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Which one is more impressive? Rise of India or Turkey?

My Opinion:

Rise of India is to be expected cause of large population, resources whether minerals or human, strong economy & etc. As such most people already expected this. Not really that "impressive" when you think about.

Rise of Turkey on the other hands is most impressive because no one ever expect the Turks to take the world stage again. As a country Turkey never really fascinate me because I see it as only a middle power in a region that is slowly forgotten by the Rapid Rising East. So the Rise of Turkey caught me by surprise and because of that its very impressive.

& Another thing This new site looks Fugly
This site looks ridiculous. The administrators tried to fix a site that wasn't broken and managed to screw up this whole forum.

More people will leave the forum because the user friendliness it used to have has gone down the drain.

Lets hope the administrator goes back to the old style format.
I always wanted to ask this question to the DPk members here (esp Chinese members). Since the 2000s, these two nations had been growing fast in economic, scientific and military terms. But which nation has an superior edge?
Off topic : Turkey as it is an Islamic country. Hindu India can not have any superior edge over any Islamic country.

On topic : Economic : Turkey
Scientific : India
Military : India
Turkey doesn't have nukes because as a responsible international stakeholder, they've conceded that only P5 powers are responsible enough to wield nukes. So instead, their government budget in spent on improving their citizens lives. In contrast India is a rogue state which refuses to sign and ratify international law in the form of the NPT. Their nuclear proliferation has even forced neighbour Pakistan to develop nukes for self-defense too.

Turkey doesn't require nukes as it in NATO.

also Every country has the right to have nukes even Iran or to say only P5 members have the right to have nukes is insane.

and India is right in not signing the treaty which is clearly to stop other countries from making any advancements in Nuclear technology its funny you say India is rogue country as it doesn't signs any Nuclear treaty but when India says let us all disarm the Nukes all grow cold feet lol

You say India forced Pakistan to develop Nukes who forced america to develop Nukes :bunny:
Well,if Turkey and India were to start a conventional war today,my bet would be,without a shadow of doubt,placed on Turkey。

India has a more "superior" conventional arms force than Turkey but only on paper.
Turkey can smash India any time.
well,we should compare various improvement markers then.while India is by far ahead in various fields like international presence or science or economy,we're lagging behind in various fields like education or poverty.
So i guess the biggest problem of India is the cast system. I believe the upper class don't want to give the untouchable an education because they hate them too much.
So i guess the biggest problem of India is the cast system. I believe the upper class don't want to give the untouchable an education because they hate them too much.
You are absolutely right. Madrasa are responsible for this.
I didn't know the cast system was a religious affair
India has a more "superior" conventional arms force than Turkey but only on paper.
Turkey can smash India any time.

May be Turkey will Win if there was supposed to be a war between us but smash is the term you use when you say Turkey would defeat India even without trying which i think is difficult
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