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When You Kill Ten Million Africans You Aren’t Called ‘Hitler’

You were to busy commiting genocide upon your close neighbours and your own citizens to :

Genocides in history - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And this is for Lenin's grandchild,comrade @vostok:

Ethnic cleansing of Circassians - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia number 1 genocide from the russkies,but there is more:

number 2 ,Russia scores again:Decossackization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

number 3,Russia's on a roll!:Holodomor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

number 4,you've guessed it...Russia again!:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Polish_Operation_of_the_NKVD_(1937–1938)

number 5,ain't nothing stopping our all time killers the russkies,they're going strong,this time it's time for the chechens to get genocided :Genocides in history - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

number 6,i'm allready bored,you've guessed,the russians are at it again:Deportations of Lithuanians, Latvians and Estonians

Some pakistanis were upset here about the "evil whites",ofcourse they forget their recent history:

1971 Bangladesh genocide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
When it comes to brutality and genocides, we have to admit taking second place from European imperialist, unfortunately my friend. LMAO
China intervened in Sri Lanka with thousands of troops in 1411 to support King Parakramabahu VI against King Alakeshvara, who usurped the throne. China won and installed King Parakramabahu on the throne, who united the entire Sri Lanka. China then left Sri Lanka after helping fix the problem.

Sri Lanka Past and Present - L. R. Reddy - Google Books

Buddha in the Crown : Avalokitesvara in the Buddhist Traditions of Sri Lanka ... - John Clifford Holt Associate Professor of Religion Bowdoin College - Google Books

Later on, when the Dutch and british came to Sri Lanka, they decided to "stay" and "help" the Sri Lankans by colonizing their land for several centuries instead of leaving like China.

Mighty Slovenia would probably try to genocide the Sri Lankans instead.


Not my fault one of your poor emperors who got his *** licked constantly lived in delusions that Han are greatest and need to protect that greatness by closing up the land, preventing any further expeditions and dismantled the fleet.

So, in other words, you got fucked up by your own vanity.
Coincidentally, that same vanity and feeling of false self righteousness is evident to this day in writings of many Chinese posters over here.

Oh and, i love how you try to present this Sri Lanka expedition as some altruistic voyage, when in fact it was a removal of a hostile emperor, replacing him with a puppet that paid tribute and left kingdoms with whom China had relations in peace.

Here's a quote son, from a more honest historian then yourself, well, you're not a historian really, you're just a pretending 50 center:

Straight-away, their dens and hideouts we ravaged,
And made captive that entire country,

Bringing back to our august capital,
Their women, children, families and retainers, leaving not one,
Cleaning out in a single sweep those noxious pests, as if winnowing chaff from grain...
These insignificant worms, deserving to die ten thousand times over, trembling in fear...
Did not even merit the punishment of Heaven.
Thus the august emperor spared their lives,
And they humbly kowtowed, making crude sounds
Praising the sage-like virtue of the imperial Ming ruler.

Yang Rong (1515) about the confrontation in Ceylon

Ming–Kotte War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yang Rong, Yang Wenmin gong ji (The collected works of Yang Rong) Jianan, Yang shi chong kan ben [1515], chap.1. Cited in: Levathes 1996, 115.

I love how i catch you Chinese on cheap lies everytime.
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When it comes to brutality and genocides, we have to admit taking second place from European imperialist, unfortunately my friend. LMAO

Unfortunately ,when it comes to mass murder no one can top chairman Mao.That freak sits on his throne of skulls from his victims uncontested.The real disturbing thing is that so many chinese defend him even today,that speaks volumes about the chinese and their mentality,you're worse than sheep.
Unfortunately ,when it comes to mass murder no one can top chairman Mao.That freak sits on his throne of skulls from his victims uncontested.The real disturbing thing is that so many chinese defend him even today,that speaks volumes about the chinese and their mentality,you're worse than sheep.
What Mao did was wrong and it was an "unintentional policy mistake" that indirectly led to disastrous outcome. That is very different from directly enslaving people through brutality. Am I right, my friend? LMAO

Not my fault one of your poor emperors who got his *** licked constantly lived in delusions that Han are greatest and need to protect that greatness by closing up the land, preventing any further expeditions and dismantled the fleet.

So, in other words, you got fucked up by your own vanity.
Coincidentally, that same vanity and feeling of false self righteousness is evident to this day in writings of many Chinese posters over here.

Oh and, i love how you try to present this Sri Lanka expedition as some altruistic voyage, when in fact it was a removal of a hostile emperor, replacing him with a puppet that paid tribute and left kingdoms with whom China had relations in peace.

Here's a quote son, from a more honest historian then yourself, well, you're not a historian really, you're just a pretending 50 center:

Ming–Kotte War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yang Rong, Yang Wenmin gong ji (The collected works of Yang Rong) Jianan, Yang shi chong kan ben [1515], chap.1. Cited in: Levathes 1996, 115.

I love how i catch you Chinese on cheap lies everytime.

"Cleaning out in a single sweep those noxious pests, as if winnowing chaff from grain...
These insignificant worms, deserving to die ten thousand times over, trembling in fear."

Lol,those chinese really respected their fellow man,treated everybody as equalls...
MNLF Official Website

Truth to tell, during the reign of Sulu Sultan Badar ud-Din and while paying China a state visit, he appealed to the Chinese Emperor to consider recognizing the Sultanate domain of Sulu as a direct integral province of China. However, the Chinese Emperor declined the request as not necessary since the two nations have a strong diplomatic and commercial relationship based on mutual trust and respect for each other's sovereignty and independence.

The refusal of the Chinese Emperor to annexation, although voluntary, of the early Sultanate dominion as part and member of China would only show that the Asian dominant nation has always believed on peace and harmony with its neighbors. China has always valued peace rather than war in order not to create tensions and animosities that lead to mass suffering, demographic division and physical devastation triggered by other foreign exploitative war-monger nations, like the tumultuous events that happened to Korea, Vietnam, Indonesia, Philippines and Bangsamoro.

The Spanish spent 300 years trying to conquer the Moros in the Sulu Sultanate, and the Americans violated the Bates Treaty they signed with the Sulu Sultanate in which they promised to leave Sulu's internal affairs alone, and instead attacked the Moros, conquered and colonized their country and massacred their women and children at places like Bud Dajo.

The American "excuse" for violating the treaty was that Moros were practicing slavery, while America itself practiced Jim Crow and racist segregation at the same time. Slave trading increased among the Moros precisely because of western imperialism. The imperialists destroyed the traditional Moro trade network and attacked the Moros with the intent to conquer them. The Moros raided the Spanish controlled Philippines in retaliation.

Conquest and Pestilence in the Early Spanish Philippines - Linda A. Newson - Google Books

The Spanish used gunboats to commit mass atrocities against the Moro people and destroy their villages.

In Search of Southeast Asia: A Modern History - Google Books

Moroland, 1899-1906: America's First Attempt to Transform an Islamic Society - Google Books

The Sulu Zone, 1768-1898: The Dynamics of External Trade, Slavery, and ... - James Francis Warren - Google Books

Southeast Asia: A Historical Encyclopedia, from Angkor Wat to East Timor - Google Books

Chinese merchants helped smuggle guns to the Moros in the Sulu Sultanate to resist Spanish imperialism. The Spanish were launching offensives into Moro territory and trying to take over their land, and Chinese had to run guns accross the Spanish blockade in order to deliver the weapons. One of the reasons slave raiding increased so drastically was because slaves were used in the weapons trade as barter. If Spain didn't raid and massacre Moro civlians, there would be no slave raids.

The Sulu Zone, 1768-1898: The Dynamics of External Trade, Slavery, and ... - James Francis Warren - Google Books

Muslim Rulers and Rebels: Everyday Politics and Armed Separatism in the ... - Thomas M. McKenna - Google Books

MNLF Official Website


The Philippine-Bangsamoro war in Mindanao, causing massive humanitarian disaster every time the Moro freedom fighters and the colonial Philippine military occupation soldiers engaged in ground widescale mortal combat, has not permanently ended to date. This is despite the efforts of the stakeholders to achieve peace.

Why? Is this due basically to the insensitivity and indifference of foreign conspirators, like Spain, America and Japan with the Philippines, to bring to closure the Mindanao war for the benefit of the colonized and oppressed Bangsamoro people under now Filipino colonialism?

As recalled, Spain, the mother of all piratical colonizers that invaded in the 16th century the Bangsamoro homeland of Mindanao, Sulu and Palawan (MINSUPALA), has still to rectify her colonial blatant injustice against the Muslims and Highlander natives of Mindanao. The sinister scheme of Christianizing the native inhabitants of Mindanao and immorally land-grabbing MINSUPALA, worse, selling the Bangsamoro (Moro Nation) together with Cuba for a measly sum of Twenty Million Dollars ($20,000,000) to the American invaders in the ridiculous so-called Treaty of Paris is a worst inhumane act of gluttonous greed and deception in history. Simply despicable, it only displayed the ugliness of human greed for economic and political power generating clear horrible destruction and robbing innocent and peaceful people of their own humanity.

Arrogantly insensitive to the crimes committed against the Bangsamoro of Mindanao, the shameless Spanish leadership of yesterday and today have had not extended any elementary courtesy of apology to the oppressed humanity they have terribly wronged with their majestic jungle rule upholding "might is right."

What about the case of the United States of America (USA) whose loud propaganda for "dream, hope and human rights" ascendancy is always proclaimed to sound like another Roman Empire on the road to glorious conquest?

Backdrop by the injustice most foul perpetrated against the Bangsamoro people, exemplified by the heinous Bud Dajo and Mount Bagsak massacres in Jolo island, including killings of women and children, and other atrocities in Mindanao, American moral ascendancy is surely weighed hollow and thin because until now the American leadership has remained insensitive and callous to the suffering and misery of the colonized Bangsamoro people under both the past American colonial regime and US government-installed Philippine colonialism today.

MNLF Official Website

The strong resistance against the American invaders occurred not only in Jolo Island but was also felt in the other domain of the Moro natives in mainland Mindanao. The 'Battle of Bayan in Lanao' on May 1902 registered to be one of the most significant Bangsamoro armed struggles against American colonialism. This was followed by the series of fierce battles in Taraca in 1904, Sisiman in 1921, Tugaya and Garassi in 1923 up to 1935 until 1941. The American-Moro hostilities were characterized by the 'cota wars' around Lake Lanao when the first creeping shade of Philippine colonialism took shape in the American-installed Philippine Commonwealth regime under the anti-Muslim President Manuel L. Quezon.

In other areas of Mindanao, particularly Cotabato and Palawan, the Moro natives led by Datu Ali, Datu Santiago, Acbara and Imam Mahdi also fought the American invaders. Similar to the Spanish invaders before them, the American colonizers also utilized Filipino colonial slaves as foot soldiers in their ugly war of depredations in Mindanao. Unable to subdue the More freedom fighters with the sham 'benevolent assimilation' policy and various 'carrot and stick' colonial stratagem, the American invaders conducted the worst genocide war during their colonial conquest campaigns against the Muslim and other indigenous natives of Mindanao. The American war of extermination in Moroland was characterized by repeated massacres of both Moro combatants and non-combatants, including the aged, women and children.

Amongst the worst genocidal war of extermination against the Moro natives perpetrated by the American occupation soldiers in Jolo island was in the 'battle of Bud Dajo' on March, 1906 and the 'Battle of Bud Bagsak' on June 11-15, 1913. Both encounters were literally a massacre of the heinous kind.

The ugliness of the 'battle of Bud Dajo' even led the famous American writer, Mark Twain, to consciously protest in 1910. This was to immortalize the cruelty, savagery and barbarism of American colonial conquest in Moroland. He wrote the following few lines obituary:

"Mark Twain, A Pen Warmed-up in Hell, Mark Twain in Protest 97 (1910)"

"A tribe of Moros, dark skinned savages, had fortified themselves in the bowl of an extinct crater not many miles from Jolo; and as they were hostile, and bitter against us because we have been trying for eight years to take their liberties away from them...General Wood's order had been to 'kill or capture those savages'...The enemy numbered six hundred - including women and children - and we abolished them utterly, leaving not even a baby alive to cry for his dead mother."

Thus, to this very day, the short chronicle of the other historically known 'battle in the clouds' highlighted in "Mark Twain, Grief and Mourning for the Night", hence, is always commemorated by the Bangsamoro students, researchers and professionals in universities and colleges as one of Tausugs' darkest days under American colonialism.

In the 'Battle of Bud Bagsak' on June 11-15, which lasted for five days, more than 2,000 Moro freedom fighters died that included helpless women and children.

The American-Moro war event in Jolo island is clearly described in the book, "THE BANGSAMORO PERSPECTIVE: Search For A Peaceful Mindanao", authored by Ibrahim S. Omar, who wrote:

"The Mount Bagsak battle was literally a 'massacre.' Arrayed against the gruesome U.S. military terror machine, more than 2,000 Moro resistant fighters and civilian family members died, including 196 women and 360 children"

"The 5-day 'battle' was personally led by U.S. Brig. Gen. John 'Black Jack' J. Pershing of the 8th Infantry and Philippine Scouts against Moro freedom fighters armed mostly with kris, barung, budjak (spear) and few guns. In many other battles in Moroland, the courageous free-loving Moro fighters were proven to be unstoppable by the 0.38 caliber pistol and other rifles which led the American colonizers to invent the more powerful 0.45 caliber pistol."

In short, the colonial American war of conquest against the Bangsamoro people of Mindanao never did contribute success to the U.S. government to cage the Muslim and Lumad natives into settlements befallen the sovereign aboriginal Indian natives of North America.

Unlike the original Spanish-born Christian Filipinos and the Christianized Indios-converted-Filipinos, who wholeheartedly embraced a mixture of Hispanic-American culture and attitude, the Moros maintained the preservation of their rich and colourful culture because of their deep affiliation to the universal community of Islam (Dar al-Islam). This perhaps is one basic reason why the Christian-conscious American leadership decided in designing Moroland to be colonized in turn by the Christian Catholic Filipinos.

Thus, no matter how hard the American colonizers tried to change the Moros' way of life to conform to the outlandish western outlook and attitude, they never succeeded. The Bangsamoro people to the very end of American colonialism refused to become subservient colonial slaves of Filipino stooges, registering both both formal and violent protest.

For more than forty years, the Bangsamoro masses tied down the combined American and hired Filipino invaders in a protracted and bloody war in Mindanao. Thus, amongst the Moro freedom fighters deserving distinct honour in the history of the Bangsamoro people's resistance to American invasion are the likes of Datu Ampuan Aguas of Lanao, Datu Ali of Cotabato and Panglima Hassan of Sulu.

MNLF Official Website

How can the U.S. government today rectify the injustice most profound it envisioned against the oppressed Bangsamoro people of Mindanao by condemning them to the tyrannical and repressive Philippine colonial rule?

It cannot be easily forgotten in history that one tangible fact why U.S. government in 1946 established the 'Philippine Republic' was to continue the colonial plunder and loot of the natural wealth and riches of the Bangsamoro homeland by the Filipinos of Luzon.

Thus it is quite strange that America today can speak of the 'virtues of human rights, freedom and democracy' when it became instrumental in trampling the fundamental human rights and depriving the basic freedom of the Bangsamoro people of Mindanao. Sadly, under American colonial rule, the colonized Mindanao natives were not even afforded any elementary courtesy of democratic referendum or plebiscite in determining their definite destiny similar to the American Indian natives in caged settlements in their own ancestral domain in North America.

Truly thus, how can the U.S. government today speak to the world about the majesty and rule of law, justice and fairness after violently colonizing Moroland for more than forty years, plundering the natural riches of the occupied territory and massacring the Moro freedom fighters and civilians, including the aged, women and children, characterized by the Bud Dajo, Bud Bagsak and 'Cota war' massacres in Jolo Island and Lanao in the 1930s up to the 1940ss?

Indeed thus, the historical events of bloody American colonialism in Mindanao is aptly described by the French Thinker, Voltaire, who said: "Indeed, history is nothing more than a tableau of crimes and misfortune."

Nevertheless, on one hand, the German statesman, Konrad Adenauer, has also said: "History is the sum total of the things that could have been avoided."

Thus morally now, how can America just brush off all the past historical injustices without facing ethical and moral responsibility if only to right the wrong committed in order to face the kindness, not negative ridicule and judgment of history?

Truly indeed, conscious of the simplicity of right and wrong, when will the U.S. government express public apology to the once colonized and brutalized Muslim and Animist natives of Mindanao for the gruesome human wrongs and gross injustices it committed against them during the criminal past?

In redressing historical grievances related to the massive human deaths, human degradation and plunder of natural wealth of the Mindanao natives so as to sustain American pride and economic greed, is the moral retribution policy for the U.S. government equivalent only to building cemented airports and roads in some parts of Mindanao?

MNLF Official Website

"Cleaning out in a single sweep those noxious pests, as if winnowing chaff from grain...
These insignificant worms, deserving to die ten thousand times over, trembling in fear."

Lol,those chinese really respected their fellow man,treated everybody as equalls...

If China continued its imperialistic policy in early 1400s. It would be China that united and created India, not Britain. All the Indians today would be speaking Mandarin Chinese.
Who knew that the belgians had it in them.

Anyway,useless digging of the past,the chinese genocided the dzungars some time ago,you don't see them feeling sorry for that,it's always "ze evil whites". 

And rightfully so,he's a great explorer,the whole world owes him big time.He was a man of his time,we can't judge him by today's standards,people were ruthless all over the globe in the 15th century,portraying some of them only in a negative light just to suit biased agendas against europeans is ridiculous.

The Dzunghars waged aggresive war, invaded the Uyghurs and took over the Tarim Basin, turning the Uyghur Khojas into puppets after conquering them. Uyghur leaders like Emin Khoja led their men to join China and fight against Dzungar rule. China and Emin Khoja crushed the Dzunghars in 1759.

China Marches West: The Qing Conquest of Central Eurasia - Peter C Perdue - Google Books

After the Dzunghars were cleared out of Dzungharia (northern Xinjiang) Uyghurs from the Tarim Basin, Han, Manchu, Xibo and other settlers were moved in by the government of China. Emin Khoja and other Uyghur Begs and Khans then ruled as China's vassals over the Tarim Basin after the Dzunghars were defeated.

China Marches West: The Qing Conquest of Central Eurasia - Peter C Perdue - Google Books

Beyond the Pass: Economy, Ethnicity, and Empire in Qing Central Asia, 1759-1864 - James A. Millward - Google Books
If China continued its imperialistic policy in early 1400s. It would be China that united and created India, not Britain. All the Indians today would be speaking Mandarin Chinese.

You are expecting too much from Hans, the modern China was united by Manchus against whom you built great wall of China once. :omghaha::omghaha:
The Spanish spent 300 years trying to conquer the Moros in the Sulu Sultanate, and the Americans violated the Bates Treaty

China at that point couldn't invade anyone anymore. Itself was soon after to be subjected to gunship diplomacy. Which i'm not advocating here, just saying.
Even if a decision to invade someone happened, they would soon probably be ousted with superior application of gunpowder.

After the Dzunghars were cleared out of Dzungharia (northern Xinjiang) Uyghurs from the Tarim Basin, Han, Manchu, Xibo and other settlers were moved in by the government of China.

Sounds just like today. Except today Uyghur's are being "cleared".
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China at that point couldn't invade anyone anymore. Itself was soon after to be subjected to gunship diplomacy. Which i'm not advocating here, just saying.
Even if a decision to invade someone happened, they would soon probably be ousted with superior application of gunpowder.

Sounds just like today. So World Uyghur Congress could partially be right, seems their extermination goes a long way back.

China was doing that with China's ethnic minorities. Read about Miao revolt of 1854-73 leading to the exodus of 70% Miao and firmly establishing Han dominance. When Qing Dynasty end, even Manchuria became Han majority. They are trying same thing in Tibet and Xinjiang. Han population was mere 4% in Xinjiang in 1949, now they are in majority.
China at that point couldn't invade anyone anymore. Itself was soon after to be subjected to gunship diplomacy. Which i'm not advocating here, just saying.
Even if a decision to invade someone happened, they would soon probably be ousted with superior application of gunpowder.

Sounds just like today. Except today Uyghur's are being "cleared".

China was doing that with China's ethnic minorities. Read about Miao revolt of 1854-73 leading to the exodus of 70% Miao and firmly establishing Han dominance. When Qing Dynasty end, even Manchuria became Han majority. They are trying same thing in Tibet and Xinjiang. Han population was mere 4% in Xinjiang in 1949, now they are in majority.

The Truth about Uyghur demographics and Han immigration in Xinjiang

You are expecting too much from Hans, the modern China was united by Manchus against whom you built great wall of China once. :omghaha::omghaha:

Yindoo, the Great Wall was built to defend against Oirat Mongols.

This is disgraceful 15 million people slaughtered for colonialism and the western historians do not even have the audacity to apologize for this genocide.

Modern day Belgium is rich because of the plantations, slavery and theft of the resources of Congo the Belgian nations owe the Congo nation reparations for the crime they have committed against them.
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