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Leading Reformist Figure: Jewish Civilization Is Superior to Western Civilization, and Western Culture Is Superior to Iranian Culture

Jews dont have a civilization.
They are just some immigrants from countries around the world.

Also whats western civilization?
If he mean roman and greek history,iran also have a good history compare to them.

If he mean colonisation era, yes iran dont have a dirty history like them!!!


Beyond political smokescreens, we are now offered the opportunity to behold the true disgraceful face of the reformist and moderate factions. That these currents are perfectly aligned on each other when it comes to their treasonous agenda, is evidenced by Sadeq Zibakalam's staunch defence of Faeze Rafsanjani elsewhere in this same debate with Ali Alizadeh.

Zibakalam, who's held the chair of political science at the University of Tehran for numerous years and influenced generations of students with his systematic idealization of western regimes and whitewashing of zionist crimes, happens to be one of the foremost activists and public spokespersons for the coalition of reformist parties. What Zibakalam is uttering here is a direct translation of the deeper ideological convictions and political program pursued by the liberal factions (reformists and moderates alike). Unlike politicians running for office, the likes of Zibakalam feel free to forego the formal etiquette his counterparts usually stick to. Thus Zibakalam and his ilk will be granting an insight into the raw essence of liberal thinking in Iran, as well as in the liberal project for Iran.

As these latest antics unequivocally highlight, liberals adhere to and happily submit to extremist Jewish supremacism. Their views are thoroughly marked by inverted cultural racism, pathological contempt for their motherland and its civilization and an equally twisted magnification of the western imperialist order and even more so of zionism.

Incidentally, this shows how "little" political pluralism there is in the Islamic Republic, how "little" rival political camps differ from each other... not!

To put things into context, after a period of relative silence consecutive to their defeats at the 2021 presidential and 2020 legislative elections, liberals have now initiated a political offensive in hopes of grabbing power once again in the upcoming elections of 2024 and 2025. To this effect, they intend to bank on last year's riots and reap its political fruits by attracting voters who sympathized to varying degrees with the riots - or at least with the counter-revolutionary, westernized, secularist (if not borderline islamophobic), feminist, anti-traditionalist and in certain circles "ethnicist" themes under whose banner the unrest was conducted, subsumed as these themes were in a pathetic slogan originally coined by the PKK.

In this entire process, the very same hostile foreign powers which instigated riots last autumn are now mobilizing their colossal propaganda and psy-ops machinery to promote reformist and moderate candidates and to castigate revolutionary and principlist ones at the future elections, describing them as "oppressors", "religious fundamentalists bent on imposing restrictions on society" and so on and so forth. Tellingly, Reza Pahlavi, leader of one among arguably three poles of opposition in exile (monarchists, neo-liberal / leftist / separatist cluster, MKO), is on the record for striking an unprecedented conciliatory tone during a public speech few months prior to the riots, towards in-house liberals in the Islamic Republic. This was likely done on instructions from his backers in the west and/or Tel Aviv.

The mechanism through which reformists and moderates in Iran tacitly cooperate with the exiled opposition while capitalizing on the anti-IR propaganda aired by foreign-based Persian language broadcasters and online media, is nothing new. It has, however, been cemented over the past year under the auspices of the USA, EU and zionist entity.

A noteworthy and hazardous development is the aforementioned establishment of increasingly overt bridges between the exiled opposition and domestic liberals opposed to the basic tenets of the 1979 Islamic Revolution, including and especially its staunch insistence on emancipating Iran from imperial vassalage, its focus on independence and self-determination, principles which reformists and moderates have no attachment to and openly deride as symptoms of a supposedly retrograde worldview. Exiled oppositionists and domestic liberals have consistently been pursuing identical goals, largely echoing Pompeo's infamous twelve point conditions for "normalization" of ties with Washington as well as the political programs of all major opposition grouplets.

Namely: subjugation of Iran to zionist and American imperialism and cession of Iranian sovereignty to these regimes, disarmament, dismantling of Iran's peaceful nuclear program, de-industrialization and return to a mono-sectorial economy living off crude oil exports, tendential depopulation through measures bound to worsen the demographic crisis, and last but not least federalization of the Iranian government structure along "ethno"-linguistic lines as a prelude to Iran's balkanization and territorial disintegration.

What caused a rift between exiled oppositionists and local reformists / moderates despite the shared objective, is the question which one of them would have the "privilege" of implementing this sinister agenda at the behest of the imperial powers-to-be. Now however, instructions from Washington, Brussels and Tel Aviv seem to encourage harmonization of these two actors' respective efforts. Hence Faeze Rafsanjani's recently "leaked" statements inviting every group that "seeks change" to set aside their differences and constitute a united front, with the inclusion of the exiled opposition - which, by definition, would comprise monarchists, the MKO and "ethno"-separatists acting side by side with reformists and moderates back home.

The impact of this mobilization can be felt across the counter-revolutionary media landscape in and outside Iran. If you suddenly notice an uptick in reformist / moderate activism on so-called "social media" you frequent, or if you come across increased noise against the principles of the 1979 Revolution, you will know why that is.

Back to Zibakalam's outrageous declarations: it is by no means a coincidence that this character would proceed to formulate such over the top provocations at this particular juncture. For one, the enemy seems to be plotting renewed riots and social disturbances come summer in order to pressure the Islamic Republic. Therefore, the enemy is doubling down on its promotion of the most vehement types of discourse, of talking points most conflicting with the founding principles of Iran's legitimate political order so as to radicalize those receptive to its propaganda.

Secondly, Zibakalam's tactic in the debate in question was designed to break taboos, to instill doubt in the listener's mind about some of the most obvious and firmly held beliefs such as love for the motherland and the desirability of freedom from imperial yoke. In this frontal way, liberals intend to gradually trivialize poisonous subversion and make it gain social acceptance, step by step.

It goes without saying that anyone jumping on the reformist / moderate bandwagon at this point, anyone casting their vote for representatives of these factions or calling on their compatriots to do so, will be playing willingly or not into the agenda of a cabal which officially views Iranians as subordinates to NATO regimes and zionists; which demonstrably loathes Iranian history, culture and civilization with an irrational passion; which lacks any ounce of patriotism and self-esteem; and which ultimately would offer the keys to the country's destiny to zio-American imperialists on a silver platter, if given the chance.

You may have issues with the Islamic dress code (hejab law) or other policies of the Islamic Republic. Granted. But if you believe this warrants helping back to power a current whose foremost representatives denigrate Iran in such an ignominious, barefaced manner, and who no longer have any qualms about revealing their alignment on exiled oppositionists handled by Iran's foreign enemies, then might I suggest you're getting your priorities awfully wrong. Every person to whom Iran means something cannot but keep the necessary distance from these imposters.

so iraní culture is 3rd rate?
so iraní culture is 3rd rate?
Read on ancient Iranian civilization. No more comment is needed.

These reformist clowns are allowed to spout nonsense within the framework set by the mullahs. Their goal? To denigrate everything pre1979. Reformists-Conservatists, they all feed from the same garbage.

This is the same clown allowed on IR state tv. He was arrested by the SAVAK (Intel agency of the Iranian state before 1979) for undermining national security in the 1970's with marxist-islamist (read radical islamist with communism ideas). The so evil Shah did not kill them but kept them alive and later got stabbed in the back.


This is the mugshot of current IR leader opium addicted- mullah ali khamenei. And as you can guess, Shah did not kill him, he was instead exiled to Balouchestan and even received allowance from the state.


I would caution readers to be aware of some certain accounts here defending Islamic Republic non-stop. They have a certain agenda.

Conclusion : Iran would not be in such a state if the SAVAK had done its duty and executed all these traitors. Parviz Sabeti https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parviz_Sabeti did not carry out his duty as he should have.

Shah was too kind on these people.

I would have posted more deeper and smash the mullah supporter accounts here but it is of no use as the more saner Iranians have left this forum. I do not want to waste my time posting on these issues so much. This is also a pakistani ''defence'' forum so all the more reason to not post about such issues.

If you are interested reading on something else beside mullah propaganda (sometimes masquerading as ''patriotic'' :lol:) then i suggest the social media, users from inside Iran on twitter,facebook etc.

I can think of two periods within Iran's history that was so anti-Iranian culture-civilization. You would be surprised that it were not the Arabs (they finally relented and adopted some aspects of Persian culture). One was the devastating invasion of Genghiz khan (where even streets cats were not spared) and the other is this current regime that is hanging on by deceipt and mercenaries. Nothing about these wannabe arab-shia mullahs is ''Irani'' as they do not recognize even anything pre 1979. The only thing ''Irani'' about todays Iran is its 90 million population (except for 10-20 million hardcore supporters -zombies-).

small note : situation actually would have been much better if the mullah regime actually really governed in a genuine islamic way. Todays Iran has the highest rate of mosque and quran burning in the whole Islamic world. All the blame is on the mullah regime.

Whether or not majority of Iranians want this regime gone or not is not clear (the regime manages to manipulate and they have their supporters as well) but what is clear is that this regime has lost legitimacy.

So everything that gets posted here is done from the regime's POV.
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Jews have always used the protection granted by those who hosted them such as the babylonians, muslim empires, and christian empires to their advantage to plot and act against those that hosted them.
Those who hold in esteem the toppled shah regime and its secret police SAVAK, which was set up by and obedient to Mossad, the CIA and the MI6, and those who honor clown prince Reza Pahlavi who openly visits his patrons in Tel Aviv, are hardly in a position to pontificate on Iranian identity and nationalism or to claim guardianship of Iranian civilization: the monarchy they support was a textbook vassal and client regime at the service of the USA and Isra"el". Whereas the 1979 Islamic Revolution fully restored Iran's sovereignty, independence and self-determination.

If the Islamic Republic is not downright banning the liberal faction, that's because it is practicing democracy unlike the former regime where the slightest dissent would get one jailed if not worse. This said under the Islamic Republic Zibakalam's zionist-whitewashing book about Palestine was banned, he is not invited by state television and was moreover sentenced to jail after the 2009 "Green Movement" colour revolution attempt.

Read more about SAVAK goon Parviz Sabeti and how Iran prior to the Revolution used to be infiltrated by the globalist Haifan Baha'i organization at the behest of Isra"el":

The 1979 Revolution put an end to this pitiful subjugation of Iran at the hands of imperialist powers to be.
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According to own mullah propagandist logic then Parviz Sabeti must have been acting on the orders of foreign powers not to execute Khamenei, Rafsanjani and other thugs :lol:

So we finally conclude (according to mullah propagandists) that Islamic Republic is put in place by Israel for their own interests. :rofl: damn clowns

If Savak really had some backbone none of your beloved leaders would have escaped execution.

Come and refute Shah's mercy in not executing your beloved Mullah. Can't right?
According to own mullah propagandist logic then Parviz Sabeti must have been acting on the orders of foreign powers not to execute Khamenei, Rafsanjani and other thugs :lol:

So we finally conclude (according to mullah propagandists) that Islamic Republic is put in place by Israel for their own interests.

So every political prisoner who was not downright executed, was spared on zionist orders? Complete nonsense.

They were deprived of their freedom precisely because they were fighting the CIA-installed, zionist-subservient shah regime.

If Savak really had some backbone none of your beloved leaders would have escaped execution.

SAVAK tortured and murdered scores of political opponents including Islamic ones, all of which is well documented. Survivors were only strengthened in their resolve to carry on their Resistance against the regime.
So every political prisoner who was not downright executed, was spared on zionist orders? Complete nonsense.

They were deprived of their freedom precisely because they were fighting the CIA-installed, zionist-subservient shah regime.

SAVAK tortured and murdered scores of political opponents including Islamic ones, all of which is well documented. Survivors were only strengthened in their resolve to carry on their Resistance against the regime.
Savak could have put a bullet in the back of the head of opium addicted mullah khamenei. But they did not. Correct or not?

Savak did not kill rafsanjani, khamenei, khalkhali and others. FACT.
Savak could have put a bullet in the back of the head of opium addicted mullah khamenei. But they did not. Correct or not?

Savak did not kill rafsanjani, khamenei, khalkhali and others. FACT.

First off, the opium addict was Reza Khan.

Secondly, SAVAK could have executed every single prisoner, others would have taken their place and the Iranian people would have risen up against the regime either way.

Can we please stop posting nazi (aka jews) propaganda here

Stop exposing and denouncing those who spread the propaganda? And stop informing unsuspecting compatriots so that they don't cast their vote for zionist-appeasers at upcoming elections? Impossible, these are urgent national duties.
First off, the opium addict was Reza Khan.

Secondly, SAVAK could have executed every single prisoner, others would have taken their place and the Iranian people would have risen up against the regime either way.
Salar joon, i do not care if you say that about Reza Shah. I only care about Iran. Humans are replaceable but civilizations are there to stay. So if you want to ''revenge'' about the khamenei opium part then you should directly insult Iran for me to take offence. I don't give a #hit about Pahlavi's. Just what leaders have done for the country.

You know what Salar, on some points i even agree with you (e.g. globalization and its effect on nationalism etc) but some points you are just talking nonsense man. No offence.

Bikhial baba we won't agree even if we argued back and forth like this for the next 50 years.
Read more about SAVAK goon Parviz Sabeti and how Iran prior to the Revolution used to be infiltrated by the globalist Haifan Baha'i organization at the behest of Isra"el":

The 1979 Revolution put an end to this pitiful subjugation of Iran at the hands of imperialist powers to be.
I assure you for each Bahai member in SAVAK there was more than 20 Shia member
First off, the opium addict was Reza Khan.

Secondly, SAVAK could have executed every single prisoner, others would have taken their place and the Iranian people would have risen up against the regime either way.
Opium, don't knew I believe that's not true
but he used to use a smoking pipe when he was younger.
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