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Leading Reformist Figure: Jewish Civilization Is Superior to Western Civilization, and Western Culture Is Superior to Iranian Culture

rajavi yes she have criminal record , but many others don't have such records .

Foreign-funded exiled oppositionists are ostensibly in breach of multiple laws, ranging from activities against national security to being on the payroll of foreign enemies. This means they are liable for arrest and prosecution upon entry in Iran. Moreover their aim to overthrow the political system with the aid of hostile foreign powers is an openly admitted and militantly pursued one.

Governments will not tolerate candidates who are in league with such elements.

or the guy charisma.
for election in parliament you only need a limited amount of money for advertisement in local and now a days internet made many things easy

In the west no parliamentary majority will form on a low cost campaign. American Congressional elections involve the collection of close to 10 billion dollars by candidates, parties and support committees. Visibility on the internet is subject to how well they're promoted by search engines etc. Moreover private interest groups vet candidates implicitly. As admitted by former US regime officials, without AIPAC's approval for instance nobody stands a chance of getting elected.

This aside and as said, what patriot would be keen on seeing people participate in elections when they cooperate with oppositionists funded by Iran's foreign enemies?
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oreign-funded exiled oppositionists are ostensibly in breach of multiple laws, ranging from activities against national security to being on the payroll of foreign enemies. This means they are liable for arrest and prosecution upon entry in Iran. Moreover their aim to overthrow the political system with the aid of hostile foreign powers is an openly admitted and militantly pursued one.
first you must define activity against national security it has not defined yet
there is no law against being on payroll
many of them are not aiming at overthrowing the government and if their aim is to do it peacefully through change its not against the law
In the west no parliamentary majority will form on a low cost campaign. American Congressional elections involve the collection of close to 10 billion dollars by candidates, parties and support committees. Visibility on the internet is subject to how well they're promoted by search engines etc. Moreover private interest groups vet candidates implicitly. As admitted by former US regime officials, without AIPAC's approval for instance nobody stands a chance of getting elected.

This aside and as said, what patriot would be keen on seeing people participate in elections when they cooperate with oppositionists funded by Iran's foreign enemies?
if you cant get 10milion people of 300+ million people in USA donate to your campaign just 10$ , what's the use of your campaign, people simply don't want you . and you can start a nation wide campaign for a lot less on social media
first you must define activity against national security it has not defined yet

Legal provisions exist which criminalize any activity aimed at disrupting national security. I must not define anything in this regard, since the legislator has used these exact terms.

Article 498 of the Islamic Penal Code calls for prison terms for whomever forms or administers a group of more than two people inside or outside the country under any name or title, whose purpose is to disrupt the security of the country.

there is no law against being on payroll

That's irrelevant because the regular, customary conduct of nation-states in the international realm is determined by items such as geopolitical imperatives, realpolitik and pursuit of national interest, reason of State, ideological considerations, and so on.

Thence the Islamic Republic of Iran like any other nation-state will take necessary measures to prevent hostile foreign powers from annihilating its political order through the use of paid agents.

many of them are not aiming at overthrowing the government

Under discussion is the so-called "regime change" opposition in exile.

and if their aim is to do it peacefully through change its not against the law

Incorrect. Article 500 of the Islamic Penal Code explicitly outlaws propaganda activities against the system of the Islamic Republic of Iran or in favor of groups and organizations opposed to the system in any shape or form.

Also, the above tends to suggests you endorse the overthrow of Iran's sovereign political system through activism funded by foreign enemy states as an acceptable practice. This type of posture in the common political acception of the term, is considered a treasonous one.

if you cant get 10milion people of 300+ million people in USA donate to your campaign just 10$ , what's the use of your campaign, people simply don't want you . and you can start a nation wide campaign for a lot less on social media

No, what it means is that you are not part of the two oligopolistic political formation showered to the tune of billions of dollars by private donors, and that therefore you will cruelly lack visibility whether in traditional media or online, so that 10 million people will never get to know you in the first place, overshadowed, isolated and drowned out as your voice will be amidst the mainstream media landscape.


As for the power of lobbies to influence congressional election outcomes and prevent even candidates from the two established parties let alone nobodies from receiving enough votes, it too is a well studied and documented phenomenon.

Legal provisions exist which criminalize any activity aimed at disrupting national security. I must not define anything in this regard, since the legislator has used these exact terms.

Article 498 of the Islamic Penal Code calls for prison terms for whomever forms or administers a group of more than two people inside or outside the country under any name or title, whose purpose is to disrupt the security of the country.
Very vague and not complete as the term is being used for many more things.

That's irrelevant because the regular, customary conduct of nation-states in the international realm is determined by items such as geopolitical imperatives, realpolitik and pursuit of national interest, reason of State, ideological considerations, and so on.

Thence the Islamic Republic of Iran like any other nation-state will take necessary measures to prevent hostile foreign powers from annihilating its political order through the use of paid agents.
As I said there is no law

Incorrect. Article 500 of the Islamic Penal Code explicitly outlaws propaganda activities against the system of the Islamic Republic of Iran or in favor of groups and organizations opposed to the system in any shape or form.
Don't penalize asking for change.
Very vague and not complete as the term is being used for many more things.

The legal acception of the concept is clarified by the jurisprudence of the Revolutionary Court, which offers an illustration as to a whole range of actions covered by the law.

But legal technicalities are of no consequence anyway. Since the fact remains that placing oneself at the service of a hostile foreign power is how treason is defined. Moreover treason is universally viewed as unacceptable and warrants a response from state authorities as well as patriotic citizens, each in their own area of responsibility.

As I said there is no law

It does not matter whether or not there's a specific law prohibiting foreign funding because the politics of nation-states isn't strictly codified and framed by laws.

Don't penalize asking for change.

Any individual or group that attacks the legitimacy of the Islamic Republic and its founding principles through propaganda falls under that category.
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Jews make less than 1% of humanity.

People only care about Jews, when USA tries to save Israel. lol.
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