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Where is Islam in Islamic Republic of Pakistan?

assalam alaikum

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Really? And how does this system run? How is the 'Khalifa' chosen?

I asked the same question on another thread but could'nt get a satisfactory answer.
Well, the near guess that I can have is that it the government will be:


Government will be a Ministry where people can join on the bases of their education. Like, a person who graduates in law will join the department of Law at Ministry and rise by promotion. Finally, the Khalifa will be selected by a council that consists of the Senior most members of Ministry. The Khalifa himself should be a member of that council.
Tariq Mullahs opposed Pakistan , they never rallied behind Quaid infact they called him a traitor etc for eg JI's moudodi !!

And in fact don't we have videos posted by our Indian members, showing Indian Mullahs and Indian Muslims still criticizing the creation of Pakistan?

Why should we listen to these hypocrites, who riot and burn property if someone publishes a 'cartoon', but at the same time have no qualms about openly advocating discrimination and prejudice against Ahmadis, Christians and Hindus.
Secularism isn't a faith. It is the separation of the state from religious affairs. You can practice what you want as long as it is not involved with the states policy and laws.

It is a very simple idea that people have a very hard time understanding here it seems.

"People" understands. It's power struggle. And "People" believe what's good for me, is, GOOOOOOOD. And people usually debate this under the context of Islam. "People" and "people" have different contexts. That's all.
The point is that if the majority of any people were to follow the principles outlined in the Quran, then any system would work since there would be minimal to no corruption and people would only act in a manner that benefited everyone.
Islamic system is flawless if fallowed properly i.e implementing the teachings of Islam in our life.
Any system not originated from Islam is not flawless.
Therefore your argument is self-defeating, and a Utopian vision, since mankind is inherently flawed, and unless you somehow genetically engineer humans to be free of flaws and sins, you will never reach a stage where your conditions of a 'majority being true Muslims' will be fulfilled.
Unnecessary comment sir.
And in any case, have you offered details on this so called 'Islamic system' and how it is supposed to run and what checks and balances it will have? And where in the Quran these details are mentioned?

Yes insallah one day.
"People" understands. It's power struggle. And "People" believe what's good for me, is, GOOOOOOOD. And people usually debate this under the context of Islam. "People" and "people" have different contexts. That's all.

Please Let this debate be for only pakistanis only.

thank you
I asked the same question on another thread but could'nt get a satisfactory answer.
Well, the near guess that I can have is that it the government will be:


Government will be a Ministry where people can join on the bases of their education. Like, a person who graduates in law will join the department of Law at Ministry and rise by promotion. Finally, the Khalifa will be selected by a council that consists of the Senior most members of Ministry. The Khalifa himself should be a member of that council.
There will obviously be more applicants than positions in such a ministry, so what will the criteria for selecting people be? Whoever has the best academic qualifications? And who makes that selection, and who selects those making the selection?

In addition, are you arguing that people merely be given positions in government because of their 'education'? Education does not mean someone is a good administrator or free of flaws and corruption.

A government is theoretically (In my book) designed to govern the people in a nation in the most equitable manner possible and create conditions for economic prosperity and growth. The best judge of a government's performance are therefore those that government is designed to serve - the people of a nation, since they are the ones most affected by the actions of government.

So the need is for educating people of their rights and responsibilities with respect to electing their representatives, so they can make informed decisions, and not to take away their right to elect their government, and merely have it imposed upon them by a council or coterie that might very well be power hungry and corrupt, and has no checks or balances on it.
"People" understands. It's power struggle. And "People" believe what's good for me, is, GOOOOOOOD. And people usually debate this under the context of Islam. "People" and "people" have different contexts. That's all.

What exactly is there to debate. Everyone goes to practice what faith they like and as they please.

Why is it people here have the notion that they have to enforce and spread their beliefs on others. You have to right to do this. If people want to learn about your faith then they can choose to and you can teach them. Choice is key in a healthy state. When that is restricted you have problems.
Secularism isn't a faith. It is the separation of the state from religious affairs. You can practice what you want as long as it is not involved with the states policy and laws.

It is a very simple idea that people have a very hard time understanding here it seems.

Islam is not just about a practice that should be done at home only.
What does the Prophet mean by ‘Helping a wrongdoer’? Why did the Prophet say this?
Helping a wrongdoer is to prevent him/her from doing wrong. When you stop someone from doing wrong, you in fact prevent crimes being committed in the society. You help the society in the larger interest.
I hope this helps.
Those mullahs then dont represent the true ISLAM! Why are you guys sound like rednecks who think Islam is bad for society!

so which one is the true Islam wahabi , salafi , sufi ,shia ,sunni , takfiri , agha khani , bohri ,ismaili ...... or the remaining 63 .... ??
He is not trolling - I see nothing wrong with that comment of his.

I don't think he said anything about Islam, he is merely commenting on what he believes Quaid-e-Azam and his sister's vision of Pakistan was.

Sir, you do not understand my point. I am just highlighting the fact that people think that Islam is a religion of extremism and I deny that point. They think that we need to become secular like them, but Islam needs no amendment and it has given rights to everyone, even the non-muslims

Irrelevant to this thread and his comments.

Not irrelevant. Hazrat Ali (R.A)'s example is an example that Islam is not one sided and even a non-muslim can take the head of state to court.[/QUOTE]

Pakistan was made in the name of Muslims, not Islam.

What is your point??? Why are you creating a difference between Islam and Muslim???
There will obviously be more applicants than positions in such a ministry, so what will the criteria for selecting people be? Whoever has the best academic qualifications? And who makes that selection, and who selects those making the selection?

In addition, are you arguing that people merely be given positions in government because of their 'education'? Education does not mean someone is a good administrator or free of flaws and corruption.

A government is theoretically (In my book) designed to govern the people in a nation in the most equitable manner possible and create conditions for economic prosperity and growth. The best judge of a government's performance are therefore those that government is designed to serve - the people of a nation, since they are the ones most affected by the actions of government.

So the need is for educating people of their rights and responsibilities with respect to electing their representatives, so they can make informed decisions, and not to take away their right to elect their government, and merely have it imposed upon them by a council or coterie that might very well be power hungry and corrupt, and has no checks or balances on it.

Sir did you see the video I posted for you?
What exactly is there to debate. Everyone goes to practice what faith they like and as they please.

Why is it people here have the notion that they have to enforce and spread their beliefs on others. You have to right to do this. If people want to learn about your faith then they can choose to and you can teach them. Choice is key in a healthy state. When that is restricted you have problems.

Because there are always two types of individuals in every ethnic groups; One group prefers freedom and independence; Another prefer close-knit relationships and observe social "norms". Marry carefully. :smokin:
What exactly is there to debate. Everyone goes to practice what faith they like and as they please.

Why is it people here have the notion that they have to enforce and spread their beliefs on others. You have to right to do this. If people want to learn about your faith then they can choose to and you can teach them. Choice is key in a healthy state. When that is restricted you have problems.

Without the struggle of Muslims Pakistan wont be even existing. It was only Muslims who requested for separate nation where they could practice their religion. It was not Hindu, Sikh, Christians, atheist etc who demanded a separate nation i.e pakistan but it was only Muslims who demanded so because of Islam.
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