Well firstly "The west" is Europe, the U.S, Canada, Australia, and NZ, not just the U.S
Secondly it isn't a conflict been the U.S and Iran. This is a common mistake made by people from the Middle East.
The majority of countries in the WORLD are against Iran and it's silly plan to acquire nuclear weapons. Most of the sanctions against Iran have been approved by the majority of UN member states.
1. This thing is basically between Iran and USA. Most others, including Australia, are irrelevant.
2. The conduct of CIA in Iran during 1950s was shameful to say the least. What was done to PM Mossadeg was a disgrace. Typical game of propping wooden dictators to reap the benefits. Ever since the blowback hit USA for its policies, there has been no reassessment or evaluation of USA role in Iran. Instead, there is a lot of ego-based rhetoric that has come out of Washington. It would be instructive to draw a parallel with the USA-Cuba relations.
3. Iranians on their part should not have attacked the US embassy in Tehran. That was over the top.
4. Israeli lobby in USA finds is convenient and advantageous to keep the two embroiled in a dispute that has long since lost its relevance.
5. Majority of the world's countries are NOT against Iran. It is only a figment of imagination. The relative power of the antagonists is on display and unlike USA Iran does not have lackeys (UK, Australia, etc..).
6. While Israel keeps a stockpile of hundreds of nuclear bombs, one should really not complain about other countries of the region wanting to go nuclear.
7. The Arab world, particularly the GCC countries have long been at the receiving end of a propaganda barrage depicting Iran as the big bad wolf. In GCC shopping centers, I came across a number of previously unknown publications purporting to be strategy-related magazines. All of these were full of propaganda against Iran. I picked one up and found the publication's address to be some place in the suburbs of London. Go figure....
8. The Sunni-Shia divide is the focus of attention from various interested parties. Iran would do well to tone down the rhetoric and control its affiliates.