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Which is the strongest Muslim Army?

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Back to topic Pakistan must be top and the strongest when push comes to shove because Pakistan has nukes. You cant dis-invent them or pretend they don't exist. Comparisons ignoring nukes are just speculation
^^^^ why the need to resort to personal attacks. This thread was initially derailed because some of you Indians obsessed with Pakistan came here as usual to knock Pakistan. when we try to enlighten you you don't like it. As far as as ammo goes that's what your army chief said. He has a better idea than you what they have and what they don't have.

Now can we get back to topic. What do you reckon Pakistan with nukes tops the list
Any offtopic comments related to non muslim countries must be stopped.
One point to underscore is the need to be objective in this comparison but at the same time not to bash ANY muslim country .. [even your own]... I've seen such threads in different forums and muslims fighting like animals just to get the first slot in this internet competition

I must say its difficult to remove the natural patriotism when trying to post on threads like this. All i can say as a Pakistani is our nations existance and the strength of our army are simply joined at the hip. Granted our economy has suffered due to the expenditure and favouritsm for our army budget - but has our nation had the choice? I dont think we would exist as a nation if we didnt have the army we have and of course the little matter of having the nuke - and due to the fact we have this potential weapon we are i believe the strongest Muslim army - just my opinion
Get back to topic or leave the thread

let me point out some initial aspects that can be discussed / compared instead of oneliners

total coastal line to defend

self sufficiency [basic ..bullets etc / hitech systems]

mobilization time e respect to their enemies

participation in wars/internal wars/exercises


night time capability

standoff precision strike

no. of personal

early warning systems

air refuellers

mechanized battalions

nature of battlefield terrain [for both att/def]


nuke delivery systems / distance / MIRV capability / cruise missiles

no. of days able to sustain war

anti submarine/anti ship systems

i am trying to give a template for members to work on rather than spamming this thread e one liners

^these points are just off the bat -- you can add many others like:

electronic countermeasures
proportion of tanks/fighters which are of latest generation
main battlefield rifle
coastal line to defend-Pakistan
self sufficiency-Turkiye-Pakistan
mobilization time e respect to their enemies-Pakistan
participation in wars/internal wars/exercises-Pakistan
night time capability-Turkiye-Pakistan
standoff precision strike-Pakistan
no. of personal-Pakistan
early warning systems-Pakistan
air refuellers-Turkey?
mechanized battalions-Pakistan
nuke delivery systems-Pakistan
no. of days able to sustain war-Turkey?

Chose yourself.
Mates, In purely conventional terms Turkiye is without a doubt the most superior Muslim military, though overall military strength and war power and destruction capability the number one Muslim military is Pakistan.

Though, Pakistan shouldn't be too proud because the military needs to modernize rapidly and spend more per troops the military is using outdated equipment for soldiers and outdated military hardware.

Though let me say this if I were to choose to use either the Turkish military or the Pakistani military in a conventional war with any random country, I would choose the Turkish military as they are far more technologically advanced and better geared to fight 21st century modern warfare. Not to mention the Turkish military is just far off better funded what is their military expenditure about 15-20$ billion USD. That's nearly three to four times as much as Pakistan.
Taking Antibody's quote

Well I am not considering the form of government but the majority factor determining as a Muslim nation so that I can count Turkey and Indonesia in other wise this comparison will be left to a very few and the fact that only Pakistan among them tested a nuke.

coastal line to defend :Turkey, Indonesia, Pakistan , Iran.
self sufficiency : Turkey,Iran
mobilization time e respect to their enemies : Turkey (since it is a part of NATO- Global mobilisation within 24 hrs.)
participation in wars/internal wars/exercises : Iran due to its open challenge to US, note that it hijacked an American UAV.
training : dont know. but Turkey have NATO benefit, Iran?
night time capability : maybe Turkey!!!
standoff precision strike : maybe Turkey SA and Pakistan (not sure)
no. of personal : Pakistan, Iran (not sure)
early warning systems : Turkey plus NATO backing
air refuellers : Turkey through NATO backing
mechanized battalions : not sure
terrain : what?
nukes : only one nation have it.
nuke delivery systems : If it is missiles then both Iran and Pakistan have certain capabilities
no. of days able to sustain war: Data not available.

expecting descriptive replies as I may not be right some where.
Taking Antibody's quote

Well I am not considering the form of government but the majority factor determining as a Muslim nation so that I can count Turkey and Indonesia in other wise this comparison will be left to a very few and the fact that only Pakistan among them tested a nuke.

coastal line to defend :Turkey, Indonesia, Pakistan , Iran.
self sufficiency : Turkey,Iran
mobilization time e respect to their enemies : Turkey (since it is a part of NATO- Global mobilisation within 24 hrs.)
participation in wars/internal wars/exercises : Iran due to its open challenge to US, note that it hijacked an American UAV.
training : dont know. but Turkey have NATO benefit, Iran?
night time capability : maybe Turkey!!!
standoff precision strike : maybe Turkey SA and Pakistan (not sure)
no. of personal : Pakistan, Iran (not sure)
early warning systems : Turkey plus NATO backing
air refuellers : Turkey through NATO backing
mechanized battalions : not sure
terrain : what?
nukes : only one nation have it.
nuke delivery systems : If it is missiles then both Iran and Pakistan have certain capabilities
no. of days able to sustain war: Data not available.

expecting descriptive replies as I may not be right some where.

Why do you keep saying "Turkey plus Nato backing"? Look at the thread title and rethink and re engage brain. If Nato backs anything then its obviously not Muslim. Your stubborness and difficulty to say "Pakistan" is clearly obvious. Take Nato out of your post and one can replace wherever you have put Turkey by Pakistan - hence Pakistani Nationalist is probably spot on with his analysis. BTW you couldnt even find it to say PAKISTAN is the only nation to have of course NUKES....:azn:
hence Pakistani Nationalist is probably spot on with his analysis. BTW you couldnt even find it to say PAKISTAN is the only nation to have of course NUKES....:azn:

SK , I was indirectly saying the same , just wanted people to reach the same conclusion on there own:no:

btw in the last exercises , how much time did it take for pak army mobilization? our oil reserves for a war have shrunk since zardari though..
Why do you keep saying "Turkey plus Nato backing"? Look at the thread title and rethink and re engage brain. If Nato backs anything then its obviously not Muslim. Your stubborness and difficulty to say "Pakistan" is clearly obvious. Take Nato out of your post and one can replace wherever you have put Turkey by Pakistan - hence Pakistani Nationalist is probably spot on with his analysis. BTW you couldnt even find it to say PAKISTAN is the only nation to have of course NUKES....:azn:

OK then it is Pakistan with her nukes, without nukes it is Iran or Turkey, most self sufficient. Both nation buys equipment from foreign non muslim nation. but in a dead lock situation without any external help Iran and maybe Turkey have the privilege.

If Nukes are in Question the comparison is neither needed not the thread heading "Which is the strongest Muslim Army?''
Taking Antibody's quote

Well I am not considering the form of government but the majority factor determining as a Muslim nation so that I can count Turkey and Indonesia in other wise this comparison will be left to a very few and the fact that only Pakistan among them tested a nuke.

coastal line to defend :Turkey, Indonesia, Pakistan , Iran.
self sufficiency : Turkey,Iran
mobilization time e respect to their enemies : Turkey (since it is a part of NATO- Global mobilisation within 24 hrs.)
participation in wars/internal wars/exercises : Iran due to its open challenge to US, note that it hijacked an American UAV.
training : dont know. but Turkey have NATO benefit, Iran?
night time capability : maybe Turkey!!!
standoff precision strike : maybe Turkey SA and Pakistan (not sure)
no. of personal : Pakistan, Iran (not sure)
early warning systems : Turkey plus NATO backing
air refuellers : Turkey through NATO backing
mechanized battalions : not sure
terrain : what?
nukes : only one nation have it.
nuke delivery systems : If it is missiles then both Iran and Pakistan have certain capabilities
no. of days able to sustain war: Data not available.

expecting descriptive replies as I may not be right some where.

no. of days able to sustain war: Data not available.

"Data not available" LOL dude that gave me a good laugh. That was just classic. It's interesting because the data that we don't have is one of the most important in the equation.
Back to topic Pakistan must be top and the strongest when push comes to shove because Pakistan has nukes. You cant dis-invent them or pretend they don't exist. Comparisons ignoring nukes are just speculation

Yep, when you have anything over 2000 nukes, and a good reliable multi-dimensional platform to keep those 2000 nukes safe, then you are practically no different than those who possess over 10000 nukes.

It is all mutual destruction anyway, it doesn't really matter if you can kill your opponent 2 or 3 times, but most important thing is to ensure the availability of your nukes when it comes to the global scale nuclear war.
Taking Antibody's quote

terrain : what?

i have updated my OP

nature of battlefield terrain [for both att/def]

some terrains are difficult to attack etc

different weapons systems have to be used to adapt in the harsh environments-- e.g the weight class of our tanks and the different terrain in which different pak tanks are used in .. just to point out one aspect
i think we should keep the nukes out.Those who will use them,will be wiped out from whole earth.
and the time of using nukes have gone.its better to compare with military budget,availability of resources at war time,and the weapon they possess and most important is economy.Saudis look good but dont know about their war fighting abilities.
Although they have best american machinery but turkey seems to be at top.
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