I am a Myanmar. So, I would like to give my POV and opion.
Many media and people are tying to change this situation of ethnicity issue to a religious issue. The key reason many Myanmar are against the Muslim aka Rohingya are due to their long time rivalry and fast growing population of the Rohingyas. Rohingyas used to only comprise of 25 percent of Araken State and now they reached 50 percent. This create some sort of alarms and fear that the Araken or Rakhine would become a minority in their own native land. You must also understand this rivalry between the two races dates back many decades.
The situation can't be solved by either force, sanction or violence. This must take time, compromise and true understanding of the situation on the ground. Though some violent fighting occurs in the state, things are calm right now. Many media exaggerate that we are massacaring muslims, rohingyas in the country if so, why we are allowing UN, IGOs and media into the camps where displaced rohingya lived. Those rohingyas only composed of 10 percent of total rohingya population. The rest of the population are living in their own township.
If the muslims countries really concern about them and you want a fast solution, you can consider mass migration of the rohingyas. We would be happy to help.
FYI: You all are saying sanction against Myanmar by Muslims countries such as Indonesia and Arab countries, I would say it is a useless method. We were able to withstand the sanction by EU and USA very well and believe we can withstand this as well.
Moreover, we are increasing our diplomacy with many muslim countries. Even this year, Indonesia send large delegates to sell weapon to Myanmar and we started to buy weapon from Turkey.