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When I went to India, I said, this government should be sustained: Foreign Minister Momen

@leonblack08 , @Bilal9 bhais , here is a Facebook status of Pinaky Bhattchariya! ( Copy paste from his wall )

*** মোমেন আর হাসিনা বাংলাদেশের হিন্দুদের যে সর্বনাশ করেছে সেটা কতখানি ড্যামেজিং হয়েছে তা হিন্দুরা সম্ভবত কল্পনা করতে পারতেছেন না। আপনাদের জন্য সবচেয়ে ভয়ানক কথা যেইটা বলছে তা হচ্ছেঃ

"কিছুদিন আগে তাদের (ভারতে) দেশেও এক ভদ্রমহিলা (নূপুর শর্মা) কিছু কথা বলেছিলেন, আমরা সরকারের পক্ষ থেকে একটি কথাও বলিনি। বিভিন্ন দেশ কথা বলেছে, আমরা বলিনি। এই ধরনের প্রটেকশন আমরা আপনাদের (হিন্দুদেরকে) দিয়ে যাচ্ছি।"

তুমি রাসুলের অপমানে বিবৃতি দাও নাই এইটা তোমার পলিটিক্যাল স্ট্যান্ড। তোমার লগে মোদির পিরিত। কিন্তু এইটার দায় তুমি হিন্দুদের ঘাড়ে দাও কেন? কথাটা এমনভাবে প্রজেক্ট করলা যে মহানবীর অপমানের প্রতিবাদ তুমি করো নাই, বাংলাদেশের হিন্দুদের প্রোটেকশনের জন্য। এখন মহানবীর অপমানে হাসিনার বিবৃতি না দেয়ার দায় পড়লো হিন্দুদের উপরে।

কী ভয়ানক। ***

He made common Bangladeshi Hindus equivalent to Nupur Sharma!

So it's a clear message to India or black mailing Hindus? Or just simply as usual rant? I'm not sure yet!

If it's not his usual rant, then it's a problem!
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Mirza Fakhrul demands explanation on foreign minister's statement​

Published: August 19, 2022 21:53:53

Mirza Fakhrul demands explanation on foreign minister's statement's statement

Questioning whether the Awami League government has been in power at the 'mercy' of India, BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir on Monday demanded an explanation on the foreign minister's recent statement on seeking India’s backing to keep Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in power.

“Ministers from a rally of Awami League in Dhaka issued various threats and used terrorist language. When you're issuing so many threats, then why does your foreign minister seek India's help to sustain your government and your prime minister?" he said, reports UNB.

Speaking at a discussion, the BNP leader said their party wants an explanation of the foreign minister's statement. “We want to know from the government, the foreign minister and also from the Indian government what is the meaning of what the foreign minister said? Does it mean that this government is sustaining with India’s backing? People want to know the meaning of this. It's urgent.”

He also said questions have been raised about whether Bangladesh will really be an independent state or not, whether Bangladesh will really be a democratic country or not and whether the people of Bangladesh will get back their rights or not.

Since it came to power, Fakhrul said, Awami League has snatched the rights of the people of Bangladesh in a very well-planned way while the constitution has been amended annulling the provisions of the caretaker government and depriving people of their scope to vote and elect their representatives every five years.

Jatiyatabadi Swechchasebak Dal arranged the discussion at the Jatiya Press Club marking its 42nd founding anniversary.

Earlier at a Janmashtami programme in Chattogram on Thursday, Foreign Minister AK Abdul Momen reportedly said that he urged the Indian government to back Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina so that she can stay in power.

I find this sort of tragi-comic, that things have come to this turn/state of affairs now.....

That the foreign minister of the eighth-most populated country in the world with almost 2.2% of the world's population at 170 Million, has to seek the help of a foreign country to keep a legit govt. in power. Where do I hide my shame.

How do loose-cannon morons like this get to be FM ??

May be the US was not too far off in seeking and predicting a regime change at all - which may not mean well for Bangladesh' future....chorer dush din, grihaster ek din.

Barey barey ghughu tumi kheye jao dhan?

Ebar khela jomsey bhalo.
If so , why govt is embarrassed with his comment, and told that it's his personal comment and not the statement of Govt or party?

I will ask one more question, but it will depend on your answer. Thank you ! :-)

I suggest you read 1984.

Those who grew up and live in the west - see these kinds of duplicitous, double speak, verbal diarrhea, all the time.

E.g. politician will say something racist to a private gathering to signal to that audience that they share their racist views.

They will then deny it on camera when questioned.

Their racist audience knows that he/she is only denying it for the votes of the non racists.

You guys underestimate Alga Momen. He is actually an extremely clever diplomat. He is able to tell some home truths and then fallback on his bumbling image (plausible deniability).

Your typical BD politician lies whereas your typical western politician engages in double speak.

Alga Momen engages in double speak.

The Islamic movement demands the arrest of the foreign minister​

own reporter
Published: 19 August 2022, 14:24

Charmonai Pir Syed Muhammad Rezaul Karim

Charmonai Pir Syed Muhammad Rezaul Karimfile image

Islami Andolan Bangladesh commented that Foreign Minister AK Abdul Momen's talk about Bangladesh-India is clearly an acknowledgment of selling the country's sovereignty. On Friday, the Amir of the party, Syed Muhammad Rezaul Karim (Charmonai Pir), in a statement sent to the media, demanded that the foreign minister be immediately expelled from the cabinet and arrested for violation of national interests, treason and betrayal of the state.

According to the statement of Islamic Movement Bangladesh, the next generation of the party that led the liberation war is trying to maintain their power by holding the freedom of Bangladesh hostage.

Islami Andolan Bangladesh's statement also said that the people of an independent country have full authority to decide who will survive and who will not. When the foreign minister asks another country to do whatever it takes to keep it in power, it is clearly handing over the blood-bought sovereignty of the people of Bangladesh. The Foreign Minister has betrayed the blood-bought rights of the people by making this request to the Government of India. At the same time he committed the crime of sedition.

Beat the crap out of these backward medieval buggers.

Where is RAB??!!
Everyone knows what BAL is now. It started as a grassroot muslim party to an antidemocratic antimuslim antibangladesh hindutva bootlicker.

There is unfortunately no good time for political upheaval but it is necessary to not only remove BAL from its position but also to ban it. This hydra will require the elimination of the mujib dynasty.

But who will take over? BNP no longer seems coherent and I would oppose removing one dynasty for another.

Military or technocratic rule also seems unfeasible.

However can not be helped, find the right time, liquidate BAL leadership for the future existence of BD.
Everyone knows what BAL is now. It started as a grassroot muslim party to an antidemocratic antimuslim antibangladesh hindutva bootlicker.

There is unfortunately no good time for political upheaval but it is necessary to not only remove BAL from its position but also to ban it. This hydra will require the elimination of the mujib dynasty.

But who will take over? BNP no longer seems coherent and I would oppose removing one dynasty for another.

Military or technocratic rule also seems unfeasible.

However can not be helped, find the right time, liquidate BAL leadership for the future existence of BD.

This is the cost of cheap Russian oil.

Momen’s diplomacy has secured Russian oil at a huge discount.

False pride will not feed 160 million people!

Do you want to go back to the days of Zia and Ershad when 90% of our budget was funded by foreign donors?

We have stood up to the US albeit with India’s help.
Cant go lower than that
He is afraid of what happened to govt. in Sri Lanka. Same situation can develop in BD and destabilize the country. He is seeking indian support for BD openly because of on going crisis in BD, with low reserves, diminishing exports etc.
Unfortunately, this momen has a habit of saying foolish things.

From his 'this government should be sustained' line about BJP - to saying this now, he is a typical deshi big mouth. And his words are to appease the audience in front of him.

However, I'm not reading anything into it - because if he's saying this, that means it's not been happening all along. If AL were actually sustained by India, he would not make this statement.
Hasina and Alga Momen want no interference from the USA in the BD election. So, Alga Momen is pleading with India to influence America to withdraw its sanctions on BD.

In that way, BAL can keep on killing its opposition, make people disappear in the middle of the night, and kill people without apologies. 600 people already cannot be traced. They just disappeared. This is why the UN Human Rights Chief visited Dhaka.

Without American sanctions in place, BAL will then conduct a midnight election and declare the results the next day.

This is why Alga Momen was crying about Indian interference with American policy over BD.
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This is the cost of cheap Russian oil.

Momen’s diplomacy has secured Russian oil at a huge discount.

False pride will not feed 160 million people!

Do you want to go back to the days of Zia and Ershad when 90% of our budget was funded by foreign donors?

We have stood up to the US albeit with India’s help.

This particular statement has nothing to do with Russian oil. Period.

Indian refineries will benefit from the deal either way, the only factor is Russians agreeing to sell it at discounted rate.

Russia is providing discount now in response to Bangladesh speaking up for Russia and abstaining from UNGA vote against Russia in the early days of war.

This is a clear message that AL will try anything to stay in power. There is a growing resentment in the country and they know it. No matter how much of a rosy picture we try to portray, people are not happy. Especially those with lower income. Inflation is killing everything. If we are to go by Arab spring, similar autocratic govts. Have been toppled for even less.

Not the right time for Bangladesh to experience these political instability. But if AL wants to stay on power legitimately, they need to curb the internal corruption and mismanagement rather than reach out to India for support. Any Indian involvement will put Bangladesh in a downward spiral.
This particular statement has nothing to do with Russian oil. Period.

Indian refineries will benefit from the deal either way, the only factor is Russians agreeing to sell it at discounted rate.

Russia is providing discount now in response to Bangladesh speaking up for Russia and abstaining from UNGA vote against Russia in the early days of war.

This is a clear message that AL will try anything to stay in power. There is a growing resentment in the country and they know it. No matter how much of a rosy picture we try to portray, people are not happy. Especially those with lower income. Inflation is killing everything. If we are to go by Arab spring, similar autocratic govts. Have been toppled for even less.

Not the right time for Bangladesh to experience these political instability. But if AL wants to stay on power legitimately, they need to curb the internal corruption and mismanagement rather than reach out to India for support. Any Indian involvement will put Bangladesh in a downward spiral.

Of course it has!

It’s quid pro quo.

BD bigs up India in return India gives BD protection over Russian oil.

Ask Imran Khan - what happens when you are at the mercy of Uncle Sam.

Without cover by India - BD cannot buy Russian oil directly at massive discounts.

You lot are hyper ventilating over Momen’s deliberate “bigging up” of India.

China has zero influence over the Biden administration whereas India has a ton of influence.

Momen is doing his job by leveraging that influence.

You lot want to adopt the foreign policies of the Zia and Ershad regimes. When we were at the sole mercy of US and completely reliant on crumbs from Uncle Sam.

Hasina and Alga Momen want no interference from the USA in the BD election. So, Alga Momen is pleading with India to influence America to withdraw its sanctions on BD.

In that way, BAL can keep on killing its opposition, make people disappear in the middle of the night, and kill people without apologies. 600 people already cannot be traced. They just disappeared. This is why the UN Human Rights Chief visited Dhaka.

Without American sanctions in place, BAL will then conduct a midnight election and declare the results the next day.

This is why Alga Momen was crying about Indian interference with American policy over BD.

You have a colonial mindset. Forever reliant on the white men.
Of course it has!

It’s quid pro quo.

BD bigs up India in return India gives BD protection over Russian oil.

Ask Imran Khan - what happens when you are at the mercy of Uncle Sam.

Without cover by India - BD cannot buy Russian oil directly at massive discounts.

You lot are hyper ventilating over Momen’s deliberate “bigging up” of India.

China has zero influence over the Biden administration whereas India has a ton of influence.

Momen is doing his job by leveraging that influence.

You lot want to adopt the foreign policies of the Zia and Ershad regimes. When we were at the sole mercy of US and completely reliant on crumbs from Uncle Sam.

So the next logical progression would be to become a state of India? Since India has so much influence and can shield Bangladesh from the wrath of Uncle Sam from any future consequences.

Economic development at the cost losing sovereignty has no value. Bangladesh has been explicitly open in their support for India and one can produce a volume of such brotherly statements from recent years.

It's one thing to "big up" India, it's another to explicitly ask India's help to keep SHW in power. Since we are categorizing anyone with a different opinion than yours into a "lot", I guess "you lot" need to understand that a limit has been crossed.
So the next logical progression would be to become a state of India? Since India has so much influence and can shield Bangladesh from the wrath of Uncle Sam from any future consequences.

Economic development at the cost losing sovereignty has no value. Bangladesh has been explicitly open in their support for India and one can produce a volume of such brotherly statements from recent years.

It's one thing to "big up" India, it's another to explicitly ask India's help to keep SHW in power. Since we are categorizing anyone with a different opinion than yours into a "lot", I guess "you lot" need to understand that a limit has been crossed.


We don’t need to become a “state of India” 🤣🤣🤣

India’s nightmare is a pro-China BD that allows China a base in Chittagong and a stranglehold over the Chicken Neck.

As long as we stay neutral and frequently flatter and big up India - we will reap maximum benefits.

In an all out war - we have the ability to carve up Bharat in half.
Especially this BJP government needs the flattery of BD - given how they are despised in the region.

It’s not pretty but it gives BD maximum benefits.


We don’t need to become a “state of India” 🤣🤣🤣

India’s nightmare is a pro-China BD that allows China a base in Chittagong and a stranglehold over the Chicken Neck.

As long as we stay neutral and frequently flatter and big up India - we will reap maximum benefits.

In an all out war - we have the ability to carve up Bharat in half.
Especially this BJP government needs the flattery of BD - given how they are despised in the region.

It’s not pretty but it gives BD maximum benefits.


I won't get into detail why BD will not be as effective in cutting down anything in case of a full blown war. India can easily cut through Bangladesh and maintain connection with North East in case we are able to invade chicken neck. We don't want war and it is unrealistic, so no point talking about it.

Balanced diplomacy is something we need, and no one is criticizing that. In fact I applaud Hasina for maintaining balance between China and West. But this is going overboard. This shows that AL is now paranoid and are seeking Indian help to stay in power.

The idea has been pitched, and when the shock period is over we will only see more officials talking along this line in the coming days. They want to instill and normalize the notion that it is important for Bangladeshi people to accept that without India there is no Hasina and hence no economic development. So best course for Bangladesh is to be dependent on India to prosper.

That is dangerous for the sovereignty of Bangladesh.
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