It is not easy to become a hub of something without even being a global hub. China is a global factory hub is not simply just one particular great criteria but many of it. Just look at South Korea, it had many ideas and tried it many times to become of Hub of many things but it wasn't that particular successful.
Relatively, China have many great advantages that most countries don't have:
1)relative low wage -> lower production cost.
2)large educated and mobile work force -> workers can move around the country to produce wide variety of products.
3)stable government and economic policies -> china have very good trade relationship with all important countries in the world, it also have well planned and sound economic policies.
4)excellent logistic network -> china have great road, railway, seaports and airport networks, these enables products made in china move within the country easily and move to their foreign countries quickly too.
5)supply chains -> most of the productions supply chains, the little building blocks for products, are in china.
and most important of all
6) market -> china is a giant market itself. most of the time it is profitable to make it in china and sell it in china.
The above are not all but just some of the advantages China have over most countries. Just looking at these, how many areas can Vietnam or India do better than China?(beside lower wage cost)
Just recently, there are reports that Telsa wants to enter talk with the Chinese government for building a factory to produce electric cars in China. Perhaps this is type of green tech that Viva_Viet said Vietnam would only accept thru TPP? So, why doesn't Tesla want to build a car factory in Vietnam or India now? One, because China's market for electric cars is much greater than Vietnam, India and most countries. And two, it is possible to actually do it in China because of educated work force, guaranty electrics and water supply for the factory production, availability of sub components, and logistic to move the product within China and out of China quickly in a timely manner.
So, will any country, including Vietnam, Indonesia and India, be able to replace China as the global manufacturing hub in a foreseeable future? I don't see it.