Like I said you're dumb af. The sanctions on russia failed while EU is suffering economically. So yes if china & india fight, china would love to be in the position russia is right now.
But like the low iq pajeet that you are, for some reason you're talking about pakistanis moving to russia, a country where they don't understand the language or culture & don't know much about in general compared to western countries.
Pakistanis know a lot about Greek and Norwegian culture to settle there. Tell me about it
You measure growth by Russian prostitutes?
What is this supposed to be? Pajeetonomics?
You lot are the lowest of the low, no decency pure degeneracy
If Russia is such a prosperous country @EternalMortal claims please explain why Russian whores are all around the world. I can understand Russian prostitutes working in Russia
You seem like a smart logical guy. Please explain. Maybe there is a logical explanation