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Which plane will Delhi pick for $10 Billion 126 plane bid?

Probabaly a mix of Mig35 and F-18s
They are looking to reduce the number of combat types.

Plus the plane has to be Matured technology into 2040

a $10billion deal the notion cant be purely military initiatives! If take politics into account, personally i think India will go for Boeing. Both India and the States wanting to strengthen their ties to counter any possible threats in South Asia to their interests.

and also F-18 is a very stable model has been proven by countless wars and for now it is the backbone of america navy's air supreme power.

Technologically, eurofighter has the edge well balanced which suits the $10billion project's objective. Dassault Rafale is also good, but apart from the air-to-air capability india cant not gain any diplomatic interests from a deal with France.

Ruassian is really out of the picture, since it has been a monopoly in India's defence market for so long, India needs to seek some alternatives to its monopoly status for more leverage. besides, ruassian cannot provide any cutting edge tech to india except turbofan engine and areodynamics.
F-18 or JAS Gripen.
a $10billion deal the notion cant be purely military initiatives! If take politics into account, personally i think India will go for Boeing. Both India and the States wanting to strengthen their ties to counter any possible threats in South Asia to their interests.

and also F-18 is a very stable model has been proven by countless wars and for now it is the backbone of america navy's air supreme power.

Technologically, eurofighter has the edge well balanced which suits the $10billion project's objective. Dassault Rafale is also good, but apart from the air-to-air capability india cant not gain any diplomatic interests from a deal with France.

Ruassian is really out of the picture, since it has been a monopoly in India's defence market for so long, India needs to seek some alternatives to its monopoly status for more leverage. besides, ruassian cannot provide any cutting edge tech to india except turbofan engine and areodynamics.

As far as i am concern , well i would be happy with any aircraft except Mig35 and F16IN

Yes i would accept Gripen and F/A18 coz when we have already bought equipment worth 10-12 Billion USD from the Americans in the last 3 Yrs and are on course to award them 3-4 Contracts worth an Estimated 5 Billion USD in total , i dont see us having any problem in accepting Super Hornet and Gripen since these 2 Aircraft offer the most value for money
If the decision is politically motivated then I feel the Americans would win, considering that they have recently removed DRDO and ISRO from the banned list, and I'm pretty sure they would want something in return.
Probabaly a mix of Mig35 and F-18s

I think I agree with this the most !
It keeps both parties happy. I also feel the Mig-35 is being underestimated compared to it,s western counter parts. The f-16 are being replaced by the JSF by many nations so even if the F-16IN is good, it is an end of the line breed so future parts could be expensive as india would be the sole user.

If it all don,t work out. Then maybe we can build you a tailored version of the JF-17. We can call it JF-17IN.
Of course it would come with special features like 2 wheels, 1 wing and blowing up in mid air for no apparent reason at times of war.
India is looking for tech base development along the fighter aircraft procurement I feel India will choose either Rafale or EF Typhoon, as they are true 4.5 generation fighters and there are no technology transfer bariers. :cheers:
I have a feeling India is going to pick an American fighter... Getting close to USA in recent years.

^^^ I would second you, I wouldn't mind the American planes without any strings attached. I hope the Russians had something better to offer then we would have gone with them.
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