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Where is Shaukat Aziz ?


Dec 26, 2005
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In Shaukat Aziz Pakistan had a very good Prime Minister who understood economy and achieved results. I think Pakistan needs leaders like him he understood economy.

Following are few of his achievements from Wikipedia

Pakistan’s economy grew by 100% — to become $ 160 billion[13][14]
Revenue grew by 100% — to become $ 11.4 billion
Per Capita Income grew by 100% — to become $ 925
Foreign Reserves grew by 500% — to become $ 17 billion
Exports grew by 100% — to become $ 18.5 billion
Textile exports grew by 100% — to become $ 11.2 billion
Karachi Stock Exchange grew by 500% — to become $ 75 billion
Foreign Direct Investment grew by 500% — to become $ 8.4 billion[15]
Annual Debt servicing decreased by 35% — to become 26%
Poverty decreased by 10% — to become 24%
literacy rate grew by 10% — to become 54%
Public development Funds grew by 100% — to become Rs 520 billion.[12][16]

Pakistan desperately needs leader like him even if he is not elected. That was one smart move by Gen Musharraf.
AFAIK he was a good economist and showed results. But I donot recal him as a politician. Because of him Musharraf was able to rule for long.
Any reasons for discontent regards to him ?
First of all, Aziz was not an economist, he was a banker, secondly, all the achievements that he and his Dad claimed were artificial, short lived, and un-sustainable. There was no real investment, rather most of the profitable national assets were sold to the foreign companies at below their actual values while pocketing huge sums as kick backs, and that is how the foreign currency deposits were increased (but at what cost?). Even Supreme Court of Pakistan had to take notice of this very shady ‘privatization policy’. It was during his (and Mushharraf) time when the number of mobile phones and cars running on the street were used as the indicators of the good economy, laughable han! Mark Twain once said "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics". Irrespective of how much statistical juggling he and Musharraf did (twiddle dee and twiddle dum they were anyway), the fact is, inflation broke all the previous records; the middle class shrank and lower class expanded.

A full blown Indian assault would not have damaged Pakistan as much as the duo of the twiddle dee and twiddle dum has done during their time.
AFAIK he was a good economist and showed results. But I donot recal him as a politician. Because of him Musharraf was able to rule for long.
Any reasons for discontent regards to him ?

AFAUK................. You be just fooled by Statistics. Nothing in real

As Qsaark said
The fact is, inflation broke all the previous records; the middle class shrank and lower class expanded.
This was the real Development or few of his Achievements :pop:
First of all, Aziz was not an economist, he was a banker, secondly, all the achievements that he and his Dad claimed were artificial, short lived, and un-sustainable. There was no real investment, rather most of the profitable national assets were sold to the foreign companies at below their actual values while pocketing huge sums as kick backs, and that is how the foreign currency deposits were increased (but at what cost?). Even Supreme Court of Pakistan had to take notice of this very shady ‘privatization policy’. It was during his (and Mushharraf) time when the number of mobile phones and cars running on the street were used as the indicators of the good economy, laughable han! Mark Twain once said "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics". Irrespective of how much statistical juggling he and Musharraf did (twiddle dee and twiddle dum they were anyway), the fact is, inflation broke all the previous records; the middle class shrank and lower class expanded.

A full blown Indian assault would not have damaged Pakistan as much as the duo of the twiddle dee and twiddle dum has done during their time.

Yes he was a Banker not Economist My Bad.

But he had several achievements for which he got praised.

1) Pakistan's fiscal performance was praised by IMF and World Bank. The World Bank further reiterated that Pakistan's Economic growth bolstered International confidence.

IMF, WB praise Pakistan's economic and fiscal performance

Pak economic growth has bolstered int’l confidence: WB

2) IMF Praises: IMF's new Middle East director Mr. George Abed, said he was "very pleased with the record of Pakistan in the past three years of continued macroeconomic and financial stabilisation and we have begun to think of Pakistan as a country of promise and a country of potentially high rate of growth."

IMF praise for Pakistan

3) Asian Development Bank also praised Pakistan's Micro-Finance
Media Recognition: In 2001, Mr. Aziz was also named "Finance Minister of the Year" by the prestigious Euromoney and Bankers Magazines.

ADB praises micro-finance in Pakistan
If Mr Aziz's achievments were just "blown out datas", then what negative impact has been observed , apart from foreign currency reserves, after him being out of ofice?
Has the pakistan's economy, per capita income decreased by 50 % ???
Firms were privatized for little money ( short term and minor gain ) , but with firms in able hands would generate more and lasting revenues/employment/progress ( long term and bigger gain ) and this is the real motive of any privatisation drive.
well whatever he achieved or did not but he is certainly not the kind of leader which is needed for Pakistan.

many of his steps have brought some solace for Pakistani economy and many had created problems.

besides it was blamed he was IMF/WB man who was tasked with certain agenda.

Now only God knows the truth
shaukat is in musharafs kitchen making food for him

no shaukat no shaukat :feminist:
Shaukat Aziz performed very very well but it was the leadership of Musharraf which knew he is needed most.
Now Gilani have no clue what's going on with Pak economy, crisis over crisis and no idea how to resolve it.
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