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Which is the strongest Muslim Army?

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"Data not available" LOL dude that gave me a good laugh. That was just classic. It's interesting because the data that we don't have is one of the most important in the equation.

LOL then believe in open source information :lol: , as if Nations will exhibit how long it can sustain a war, military equipment are different, modern media can pick them, up but not data regarding sustainability, it is something like declaring the arsenal.
Mates, In purely conventional terms Turkiye is without a doubt the most superior Muslim military, though overall military strength and war power and destruction capability the number one Muslim military is Pakistan.

Though, Pakistan shouldn't be too proud because the military needs to modernize rapidly and spend more per troops the military is using outdated equipment for soldiers and outdated military hardware.

Though let me say this if I were to choose to use either the Turkish military or the Pakistani military in a conventional war with any random country, I would choose the Turkish military as they are far more technologically advanced and better geared to fight 21st century modern warfare. Not to mention the Turkish military is just far off better funded what is their military expenditure about 15-20$ billion USD. That's nearly three to four times as much as Pakistan.

I think there should be a difference for the weapon inventory and the capability to produce weapons.

Can Turkiye produce better weapons when it has no backup from NATO? Assume Pakistan also has no backup from anyone.
i have updated my OP

Thank you very much, but I think I had enough for to night, and maybe without participating I maybe be able to see another day at pdf, who knows :meeting: , I would like to take more descriptive participation but I think I will rest with a single notification, hoping for more fun later on....(till I last ;) )

i think we should keep the nukes out.Those who will use them,will be wiped out from whole earth.
and the time of using nukes have gone.its better to compare with military budget,availability of resources at war time,and the weapon they possess and most important is economy.Saudis look good but dont know about their war fighting abilities.
Although they have best american machinery but turkey seems to be at top.

Why do our Indian friends want Pakistans capabilities hindered by attempting to tie one of its hands behind his back?? Pakistan does have nukes which makes it the strongest and of course most feared army. You cant pretend we dont have nukes because you are then speculating and predicting capability without true facts. Pakistan has nukes - stop trying to change reality.
Why do our Indian friends want Pakistans capabilities hindered by attempting to tie one of its hands behind his back?? Pakistan does have nukes which makes it the strongest and of course most feared army. You cant pretend we dont have nukes because you are then speculating and predicting capability without true facts. Pakistan has nukes - stop trying to change reality.

In future, with Pakistan developing the global scale nuclear strike capability, and many Muslim nations will seek the nuclear umbrella from Pakistan, no doubt who is the strongest when it comes to people's mind.
Why do our Indian friends want Pakistans capabilities hindered by attempting to tie one of its hands behind his back?? Pakistan does have nukes which makes it the strongest and of course most feared army. You cant pretend we dont have nukes because you are then speculating and predicting capability without true facts. Pakistan has nukes - stop trying to change reality.

and in reverse,i can say that you are desperate to bring nukes in and to bring pakistan in list.
this is quite offtopic but i will say,whenever we talk b/w india and china,we rarely bring nukes in discussion.we basically work out on the conventional warfare.

i stated above few facts like budget,availability of better resources,best machinery etc and in all,saudis looks good but i have a doubt in their war fighting capabilities so i prefer turkey.

even i bring nukes,and your nuclear command will have to think 1 trillion times b4 using it..its the destruction of humanity.
even in war,we have rules like we cant use chemical weapons etc.and you are desperate to bring nukes;)
LOL then believe in open source information :lol: , as if Nations will exhibit how long it can sustain a war, military equipment are different, modern media can pick them, up but not data regarding sustainability, it is something like declaring the arsenal.

True, it's hard to determine how long a nation can sustain in war.

Though several ways we can measure this are through financial capability, oil reserves, things like intensity of battle can be difficult to predict, any ways a lot of factors certainly.

Though I think financial capability and oil reserve are two critical things to look at when determine ability to sustain in war.
In future, with Pakistan developing the global scale nuclear strike capability, and many Muslim nations will seek the nuclear umbrella from Pakistan, no doubt who is the strongest when it comes to people's mind.

i hope you get lessons from iran.How many muslim nations are with iran??
more than half of them are with israel:P .so which muslim nation??
its necessary to talk on present facts and dont try to pump more;)
i think we should keep the nukes out.Those who will use them,will be wiped out from whole earth.
and the time of using nukes have gone.

I think we shouldn't keep nukes out of the picture. Thing is that a country without nukes wouldn't dare attack one with nukes. So where its convenient for you to prove Pakistan lower than other countries, reality is such that actual military and war experts don't share your silly and one sided views.
i hope you get lessons from iran.How many muslim nations are with iran??
more than half of them are with israel:P .so which muslim nation??
its necessary to talk on present facts and dont try to pump more;)

At least the so-called pro-USA Saudi Arabia also believes a nuclear armed Pakistan is the defender of the Muslim Civilization, they provided a lot of support for Pakistan's nuclear program.
Iran is indeed the top tier among the Muslim nation, but their only weakness is to develop the nuclear technology too late.

Yeah but the Iranian air force is very outdated and weak compared to the other air forces like TuAF, and PAF.

I mean for god sakes man Iran still pilots the F-5 for attack roles.
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