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When You Kill Ten Million Africans You Aren’t Called ‘Hitler’

I agree..... their (britisher's) brutality was no less... unfortunately, they are the one who wrote the history... 

LOL... so why should anybody judge Hitler by today's standard?? see the fallacy of your statement? Not all people were ruthless in 15th century. Even white people like Bartamole de las Casa knew what they did/doing was wrong. No where in my comment I lumped all Europeans (or white or black) together.... stop praising evil people just because they are white...

Actually Hitler was judged evil even by 1945 standards,and 1945 standards are more close to those of today.Judging a man in the 15th century by today's standards as as "evil" is ridiculous,human life was cheap everywhere back than.Stop accusing people of beeing evil just because they're white.Columbus deserve praise for his discovery even if it was unintentional,it benefited so many people,granted the american natives may have their reasons to be unhappy about the discovery, but they have casinos now.

I don't understand this inferiority complex against whites,not to mention blatant racism coming from some of you.It's shameful,you could learn a thing or two from whites about tolerance.

Actually Hitler was judged evil even by 1945 standards,and 1945 standards are more close to those of today.Judging a man in the 15th century by today's standards as as "evil" is ridiculous,human life was cheap everywhere back than.Stop accusing people of beeing evil just because they're white.Columbus deserve praise for his discovery even if it was unintentional,it benefited so many people,granted the american natives may have their reasons to be unhappy about the discovery, but they have casinos now.

I don't understand this inferiority complex against whites,not to mention blatant racism coming from some of you.It's shameful,you could learn a thing or two from whites about tolerance.
So, there were nobody killing people en-masse in 1945? There were no laws back then to make him guilty. In Numberg trial, all laws were applied retrospectively... in any case, I am not defending Hitler here... Each person needs to be judged according to current standards, not of their time.... in that case, nobody would be guilty...nAgain,you would better off not making generalization as all whites are tolerant (or otherwise). Ab Lincoln and Hitler both were white...
So, there were nobody killing people en-masse in 1945? There were no laws back then to make him guilty. In Numberg trial, all laws were applied retrospectively... in any case, I am not defending Hitler here... Each person needs to be judged according to current standards, not of their time.... in that case, nobody would be guilty...nAgain,you would better off not making generalization as all whites are tolerant (or otherwise). Ab Lincoln and Hitler both were white...

Whites are the most tolerant today,whites commited crimes in the past,some even today, but this continuous white bashing is ridiculous.
Whites are the most tolerant today,whites commited crimes in the past,some even today, but this continuous white bashing is ridiculous.

I never bashed all whites. My particular example was Columbus. He did not do anything good for the humanity to have a separate holiday in US. Even great people like Ab Lincoln doesn't have that honour. Whether he was white, black or brown is not my concern...
There is a reason why Hitler wanted a master race. Europeans owned most of the world, now all he had to do is own Europe, Bingo then it would be all his !!

That was the fatal flaw in his attempt to rule the world. If he went fighting over the colonies, no one probably would have cared.
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It's because both HITLER and HOLOCAUST are exclusively patented for ZIONIST use only. For Zionist grand agendas, the Jews were the ONLY victims of such Hitler and Holocaust, there can not be any other. The Jews should be the most suffering victims as long as the human's memories may recall.

TPTB will ascertain this only and unique tragedy remains to have its highly elevated status through all the mainstream media (MSM) they are controlling in both sides of Atlantic.


"The Nomadic Parasites will shift out of London and into Manhattan. And this will be presented under a camouflage of national slogans. It will be represented as an American victory. It will not be an American victory.
Until you know who has lent what to whom, you know nothing whatever of politics, you know nothing whatever of history, you know nothing of international wrangles."

"The monopoly of money, or the restriction of its circulation, is merely a variation of this simple form of monopoly. That is all. The stupid fall into the trap. Wars are provoked in succession, deliberately, by the great usurers, in order to create debts, to create scarcity, so that they can extort the interest on these debts, so that they can raise the price of money (i.e., the price of the various monetary units controlled by, or in the possession of, the same autocrats), altering the prices of the various monetary units when it suits them, raising and lowering the prices of the various foodstuffs when it suits them, completely indifferent to the human victim, to the accumulated treasures of civilization, to the cultural heritage."

~ EZRA POUND (1885–1972)
The brutality of European colonists never fail to amaze me. At the high of our military power, we went abroad during Zheng He's sea expedition, visiting many foreign countries as far as Africa, but we never colonized and enslaved them the way European colonists did during their superior military power..

Actually Hitler was judged evil even by 1945 standards,and 1945 standards are more close to those of today.Judging a man in the 15th century by today's standards as as "evil" is ridiculous,human life was cheap everywhere back than.Stop accusing people of beeing evil just because they're white.Columbus deserve praise for his discovery even if it was unintentional,it benefited so many people,granted the american natives may have their reasons to be unhappy about the discovery, but they have casinos now.

I don't understand this inferiority complex against whites,not to mention blatant racism coming from some of you.It's shameful,you could learn a thing or two from whites about tolerance.

Okay, so its okay to call the Aztecs (union of three city) a bunch "evil" savages that deserve its destruction, but if a European power does it they were not "evil" because according to you moral doesn't catch to today standard back in the 16th century.

In the History circle we call your kind "Revisionist." (i.e. The guys who always said the Holocaust never happened)

Okay how about a quote from the History of the Indies. Where the Writer, Bartolome de Las Casas a Spanish priest living in those times will explain what the Spanish Empire did to the Native Americans is even appalling by 16th century standard.

The Indians were totally deprived of their freedom and were put in the harshest, fiercest most horrible servitude and captivity which no one who has not seen it can understand. Even beast enjoy more freedom when they are allowed to graze in the fields. But our Spaniards gave no such opportunity to Indians and truly considered them perpetual slaves... I sometimes came upon dead bodies on my way, and upon other who were grasping and moaning in their death agony repeating "Hungry, hungry." And this was the freedom, the good treatment of Christianity the Indians received.

This event is called the Black Legend where 8 out 10 Indians died. Most European country in those times resented Spain for that. So shove your revisionist *** back where it came from.

For god sake its about Leopold 2 of Belgium so just stop it.
Once to the zoo in Berlin they brought negroes from Africa. Bismarck went to the zoo. He looked exhibits in monkeys department, and then asked, "So which of these negros?"
In Europe, the 19th century negros were not considered human beings.
The brutality of European colonists never fail to amaze me. At the high of our military power, we went abroad during Zheng He's sea expedition, visiting many foreign countries as far as Africa, but we never colonized and enslaved them the way European colonists did during their superior military power..

That is probably the biggest reason why the Ming scrapped the navy afterwards. The costs > than the rewards.
Look at 50 centers trying to claim they could colonize the world! :lol:
The brutality of European colonists never fail to amaze me. At the high of our military power, we went abroad during Zheng He's sea expedition, visiting many foreign countries as far as Africa, but we never colonized and enslaved them the way European colonists did during their superior military power..

You were to busy commiting genocide upon your close neighbours and your own citizens to :

Genocides in history - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And this is for Lenin's grandchild,comrade @vostok:

Ethnic cleansing of Circassians - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia number 1 genocide from the russkies,but there is more:

number 2 ,Russia scores again:Decossackization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

number 3,Russia's on a roll!:Holodomor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

number 4,you've guessed it...Russia again!:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Polish_Operation_of_the_NKVD_(1937–1938)

number 5,ain't nothing stopping our all time killers the russkies,they're going strong,this time it's time for the chechens to get genocided :Genocides in history - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

number 6,i'm allready bored,you've guessed,the russians are at it again:Deportations of Lithuanians, Latvians and Estonians

Some pakistanis were upset here about the "evil whites",ofcourse they forget their recent history:

1971 Bangladesh genocide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You were to busy commiting genocide upon your close neighbours and your own citizens to :

Genocides in history - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And this is for Lenin's grandchild,comrade @vostok:

Ethnic cleansing of Circassians - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia number 1 genocide from the russkies,but there is more:

number 2 ,Russia scores again:Decossackization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

number 3,Russia's on a roll!:Holodomor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

number 4,you've guessed it...Russia again!:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Polish_Operation_of_the_NKVD_(1937–1938)

number 5,ain't nothing stopping our all time killers the russkies,they're going strong,this time it's time for the chechens to get genocided :Genocides in history - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

number 6,i'm allready bored,you've guessed,the russians are at it again:Deportations of Lithuanians, Latvians and Estonians

Some pakistanis were upset here about the "evil whites",ofcourse they forget their recent history:

1971 Bangladesh genocide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That is what exactly the argument was about . The westerners write only what suites their cause . Propaganda and lies . Wiki is just another example . There was no bengali genocide committed by Pakistan Army in east Pakistan . And there is tons of material which goes against this alleged genocide propaganda . Even the famous Indian writer Sarmila Bose in her book "The dead reckoning" acknowledges this fact that it was the Indian and Bengali propaganda for political purposes. Bengalis have never been able to show international observers, a single mass grave , of the alleged thousands , Millions of stranded pakistanis in raufabad , bangladesh camps even after the passage of four decades , itself is a proof that who killed who .
That is what exactly the argument was about . The westerners write only what suites their cause . Propaganda and lies . Wiki is just another example . There was no bengali genocide committed by Pakistan Army in east Pakistan . And there is tons of material which goes against this alleged genocide propaganda . Even the famous Indian writer Sarmila Bose in her book "The dead reckoning" acknowledges this fact that it was the Indian and Bengali propaganda for political purposes. Bengalis have never been able to show international observers, a single mass grave , of the alleged thousands , Millions of stranded pakistanis in raufabad , bangladesh camps even after the passage of four decades , itself is a proof that who killed who .

Sure thing chief.
Actually the westerners acknowledge their past crimes while you deny yours.When you do it is just "propaganda"..Sry,but that's exactly what makes the westerners more civilised.
Sure thing chief.
Actually the westerners acknowledge their past crimes while you deny yours.When you do it is just "propaganda"..Sry,but that's exactly what makes the westerners more civilised.

Well I haven`t seen the British acknowledging the crimes they committed in India or else where . Neither do the Dutch accept what they did in the far east . Spaniards are no good in that so are the Italians when it comes to last century tripoli attacks ....
Well thats all history , lets see what is happening today . The Americans have killed countless civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan in the past decade and you people are okay with it !!!
A pakhtun Takes up arms against the invading American army in his self defense and he is a terrorist , American president kills millions of innocents and gets nominated for noble peace prize !!
If this is what you call civilization , we are more than happy to be "uncivilized"
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