpose. According to LAPAN document that I have read, RX 450 can reach 140 km.

Recent test December 2018

A picture of a cruise missile design. I forgot where I got this picture so I cant provide link for it. This is I think a model for research.

N 219 Program being explained by its program manager. View of design office and production facility of N 219.

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The certification is expected to finish in July-August this year. If certification is finally taken, PT Dirgantara Indonesia will rightly produce about 4 planes ordered by Aceh province, inshaAllah.

Current production capacity for N 219 is only 4 planes per year. This is why the company is trying to build a new factory that will use automation system on its production line that can boost production capacity several times from current one. By looking on this Covid 19 outbreak, it looks like no government financial help can be taken this year for that new production facility.

There is actually demand from Indonesian Navy for MPA role for this type of plane. They have asked the company whether they can fulfill the demand.

It is interesting to see though whether this plane can transform the company successfully from being specialized in military plane since 1976 into becoming a civilian plane producer in the same time, in which actually this market is seen as more promising for both passenger and cargo planes then military market.

If the program is successful, then I believe it will be easier for the company to enter bigger passenger plane market. It has already had N 245 program that will likely start its prototyping stage in 2022. I said 2022 as a start since I believe for this year until 2021 the company will focus its financial resources on N 219 program first.

Since N 245 program uses CN 235 as a base design, so the development cost will be much lower compared if they try to make the new design from the blank paper. And since CN 235 is a proven design, so I guess there will be more acceptance from the airlines for this plane, particularly for western airlines and western cargo companies. If it enters the market, it will compete ATR 42 and also a new Chinese plane that I forget its name.
Its a Canadian engine and the most reliable one in the market
PT6 is prehistoric. It beyond me understanding what magic they use to sell an engine with 400+ g/kw SFC (worse than some turbojets) in 2020.
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In January this year, the test flight for certification process has reached 83 % completion. So based on that figure, at least the certification could possibly 100 % be completed in the second half of 2020. The first 4 planes then will be produced for Aceh Province inshaAllah.

The photo taken when Aceh province government visited Indonesian Aerospace (PTDI)


N 219 cockpit during recent test flight.

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N 219 will likely boost Indonesian Aerospace production where the consumers are mostly coming from Indonesian airline, cargo companies, central government, and local government. The plane is rather a simple one but very important for Indonesian Aerospace growth and development. This project also helps young engineers to have design experience under older generation engineers supervision that later support KFX/IFX development project, a more complex aircraft development.

The completion of production certification is expected to be within next 1-2 months. While N 219 has undergone certification, N 245 program has also been continued using company internal budget according to PTDI director. This plane IMO will keep be developed and will use winglet in the wings and probably composite materials for the fuselage to make it lighter. The plan to build new factory for N219 with the cost of 114 million dollar I believe is not only for assembling but also composite production processing.

N 219 undergone flutter test (days 7)

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